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; Li Ying created this module at Shaanxi Normal University in 2024. If you mention this model in a publication, we ask that you include the citations below. ;Ying, L. (2024). Hydrolysis Equilibrium. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shaanxi Normal University. breed [mode4_h20_t mode4_h20] breed [mode4_h_t mode4_h] breed [mode4_oh_t mode4_oh] breed [mode4_na_t mode4_na] breed [mode4_cl_t mode4_cl] breed [mode4_nh4_t mode4_nh4] breed [mode4_nh3h2o_t mode4_nh3h20] breed [mode4_ac_t mode4_ac] breed [mode4_hac_t mode4_hac] breed [mode4_nacl_t mode4_nacl] breed [mode4_naac_t mode4_naac] breed [mode4_nh4cl_t mode4_nh4cl] breed [mode4_nh4ac_t mode4_nh4ac] globals[ Init_water add_flag ch3coona_flag nh4cl_flag Up_T_flag Down_T_flag Down_T_figure_flag add_CH3C00Na_flag add_CH3C00Na_figure_flag add_water_flag add_water_figure_flag add_acid_flag add_acid_figure_flag add_base_flag add_base_figure_flag update_figure_flag h2o_count h_count oh_count na_count cl_count ac_count hac_count nh4_count nh3h2o_count plot1 plot2 plot3 plot4 plot5 plot6 ] to setup clear-all ;设置画布颜色白色 ask patches [ set pcolor white ] ;初始化海龟 set-default-shape mode4_h20_t "h20" set-default-shape mode4_h_t "h" set-default-shape mode4_oh_t "oh" set-default-shape mode4_na_t "na" set-default-shape mode4_cl_t "cl" set-default-shape mode4_nh4_t "nh4" set-default-shape mode4_nh3h2o_t "nh3h20" set-default-shape mode4_ac_t "ac" set-default-shape mode4_hac_t "hac" set-default-shape mode4_nacl_t "nacl" set-default-shape mode4_naac_t "naac" set-default-shape mode4_nh4cl_t "nh4cl" set-default-shape mode4_nh4ac_t "nh4ac" create-mode4_h20_t (20) [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 2 ] set Init_water 0 set add_flag 0 set ch3coona_flag 0 set nh4cl_flag 0 set Down_T_flag 0 set update_figure_flag 0 set add_CH3C00Na_flag 0 set add_water_flag 0 set add_acid_flag 0 set add_base_flag 0 set Up_T_flag 0 set Down_T_figure_flag 0 set add_CH3C00Na_figure_flag 0 set add_water_figure_flag 0 set add_acid_figure_flag 0 set add_base_figure_flag 0 reset-ticks end to go if ticks mod 300 = 0 [ if Init_water = 0[ ;;初始化水分解 Hydrolytic_separation ] if Init_water != 0[ if add_flag = 1[ salt_separation ] update_figure ] ask turtles [ fd 1 ;; move turtles around randomly rt random 360 lt random 360 ] if (salt = "NaCl")[ set h2o_count count mode4_h20_t set h_count count mode4_h_t set oh_count count mode4_oh_t set cl_count count mode4_cl_t set na_count count mode4_na_t ] if (salt = "CH3COONa")[ set h2o_count count mode4_h20_t set h_count count mode4_h_t set oh_count count mode4_oh_t set ac_count count mode4_ac_t set na_count count mode4_na_t set hac_count count mode4_hac_t ] if (salt = "NH4Cl")[ set h2o_count count mode4_h20_t set h_count count mode4_h_t set oh_count count mode4_oh_t set nh4_count count mode4_nh4_t set cl_count count mode4_cl_t set nh3h2o_count count