Modeling Setaria tundra

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Posted 3 months ago

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;~~~~~~~~~~~~ These are globals
breed [Mosquitos Mosquito]
breed [Reindeers Reindeer]

extensions [

globals [
  grass-growth-rate          ; the rate at which grass gows
  grass-density              ; the density of patches that is vegetation
  grass-probability          ; the probability that grass has not been overgrazed
  grass-regrowth-rate        ; the rate at which grass grows back
  grass-energy               ; amount of energy grass provides
  reproductive-energy        ; amount of energy needed for reproduction
  new-turtle                 ; spawn a new turtle
  herd-size                  ; the size of a herd
  initial-energy             ; We assume each reindeer will live for 12 years (365 ticks * 12 years = 4380)
  mortality-rate             ; the rate at which reindeer die
  risky-reindeer             ; the rate at which reindeer will explore
  cluster-center             ; this is the center of the blue water body
  reindeer-density           ; This is how many reindeer can occupy any one patch at a given time
  wise-one                   ; oldest reindeer

  patch-radius               ; This is the radius of the lakes
  elevation                  ; this is the elevation of the terrain
  elevation-max              ; This is the maximum elevation of the terrain in the model

  current-date               ; This is the current date of the tick
  current-month              ; This is the current month of the date of the tick, useful for categorizing meterological seasons
  time-series                ; This is if user uploads a .csv file with the first column being a datetime (YYYY-MM-DD) and the second column is temperature in degrees Celcius (must have 1 row of headers)

  temperature                ; This is the daily temperature for the simulation
  index                      ; This is to keep track of the list in the time-series

  rainy-days                ; This is to track how many consecutive days of rain there has been
  cold-warm-days            ; This is to track how many consecutive warm days above 0 C there have been



  grass-amount              ; This is how much units of grass there is, 1 unit of grass can feed 1 turtle


;~~~~~~~~~~~~These are turtle properties
  energy               ; enrgy of the turtle
  hunger               ; minimum amount of grass need to be eaten for turtle survival
  age                  ; the age of turtles in ticks
  reproductiveness     ; the reproductive ability for turtles, based on age and body condition
  infected?            ; if this is true, the turtle is infected
  immunity-remaining   ; how many weeks of immunity the turtle has left
  flockmates           ; agentsset of nearby turtles
  nearest-neighbor     ; closest flockmate
  immune?              ; if this is true a turtle is immune
  recovered?           ; if this is true a turtle has recovered
  sick-time            ; when a turtle became sick
  dead?                ; when true, a turtle is dead
  larvae-count         ; how many larvae are in each reindeer


 age                 ; age of mosquito (22-76 ticks, days), adult after 20 ticks
 infected            ; infected with m.f.
 blood-meal          ; cumulative count of blood for oviposit


to clear-run


to setup


  ifelse file-option? [

  ;set current-time time:create "2010-01-01"
    set current-date time:create Date_opt


  set cold-warm-days 0
  set rainy-days 0

; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is to setup the world

to setup-file

  set time-series csv:from-file File-name

  let start-date first item 1 time-series
  let end-date first item (length time-series - 1) time-series

  set current-date start-date

  set index 1

to setup-patches

  resize-world 0 world-size 0 world-size                     ; set up world size. This is in m. 1 patch is 100 m x 100 m

  ask patches [
    ifelse random-float 1.0 < 0.2              ; Adjust the probability (0.2 in this case) for green patches
    [ set pcolor green
    set grass-amount 5]
    [ set pcolor brown
    set grass-amount 0]

  create-blue-clusters                          ; Create irregular-shaped clusters of blue patches

;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is to set up a water body ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

to create-blue-clusters

ifelse patch-sizes = "small" [
    set patch-radius world-size * 0.05
  ifelse patch-sizes = "medium" [
    set patch-radius world-size * 0.15
    set patch-radius world-size * 0.3

  repeat patches-amt [
    set cluster-center patch random-xcor random-ycor
    ask cluster-center [
      set pcolor blue
      ask patches in-radius patch-radius [ set pcolor blue ]

