Virus Spread with Hospital Capacities of Hospital Beds, Medics and Medicines

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;; 100 ticks = 1 day
  pop-susceptible       ; counts susceptible population
  pop-infected          ; counts infected population
  pop-recovered         ; counts recovered population
  pop-deceased          ; counts deceased population
  pop-density           ; population density
  time-infection        ; number of ticks that persons remains infected
  kapa                  ; percentage of deceased
  seconds               ; used for execution time
  normal-speed          ; normal agents' speed
  high-speed            ; when an agent is infected it's urgent to arrive to hospital
  time-revision         ; ticks needed to check agents at hospital
  days-hospitalized     ; ticks convesrion to days to calculate medicines per day at hospital
  dead-possibility      ; random posibility to compare with kapa
  ; values for increasing-decreasing chance-of-dead
  lgm   ; low getting medicine
  hh    ; high hospitalized
  hdm   ; high daily medicine
  hgm   ; high getting medicine
  daily-increase ; if not getting treatment will increase chance-of-dead daily
  p-deceased    ; percentage of deceased
  p-recovered   ; percentage of recovered
  p-susceptible ; percentage of not infected
  acc-infected          ; infected population accumulator

breed [persons person]  ; principal agents that represent persons
breed [units unit]      ; agents that represents hospital units
breed [banners banner]  ; simple label to identify hospital units

; specification for persons
  status                ; susceptible, infected, recovered or deceased
  ticks-infected        ; time in ticks that agent is infected
  severity              ; 0 (low) - not require hospitalization; 1 (mid) - requires revision at hospital; 2 (high) - requires hospitalization
  chance-of-dead        ; increase when not getting attention or hospitalization or medicines
  p-mobility            ; speed of agent's mobility
  h-target              ; hospital where agent will be attended
  attended              ; status of attention
  time-at-unit          ; time spent at hospital
  days-at-unit          ; days at hospital
  received-medicine     ; status of received medicines

; specification for hospital units
units-own [
  u-beds        ; number of beds available
  u-medics      ; number of medics available
  u-medicines   ; number of medicines available

to setup

  ; initialize values
  set pop-susceptible population - 1
  set pop-infected 0
  set pop-recovered 0
  set pop-deceased 0
  set pop-density (population / (world-height * world-width) )
  set acc-infected 0

  set time-infection 210      ; 21 days of infection
  set kapa 0.15               ; 15% of total infected people will die
  set normal-speed 0.5
  set high-speed 1

  set time-revision 10        ; ticks needed to check a person at hospital
  set days-hospitalized 20    ; max of days that a person can be hospitalized

  set	lgm	 0.3
  set	hh	 0.5
  set	hdm	 0.8
  set	hgm	 0.5
  set daily-increase 0.05

  ask patches[
    set pcolor white

  ; person initialize
  create-persons population[
    move-to one-of (patches with [not any? turtles-here])   ; initial position, ensure that two persons don't use same patch

    set status "susceptible"          ; all agents are suceptible
    set ticks-infected 0              ; counts how many ticks person is infected
    set severity 0                    ; not used until agents gets infected
    set chance-of-dead 0              ; not used until agents gets infected
    set p-mobility normal-speed       ; agent moves at normal speed
    set h-target nobody               ; while not infected, agent is not looking hospital
    set attended 0                    ; when receives attention at hospital it could take values: 1, 2, 3 or 4 used for statistical info
    set time-at-unit 0                ; count how many ticks agent is at hospital unit receiving attention
    set days-at-unit 0                ; count how many days agent is hospitalized
    set received-medicine 0           ; not need medicine so far
    update-status                     ; updates color and shape

  ; calculus for position hospital units in a polygon vertex, so they don't render closer to another
  let radius ( world-width / 2.5 )
  let angle ( 360 / hospitals )
  let rotation random 360

  ; initialize hospital units
  create-units hospitals [
    set shape "hospital2"
    set size 2
    set color cyan
    set u-beds beds                   ; beds defined by slider
    set u-medics medics               ; medics defined by slider calculated as follows medics for shift: 10 at morning, 10 at evening 5 at night
    set u-medicines medicines         ; number of treatments a hospital can provide, 1 per consultation and 1 per day at hospital
    ; calculations to move the hospital to a polygon vertex
    let x ( radius * sin ((who - hospitals) * angle) )
    let y ( radius * cos ((who - hospitals) * angle) )
    let xn ( x * cos(rotation) - y * sin(rotation) )
    let yn ( y * cos(rotation) + x * sin(rotation) )
    setxy xn yn
    ; set the label under the icon
    set label-color [ 0 0 0 128 ]               ; label in black color with 50% transparency
    attach-banner who ( xn + 1 ) ( yn - 1.7 )   ; label sets the id of agent

