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Img_3637 Yu Liu (Author)


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FinalProject V3

adding different salary and rules to changes career.

Posted over 11 years ago

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breed [worker a-worker]
breed [thief a-cowboy]
breed [police a-police]

to setup
  set tax 0
  ask patches
  [                                                   ;;patches represent job, the salary of jobs obey maxwell-Boltzmann velocity distribution
    ifelse(random-float 100.00 < job-ratio)
      let m 2.18e-25
      let k 1.38e-23
      let cons1  m / (2 * pi * k * fair-factor)
      set cons1 cons1 * cons1 * cons1
      set cons1 cons1 * 4 * pi
      let cons2 -1 * m / (2 * k * fair-factor * 100)
      let x random-float 1500.00
      let fv cons1 * x * x * exp(cons2 * x * x)
      set fv  fv * 1e6                               ;;magnify the result to reasonable range
      if(fair-factor > 1)
          set fv fv * fair-factor                      ;;more fair society has lower collective wealth in Boltzmann, so here needs to add reward to fair society
      set job-salary ceiling fv      
      set pcolor black                 ;;patch color initialized black 
  create-worker number-of-worker
    set size 2;
    set money 100
    set shape "person"
    set color  blue                                   ;;worker colored blue
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor                     ;;random init position
    set user-control? false
  create-thief number-of-thief
    set size 2;
    set money 100
    set shape "person"
    set color  red                                    ;;Thief colored red
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor                     ;;random init position
    set user-control? false
  create-police number-of-police
    set size 2;
    set money 100
    set shape "person"
    set color  brown                                  ;;Police colored brown
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor                     ;;random init position
    set user-control? false

to go
  show-money                                          ;;visualize each people's money
  visualize-job-salary                                ;;color patch to visualize salary
  listen-clients                                      ;;hubnet function, listen to user operation
  every 0.1
    ask turtles
    [spend-living-expense]                            ;;everyone needs to spend basic living expense
    ask worker
      set money money + job-salary
      if user-control? = false                        ;;aotumatically action doesn not happen if user control the turtle, they same hold for other turtles
    pay-police                                        ;;pay police based on how many tax is collected
    ask police
      punish-thief                                    ;;police in charge of punish thief 
      if user-control? = false
        search                                        ;;walk around 
    ask thief
      if user-control? = false
        if(thief-escape-mode?)                      ;;thief will escape when police near by(in a certain range)
    catastrophe                                     ;;check whether catastrophe mode is on, and if so do introduce it.
  if ticks > 150
    if count turtles = 0

;;;;;;;;;turtle functions;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;turtle spend basic living expense if not die

to spend-living-expense
  set money money - living-expense                  ;;;;updete the money left

;;if any person(turtle) has 0 or less money, it will die 

to check-die                                       
  if(money <= 0)

;;choose a random direction and go

to search
  rt random 90
  lt random 90
  fd 0.5

;;;;;;;;;;worker functions;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to search-job                                       ;;worker isn't allowed to take same job
  while[any? other worker-here]                     ;;so if there is some other worker here, keep searching

to pay-tax
  let a-tax (job-salary * tax-rate)                 ;;calculate tax
  set money (money - a-tax)                         ;;take this money from worker
  set tax tax + a-tax                               ;;add this money to "government collective"
;;this function follows the rules in info tab

to worker-change-career
  if (random-float 100.00 < career-change-tendency)
    ifelse job-salary * (1 - tax-rate) < living-expense
      set breed thief
      set color red
      set shape "person"
      ifelse(random-float 100.00 >= 30)
      [ search-job]
        let worker-expectation (ifelse-value (0 = count worker)  [0] [mean[money] of worker])   ;;calculate average wealth of worker and thief
        let thief-expectation  (ifelse-value (0 = count thief)  [0] [mean[money] of thief])
        ifelse (job-salary * (1 - tax-rate) < police-pay or worker-expectation < thief-expectation )  ;;trigure the condition of changing career
          ifelse((job-salary * (1 - tax-rate)) < police-pay)                                          ;;choose which to become
            set breed police
            set color brown
            set shape "person"
            set breed thief
            set color red
            set shape "person"

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;police functions;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;punish half of thief's money if there is any thief at the same patch with the police

to punish-thief                                          
  let money-from 0
  if any? thief
    ask one-of thief
      set money-from money / 2                            ;;record how many money can punish
      set money money / 2
    set money money + money-from                        

