4 Block Two Stalagmites

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2 collaborators

Uri_dolphin3 Uri Wilensky (Author)
Dor Abrahamson (Author)



Tagged by Reuven M. Lerner over 11 years ago


Tagged by Reuven M. Lerner over 11 years ago

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This model is designed to help students understand the "shape" of the binomial distribution as resulting from how the elemental events are pooled into aggregate events. The model simulates a probability experiment that involves taking samples consisting of four independent binomial events that are each like a coin. Actual experimental outcomes from running this simulation are shown simultaneously in two representations.

Both representations are stacked dot plots of the samples themselves ("stalagmites"), and each of these has a corresponding histogram to its side. There are two stalagmites, because one stalagmite stacks the samples according to their particular configuration (permutation), whereas the other stalagmite stacks them by pooling together unique configurations with similar numbers of singleton events of the same value (combinations). The user is to appreciate relations between the two pairs by noting that they are transformations of each other.


If you toss four coins, what is the chance of getting exactly three heads? To figure out the answer with precision, we need to know all the possible compound events in this experiment, that is, all the unique configurations of four coin states -- whether each is heads (H) or tails (T). To make sense of the list, below, imagine that you have tagged the coins with little identifiers, such as "A", "B", "C", and "D", and you always list the state of these four coins according to the order "ABCD".









Assuming fair coins, all the sixteen compound events, above, are equally likely (equiprobable). But we could pool them indiscriminately into their five sets so as to form five aggregates that are heteroprobable:

| 4H0T


The likelihood of the four coins landing as each of these five aggregate events are related as 1:4:6:4:1, reflecting the number of unique compounds events in each. And yet, most aggregate representations, such as histograms, do not make explicit this relation between the two different ways of parsing the sample space -- as sixteen equiprobable elemental events or as five heteroprobable aggregate events. Consequently, students are liable to miss out on opportunities to make sense of the conventional aggregate representation

This model is a part of the ProbLab curriculum. The ProbLab Curriculum is currently under development at the CCL. For more information about the ProbLab Curriculum please refer to http://ccl.northwestern.edu/curriculum/ProbLab/.


When you press GO, a sample of four tiny squares, which each can be either green or blue in accord with the probability setting, is "born" at the top of the View, between the two stalagmite sets. This compound sample is then "cloned", with one clone traveling left to the 16-columned stalagmite set, and the other clone traveling right toward the 5-columned stalagmite set. For each set, the model computes the appropriate chute for that compound event, in accord with its unique spatial configuration of green and blue squares (for the left-hand set) or only the number of green squares in the compound (in the right-hand set). (See the section above, "PEDAGOGICAL NOTE", for examples of two such sets, for the case of four coins.) As the sample accumulate in their respective columns, in each of the two stalagmite sets, it gradually becomes apparent that the sets have different "destinies". For example, for a P = .5 setting, the left-hand set is converging on a flat distribution, whereas the right-hand set takes on the characteristic binomial shape. The two histograms that flank the View offer the conventional representations of these two simultaneous parsings of the experiment.


Buttons: SETUP prepares the view, including erasing the coloration from a previous run of the experiment. GO continually runs experiments according to the values you have set in the sliders. GO ONCE runs only one experiment. GO-ORG runs experiments while grouping samples in each chute by the particular combination each 4-block exhibits. DISORGANIZE-RESULTS groups results in each chute by combination. ORGANIZE-RESULTS ungroups results so that the blocks show up in each chute according to the order they appeared.

Sliders: PROBABILITY-TO-BE-TARGET-COLOR determines the chance of each square (turtle) in the sample compound event to be green. A value of 50 means that each turtle has an equal chance of being green or blue, a value of 80 means that each turtle has a 80% chance of being green (and a 20% chance of being blue).

Switches: STOP-AT-TOP? determines whether experiments will continue to be run once the samples in any given column reach the top of the View frame.

Plots: INDIVIDUAL 4-BLOCKS plots in sixteen columns the number of times each one of the sixteen elemental compound events has been sampled. CATEGORIZED 4-BLOCKS plots in five columns the number of times each of the five aggregated compound events has been sampled (0green-4blue, 1green-3blue, 2green-2blue, 3green-1blue, 4green-0blue).

Set the sliders according to the values you want, press SETUP, and then press GO.


The histograms that flank the View each correspond with the stalagmite set closest to them. Both the histogram and the stalagmite set on the left each has 16 columns, whereas the histogram and the stalagmite set on the right each has 5 columns.