  ; initialize the first infected person
  ask one-of persons [
    set status "infected"
    set ticks-infected 1                ; tick 1 of infection
    set pop-infected (pop-infected + 1) ; update count of infected population
    set severity 0                      ; always initialize with the lower severity
    set chance-of-dead 1                ; normal chance, depends of posibility determined by kapa

to go
  if all? persons [ status != "infected" ] [       ; stops simulation when infected people is 0
    ifelse pop-recovered = 1 [
      output-print "Not enough infections. Run again!"
      set p-susceptible ( pop-susceptible / population ) * 100
      set p-deceased ( pop-deceased / acc-infected ) * 100
      set p-recovered ( pop-recovered / population ) * 100
      output-print word "Percentage of Not infected   = " word ( precision p-susceptible 2 ) "%"
      output-print word "Percentage of Decease        = " word ( precision p-deceased 2 ) "%"
      output-print word "Percentage of Recovered      = " word ( precision p-recovered 2 ) "%"

  ; main process, checks mobility of agents, infection and hospitals consuming
  ask persons with [ status != "deceased"] [
    ; if not infected agent is not looking for hospital and moves normally
    ifelse h-target = nobody [
      rt random 20
      lt random 20
      ; in case that agent is assigned to an hospital
      ; check if agent has arrived to hospital and stops moving
      if any? units-on patch-ahead 1 [
        set p-mobility 0

        ; actions for agents with severity = 1 (med)
        if severity = 1 [
          if attended = 0 [                                     ; check if agent has no received attention
            ask h-target [
              ifelse u-medics > 0 [                             ; check if there are medics available
                set u-medics ( u-medics - 1)                    ; assigns medic
                ask myself [
                  set attended 1                                ; agent is attended (for medical consultation)
                ask myself [
                  set h-target nobody                           ; if not medics available, agent leaves hospital
                  set p-mobility normal-speed                   ; and change to normal speed moving
                  set attended 2                                ; agent didn't receive attention (for medical consultation)
                  set received-medicine 3                       ; not getting medicines by insufficient medics
          if attended = 1 [                                     ; if agents is attended
            set time-at-unit ( time-at-unit + 1 )               ; counts how many ticks is at consultation
            if time-at-unit > time-revision [                   ; when consultation ends medics is reasigned to hospital
              ask h-target [
                set u-medics ( u-medics + 1 )
                ifelse u-medicines > 0 [                        ; if there are medicines available agents gets one
                  set u-medicines ( u-medicines - 1 )
                  ask myself [
                    set received-medicine 1                     ; getting medicines
                    set chance-of-dead ( chance-of-dead * lgm ) ; chance of dead decreased, lgm
                  ask myself [
                    set received-medicine 2                     ; not getting medicines by insufficient stock
              set h-target nobody                               ; when agent gets attended, no more looking for unit
              set p-mobility normal-speed

        ; actions for agents with severity = 2 (high)
        if severity = 2 [
          if attended = 0 [
            ask h-target [
              ifelse u-medics > 0 [
                set u-medics ( u-medics - 1)
                ask myself [
                  set attended 1                                ; agent is attended (for medical consultation)
                ask myself [
                  set h-target nobody
                  set p-mobility normal-speed
                  set attended 2                                ; agent didn't receive attention (for medical consultation)
                  set received-medicine 3                       ; not getting medicines by insufficient medics
          if attended = 1 [
            set time-at-unit ( time-at-unit + 1 )
            if time-at-unit > time-revision [                       ; if medical consultation is finished, free medics and check if it can be hospitalized
              ask h-target [
                set u-medics ( u-medics + 1 )
                ifelse u-beds > 0 [                                 ; if bed is available then is assigned to agent and decreased from count
                  set u-beds ( u-beds - 1)
                  ask myself [
                    set attended 3                                  ; agent is hospitalized
                    set chance-of-dead ( chance-of-dead * hh )     ; chance of dead decreased, hh
                  ask myself [
                    set attended 4                                  ; agents isn't hospitalized
                    ;set chance-of-dead ( chance-of-dead * hnh )     ; chance of dead increased, hnh
                    ask h-target [
                      ifelse u-medicines > 0 [                        ; if there are medicines available agents gets one
                        set u-medicines ( u-medicines - 1 )
                        ask myself [
                          set received-medicine 1                     ; getting medicines
                          set chance-of-dead ( chance-of-dead * hgm ) ; chance of dead decreased, hgm
                        ask myself [
                          set received-medicine 4                     ; not getting medicines by insufficient beds
                    set h-target nobody                             ; if there is not beds, agent leaves hospital
                    set p-mobility normal-speed
          if attended = 3 [                                     ; if agent is hospitalized, count days
            set time-at-unit ( time-at-unit + 1 )
            if time-at-unit > 10 [                              ; if times count 10, a day has passed and medicine is given to agent, if available
              set days-at-unit ( days-at-unit + 1 )
              set time-at-unit 0
              ask h-target [
                ifelse u-medicines > 0 [
                  set u-medicines ( u-medicines - 1 )
                  ask myself [
                    set received-medicine 1                     ; getting medicines
                    set chance-of-dead ( chance-of-dead * hdm ) ; chance of dead decreased every day getting medicines, hdm
                  ask myself [
                    set received-medicine 2                     ; not getting medicines by insufficiente stock

    fd p-mobility                                           ; move agent based on speed calculated in above actions