mode4_nh3h2o_t ] if (salt = "CH3COONH4")[ set h2o_count count mode4_h20_t set h_count count mode4_h_t set oh_count count mode4_oh_t set ac_count count mode4_ac_t set hac_count count mode4_hac_t set nh3h2o_count count mode4_nh3h2o_t set nh4_count count mode4_nh4_t ] ] tick end to update_figure let update_figure_one_turtle_flag 0 if add_flag = 2 [ if (salt = "CH3COONa")[ if update_figure_flag = 0[ if count mode4_ac_t > 10 [ let x 0 let y 0 ask mode4_ac_t [ if update_figure_one_turtle_flag = 0[ let meeting-mode4_h_t mode4_h_t in-radius 10 if count meeting-mode4_h_t > 0 [ ; 在半径2的范围内相遇时,创建新的turtle let turtles-here-mode4_ac_t turtles with [breed = mode4_ac_t] let turtles-here-mode4_h_t turtles with [breed = mode4_h_t] let turtle_mode4_ac_t one-of turtles-here-mode4_ac_t in-radius 2 let turtle_mode4_h_t one-of turtles-here-mode4_h_t in-radius 2 if turtle_mode4_ac_t != nobody and turtle_mode4_h_t != nobody [ ask turtle_mode4_ac_t [ set breed mode4_hac_t set size 2 ] ; 删除原来的mode4_h_t turtle ask turtle_mode4_h_t [ die ] if count mode4_h_t = 0[ let mode4_h20_t_molecule one-of turtles with [breed = mode4_h20_t] ask mode4_h20_t_molecule [ set x xcor set y ycor ];;创建一个oh set ch3coona_flag 1 ask mode4_h20_t_molecule [ set breed mode4_h_t set size 2 ];;创建一个oh ] set update_figure_one_turtle_flag 1 ] ] ] ] if ch3coona_flag != 0[ create-mode4_oh_t (ch3coona_flag) [ setxy x y set size 2 ] set ch3coona_flag 0 ] ] if count mode4_ac_t = 10 [ set update_figure_flag 1 ] ] ] if (salt = "NH4Cl")[ if count mode4_nh4_t > 10 [ let x 0 let y 0 ask mode4_nh4_t [ if update_figure_one_turtle_flag = 0[ let meeting-mode4_oh_t mode4_oh_t in-radius 10 if count meeting-mode4_oh_t > 0 [ ; 在半径2的范围内相遇时,创建新的turtle let turtles-here-mode4_nh4_t turtles with [breed = mode4_nh4_t] let turtles-here-mode4_oh_t turtles with [breed = mode4_oh_t] let turtle_mode4_nh4_t one-of turtles-here-mode4_nh4_t in-radius 2 let turtle_mode4_oh_t one-of turtles-here-mode4_oh_t in-radius 2 if turtle_mode4_nh4_t != nobody and turtle_mode4_oh_t != nobody [ ask turtle_mode4_nh4_t [ set breed mode4_nh3h2o_t set size 2 ] ; 删除原来的mode4_h_t turtle ask turtle_mode4_oh_t [ die ] if count mode4_oh_t = 0[ let mode4_h20_t_molecule one-of turtles with [breed = mode4_h20_t] ask mode4_h20_t_molecule [ set x xcor set y ycor ];;创建一个h set nh4cl_flag 1 ask mode4_h20_t_molecule [ set breed mode4_oh_t set size 2 ] ] set update_figure_one_turtle_flag 1 ] ] ] ] if nh4cl_flag != 0[ create-mode4_h_t (nh4cl_flag) [ setxy x y set size 2 ] set nh4cl_flag 0 ] ] ] if (salt = "CH3COONH4")[ if count mode4_ac_t > 5 [ let x 0 let y 0 ask mode4_ac_t [ if update_figure_one_turtle_flag = 0[ let meeting-mode4_h_t mode4_h_t in-radius 10 if count meeting-mode4_h_t > 0 [ ; 在半径2的范围内相遇时,创建新的turtle let turtles-here-mode4_ac_t turtles with [breed = mode4_ac_t] let turtles-here-mode4_h_t turtles with [breed = mode4_h_t] let turtle_mode4_ac_t one-of turtles-here-mode4_ac_t in-radius 2 