; Define mosquito-start patches at the edge of blue patches
  let edge-patches patches with [
    pcolor = blue and any? neighbors with [pcolor != blue]

  ifelse any? edge-patches [
    set mosquito-start edge-patches
    user-message "No suitable mosquito start patches found"

;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is to set up the reindeer;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

to setup-reindeer

  let non-blue-patches patches with [pcolor != blue] ; consider only non-blue patches
  ; Set initial positions closer together near the nearest non-blue patch
  let p one-of non-blue-patches

  create-Reindeers Reindeer-pop [
    set shape "reindeer"
    set size 1.5
    set color 33
    set age 0
    set energy initial-energy
    set immune? false
    set dead? false
    set energy 300
    set infected? false
    set larvae-count 0

    if random-float 1 < initial-infected-rate [
     set infected? true
     set larvae-count larvae-count + 1
     set color violet

    set reindeer-density 5
    move-to p ; this is the initial point
    let i 0
    let q patch-ahead random-float (herd-spread * Reindeer-pop)
    while [ i < reindeer-density] [
      rt random 360 ;cw: we were missing random turns so it was only doing random distance below
      set q patch-ahead random-float (herd-spread * Reindeer-pop)  ;cw: copied this inside the while so q is a new patch each loop of the while, also changed to * reindeer to match herd-movement
      if q != nobody and [pcolor] of q != blue and [pcolor] of q != white and [count Reindeers-here] of q < reindeer-density [
        move-to q
        set i reindeer-density ;cw: if they move, break the while
      set i i + 1
    ;cw: optional check to more fully scatter over-crowded reindeer (or increase reindeer-density above)
    if count Reindeers-here > reindeer-density [
      move-to one-of patches with [pcolor != blue and pcolor != white and count Reindeers-here < reindeer-density]

;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is to set up mosquitos

to setup-mosquitos

  create-Mosquitos Mosquitos-pop[
    set shape "mosquito"
    set size 0.45
    set color white
    set age 0
    ;set age random-float max-age
    set blood-meal 0
    let initial-patch one-of mosquito-start ;patches with [pcolor = blue]
    move-to initial-patch
;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is to set up mosquitos

;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ++++    +++   ++  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  +       +   +  ++  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  +   ++  +   +  ++  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  +    +  +   +      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ++++    +++   ++  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

to go

  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PATCHES STUFF ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; REINDEER STUFF ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  if reindeer-life-cycle? [


  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; MOSQUITO STUFF ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; TEMP STUFF (FROM FILE OPTION) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

  ifelse file-option? [

    if index < length time-series [
      set temperature last item index time-series
      set current-date first item index time-series
    set index index + 1

    if index > length time-series [
      user-message "The simulation has reached the end of your file points"



      ifelse temperature > 0 [set cold-warm-days cold-warm-days + 1] [set cold-warm-days 0]
      set current-date time:plus current-date 1 "days"

   ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; RAIN STUFF ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

  if climate-on? [precipitation]



to grow-grass ; grass grows on dirt patches at a constant rate

  ; Within 14 ticks, theres a threshold for 5 reindeer grazing
  ; Grass will regrow

  set grass-regrowth-rate 0.0025

  ask patches with [pcolor = brown] [

    if random-float 1 < grass-regrowth-rate [
      set pcolor green
      set grass-amount 5
      ; later I want to add a variation on green depending on grass-amount
      ;Last visited by reindeer over a certain amount of time, will regrow. Healthier grass patch after an amount of time