;;this function follows the rules in info tab

to police-change-career
  if (random-float 100.00 < career-change-tendency)
    ifelse(job-salary * (1 - tax-rate) > (floor tax / count police) )
      set breed worker
      set color blue
      set shape "person"
      let worker-expectation (ifelse-value (0 = count worker)  [0] [mean[money] of worker])
      let thief-expectation  (ifelse-value (0 = count thief)  [0] [mean[money] of thief])
      if(money < worker-expectation or money < thief-expectation)
        ifelse(thief-expectation > worker-expectation)
          set breed thief
          set color red
          set shape "person"
          set breed worker
          set color blue
          set shape "person"

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;thief functions;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;this function follows the rules in info tab

to thief-change-career
  if (random-float 100.00 < career-change-tendency)
    let worker-expectation (ifelse-value (0 = count worker)  [0] [mean[money] of worker])
    let police-expectation (ifelse-value (0 = count police)  [0] [mean[money] of police])
    if(money < worker-expectation or money < police-expectation)
      ifelse worker-expectation >= police-expectation
        set breed worker
        set color blue
        set shape "person"
        set breed police
        set color brown
        set shape "person"
;;try to grab money from worker

to grab-money
  let money-from 0
  if any? worker-here 
  [                                                         ;;if there any worker nearby, then steal money
    ask one-of worker-here
      set money-from  money / 2                             ;;get worker's money info(how much they have
      set money  money / 2
    set money money + money-from                            ;;successfully steal money, add this money to thief money
;;try to escape from police

to escape
  let object one-of police in-radius thief-vision           ;I simply use in-radius rather than in-cone here because this is not a main parameter, so user do not need to bother set two parameters         
  if object != nobody                                                   
    face object                                                              
    rt 180                                     
    fd 2

;;system functions
;;use the collective tax to pay for police

to pay-police
  ifelse (tax >= police-pay * (count police))                           ;;if the money is enough to pay all polices
    ask police
      set money money + police-pay                                      ;;give police their payment
    set tax tax - police-pay * (count police)                           ;;reduce remaining tax
    ask n-of  (floor tax / police-pay)  police                          ;;if the money is only enough to pay some police, randomly choose whom to pay
      set money money + police-pay
    set tax tax -  (floor tax / police-pay)  * police-pay               ;;reduce remaining tax
;;whether to show money

to show-money
  ask turtles[
    ifelse show-money?
    [ set label floor money]
    [ set label ""]
;;whether to show job salary, use scale of color to vidualize

to visualize-job-salary
  ask patches with [job-salary > 0]
    [ set pcolor scale-color green job-salary 0 50]
    [ set pcolor black]
;;;;;introduce catastrophe to society

to catastrophe
  if catastrophe-mode?
    if (random-float 100.00 < catastrophe-probability)              ;;if catastrophe happens
      let x random-xcor
      let y random-ycor
      let r random-float 2                                          ;;randomly choose a circle
      ask patches with[pxcor < x + r and pxcor > x - r and pycor < y + r and pycor > y - r]      ;;destory jobs within this circle
        set job-salary 0
        [set pcolor yellow]                                           ;;use yellow to vidualize catastrophe
        [set pcolor black]
      ask turtles with[xcor < x + r and xcor > x - r and ycor < y + r and ycor > y - r]          ;;and kill people within this circle
    if (random-float 100.00 < rebuild-probability)                   ;;society has chance to rebuid
      ask one-of patches with[job-salary <= 0]                       ;;by creating some new jobs, and the salary also obey Boltmann distribution
        let m 2.18e-25
        let k 1.38e-23
        let cons1  m / (2 * pi * k * fair-factor)
        set cons1 cons1 * cons1 * cons1
        set cons1 cons1 * 4 * pi
        let cons2 -1 * m / (2 * k * fair-factor * 100)
        let x random-float 1500.00
        let fv cons1 * x * x * exp(cons2 * x * x)
        set fv ceiling (fv * 1e6)
        set job-salary fv
        [set pcolor scale-color green fv 0 50]
        [set pcolor black]

;; HubNet Procedures

;; the STARTUP procedure runs only once at the beginning of the model
;; at this point you must initialize the system.