Slow the model down considerably and now press Setup and then Go. Look up at the top of the View between the two stalagmite sets. Locate the four-squared sample that sprouts there and follow as it is cloned into samples that travel left and right and then fall down their appropriate chute.

Using the default switch and slider settings, press Setup and then Go. Look closely at the stalagmite on the right-hand side of the View. Note what happens when one of the columns reaches the top. Because there is no more room for this column to grow, all the other columns fall down a row. Eventually, only one or two columns (according to the probability settings and the number of samples you have taken), will remain visible.

Set the probability slider at .5 and press Go. What are you noticing about the shape of each of the two histograms?

Set KEEP-REPEATS? to Off, STOP-AT-ALL-FOUND? to On, and STOP-AT-TOP? to Off. Try to guess what you will get in each of the stalagmite sets, and then press Go.




Some of the other ProbLab (curricular) models, including SAMPLER -- HubNet Participatory Simulation -- feature related visuals and activities. In Stochastic Patchwork and especially in 9-Blocks you will see the same 3-by-3 array of green-or-blue squares. In the 9-Block Stalagmite model, when 'keep-duplicates?' is set to 'Off' and the y-axis value of the view is set to 260, we get the whole sample space without any duplicates. In the Stochastic Patchwork model and especially in 9-Blocks model, we see frequency distribution histograms. These histograms compare in interesting ways with the shape of the combinations tower in this model.


If you mention this model in a publication, we ask that you include these citations for the model itself and for the NetLogo software:

  • Abrahamson, D. and Wilensky, U. (2009). NetLogo 4 Block Two Stalagmites model. http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/models/4BlockTwoStalagmites. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
  • Wilensky, U. (1999). NetLogo. http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.


Copyright 2009 Uri Wilensky.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.

Commercial licenses are also available. To inquire about commercial licenses, please contact Uri Wilensky at uri@northwestern.edu.

Comments and Questions

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globals [
         ;; colors of the background of the view and of the two possible colors in samples
         background-color column-color target-color other-color
         num-target-color  ;; how many of the squares (patches) in the sample are of the favored color
         sample-right-xcor ;; the x-coordinate of the moving sample (not the magnified sample)
         sample-location-patch-agentset ;; patches where the moving sample will sprout
         token-right-sample-dude ;; bottom-left turtle in the moving sample
         token-left-sample-dude ;; bottom-left turtle in the moving sample
         stop-all? ;; Boolean variable for stopping the experiment


         left-sample-summary-value ; helps figure out which column to drop in

         ; for the histograms

patches-own [ column ]

breed [ column-kids column-kid ]
column-kids-own [ binomial-coefficient sample-list ]

breed [ sample-dudes sample-dude ]
sample-dudes-own [distance-for-jump ]

breed [ baby-dudes baby-dude ]

;; JWU: added these two breeds to make the left-hand stuff
breed [ left-column-kids left-column-kid ]
breed [ left-sample-dudes left-sample-dude ]
breed [ left-dummies left-dummy ] ; they're hatched when the left-sample-dudes die. they stick around (unless "bumped")

;; jwu - instead of having the sample-dudes stamp, they're going to create
;; a sample-organizer. the sample-organizers are going to have a better idea
;; of which specific sample the sample-dudes represented.
;; also, this way we can kill the old sample dudes to help the new ones find their place.
breed [ sample-organizers sample-organizer ]
sample-organizers-own [

to Go-org

to super-go
  if stop-all? [
      ifelse stop-at-top? [
    ] [

  ifelse popping? [
  ] [

;; jwu - the popping? global controls the popping visuals

to pop
  set popping? true

to unpop
  set popping? false

;; jwu - different color for each sample-summary-value

to-report popping-color ; sample-organizers procedure
  ;;report 15 + ((4 * sample-summary-value * 10) mod 120)
  report 15 + ((sample-summary-value * 10) mod 120)