;~~~~~ ++ ++      ++++++++  ++++++++   +++++      ++++  ++++       ++++++++  ++++++++  ++ ++    ~~~~~~~~~~
;~~~~~ +++  ++    ++           ++      ++  ++      ++   ++  ++     ++        ++        ++   ++  ~~~~~~~~~~
;~~~~~ ++  ++     ++           ++      ++   ++     ++   ++    ++   ++        ++        ++  ++   ~~~~~~~~~~
;~~~~~ +++        ++++         ++      ++    ++    ++   ++     ++  ++++      ++++      +++      ~~~~~~~~~~
;~~~~~ ++ ++      ++           ++      ++     ++   ++   ++     ++  ++        ++        ++ ++    ~~~~~~~~~~
;~~~~~ ++   ++    ++           ++      ++      ++  ++   ++    ++   ++        ++        ++   ++  ~~~~~~~~~~
;~~~~~ ++     ++  ++           ++      ++       ++ ++   ++  ++     ++        ++        ++    ++ ~~~~~~~~~~
;~~~~~ ++     ++  ++++++++  ++++++++   ++        ++++   ++++       ++++++++  ++++++++  ++    ++ ~~~~~~~~~~

to butcher
  ask n-of butcher-amt Reindeers [die]
  print (word "You have butchered " butcher-amt " reindeer")

to eat-grass
  ask reindeers [
    if pcolor = green and grass-amount > 0 [
      set energy energy + 10
      ask patch-here [
        set grass-amount grass-amount - 1
        if grass-amount = 0 [
          set pcolor brown

to reproduce

  ask Reindeers with [energy > 150 and random-float 1 < reproduction-rate] [
    let nearby-Reindeers other Reindeers in-radius vision
    let parent-Reindeers min-one-of nearby-Reindeers with [self != myself] [distance myself]
    if parent-Reindeers != nobody [
      hatch-reindeers 1 [
        let mean-x mean [xcor] of nearby-Reindeers
        let mean-y mean [ycor] of nearby-Reindeers
        setxy mean-x mean-y
        set age 1
        set energy initial-energy
      face parent-Reindeers
      fd 1

to age-and-die

  ;Adult reindeer max age is 20 years. Each tick is a day (20 years is 7300 days)
  ;Reindeer become adults at 5 (Females) and 6 (Males). For now, will set for 5.

  ask Reindeers [
    set age age + 1
    set energy energy - 1
    if age > 7300 or energy <= 0 [

  if wise-one = nobody [
    set wise-one min [who] of Reindeers ; this is the minimum ID of all turtles, the turtle with the lowest identifier
    ask Reindeer wise-one [set color yellow] ]

to infect-reindeer

  ask reindeers [
    if any? turtles-here with [breed = mosquitos and infected > 0] [
      if random-float 1 < 0.5 [
        set infected? true
        set larvae-count larvae-count + 1

;to herd-movement-stationary
;  ; Ask all turtles to perform herd movement logic
;  ; Check if the turtle is a cow
;  ask turtles [
;    if shape = "cow" [
;      let all-turtles other turtles
;      let nearby-turtles all-turtles with [distance myself < vision]
;    ; check if turtle is on a non-frozen patch next to a water patch
;      let risky? false
;      let neighboring-patches patches in-radius 1 with [pcolor = blue]
;      if pcolor != white and any? neighboring-patches [
;        set risky? (random-float 1 < risky-reindeer)
;    ]
;    ; move towards mean position if not risky
;    if not risky? and any? nearby-turtles [
;      let mean-x mean [xcor] of nearby-turtles
;      let mean-y mean [ycor] of nearby-turtles
;      let mean-position patch mean-x mean-y
;      let dispersion-factor herd-spread * Reindeer-pop
;      let max-dispersion round(vision * 0.5)
;      let min-dispersion round(vision * 0.25)
;      let radius random-float (max-dispersion - min-dispersion) + min-dispersion
;      ; find all patches within radius that are not frozen or water and have fewer than 5 turtles
;      let non-frozen-patches patches with [
;          pcolor != white and
;          pcolor != blue and
;          distance myself <= radius and
;          count Reindeers-here < 5
;        ]
;      ; move towards a non-frozen patch if there is one, otherwise move randomly
;      ifelse any? non-frozen-patches [
;        let destination one-of non-frozen-patches
;        face destination
;        fd 1
;      ] [
;        rt random 360
;        fd 1
;      ]