to startup

to listen-clients
  ;; as long as there are more messages from the clients
  ;; keep processing them.
  while [ hubnet-message-waiting? ]
    ;; get the first message in the queue
    ifelse hubnet-enter-message? ;; when clients enter we get a special message
    [ create-new-student ]
      ifelse hubnet-exit-message? ;; when clients exit we get a special message
      [ remove-student ]
      [ ask turtles with [user-id = hubnet-message-source]
        [ execute-command hubnet-message-tag ] ;; otherwise the message means that the user has
      ]                                        ;; done something in the interface hubnet-message-tag
                                               ;; is the name of the widget that was changed

;; when a new user logs in create a student turtle
;; this turtle will store any state on the client
;; values of sliders, etc.

to create-new-student
  create-turtles 1
    ;; store the message-source in user-id now
    ;; so when you get messages from this client
    ;; later you will know which turtle it affects
    set user-control? true
    set user-id hubnet-message-source
    set money 100
    set step-size 1
    set breed worker
    set size 2
    set shape "person"
    set color blue
    set xcor random-xcor
    set ycor random-ycor
    ;; update the clients with any information you have set

to remove-student
  ask turtles with [user-id = hubnet-message-source]
  [ die ]

to execute-command [command]
  if command = "step-size"
    set step-size hubnet-message
  if command = "up"
  [ execute-move 0 stop ]
  if command = "down"
  [ execute-move 180 stop ]
  if command = "right"
  [ execute-move 90 stop ]
  if command = "left"
  [ execute-move 270 stop ]
  if command = "become-police"
    set breed police
    set shape "person"
    set color brown 
  if command = "become-thief"
    set breed thief
    set shape "person"
    set color red
  if command = "become-worker"
    set breed worker
    set shape "person"
    set color blue

;; whenever something in world changes that should be displayed in
;; a monitor on the client send the information back to the client

to send-info-to-clients ;; turtle procedure
  hubnet-send user-id "salary" job-salary
  hubnet-send user-id "tax-rate" tax-rate
  hubnet-send user-id "police-pay" police-pay
  hubnet-send user-id "worker-wealth" ceiling sum [money] of worker
  hubnet-send user-id "thief-wealth"  ceiling sum [money] of thief
  hubnet-send user-id "police-wealth" ceiling sum [money] of police
  if breed = police
  [hubnet-send user-id "career" "police"]
  if breed = worker
  [hubnet-send user-id "career" "worker"]
  if breed = thief
  [hubnet-send user-id "career" "thief"]

to execute-move [new-heading]
  set heading new-heading
  fd step-size

;;;;;;;;;;;;show output functions

to-report total-money-of-worker                    ;;report personal property(money) of worker
  report sum [money] of worker

to-report total-money-of-thief                     ;;report personal property(money) of thief
  report sum [money] of thief

to-report total-money-of-police                    ;;report personal property(money) of police
  report sum [money] of police

to-report total-money                              ;;report personal property(money) of all person(turtles)
  report sum[money]of turtles

to-report average-worker
  ifelse count worker = 0
  [report 0]
  [report mean[money]of worker]

to-report average-thief
  ifelse count thief = 0
  [report 0]
  [report mean[money]of thief]

to-report average-police
  ifelse count police = 0
  [report 0]
  [report mean[money]of police]

to-report average-all
  ifelse count turtles = 0
  [report 0]
  [report mean[money]of turtles]

There are 7 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Yu Liu over 11 years ago Final version Download this version
Yu Liu over 11 years ago Final version Download this version
Yu Liu over 11 years ago with disaster extension Download this version
Yu Liu over 11 years ago hubnet extension Download this version
Yu Liu over 11 years ago update project Download this version
Yu Liu over 11 years ago V3 Download this version
Yu Liu over 11 years ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
FinalProjectProposal.docx word Original final project proposal over 11 years ago, by Yu Liu Download
readme.txt word additional instructions over 11 years ago, by Yu Liu Download
Yu_Liu_FinalPaper.pdf pdf PDF version of final paper over 11 years ago, by Yu Liu Download
Yu_Liu_Slam.pptx word Poster slam PPT over 11 years ago, by Yu Liu Download
YuLiu_FinalProjectProposal feedback.docx word Final Proposal feedback over 11 years ago, by Yu Liu Download
YuLiu_June03.docx word Progress report over 11 years ago, by Yu Liu Download
YuLiu_May20.docx word Progress report over 11 years ago, by Yu Liu Download
YuLiu_May27.docx word Progress report over 11 years ago, by Yu Liu Download
YuLiu_May27.docx word next report, the part of what questions my model can answer over 11 years ago, by Yu Liu Download
yuliu_present.pdf pdf poster over 11 years ago, by Yu Liu Download

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