;; each 4-block gets a value greenness in the individual spots count for this much:
;; 84
;; 21

to-report sample-summary-value ; sample-organizers reporter
  let result 0
  let power-of-two 3
  foreach sample-values [
    if ? = 1 [
      set result result + 2 ^ power-of-two
    set power-of-two power-of-two - 1
  report result

to-report sample-patches ; sample-organizers procedure
  let result []
  foreach n-values 2 [?][
    let i ?
    foreach n-values 2 [?] [
      set result lput patch-at ? (- i) result
  report result

to display-sample ; sample-organizers procedure
  let patch-popping-color popping-color
  (foreach sample-values sample-patches [
    ask ?2 [
      ifelse popping? [
        set pcolor patch-popping-color
      ] [
        ifelse ?1 = 1 [
          set pcolor target-color
        ] [
          set pcolor other-color

to recolor-columns
  ask sample-organizers [

to reset-column-colors ; column-kids procedure
  ask column-kids [
    ask patches with [ pcolor != black and
                       (pxcor = [pxcor] of myself or
                        pxcor = [pxcor] of myself - 1) ] [
      set pcolor [pcolor] of myself

to make-a-sample-organizer ; sample-dudes procedure
  hatch-sample-organizers 1 [
    set sample-values map [ ifelse-value ([color] of ? = target-color) [1] [0] ]
    set heading 180

    set categorized-4-blocks-list lput column categorized-4-blocks-list

to organize-results
  ask sample-organizers [
    if original-pycor = 0 [
      set original-pycor pycor
  ask column-kids [

to organize-column ; column-kids procedure
  let column-organizers sample-organizers with [ pxcor + 1 = [pxcor] of myself ]
  (foreach sort-by [ [ sample-summary-value ] of ?1 <=
                     [ sample-summary-value ] of ?2
                   ] [self] of column-organizers
           sort [ pycor ] of column-organizers
           [ ask ?1 [set ycor ?2] ])

to disorganize-results
 ask sample-organizers [
   set ycor original-pycor
;    set original-pycor 0

to startup
  ;set total-samples

;; This procedure colors the view, divides patches into columns of equal length ( plus a single partition column),
;; and numbers these columns, beginning from the left, 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.

to setup
  ca reset-ticks
  set background-color white - 1;black
  set-default-shape left-dummies "big square"
  set column-color grey
  set target-color green
  set other-color blue

  set popping? false

  ;; determines the location of the sample array beginning one column to the left of the histogram
  set sample-right-xcor 12 ; -1 * round ( ( num-columns / 2 ) * ( side + 1 ) )
; JWU: the above used to be like this before i screwed with it to add the stuff on the left
; set sample-right-xcor -1 * round ( ( num-columns / 2 ) * ( side + 1 ) )

  ;; assigns each patch with a column number. Each column is as wide as the value set in the 'side' slider
  ask patches
    set pcolor background-color
    ;; The following both centers the columns and assigns a column number to each patch
    ;; We use "side + 1" and not just "side" so as to create an empty column between samples
    set column floor ( ( pxcor - ( ( 5 * ( 3 ) ) / 1 ) ) / ( 3 ) )
; JWU:   the above used to be like this before i screwed with it to add the stuff on the left
;    set column floor ( ( pxcor + ( ( num-columns * ( side + 1 ) ) / 2 ) ) / ( side + 1 ) )
    if ((column < 0 and column > -3 )or column >= 5 or column < -3 - 15)
; JWU:   the above used to be like this before i screwed with it to add the stuff on the left
;    if column < 0 or column >= num-columns
      [ set column -100 ]

     if column < 0 and column != -100 [
       set column column + 18


  ;; leave one-patch strips between the columns empty
  ask patches with
  [ [column] of patch-at -1 0 != column ]
    set column -100  ;; so that they do not take part in commands that report relevant column numbers

   ;; colors the columns with two shades of some color, alternately
   ask patches
     if column != -100
       ifelse int ( column / 2 ) = column / 2
       [ set pcolor column-color ][ set pcolor column-color - 1 ]

        ;; JWU: do some funky switching of columns so that the 2-zs are next the the 2-zs, etc.
     if column < 0 and column != -100 [
        set column item position column [
          0    1 2 3 4    5 6 7 8  9 10    11 12 13 14      15
        ] [
          0    1 2 4 8    3 5 9 6 10 12     7 11 13 14      15


  ;; This draws the  base-line and creates a sample-kids turtle at the base of each column
  ask patches with
  [ ( pycor = -1 * max-pycor + 5 ) and  ;; The base line is several patches above the column labels.
    ( column != -100 ) ]