to herd-movement

  let non-frozen-patches patches with [ ;Patches that are not snow or water
    pcolor != 105

  set wise-one min [who] of Reindeers ; this is the minimum ID of all turtles, the turtle with the lowest identifier
  ask Reindeer wise-one [set color yellow]
  let dispersion-factor herd-spread * Reindeer-pop ; this is how many patches wide herded reindeer can move around in
  let herd-patches non-frozen-patches with [distance Reindeer wise-one < dispersion-factor] ;  contain a subset of non-frozen-patches that are within the specified distance from the turtle wise-one

  let lead-x [xcor] of Reindeer wise-one
  let lead-y [ycor] of Reindeer wise-one
  let lead-distance patch lead-x lead-y ; The location of wise-one will dictate movements of all turtles

  ask Reindeer wise-one [
    face one-of herd-patches in-radius vision
    if patch-ahead 1 != nobody and [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 != blue [
      fd 1

  ask Reindeers [

    ; if the distance of the turtle to the lead-turtle is less than the dispersion factor, then it will move randomly within the "radius" of the herd
    ; However, if the distance of the turtle to the lead turtle is more than the dispersion factor, then it will move forward one towards the leader
    ; We also want to make sure there are only 5 turtles on a patch

    ifelse distance Reindeer wise-one < dispersion-factor [
      rt random 360
      if patch-ahead 1 != nobody and member? patch-ahead 1 non-frozen-patches and [count Reindeers-here] of patch-ahead 1 < 5 [ ; rename to land
        fd 1];[if count turtles-here > 5 [type "a"]]
      ; this is asking if the patch ahead the turtle satifies the following conditions. If it does it moves fd 1. If not it faces the wise-one and moves fd 1 towards them
      ;[1] That the patch is a herd-patch, meaning it is grass and not frozen
      ;[2] that there are less than 5 turtles on that patch
      face Reindeer wise-one
      ifelse patch-ahead 1 != nobody and member? patch-ahead 1 herd-patches and [count Reindeers-here] of patch-ahead 1 < 5 and [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 != blue [
        fd 1
          rt 90 - random 180
          if patch-ahead 1 != nobody and member? patch-ahead 1 non-frozen-patches and [count Reindeers-here] of patch-ahead 1 < 5 and [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 != blue [
          fd 1 ];[if count turtles-here > 5 [type "b"]]

    if patch-here = blue [
      rt 180
      fd 1

    ;if count turtles-here > 5 [type "c"]

;    if [pcolor] of patch-here = blue [
;      print "Turtle is on a blue patch."
;      stop ]

;  if max [count turtles-here] of patches > 5 [
;      print word ("There are more than 5 turtles on a patch:") max [count turtles-here] of patches
;  ]

;~~~~~~~~~~  +++         +++     +++++     ++++++         +++++     ~~~~~~~~~~
;~~~~~~~~~~  ++  +     +  ++    ++   ++    ++            ++   ++    ~~~~~~~~~~
;~~~~~~~~~~  ++   +   +   ++   ++     ++     ++         ++     ++   ~~~~~~~~~~
;~~~~~~~~~~  ++    + +    ++  ++       ++        ++    ++       ++  ~~~~~~~~~~
;~~~~~~~~~~  ++     +     ++  ++       ++          ++  ++       ++  ~~~~~~~~~~
;~~~~~~~~~~  ++           ++   ++     ++          ++    ++     ++   ~~~~~~~~~~
;~~~~~~~~~~  ++           ++    ++   ++         ++       ++   +++   ~~~~~~~~~~
;~~~~~~~~~~  ++           ++     +++++     ++++++         +++++ ++  ~~~~~~~~~~

to mosquito-age

  ; Age adult mosquitos
  ask Mosquitos with [color != white] [
    set age age + 1]

