The Chemical Bond

The Chemical Bond preview image

2 collaborators

Asnat8 Asnat Zohar (Author)
Default-person seena yaseen-omar (Team member)



Tagged by Asnat Zohar over 11 years ago

Model group uhaifa-modeling-13 | Visible to everyone | Changeable by everyone
Model was written in NetLogo 5.0.4 • Viewed 425 times • Downloaded 86 times • Run 0 times
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breed [ nuclei nucleus ]
breed [ electrons electron ]
breed [ electronLs electronL ]
breed [ electronRs electronR ]

breed [ protons proton ]

breed [ neutrons neutron ]
globals [distnaceab  AtomL_size AtomR_size ElectronegativityL ElectronegativityR ]


to electorn_attributes
set color black
set shape "circle"
    set size 1
set heading random 360


to  proton_attributes
set color brown
set shape "circle"
    set size 1.3
set heading random 360  


to setup
  ask patches [ set pcolor  87 ]
create-turtles 2
ask turtles [set ycor 0 ] 
ask turtles [ set shape "circle 22" ]
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;setup AtomL ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

ask turtle 0 

set label "AtomL"

set AtomL_size  15 - 0.2 * ProtonsL + AtomL_ValE * 3

set size AtomL_size

set xcor min-pxcor + AtomL_size / 1.5

set  color  129 - AtomL_ValE 

set ElectronegativityL  AtomL_ValE * 4 / 7
set heading 90


;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;setup AtomR ::::::::::::::::::::::::::

ask turtle 1  
set label "AtomR"
set heading -90   

set AtomR_size  20 - 0.2 * ProtonsR  + ( 8 - AtomL_ValE ) * 3
set size AtomR_size  

set xcor max-pxcor - AtomR_size / 1.5
set color  129 - ( 8 - AtomL_ValE ) 

set ElectronegativityR ( 8 - AtomL_ValE ) * 4 / 7


;;;;;;;;;;;;;;setup valence electrons: on Left atom and on Right atom  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
create-electronLs  AtomL_ValE  

setxy  [ xcor ]  of one-of turtles with [ label = "AtomL" ]  [ ycor ]  of one-of  turtles with [ label = "AtomL" ]

fd AtomL_size / 2

set heading   [ heading ] of one-of turtles with [ label = "AtomL" ]


create-electronRs  ( 8 - AtomL_ValE  )


setxy   [ xcor ] of one-of turtles with [ label = "AtomR" ]  [ ycor ] of one-of turtles with [ label = "AtomR" ]

fd AtomR_size / 2

set heading  [ heading ]  of one-of turtles with [ label = "AtomR" ]


;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;setup protons
create-protons  ProtonsL  

setxy item 0 [ xcor ] of turtles with [ label = "AtomL" ] item 0 [ ycor ] of turtles with [ label = "AtomL" ]
set  heading random 360
fd  size / 2

set heading item 0 [ heading ] of turtles with [ label = "AtomL" ]

create-protons  ProtonsR  

setxy item 0 [ xcor ] of turtles with [ label = "AtomR" ] item 0 [ ycor ] of turtles with [ label = "AtomR" ]

set color color + random-float 2
set  heading random 360
fd  size / 2

set heading item 0 [ heading ] of turtles with [ label = "AtomR" ]


ask turtle 0 [ set distnaceab distance  turtle 1 ]


;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; move electrons ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to moving-e [ electron_id ]
 let AtomR one-of turtles with [ label = "AtomR" ]
 let distance_toAtom 0
 ask electron_id [ 

 face AtomR
set distance_toAtom distance  AtomR - AtomR_size / 2

; move all electrons
foreach n-values 20 [?]
 ask electron_id [fd distance_toAtom / 20]


 ask electron_id [ set heading  [ heading ] of AtomR  
 set breed electronRs]

; atoms meet

to go
ask turtles 
forward 0.5
 if ( [ xcor ] of turtle 1  - [  xcor ] of turtle 0 < ( AtomL_size / 1.5  + AtomR_size / 1.5 ) )  [ ask electronLs [moving-e  electronl who] ] 
 ask turtle 0 [ set distnaceab distance  turtle 1 ]
 if ( [ xcor ] of turtle 1  - [  xcor ] of turtle 0 < ( AtomL_size / 2  + AtomR_size / 2  ) )  [ stop ] 

; F (between q1 and q2) = - (q1 * q2) / r^2

; F (between every e and the two nucleus 1 and 2 ) = -q1e/r1e^2 - q2e/r2e^2

; F = - qL * eL / (eL to AtomR) -  qR * eR / (eR to AtomL)

; qL = ProtonsL
; eL = AtomL_ValE
; r1e = distance eL - xcor of turtle 1

; qR = ProtonsR
; eR = AtomR_ValE
; r2e = distance eR - xcor of turtle 0


There are 9 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Asnat Zohar over 11 years ago updated info Download this version
Asnat Zohar over 11 years ago Added Info tab Download this version
Asnat Zohar over 11 years ago added electronegativity Download this version
Asnat Zohar over 11 years ago Atoms size related to number of protons and electrons Download this version
Asnat Zohar over 11 years ago electron move and than atoms attract Download this version
Asnat Zohar over 11 years ago all electrons move Download this version
Asnat Zohar over 11 years ago electron jump Download this version
Asnat Zohar over 11 years ago new Download this version
Asnat Zohar over 11 years ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Preview.jpg jpeg Preview over 11 years ago, by Asnat Zohar Download
The Chemical Bond.png preview Bigger pict over 11 years ago, by Asnat Zohar Download
The Chemical Bond.png preview The chemical bond preview over 11 years ago, by Asnat Zohar Download
The Chemical Bond.png preview Updated preview file over 11 years ago, by Asnat Zohar Download
The Chemical Bond.png preview Updated preview file over 11 years ago, by Asnat Zohar Download
The Chemical Bond.png preview Updated preview file over 11 years ago, by Asnat Zohar Download
The Chemical Bond.png preview bigger over 11 years ago, by Asnat Zohar Download
הפוסטר של סינא ואסנת.docx word Poster over 11 years ago, by Asnat Zohar Download
מטלה מסכמת סינא ואסנת.doc word Final task, Sinna and Asnat over 11 years ago, by Asnat Zohar Download

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