         ;; JWU: make sure only the grouped guys do this
          if pxcor > 9

    set pcolor black
    if [column] of patch-at -1 0 != column   ;; find the leftmost patch in the column...
      ask patch (pxcor + 2 - 1)  ;; ...then move over to the right of the column
                ( -1 * max-pycor + 1 )
        [ set plabel column ]
      ask patch (pxcor + floor 1)  ;; ...then move over to the middle of the column
                ( -1 * max-pycor + 1 )
       sprout 1
          set color pcolor
          set breed column-kids
          set sample-list []
          ;; each column-kid knows how many different combinations his column has
          set binomial-coefficient item column binomrow 4

    ;; JWU: get the ones on the left fixed up.
    if pxcor < 9 [
          set pcolor black
          if [column] of patch-at -1 0 != column   ;; find the leftmost patch in the column...
            ask patch (pxcor + floor 1 )  ;; ...then move over to the middle of the column
                      ( -1 * max-pycor + 1 )
             sprout 1
                set color pcolor
                set breed left-column-kids


  set stop-all? false
  set num-target-color false

  ;; again, instead of just accumulating and calling histogram, we have to build our own
  ;; because of the averaging pen
  set individual-4-blocks-list n-values 16 [0]
  set categorized-4-blocks-list []

to bump-down
  ;; last row of grouped guys
  ask sample-organizers with-min [ pycor ] [ die ]
  ;; last row of individual guys means doing the following twice
  ask left-dummies with-min [ pycor ] [ die ]
  ask left-dummies with-min [ pycor ] [ die ]

  ;; then move everyone down
  ask sample-organizers [ fd 3 ]
  ask left-dummies [ fd 3 ]

to go
  ;; The model keeps track of which different combinations have been discovered. Each
  ;; column-kid reports whether or not its column has all the possible combinations. When bound? is true,
  ;; a report from ALL column-kids that their columns are full will stop the run.


;; This procedure creates a square sample of dimensions side-times-side, e.g., 3-by-3,
;; located to the left of the columns. Each patch in this sample sprouts a turtle.
;; The color of the sample-dudes in this square are either target-color or other-color,
;; based on a random algorithm (see below)

to sample
  ;; creates a square agentset of as many sample-dudes as determined by the 'side' slider,
  ;; positioning these sample sample-dudes at the top of the screen and to the left of the histogram columns
  set sample-location-patch-agentset patches with
    ( pxcor <= sample-right-xcor ) and
    ( pxcor > sample-right-xcor - 2 ) and
    ( pycor > ( max-pycor - 2 ) ) ]
  ;;; jwu - this used to be an ask. that was wrong because now agentsets are randomized.
  foreach sort sample-location-patch-agentset
    ask ?
      sprout 1
        ; output-show "here comes turtle: " + who
        ; output-show "pxcor: " + pxcor
        ; output-show "pycor: " + pycor
        set breed sample-dudes
        setxy pxcor pycor

      ;; Each turtle in the sample area chooses randomly between the target-color and the other color.
      ;; The higher you have set the probability slider, the higher the chance the turtle will get the target color
      ifelse random 100 < probability-to-be-target-color
        [ set color target-color ]
        [ set color other-color ]
      ; output-show color = target-color

      ;; JWU: left-sample-dudes stuff
      sprout 1
        set breed left-sample-dudes
        setxy pxcor pycor
        set color [color] of one-of sample-dudes-here

      ; output-show color = target-color


  ;; to find the correct column to go to
  set left-sample-summary-value calculate-left-sample-summary-value

  ; output-show sorted-sample-dudes
  ; output-show map [ color-of ? = target-color ] sorted-sample-dudes
  ;; num-target-color reports how many sample-dudes in the random sample are of the target color

  set num-target-color count sample-dudes with [ color = target-color ]

;; This procedure moves the random sample sideways to its column and then down above other previous samples
;; in that column.

to drop-in-bin

;; The random sample moves to the right until it is in its correct column, that is, until it is in the column
;; that collects samples which have exactly as many sample-dudes of the target color as this sample has.
;; The rationale is that the as long as the sample is not in its column, it keeps moving sideways.
;; So, if the sample has 9 sample-dudes (3-by-3) and is moving sideways, but 6 of them are not yet in their correct column,
;; the sample keeps moving. When all of the 9 sample-dudes are the sample's correct column, this procedure stops.

to find-your-column
  ask sample-dudes [ set heading 90 ]
  ask left-sample-dudes [ set heading -90 ]
  while [
    count sample-dudes with [ column = num-target-color ] != 4  or
    count left-sample-dudes with [ column = left-sample-summary-value ] != 4
    if count sample-dudes with [ column = num-target-color ] != 4 [
      ask sample-dudes [
        fd 1
    if count left-sample-dudes with [ column = left-sample-summary-value ] != 4 [
      ask left-sample-dudes [
        fd 1