let turtle_mode4_h_t one-of turtles-here-mode4_h_t in-radius 2 if turtle_mode4_ac_t != nobody and turtle_mode4_h_t != nobody [ ask turtle_mode4_ac_t [ set breed mode4_hac_t set size 2 ] ; 删除原来的mode4_h_t turtle ask turtle_mode4_h_t [ die ] if count mode4_h_t = 0[ let mode4_h20_t_molecule one-of turtles with [breed = mode4_h20_t] ask mode4_h20_t_molecule [ set x xcor set y ycor ];;创建一个oh set ch3coona_flag 1 ask mode4_h20_t_molecule [ set breed mode4_h_t set size 2 ];;创建一个oh ] set update_figure_one_turtle_flag 1 ] ] ] ] if ch3coona_flag != 0[ create-mode4_oh_t (ch3coona_flag) [ setxy x y set size 2 ] set ch3coona_flag 0 ] ] if count mode4_nh4_t > 5 [ let x 0 let y 0 ask mode4_nh4_t [ if update_figure_one_turtle_flag = 0[ let meeting-mode4_oh_t mode4_oh_t in-radius 10 if count meeting-mode4_oh_t > 0 [ ; 在半径2的范围内相遇时,创建新的turtle let turtles-here-mode4_nh4_t turtles with [breed = mode4_nh4_t] let turtles-here-mode4_oh_t turtles with [breed = mode4_oh_t] let turtle_mode4_nh4_t one-of turtles-here-mode4_nh4_t in-radius 2 let turtle_mode4_oh_t one-of turtles-here-mode4_oh_t in-radius 2 if turtle_mode4_nh4_t != nobody and turtle_mode4_oh_t != nobody [ ask turtle_mode4_nh4_t [ set breed mode4_nh3h2o_t set size 2 ] ; 删除原来的mode4_h_t turtle ask turtle_mode4_oh_t [ die ] if count mode4_oh_t = 0[ let mode4_h20_t_molecule one-of turtles with [breed = mode4_h20_t] ask mode4_h20_t_molecule [ set x xcor set y ycor ];;创建一个h set nh4cl_flag 1 ask mode4_h20_t_molecule [ set breed mode4_oh_t set size 2 ] ] set update_figure_one_turtle_flag 1 ] ] ] ] if nh4cl_flag != 0[ create-mode4_h_t (nh4cl_flag) [ setxy x y set size 2 ] set nh4cl_flag 0 ] ] ] ] end ;;水的解离 to Hydrolytic_separation let temp_number count mode4_h20_t if temp_number >= 17[ if ticks mod 3000 = 0 [ let mode4_h20_t_molecule one-of turtles with [breed = mode4_h20_t] ;;将一个水分子变成h ask mode4_h20_t_molecule [ set breed mode4_h_t set size 2 ];;创建一个oh create-mode4_oh_t (1) [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 2 ] ] ] if temp_number = 17[ set Init_water 1 ] end ;;加入盐分解 to salt_separation if ticks mod 2000 = 0 [ let turtle_xys [] ; 创建一个空列表来存储坐标对 if (salt = "NaCl")[ ask mode4_nacl_t [ let xys list xcor ycor ; 创建一个包含当前乌龟坐标对的列表 set turtle_xys lput xys turtle_xys ; 将当前乌龟的坐标对添加到列表中 ] foreach turtle_xys [ xy -> create-mode4_na_t 1 [ setxy (item 0 xy) (item 1 xy) ; 根据坐标对生成乌龟 set size 2 ; 可根据需要设置乌龟颜色 ] ] ask mode4_nacl_t [ set breed mode4_cl_t set size 2 ] ] if (salt = "CH3COONa")[ ask mode4_naac_t [ let xys list xcor ycor ; 创建一个包含当前乌龟坐标对的列表 set turtle_xys lput xys turtle_xys ; 将当前乌龟的坐标对添加到列表中 ] foreach turtle_xys [ xy -> create-mode4_na_t 1 [ setxy (item 0 xy) (item 1 xy) ; 根据坐标对生成乌龟 set size 2 ; 可根据需要设置乌龟颜色 ] ] ask mode4_naac_t [ set breed mode4_ac_t set size 2 ] ] if (salt = "NH4Cl")[ ask mode4_nh4cl_t [ let xys list xcor ycor ; 创建一个包含当前乌龟坐标对的列表 set turtle_xys lput xys turtle_xys ; 将当前乌龟的坐标对添加到列表中 ] foreach turtle_xys [ xy -> create-mode4_cl_t 1 [ setxy (item 0 xy) (item 1 xy) ; 根据坐标对生成乌龟 set size 2 ; 可根据需要设置乌龟颜色 ] ] ask mode4_nh4cl_t [ set breed mode4_nh4_t set size 2 ] ] if (salt = "CH3COONH4")[ ask mode4_nh4ac_t [ let xys list xcor ycor ; 创建一个包含当前乌龟坐标对的列表 set turtle_xys lput xys turtle_xys ; 将当前乌龟的坐标对添加到列表中 ] foreach turtle_xys [ xy -> create-mode4_nh4_t 1 [ setxy (item 0 xy) (item 1 xy) ; 根据坐标对生成乌龟 set size 2 ; 可根据需要设置乌龟颜色 ] ] ask mode4_nh4ac_t [ set breed mode4_ac_t set size 2 ] ] set add_flag 2 ] end ;;对应升温按键 to Up_T set Up_T_flag 1 if ticks mod 300 = 0 [ if (salt = "CH3COONa")[ let temp_change 0 if temp_change = 0[ if count mode4_ac_t > 8 [ let x 0 let y 0 ask mode4_ac_t [ if temp_change = 0[ let meeting-mode4_h_t mode4_h_t in-radius 10 if count meeting-mode4_h_t > 0 [ ; 在半径2的范围内相遇时,创建新的turtle let turtles-here-mode4_ac_t turtles with [breed = mode4_ac_t] let turtles-here-mode4_h_t turtles with [breed = mode4_h_t] let turtle_mode4_ac_t one-of turtles-here-mode4_ac_t in-radius 4 let turtle_mode4_h_t one-of turtles-here-mode4_h_t in-radius 4 if turtle_mode4_ac_t != nobody and turtle_mode4_h_t != nobody [ ask turtle_mode4_ac_t [ set breed mode4_hac_t set size 2 ] ; 删除原来的mode4_h_t turtle ask turtle_mode4_h_t [ die ] if count mode4_h_t = 0[ let mode4_h20_t_molecule one-of turtles with [breed = mode4_h20_t] ask mode4_h20_t_molecule [ set x xcor set y ycor ];;创建一个oh set ch3coona_flag 1 ask mode4_h20_t_molecule [ set breed mode4_h_t set size 2 ];;创建一个oh ] set temp_change 1 ] ] ] ] if ch3coona_flag != 0[ create-mode4_oh_t (ch3coona_flag) [ setxy x y set size 2 ] set ch3coona_flag 0 ] ] ] ] ] end ;;对应降温按键 to Down_T set Down_T_figure_flag 1 if (salt = "CH3COONa")[ if Down_T_flag = 0[ if ticks mod 300 = 0 [ let turtle_xys [] ; 创建一个空列表来存储坐标对 let turtle_mode4_hac_t n-of 2 mode4_hac_t ask turtle_mode4_hac_t [ let xys list xcor ycor ; 创建一个包含当前乌龟坐标对的列表 set turtle_xys lput xys turtle_xys ; 将当前乌龟的坐标对添加到列表中 set breed mode4_ac_t set size 2 ] foreach turtle_xys [ xy -> create-mode4_h_t 1 [ setxy (item 0 xy) (item 1 xy) ; 根据坐标对生成乌龟 set size 2 ; 可根据需要设置乌龟颜色 ] ] if count mode4_ac_t = 12[ set Down_T_flag 1 ] ] ] if Down_T_flag != 2[ ask mode4_oh_t [ let meeting-mode4_h_t mode4_h_t in-radius 10 if count meeting-mode4_h_t > 0 [ ; 在半径2的范围内相遇时,创建新的turtle let turtles-here-mode4_oh_t turtles with [breed = mode4_oh_t] let turtles-here-mode4_h_t turtles with [breed = mode4_h_t] let turtle_mode4_oh_t one-of turtles-here-mode4_oh_t in-radius 2 let turtle_mode4_h_t one-of turtles-here-mode4_h_t in-radius 2 if turtle_mode4_oh_t != nobody and turtle_mode4_h_t != nobody [ if Down_T_flag != 2[ ask turtle_mode4_oh_t [ set breed mode4_h20_t set size 2 ] ; 删除原来的mode4_h_t turtle ask turtle_mode4_h_t [ die ] if count mode4_h20_t = 11[ set Down_T_flag 2 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] end ;;对应加入CH3COONa按键 to add_CH3C00Na set add_CH3C00Na_figure_flag 1 ;控制时间 if (salt = "CH3COONa")[ if ticks mod 300 = 0 [ if