Decay of teeth

Decay of teeth preview image

1 collaborator

Gurca_andrei Gurca Andrei (Author)


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globals [


breed [teeth tooth]
teeth-own [
  health-level ; nivelul de sănătate al dintelui

to setup
  ask patches [ set pcolor black ]  ; Setează culoarea fundalului la roșu
  set decay-rate 2               ; Setare inițială pentru rata de degradare
  set carie-probability 2        ; Setare inițială pentru probabilitatea de carie
  set genetic-factor false       ; Inițial, genetica este setată ca fiind rea
  set hygiene-level 100           ; Nivelul de igienă este setat la jumătate
  create-teeth 32 [              ; 32 de dinți
    setxy -8 + (who mod 16) * 1.1 (floor (who / 16) * 4 - 2)  ; Distribuția pe două rânduri
    set size 1.5
    set color white  ; Inițializare la alb
    set health-level 100

  ; Selectează aleatoriu dinții care vor fi artificiali
  let artificial-teeth n-of artificial-teeth-count teeth
  ask artificial-teeth [ set color sky ]


to set-dental-shape
  let pos who mod 16
  ifelse pos < 2 or pos >= 14 [
    set shape "masea"
  ] [
    ifelse pos = 5 or pos = 10 [
      set shape "sharpteeth"
    ] [
      ifelse pos < 5 or pos > 10 [
        set shape "masea"
        set size 2

      ] [
        set shape "teeth"
        set size 1.5

to go
  if not any? teeth [ stop ]
  ask teeth [

to decay
  ask teeth with [color != sky] [
    if random-float 100 < carie-probability [
      let base-decay decay-rate + random 10
      let hygiene-modifier (hygiene-level / 100) * 5
      let decay-modifier base-decay - hygiene-modifier

      if genetic-factor [
        set decay-modifier decay-modifier * 0.5

      set health-level health-level - decay-modifier
      set color scale-color yellow health-level 0 100

to display-health
  if health-level < 50 [
    set size 1.2

There is only one version of this model, created 6 months ago by Gurca Andrei.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Decay of teeth.png preview Preview for 'Decay of teeth' 6 months ago, by Gurca Andrei Download

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