healthy and nonhealthy food choice

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  healthy ;healthy price food in the market
  unhealthy ;; unhealthy price food in the market, unhealthy is half price of healthy

  metabolism ;;indicate when turtle must to go to shopping
  budget ;; indicate how much money turtle has to spend in food, it has a time basis, t is a kind of wage
  food-preferences ;;indicate what kind of food the agent prefers, healthy or unhealthy
  thealthy ;; keep track of the type of healthy food consumed
  tunhealthy ;; keep track of the type of unhealthy food consumed
  tdistance ;; keep track of the recorred distance

to setup
  crt num-turt [
    set color white
    set shape "person"
    set metabolism 10
    set budget earnings ;; set budget based on slider with earnings
    set food-preferences random 2 ;; 0 healthy, 1 unhealthy
    set thealthy 0
    set tunhealthy 0
    set tdistance 0
    set xcor random-xcor
    set ycor random-ycor

to buildmarkets
  ask patches [
    ;;the food price is defined as the 3% of the max wages (1000), healthy food price is twice unhealthy food
    if pxcor > 10 and pxcor < 14 and pycor > 10 and pycor < 14
      [set pcolor green
       set healthy 6]
    if pxcor > 4 and pxcor < 8 and pycor > 10 and pycor < 14
      [set pcolor red
       set unhealthy 3]
    if pxcor > -2 and pxcor < 2 and pycor > 10 and pycor < 14
      [set pcolor green
       set healthy 6]
    if pxcor > -8 and pxcor < -4 and pycor > 10 and pycor < 14
      [set pcolor red
       set unhealthy 3]
    if pxcor > -14 and pxcor < -10 and pycor > 10 and pycor < 14
      [set pcolor green
       set healthy 6]
    ;;down line
    if pxcor > 10 and pxcor < 14 and pycor < -10 and pycor > -14
      [set pcolor red
       set unhealthy 3]
    if pxcor > 4 and pxcor < 8 and pycor < -10 and pycor > -14
      [set pcolor green
       set healthy 6]
    if pxcor > -2 and pxcor < 2 and pycor < -10 and pycor > -14
      [set pcolor red
       set unhealthy 3]
    if pxcor > -8 and pxcor < -4 and pycor < -10 and pycor > -14
      [set pcolor green
       set healthy 6]
    if pxcor > -14 and pxcor < -10 and pycor < -10 and pycor > -14
      [set pcolor red
       set unhealthy 3]

to go
  ;; just to watch what is going on
    if sum [metabolism] of turtles = 0
  ;; every 180 ticks turtles get paid, this is 45 times turtles go to shop,
  ;; the price is 45 * 4.5 (average of food prices) equal to 202
  ;; check that is not the first tick (= 0)
  if ((ticks mod payday = 0) and (ticks != 0))

to wagepay
  ask turtles [
    set budget budget + earnings ;; budget refilled beacause of payday

to wandering
  ask turtles [
    if metabolism > 0
      set heading random 361 ;; move random
      fd 1
      set metabolism metabolism - 1 ;;lose metabolism
      set tdistance tdistance + 1

to hungry
  ask turtles[
  if metabolism > 0 and metabolism < hungry-threshold
    [ set color yellow
      ;; search for the more nearest store healthy and unhealthy
      let nearstoreh searchstoreh
      let nearstoreun searchstoreun
      ;; decide if eat healthy or unhelthy based on distance, preferences and budget
      let store eatchoice nearstoreh nearstoreun
      ;; face to the winner store
      face store
      ;; go to store
      fd distance store
      let ldistance (distance store)
      set tdistance round tdistance + ldistance

to buyfood
  let price ([healthy] of patch-here + [unhealthy] of patch-here) ;; get price from patch
  if budget > price
    [set budget budget - price ;;spend budget on food
     set color white
     let foodpatch ([pcolor] of patch-here) ;; read patch colour
     ifelse (foodpatch = green)
      [set thealthy thealthy + 1 ;[healthy] of patch-here ;; set variable to sum kind of food bought
      set metabolism (metabolism + 2) ;; metabolism recovery and get 2 more for healthy food
      [set tunhealthy tunhealthy + 1;([unhealthy] of patch-here)
       set metabolism (metabolism + 1)
    ;  set food-preferences 1
  setxy random-xcor random-ycor ;;all turtles after buying go to a random spot

to-report eatchoice [vnearstoreh vnearstoreun]
 ;; check preferences, by now it is only a boolean property, in a future version could be modified by network
 ;; check budget, if it is half of it then turtle buys cheap food (unhelathy) otherwise expensive food (healthy)
 ;; check distance to both closest stores, less distance i better
 ;; each property add 1 point, based on added points the turtle choice between healthy or unhealthy
 let sumchoiceh 0
 let sumchoiceun 0
 ifelse food-preferences = 0
   [set sumchoiceh sumchoiceh + 1]
   [set sumchoiceun sumchoiceun + 1]
 ifelse budget > (earnings / 2)
   [set sumchoiceh sumchoiceh + 1]
   [set sumchoiceun sumchoiceun + 1]
 ;; by pitagoras i get the distance sqr((mindthY - ycor)2 + (mindthyX - xcor)2)
 let ycort ycor ;; coord y from turtle
 let xcort xcor ;; coord x from turtle
 let ycorh [pycor] of vnearstoreh ;; coord y from closest healthy store
 let xcorh [pxcor] of vnearstoreh ;; coord x from closest healthy store
 let disth sqrt((ycorh - ycort) ^ 2 + (xcorh - xcort) ^ 2) ;; distance from turtle to closest healthy store
 let ycorun [pycor] of vnearstoreun ;; coord y from closest healthy store
 let xcorun [pxcor] of vnearstoreun ;; coord x from closest healthy store
 let distun sqrt((ycorun - ycort) ^ 2 + (xcorun - xcort) ^ 2) ;; distance from turtle to closest unhealthy store
 ifelse disth < distun
   [set sumchoiceh sumchoiceh + 1]
   [set sumchoiceun sumchoiceun + 1]
 ifelse sumchoiceh > sumchoiceun
   [report vnearstoreh]
   [report vnearstoreun]

to-report searchstoreh
  ;; search for a food store
  let healthystores patch-set patches with [healthy > 0]
  let mindisth min-one-of healthystores [distance myself]
  report mindisth

to-report searchstoreun
  let unhealthystores patch-set patches with [unhealthy > 0]
  let mindistun min-one-of unhealthystores [distance myself]
  report mindistun

There is only one version of this model, created about 1 month ago by Diego Díaz Córdova.

Attached files

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healthy and nonhealthy food choice.png preview Preview for 'healthy and nonhealthy food choice' about 1 month ago, by Diego Díaz Córdova Download

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