  ; Mosquito larvae and pupa will grow above 5 degrees
  if temperature > 4 and temperature < 40 [
    if member? current-month [3 4 5 6 7 8 9] [
      ask mosquitos with [color = white] [
        set age age + 1
        if age >= 20 [
          set color 1 ]
  ; but half will die if temperatures hit above 40
  if temperature > 40 [
    ask n-of (0.5 * count mosquitos with [color = white]) mosquitos with [color = white] [

to mosquito-move

  ;This is set up so that all mosquitos move around the water body
  ;as they are flood-water mosquitos.

  ask Mosquitos with [color != white] [
    ifelse blood-meal < blood-max [
      let r min-one-of Reindeers [distance myself]
      ifelse distance r < mosquito-vision [
        face r
        fd random-float mosquito-move-day] [
        rt random 360
        fd random-float mosquito-move-day]
    ] [
      let t min-one-of mosquito-start [distance myself]
      face t
;      print "t"
      ifelse distance t < mosquito-move-day [
        move-to t][
        fd random-float mosquito-move-day


to mosquito-bite

  ; this model will follow the SIRS

 ; Only consider mosquitoes that are either healthy (color 1) or already infected (color red)
  ask Mosquitos with [color = 1 or color = red] [

; If there are reindeer on the same patch as the mosquito
    if count Reindeers-here != 0 [
      let lunch 0                                                 ; Initialize a variable 'lunch' to store that the mosquito has had a blood meal or partial blood meal
      ifelse count Reindeers-here <= mosquito-bite-day            ; If the number of reindeer on the patch is less than or equal to the number of bites a mosquito can take in a day
        [set lunch Reindeers-here]
        [set lunch n-of mosquito-bite-day Reindeers-here ]        ; if there are 50 reindeer, they will bite all 50, if 100 reindeer, they will bite random 50 if mosquito bite is 50

      set blood-meal blood-meal + (count lunch * random-float blood-meal-size)       ; Increase the mosquito's blood meal by an amount proportional to the number of reindeer bitten and a random factor of the blood-meal-size
;      if blood-meal >= blood-max [
;        print "blood!"
;        print blood-meal]

      let infected-lunch lunch with [infected? = true]           ; Create a subset of 'lunch' that includes only the reindeer that are already infected

      let i 0
      while [i < count infected-lunch] [                         ; Create a subset of 'lunch' that includes only the reindeer that are already infected
        if random-float 1 < infected-probability [               ; If a randomly generated number between 0 and 1 is less than the infected-probability
          set infected 1                                         ; can add m.f. load here (avg 3-6 per mosquito)
          set color red

        set i i + 1

      print infected-lunch



to mosquito-reproduce-die

; Only reproduction happening from April to September

  if member? current-month [4 5 6 7 8 9] [

    ask mosquitos with [blood-meal >= blood-max] [
      if member? patch-here mosquito-start [
        hatch-mosquitos eggs [
          set infected 0
          set color white
          set age 0
          set blood-meal 0

;        print "babies!"]
;      print count mosquitos with [color = white]
      set blood-meal 0

; Some percentage of adult mosquitos die after reproduction
    if random-float 1 < percent-die-oviposit [
      die ]

; Mosquitoes have a short life expectancy
  ask mosquitos with [age >= max-age] [

; Mosquitos die off after september
  ask mosquitos with [color != white] [
    if member? current-month [10 11 12 1 2 3] and temperature < 1 [
      die ]