  ; infect other agents
  ask persons with [ status = "infected" ][
    let nb (other persons) in-radius 0.1 with [ status = "susceptible" ]      ; check for agents nearby with susceptible status and infect them
    if nb != nobody[
      ask nb [
        set status "infected"
        set pop-infected (pop-infected + 1)                                   ; update count for infected population
        set acc-infected (acc-infected + 1)                                   ; accumulates infected population
        set pop-susceptible (pop-susceptible - 1)                             ; update count for susceptible population
        set severity random 3                                                 ; assign a random severity
        if severity = 0 [
          set chance-of-dead 1                                                ; basic dead rate, death depends totally by kapa
        if severity != 0 [
          set h-target one-of units                                           ; if severity is med or high then look for an hospital
          face h-target                                                       ; set direction toward hospital
        if severity = 1 [
          set chance-of-dead 1.25                                             ; chance of dead increased by severity in 25%, based on basic death rate = 1
        if severity = 2 [
          set p-mobility high-speed                                           ; if severity is high, speed up agent movility
          set chance-of-dead 1.5                                              ; chance of dead increased by severity in 50%, based on basic death rate = 1
    if ( attended = 2 ) or ( attended = 4 ) or ( received-medicine != 1 )[
      set chance-of-dead ( chance-of-dead + chance-of-dead * daily-increase ) ; increase daily if not hospitalized or getting treatment
    set ticks-infected (ticks-infected + 1)                                   ; increase count of ticks infected

  ; check for recovered or decesased agents
  ask persons with [ status = "infected" ][
    if ticks-infected > time-infection [                                      ; check if time of infection has reached to end
      set dead-possibility random-float 1                                      ; calculate if agent will die or not, based on kapa value
      ifelse severity = 0 [                                                   ; if severity is low, agent gets recovered
        set status "recovered"
        set pop-recovered (pop-recovered + 1)
        set p-mobility normal-speed
        set h-target nobody
        if attended = 3 [                                                     ; if agent was hospitilized, free the bed
          ask h-target [
            set u-beds ( u-beds + 1 )
        ifelse dead-possibility <= ( kapa * chance-of-dead ) [                 ; agent dies if dead-posibility is between 0 an kapa, chance-of-dead increments posibility
          set status "deceased"
          set pop-deceased (pop-deceased + 1)
          set status "recovered"
          set pop-recovered (pop-recovered + 1)
          set p-mobility normal-speed
          set h-target nobody
      set pop-infected (pop-infected - 1)

  set seconds timer

; update shape and color by condition of agent
; normal agent                                = gray circle not filled
; infected low severity                       = yellow circle filled
; infected mid severity looking hospital      = red arrow filled
; infected mid severity attended              = red circle filled
; infected mid severity not attended          = red circle not filled
; infected hihg severity looking hospital     = maroon arrow filled
; infected hihg severity attended             = maroon circle filled
; infected hihg severity not attended         = maroon circle not filled
; infected hihg severity hospitalized         = maroon star
; infected hihg severity not hospitalized     = maroon x
; recovered agent                             = green +
; deceased agent                              = blue x

to update-status
    status = "susceptible"
      set color gray + 2
      set size 0.6
      set shape "circle 3"
    status = "infected"
        severity = 0 [
          set size 0.6
          set shape "circle 4"
          set color [255 145 0]
        severity = 1 [
          set color [255 0 0]
            attended = 0 [
              set size 0.8
              set shape "navigation"
            attended = 1 [
              set size 0.6
              set shape "circle 4"
            attended = 2 [
              set size 0.6
              set shape "circle 3"
        severity = 2 [
          set color [155 15 15]
            attended = 0 [
              set size 0.8
              set shape "navigation"
            attended = 1 [
              set size 0.6
              set shape "circle 4"
            attended = 2 [
              set size 0.6
              set shape "circle 3"
            attended = 3 [
              set size 0.9
              set shape "star"
            attended = 4 [
              set size 0.8
              set shape "x"
    status = "recovered"
      set color [21 176 26]
      set size 0.6
      set shape "cross"
    status = "deceased"
      set color [0 0 255]
      set size 0.7
      set shape "x"

; function to place label

to attach-banner [lbl lx ly]
  hatch-banners 1 [
    set size 0
    set label lbl
    setxy lx ly
    create-link-from myself [

There are 3 versions of this model.

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Alfredo Ramirez about 1 month ago Updated Info Tab Download this version
Alfredo Ramirez about 1 month ago Percentage of deceased people recalculated, based only in infected people. Download this version
Alfredo Ramirez 2 months ago Initial upload Download this version

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Virus Spread with Hospital Capacities of Hospital Beds, Medics and Medicines.png preview Preview for 'Virus Spread with Hospital Capacities of Hospital Beds, Medics and Medicines' 2 months ago, by Alfredo Ramirez Download

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