add_CH3C00Na_flag = 0[ create-mode4_naac_t 5 [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ; 根据坐标对生成乌龟 set size 2 ; 可根据需要设置乌龟颜色 ] set add_CH3C00Na_flag 1 ] if count mode4_naac_t > 0 [ let x 0 let y 0 let turtle_mode4_naac_t n-of 1 mode4_naac_t ask turtle_mode4_naac_t[ set x xcor set y ycor set breed mode4_ac_t set size 2 ] create-mode4_na_t 1 [ setxy x y set size 2 ] ] if add_CH3C00Na_flag = 1[ ask mode4_h_t [ let meeting-mode4_ac_t mode4_ac_t in-radius 10 if count meeting-mode4_ac_t > 0 [ ; 在半径2的范围内相遇时,创建新的turtle let turtles-here-mode4_ac_t turtles with [breed = mode4_ac_t] let turtles-here-mode4_h_t turtles with [breed = mode4_h_t] let turtle_mode4_ac_t one-of turtles-here-mode4_ac_t in-radius 2 let turtle_mode4_h_t one-of turtles-here-mode4_h_t in-radius 2 if turtle_mode4_ac_t != nobody and turtle_mode4_h_t != nobody [ if add_CH3C00Na_flag = 1[ ask turtle_mode4_h_t [ set breed mode4_hac_t set size 2 ] ; 删除原来的mode4_h_t turtle ask turtle_mode4_ac_t [ die ] set add_CH3C00Na_flag 2 ] ] ] ] ] if add_CH3C00Na_flag = 2[ let x 0 let y 0 let turtle_mode4_h2o_t n-of 1 mode4_h20_t ask turtle_mode4_h2o_t[ set x xcor set y ycor set breed mode4_h_t set size 2 ] create-mode4_oh_t 1 [ setxy x y set size 2 ] set add_CH3C00Na_flag 3 ] ] ] end ;;对应加水按键 to add_water set add_water_figure_flag 1 if (salt = "CH3COONa")[ if ticks mod 300 = 0 [ if add_water_flag = 0 [ create-mode4_h20_t 10 [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ; 根据坐标对生成乌龟 set size 2 ; 可根据需要设置乌龟颜色 ] set add_water_flag 1 ] if add_water_flag = 1[ ask mode4_h_t [ let meeting-mode4_ac_t mode4_ac_t in-radius 10 if count meeting-mode4_ac_t > 0 [ ; 在半径2的范围内相遇时,创建新的turtle let turtles-here-mode4_ac_t turtles with [breed = mode4_ac_t] let turtles-here-mode4_h_t turtles with [breed = mode4_h_t] let turtle_mode4_ac_t one-of turtles-here-mode4_ac_t in-radius 2 let turtle_mode4_h_t one-of turtles-here-mode4_h_t in-radius 2 if turtle_mode4_ac_t != nobody and turtle_mode4_h_t != nobody [ if add_water_flag = 1[ ask turtle_mode4_h_t [ set breed mode4_hac_t set size 2 ] ; 删除原来的mode4_h_t turtle ask turtle_mode4_ac_t [ die ] set add_water_flag 2 ] ] ] ] ] if add_water_flag = 2 [ let x 0 let y 0 let turtle_mode4_h2o_t n-of 1 mode4_h20_t ask turtle_mode4_h2o_t[ set x xcor set y ycor set breed mode4_h_t set size 2 ] create-mode4_oh_t 1 [ setxy x y set size 2 ] set add_water_flag 3 ] ] ] end ;;对应加酸按键 to add_acid set add_acid_figure_flag 1 if (salt = "CH3COONa")[ if ticks mod 300 = 0 [ if add_acid_flag = 0[ create-mode4_h_t 3 [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ; 根据坐标对生成乌龟 set size 2 ; 可根据需要设置乌龟颜色 ] set add_acid_flag 1 ] ;h + oh -> h2o if add_acid_flag = 1[ ask mode4_oh_t [ let meeting-mode4_h_t mode4_h_t in-radius 10 if count meeting-mode4_h_t > 0 [ ; 在半径2的范围内相遇时,创建新的turtle let turtles-here-mode4_oh_t turtles with [breed = mode4_oh_t] let turtles-here-mode4_h_t turtles with [breed = mode4_h_t] let turtle_mode4_oh_t