;~~~~~~ ++++++++   ++        ++++++++   +++++  +++++   ++++++++   ++++++++  +++++++  ~~~~~~~~~~~~
;~~~~~~ ++         ++           ++      ++ ++ ++  ++   ++    ++      ++     ++       ~~~~~~~~~~~~
;~~~~~~ ++         ++           ++      ++  ++++  ++   ++    ++      ++     ++       ~~~~~~~~~~~~
;~~~~~~ ++         ++           ++      ++   ++   ++   ++    ++      ++     +++++    ~~~~~~~~~~~~
;~~~~~~ ++         ++           ++      ++        ++   ++++++++      ++     ++       ~~~~~~~~~~~~
;~~~~~~ ++         ++           ++      ++        ++   ++    ++      ++     ++       ~~~~~~~~~~~~
;~~~~~~ ++         ++           ++      ++        ++   ++    ++      ++     ++       ~~~~~~~~~~~~
;~~~~~~ ++++++++   ++++++++  ++++++++   ++        ++   ++    ++      ++     +++++++  ~~~~~~~~~~~~

to temp

  ; This is to set random temperatures for the meterological seasons of DJF, MAM, JJA, SON
  ; DJF is between -30 and 00
  ; MAM is between -05 and 05
  ; JJA is between  10 and 15
  ; SON is between  00 and 05
  set current-month time:get "month" current-date

  ifelse member? current-month [1 2 12] [
    set temperature random -30
    ifelse member? current-month [3 4 5] [
      set temperature -5 + random 5
      ifelse member? current-month [6 7 8] [
        set temperature 10 + random 15
        set temperature 0 + random 5

to precipitation

; procedure to create random snow when the temperature is below 0.  for now if the month is DJF, snowfall has a probability of 30%
; if the month is MAM, snowfall has a probability of 15%
; if the month is JJA, snowfall has a 5%
; if the month is SON, snowfall has a 10%

; the snow should "disappear" after 3 consecutive days of temp over 0 degrees

  let precip-prob 0
  let precip-dens 0
  let snow-prob 0
  let snow-dens 0

  set current-month time:get "month" current-date

  ifelse member? current-month [12 1 2] [
    set precip-prob 5
    set precip-dens 0.05 * world-size
    set snow-prob 30
    set snow-dens 0.5 * world-size
  [ ifelse member? current-month [3 4 5] [
     set precip-prob 10
     set precip-dens 0.15 * world-size
     set snow-prob 15
     set snow-dens 0.3 * world-size
    [ ifelse member? current-month [6 7 8] [
      set precip-prob 30
      set precip-dens 0.40 * world-size
      set snow-prob 5
      set snow-dens 0.1 * world-size
      [ set precip-prob 15
        set precip-dens 0.25 * world-size
        set snow-prob 10
        set snow-dens 0.2 * world-size

  ask n-of snow-dens patches with [pcolor = brown or pcolor = green] [
    if temperature < 1 [
      set pcolor white]

    ; Snow melts after 3 consecutive warm days (days above 0)
  ask patches with [pcolor = white] [
    if temperature > 0 and cold-warm-days > 2 [
      set pcolor brown]

  if temperature > 0 [
    ;Rain on grass or dirt
    ifelse random-float 100 < precip-prob [
      set rainy-days rainy-days + 1
      ask n-of precip-dens patches with [pcolor != blue] [
        set pcolor 104
      set rainy-days 0

    ;Expand or contract ephemeral water depending on how much it rained
    ;if it rains more than 2 consecutive days, the area will pond randomly
    ifelse rainy-days < 2 [
      ask patches with [pcolor = 104] [
        set pcolor brown
      ask patches with [pcolor = 104] [
        if any? neighbors with [pcolor = brown or pcolor = green] [
          ask one-of neighbors with [pcolor = brown or pcolor = green] [
            set pcolor 104
  ;if it rains for 5+ consecutuve days, then the permanent waterbodies will flood and expand
  if rainy-days > 4 [
    ask patches with [pcolor = green or pcolor = brown] [
      if any? neighbors with [pcolor = blue] [
        set pcolor 107]

  ; if it doesn't rain for 2 days, then the permenant water bodies that previously flooded will contract. (I will have to fix this)
  if rainy-days < 2 [
    ask patches with [pcolor = 107] [
      set pcolor brown]

There is only one version of this model, created 3 months ago by Stephania Zneimer.

Attached files

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Modeling Setaria tundra.png preview Preview for 'Modeling Setaria tundra' 3 months ago, by Stephania Zneimer Download

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