;; Moves the sample downwards along the column until it is either on the base line or
;; exactly over another sample in that column.

to descend
  let right-lowest-in-sample min [ pycor ] of sample-dudes
  let left-lowest-in-sample min [ pycor ] of left-sample-dudes
  ask sample-dudes
  [ set heading 180 ]
  ask left-sample-dudes
  [ set heading 180 ]

  ;; The lowest row in the square sample is in charge of checking whether or not the sample has arrived all the way down
  ;; In order to determine who this row is -- as the samples keeps moving down -- we find a turtle with the lowest y coordinate
  ;; checks whether the row directly below the sample's lowest row is available to keep moving down
  set token-right-sample-dude one-of sample-dudes with [ pycor = right-lowest-in-sample ]
  set token-left-sample-dude one-of left-sample-dudes with [ pycor = left-lowest-in-sample ]
   (( [ [ pcolor ] of patch-at 0 -2 ] of token-right-sample-dude ) != black  and
    ( [ [ pcolor ] of patch-at 0 -2 ] of token-right-sample-dude ) != target-color and
    ( [ [ pcolor ] of patch-at 0 -2 ] of token-right-sample-dude ) != other-color)
   (( [ [ pcolor ] of patch-at 0 -2 ] of token-left-sample-dude ) != black  and
    ( [ [ pcolor ] of patch-at 0 -2 ] of token-left-sample-dude ) != target-color and
    ( [ [ pcolor ] of patch-at 0 -2 ] of token-left-sample-dude ) != other-color and
    ( [ [ any? left-dummies-here ] of patch-at 0 -2 ] of token-left-sample-dude ) != true)
    if (( [ [ pcolor ] of patch-at 0 -2 ] of token-right-sample-dude ) != black  and
        ( [ [ pcolor ] of patch-at 0 -2 ] of token-right-sample-dude ) != target-color and
        ( [ [ pcolor ] of patch-at 0 -2 ] of token-right-sample-dude ) != other-color)
      ;; As in find-your-column, shift the sample one row down
      ask sample-dudes
      [ fd 1 ]
      ;; Instead of establishing again the lowest row in the sample, the y coordinate of the row
      ;; gets smaller by 1 because the sample is now one row lower than when it started this 'while' procedure
      set right-lowest-in-sample ( right-lowest-in-sample - 1 )

    if (( [ [ pcolor ] of patch-at 0 -2 ] of token-left-sample-dude ) != black  and
        ( [ [ pcolor ] of patch-at 0 -2 ] of token-left-sample-dude ) != target-color and
        ( [ [ pcolor ] of patch-at 0 -2 ] of token-left-sample-dude ) != other-color and
        ( [ [ any? left-dummies-here ] of patch-at 0 -2 ] of token-left-sample-dude ) != true)
      ask left-sample-dudes
      [ fd 1 ]

      ;; Instead of establishing again the lowest row in the sample, the y coordinate of the row
      ;; gets smaller by 1 because the sample is now one row lower than when it started this 'while' procedure
      set left-lowest-in-sample ( left-lowest-in-sample - 1 )
    ; keep track of results for the histogram
    ask one-of left-sample-dudes [
      set individual-4-blocks-list replace-item (position column [0  1 2 4 8  3 5 9 6 10 12  7 11 13 14  15])
                                               ((item (position column [0  1 2 4 8  3 5 9 6 10 12  7 11 13 14  15]) individual-4-blocks-list) + 1)
    ask left-sample-dudes [
      hatch 1 [
        set breed left-dummies
        set size 1.25
        set heading 180

  ;; Once sample-dudes have reached as low down in the column as they can go (they are on top of either the base line
  ;; or a previous sample) they might color the patch with their own color before they "die."