one-of turtles-here-mode4_oh_t in-radius 2 let turtle_mode4_h_t one-of turtles-here-mode4_h_t in-radius 2 if turtle_mode4_oh_t != nobody and turtle_mode4_h_t != nobody [ if count mode4_oh_t != 9[ ask turtle_mode4_oh_t [ set breed mode4_h20_t set size 2 ] ; 删除原来的mode4_h_t turtle ask turtle_mode4_h_t [ die ] if count mode4_oh_t = 9[ set add_acid_flag 2 ] ] ] ] ] ] ;ac + h -> hac if add_acid_flag = 2[ ask mode4_h_t [ let meeting-mode4_ac_t mode4_ac_t in-radius 10 if count meeting-mode4_ac_t > 0 [ ; 在半径2的范围内相遇时,创建新的turtle let turtles-here-mode4_ac_t turtles with [breed = mode4_ac_t] let turtles-here-mode4_h_t turtles with [breed = mode4_h_t] let turtle_mode4_ac_t one-of turtles-here-mode4_ac_t in-radius 2 let turtle_mode4_h_t one-of turtles-here-mode4_h_t in-radius 2 if turtle_mode4_ac_t != nobody and turtle_mode4_h_t != nobody [ if add_acid_flag = 2[ ask turtle_mode4_h_t [ set breed mode4_hac_t set size 2 ] ; 删除原来的mode4_h_t turtle ask turtle_mode4_ac_t [ die ] set add_acid_flag 3 ] ] ] ] ] ;h2o -> h + oh if add_acid_flag = 3[ let x 0 let y 0 let turtle_mode4_h2o_t n-of 1 mode4_h20_t ask turtle_mode4_h2o_t[ set x xcor set y ycor set breed mode4_h_t set size 2 ] create-mode4_oh_t 1 [ setxy x y set size 2 ] set add_acid_flag 4 ] ] ] end ;;对应加碱按键 to add_base set add_base_figure_flag 1 if (salt = "CH3COONa")[ if ticks mod 300 = 0 [ if add_base_flag = 0[ create-mode4_oh_t 3 [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ; 根据坐标对生成乌龟 set size 2 ; 可根据需要设置乌龟颜色 ] set add_base_flag 1 ] ;2 oh + 2 hac -> 2 h2o + 2 ac if add_base_flag = 1[ ask mode4_oh_t [ let meeting-mode4_hac_t mode4_ac_t in-radius 10 if count meeting-mode4_hac_t > 0 [ ; 在半径2的范围内相遇时,创建新的turtle let turtles-here-mode4_oh_t turtles with [breed = mode4_oh_t] let turtles-here-mode4_hac_t turtles with [breed = mode4_hac_t] let turtle_mode4_oh_t one-of turtles-here-mode4_oh_t in-radius 2 let turtle_mode4_hac_t one-of turtles-here-mode4_hac_t in-radius 2 if turtle_mode4_oh_t != nobody and turtle_mode4_hac_t != nobody [ if count mode4_oh_t != 12[ ask turtle_mode4_oh_t [ set breed mode4_h20_t set size 2 ] ; 删除原来的mode4_h_t turtle ask turtle_mode4_hac_t [ set breed mode4_ac_t set size 2 ] if count mode4_oh_t = 12[ set add_base_flag 2 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] end ;;对应加入按键 to add if add_flag = 0[ if (salt = "NaCl")[ create-mode4_nacl_t (20) [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 2 ] ] if (salt = "CH3COONa")[ create-mode4_naac_t (20) [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 2 ] ] if (salt = "NH4Cl")[ create-mode4_nh4cl_t (20) [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 2 ] ] if (salt = "CH3COONH4")[ create-mode4_nh4ac_t (20) [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 2 ] ] set add_flag 1 ] end
There is only one version of this model, created 10 months ago by Ying Li.
This model does not have any ancestors.
This model does not have any descendants.