Passenger Volume Simulation on Yamanote Line in Tokyo
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;;declare global variables globals [ total-length-of-tracks number-of-trains move-counter move-counter2 station-volume-list passengers-per-minute-list total-wait-time emergency-on ] ;;declare breeds breed [trains train] breed [stations station] breed [innerstations innerstation] breed [passengers passenger] stations-own [ station-number outer-loop-capacity how-many-expand ] innerstations-own [ station-number inner-loop-capacity ] passengers-own [ destination heading-direction boarded wait-time just-generated ] trains-own [ capacity max-capacity destination-station have-stopped running-direction target-station ] ;setup the system to setup clear-all ask patches [ set pcolor white ] setup-innerstations setup-stations setup-passengers setup-trains reset-ticks end to setup-basics ;;total-length-of-tracks set total-length-of-tracks 0 ask links [ set total-length-of-tracks total-length-of-tracks + link-length ] set total-length-of-tracks total-length-of-tracks / 2 ;;number-of-trains set number-of-trains time-each-loop / interval ;;read input about passenger volume at each station set station-volume-list read-from-string station-volume ;;read input about passengers per minute set passengers-per-minute-list read-from-string passengers-per-minute ;;initialize total waiting time to 0 set total-wait-time 0 end to setup-stations ask innerstations [ hatch 1 [ set breed stations ] ] ask stations [ create-links-from stations with [station-number = [station-number + 1] of myself mod count stations] set shape "circle" set color blue ] setup-basics end to setup-innerstations let station-number-temp 0 create-ordered-innerstations number-of-stations [ set station-number station-number-temp fd 12 set station-number-temp station-number-temp + 1 ] ask innerstations [ create-links-to innerstations with [station-number = [station-number + 1] of myself mod count innerstations] set shape "circle" set color blue ] layout-circle sort-on [station-number] innerstations 12 end to setup-passengers generate-passengers 1 end to generate-passengers [case] ask stations [ ;;case 1: generate passengers initially. ;;case 2: generate passengers while the model is running ifelse case = 1 [ hatcher-passenger (item station-number station-volume-list) ] [ hatcher-passenger (random-poisson (item station-number passengers-per-minute-list)) ] ;;update outer_loop capacity/inner_loop capacity let outer-temp 0 let inner-temp 0 ask passengers-here [ ifelse heading-direction = 2 [ set outer-temp outer-temp + 1 ] [ set inner-temp inner-temp + 1 ] ] set outer-loop-capacity outer-temp ask one-of innerstations-here [set inner-loop-capacity inner-temp] ] end to hatcher-passenger [number] hatch-passengers number [ set boarded 0 set wait-time 0 set just-generated 1 ;;assign each passenger a random station set destination ((random (number-of-stations - 1)) + 1) if destination <= [station-number] of myself [ set destination destination - 1 ] ;;determine the heading direction of each passenger let station-number-new 0 ifelse ([station-number] of myself - destination) < 0 [ set station-number-new ([station-number] of myself) + number-of-stations ] [ set station-number-new [station-number] of myself ] ifelse (station-number-new - destination < number-of-stations / 2) [ set heading-direction 2 ] ;;counterclockwise or outer [ set heading-direction 1 ] ;;clockwise or inner ] end to setup-trains ;;generate all of the trains at one station first ask stations with [station-number = 0] [ hatch-trains number-of-trains [ set capacity 0 set max-capacity max-capacity-of-train set destination-station (list 0) let list-size number-of-stations - 1 while [list-size != 0] [ set destination-station sentence destination-station 0 set list-size list-size - 1 ] set running-direction 2 set target-station number-of-stations - 1 ] ;;get the trains move according to intervals let sequence number-of-trains - 1 ask trains with [running-direction = 2] [ setup-trains-move (total-length-of-tracks / number-of-trains * sequence) set sequence sequence - 1 ] ] ;;generate inner