  ;; If the column has been stacked up so far that it is near the top of the screen, the whole supra-procedure stops
  ;; and so the experiment ends
  ifelse (max-pycor - right-lowest-in-sample < ( 3 ))
         (max-pycor - left-lowest-in-sample < ( 3 ))
         [ set stop-all? true ] [ set stop-all? false ]

;; jwu - we can't sort by who number, because who numbers get reused in weird ways, it seems. (5/10/06)

to-report sorted-sample-dudes
;report sort sample-dudes
report sort-by [
         (([pxcor] of ?1 < [pxcor] of ?2) and ([pycor] of ?1 = [pycor] of ?2)) or
         (([pycor] of ?1 > [pycor] of ?2))
       ] sample-dudes

;; using lots of code from the grouped side stuff

to-report calculate-left-sample-summary-value
  let sorted-left-sample-dudes
  sort-by [
         (([pxcor] of ?1 < [pxcor] of ?2) and ([pycor] of ?1 = [pycor] of ?2)) or
         (([pycor] of ?1 > [pycor] of ?2))
       ] left-sample-dudes
  let left-sample-values map [ ifelse-value ([color] of ? = target-color) [1] [0] ]
  let result 0
  let power-of-two 3
  foreach left-sample-values [
    if ? = 1 [
      set result result + 2 ^ power-of-two
    set power-of-two power-of-two - 1
  report result

to finish-off
  ;; creates local list of the colors of this specific sample, for instance the color combination of a 9-square,
  ;; beginning from its top-left corner and running to the right and then taking the next row and so on
  ;; might be "green green red green red green"
  ;; jwu - need to use map and sort instead of values-from cause of
  ;; the new randomized agentsets in 3.1pre2
  let sample-color-combination map [ [color] of ? ] sorted-sample-dudes

  ;; determines which turtle lives at the bottom of the column where the sample is
  let this-column-kid one-of column-kids with [ column = [ column ] of token-right-sample-dude ]

    ;; jwu - make the upper left sample-dude create a sample-organizer
    let the-sample-sample-dude max-one-of sample-dudes with-min [ pxcor ] [ pycor ]

  ;; accepts to list only new samples and makes a previously encountered sample if keep-duplicates? is on
  ifelse not member? sample-color-combination [sample-list] of this-column-kid
    ask the-sample-sample-dude [
    ask sample-dudes
    [ die ]
    ask the-sample-sample-dude [
    ask sample-dudes
    [ die ]
    ask this-column-kid
    [ set sample-list fput sample-color-combination sample-list ]

;; procedure for calculating the row of coefficients
;; column-kids needs their coefficient so as to judge if their column has all the possible different combinations

to-report binomrow [n]
  if n = 0 [ report [1] ]
  let prevrow binomrow (n - 1)
  report (map [?1 + ?2] fput 0 prevrow
                        lput 0 prevrow)

;; reports the proportion of the sample space that has been generated up to now

to-report %-full
  ifelse samples-found = 0
    [ report precision 0 0 ]
    [ report precision ( samples-found / ( 2 ^ ( 4 ) ) ) 3 ]

to-report samples-found
  report sum [ length remove-duplicates sample-list ] of column-kids

to-report total-samples-to-find
  report precision ( 2 ^ ( 4 ) ) 0

to plot-it
  set-current-plot "Individual 4-Blocks"
  set-current-plot-pen "default"
  ; have to go through instead of calling histogram, because of the averaging pen
  foreach individual-4-blocks-list [
    plot ?
  set-plot-y-range 0 max individual-4-blocks-list

  set-current-plot "Categorized 4-Blocks"
  histogram categorized-4-blocks-list
  let maxbar modes categorized-4-blocks-list
  let maxrange filter [ ? = item 0 maxbar ] categorized-4-blocks-list
  set-plot-y-range 0 length maxrange

; Copyright 2009 Uri Wilensky.
; See Info tab for full copyright and license.

There are 10 versions of this model.

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Uri Wilensky over 11 years ago Updated to NetLogo 5.0.4 Download this version
Uri Wilensky almost 12 years ago Updated version tag Download this version
Uri Wilensky almost 12 years ago Updated to version from NetLogo 5.0.3 distribution Download this version
Uri Wilensky almost 13 years ago Updated to NetLogo 5.0 Download this version
Uri Wilensky over 14 years ago Updated from NetLogo 4.1 Download this version
Uri Wilensky over 14 years ago Updated from NetLogo 4.1 Download this version
Uri Wilensky over 14 years ago Updated from NetLogo 4.1 Download this version
Uri Wilensky over 14 years ago Updated from NetLogo 4.1 Download this version
Uri Wilensky over 14 years ago Model from NetLogo distribution Download this version
Uri Wilensky over 14 years ago 4 Block Two Stalagmites Download this version

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4 Block Two Stalagmites.png preview Preview for '4 Block Two Stalagmites' over 11 years ago, by Uri Wilensky Download

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