stations ask innerstations with [station-number = 0] [ hatch-trains number-of-trains [ set capacity 0 set max-capacity max-capacity-of-train set destination-station (list 0) let list-size number-of-stations - 1 while [list-size != 0] [ set destination-station sentence destination-station 0 set list-size list-size - 1 ] set running-direction 1 set target-station 1 ] ;;get the trains move according to intervals let sequence number-of-trains - 1 ask trains with [running-direction = 1] [ setup-trains-move-inner (total-length-of-tracks / number-of-trains * sequence) set sequence sequence - 1 ] ] end to setup-trains-move [steps] let steps-taken 0 let station-now 0 let link-ahead 0 ask stations with [station-number = station-now] [ set link-ahead out-link-to one-of out-link-neighbors ] set heading [link-heading] of link-ahead while [steps-taken <= steps] [ fd 0.2 set steps-taken steps-taken + 1 / 5 if one-of stations-here != nobody and [station-number] of one-of stations-here = target-station [ set xcor [xcor] of one-of stations-here set ycor [ycor] of one-of stations-here set station-now (station-now + 1) mod number-of-stations ask one-of stations-here [ set link-ahead out-link-to one-of out-link-neighbors ] set heading [link-heading] of link-ahead set target-station (target-station - 1) if target-station < 0 [ set target-station target-station + number-of-stations ] ] ] set shape "train" end to setup-trains-move-inner [steps] let steps-taken 0 let station-now 0 let station-already 0 let link-ahead 0 ask innerstations with [station-number = station-now] [ set link-ahead out-link-to one-of out-link-neighbors ] set heading [link-heading] of link-ahead while [steps-taken <= steps] [ fd 0.2 set steps-taken steps-taken + 1 / 5 if one-of innerstations-here != nobody and [station-number] of one-of stations-here = target-station [ set xcor [xcor] of one-of innerstations-here set ycor [ycor] of one-of innerstations-here set station-now (station-now + 1) mod number-of-stations ask one-of innerstations-here [ set link-ahead out-link-to one-of out-link-neighbors ] set heading [link-heading] of link-ahead set target-station (target-station + 1) mod number-of-stations ] ] set shape "train" end ;;running codes to go ;;move-counter: makes the train move every 100 ticks. ;;move-counter2: makes the passengers be generated every 1000 ticks (1 physically minute) set move-counter move-counter + 1 set move-counter2 move-counter2 + 1 ;emergency ;;move only when there is no emergency if(move-counter = 100 and emergency-on = 0) [ ask trains with [running-direction = 2] [ move-train ] ask trains with [running-direction = 1] [ move-train-inner ] set move-counter 0 ] if emergency-on = 1 [ set move-counter 0] if(move-counter2 = 1000) [ ask passengers with [boarded = 0 and just-generated = 0] [ set wait-time wait-time + 1 ] set total-wait-time 0 ask passengers [ set total-wait-time total-wait-time + wait-time ] ask passengers with [just-generated = 1] [ set just-generated 0] generate-running-passengers if represent-station-volume-on = 1 [represent-station-volume] set move-counter2 0 ] tick end to move-train ifelse(one-of stations-here = nobody) [ ;;have to move very small steps, so /10 is added fd total-length-of-tracks / time-each-loop / 10 ] ;;if at a station [ ifelse(one-of stations-here != nobody and target-station = [station-number] of one-of stations-here) [ ;;if the train has stopped here. The train stops at a station for two sets of 100 ticks ifelse (have-stopped = 1) [ set have-stopped 0 ;;new direction once stopped at a station let link-ahead 0 let station-here [station-number] of one-of stations-here ask one-of stations-here [ set link-ahead out-link-to one-of out-link-neighbors ] set heading [link-heading] of link-ahead fd total-length-of-tracks / time-each-loop / 10 set target-station target-station - 1 if target-station < 0 [ set target-station target-station + number-of-stations ] ] ;;if the train just arrives and haven't stopped here [ set xcor [xcor] of one-of stations-here set ycor [ycor] of one-of stations-here stop-at-station 2 set have-stopped have-stopped + 1 ] ] [ fd total-length-of-tracks / time-each-loop / 10 ] ] end to move-train-inner ifelse(one-of innerstations-here = nobody) [ fd total-length-of-tracks / time-each-loop / 10 ] [ ifelse(one-of innerstations-here != nobody and target-station = [station-number] of one-of innerstations-here) [ ifelse (have-stopped = 1) [ set have-stopped 0 ;;new direction once stopped at a station let link-ahead 0 let station-here [station-number] of one-of innerstations-here ask one-of innerstations-here [ set link-ahead out-link-to one-of out-link-neighbors ] set heading [link-heading] of link-ahead fd total-length-of-tracks / time-each-loop / 10 set target-station (target-station + 1) mod number-of-stations ] [ set xcor [xcor] of one-of innerstations-here set ycor [ycor] of one-of innerstations-here stop-at-station 1 set have-stopped have-stopped + 1 ] ] [ fd total-length-of-tracks / time-each-loop / 10 ] ] end to stop-at-station [direction-arrival] let mylist destination-station let myCapacity capacity let disembarked2 0 let disembarked 0 let embarked2 0 let embarked 0 ;DISEMBARK ;get the station number let station-here 0 ;;splits code based on whether it's outer loop or inner loop and update accordingly. ifelse direction-arrival = 2 [ set station-here [station-number] of one-of stations-here set disembarked2 item station-here destination-station set mylist replace-item (station-here) (mylist) (0) set myCapacity myCapacity - disembarked2 ;embark set embarked2 0 ask passengers-here with [boarded = 0 and heading-direction = 2] [ if (myCapacity < [max-capacity] of myself) [ let i destination set mylist replace-item (destination) (mylist) ((item i mylist) + 1) set myCapacity myCapacity + 1 set embarked2 embarked2 + 1 set boarded 1 set wait-time 0 die ] ] ] ;; inner loop [ set station-here [station-number] of one-of innerstations-here set disembarked item station-here destination-station set mylist replace-item (station-here) (mylist) (0) set myCapacity myCapacity - disembarked ;embark set embarked 0 ask passengers-here with [boarded = 0 and heading-direction = 1] [ if (myCapacity < [max-capacity] of myself) [ let i destination set mylist replace-item (destination) (mylist) ((item i mylist) + 1) set myCapacity myCapacity + 1 set embarked embarked + 1 set boarded 1 set wait-time 0 die ] ] ] ;update train set capacity myCapacity set destination-station mylist ;update station ifelse direction-arrival = 2 [ ask one-of stations-here [ set outer-loop-capacity outer-loop-capacity + disembarked2 - embarked2 ] ] [ ask one-of innerstations-here [ set inner-loop-capacity inner-loop-capacity + disembarked - embarked ] ] end to generate-running-passengers generate-passengers 2 end ;;the station turtles grow in size once the number of people grow here to represent-station-volume ask stations [ set how-many-expand int (outer-loop-capacity / level) let how-many-expand-temp 0 ask one-of innerstations with [station-number = [station-number] of myself] [ set how-many-expand-temp how-many-expand-temp + int (inner-loop-capacity / level) ] set how-many-expand how-many-expand + how-many-expand-temp if how-many-expand > 4 [ set how-many-expand 4] set size how-many-expand + 1 set shape "circle" ] end ;handles emergency button being pressed to emergency ifelse emergency-on = 0 [set emergency-on 1] [set emergency-on 0] end
There are 4 versions of this model.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
EECS 372 Progress Report 2.docx | word | v2 | over 9 years ago, by Xiaosong Yin | Download |
EECS 372 Project Progress Report 1.docx | word | v1 | over 9 years ago, by Xiaosong Yin | Download |
EECS 372 Project Proposal.docx | word | Original Proposal | over 9 years ago, by Xiaosong Yin | Download |
EECS372 Progress Report 3.docx | word | v3. Network representation | over 9 years ago, by Xiaosong Yin | Download |
Final Poster.pdf | Poster for the poster fair | over 9 years ago, by Xiaosong Yin | Download | |
Final Report on the NetLogo Project.docx | word | Final Report | over 9 years ago, by Xiaosong Yin | Download |
Xiaosong_Yin_Slam.pptx | Presentation Slam | over 9 years ago, by Xiaosong Yin | Download |
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