SIIR Agent-Based Model

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Default-person Neal Clarin (Author)


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globals [ b2 c3 ]

turtles-own [;; Turtle characteristics
  infectious? ;; note: symptomatics have the virus but not infectious (since they're assumed to be quarantined)
  infection_state ;; presymptomatic, asymptomatic, symptomatic
  dead ;; is alive [true/false]
  immune ;; is immune [true / false] ;recovered or susceptible
  inc_p ; incubation period for presymptomatics ;at the end they bifurcates to either asymp or symp ;note:Since there's already a global variable 'incubation period', they can't be of the same name
  ons_p ; (onset period) symp or asymp at the end of this period, bifurcates to recovered or dead (if symp)
  antibody_duration ;; if not immune auto 0 else the inverse of the set antibody decay

to setup ;; this procedure sets up the simulation for start

  set b2 1 - b1
  set c3 1 - c2

  create-turtles number_turtles [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set infectious? false
    set infection_state "susceptible"
    set shape "person"
    set dead false
    set immune false
    set inc_p 0
    set ons_p 0
    set antibody_duration 0

  ask one-of turtles [
    set infectious? true
    set infection_state "presymptomatic"
    set inc_p incubation_period
    ;set infection_state "asymptomatic"
    ;set ons_p onset_period
  ] ;;one gets infected

  ask turtles [recolor]


to go ;; each tick of simulation turtle do this
  if all? turtles [infectious?] [stop]
  if all? turtles [infectious? = false] [stop]

  ask turtles [move]
  ask turtles [spread]
  ask turtles [transform]
  ask turtles [recover]
  ask turtles [recolor]


to move
  if dead = false and infection_state != "symptomatic" ;at the simplest form, symptomatics won't move since they're assumed to be quarantined
  [                                                    ;ig better if there are specific patches that is either their home or the hospital to be quarantined in (future endeavor)
    right random 150
    left random 150

    fd 1

to spread
  ifelse infection_state != "susceptible" [] [
    if any? other turtles-here in-radius 1 with [infectious?]
      if immune = false
        if random-float 1.0 < infection_rate
          set infectious? true
          set infection_state "presymptomatic"
          set inc_p incubation_period
          if connection [
            ask self [create-links-from other turtles-here with [infectious?]]
    ] ;; checking if there is virus near this agent

to transform ;change states

  ;presymptomatic bifurcation
  ;presymptomatic to symptomatic - b1 ;presymptomatic to asymptomatic - b2
  if infection_state = "presymptomatic" and infectious? = true
    ifelse inc_p = 0 [
      if b1 > b2
        ifelse random-float 1 < b1
        [ set infection_state "symptomatic" set infectious? false set ons_p onset_period]
        [ set infection_state "asymptomatic" set ons_p onset_period]
      if b2 > b1
        ifelse random-float 1 < b2
        [ set infection_state "asymptomatic" set ons_p onset_period]
        [ set infection_state "symptomatic" set infectious? false set ons_p onset_period]
      if b2 = b1
        ifelse random-float 1.0 < 0.5
        [ set infection_state "symptomatic" set infectious? false set ons_p onset_period]
        [ set infection_state "asymptomatic" set ons_p onset_period]
    ] [ set inc_p inc_p - 1 ]

  ;recovered goes back to susceptible after some time
  if infection_state = "recovered" and infectious? = false and immune = true
    ifelse antibody_duration = 0 [
      set infection_state "susceptible" set immune false
    ] [ set antibody_duration antibody_duration - 1]

to recover ;symptomatic to recover or death? ;asymptomatic to recover?

  if infection_state = "asymptomatic" and infectious? = true
    ifelse ons_p = 0
      set infection_state "recovered" set infectious? false set immune true set antibody_duration 1 / antibody_decay
    ][ set ons_p ons_p - 1]

  if infection_state = "symptomatic" and infectious? = false
    ;either death or recovery
    ifelse ons_p = 0
      if c2 > c3
        ifelse random-float 1 < c2
        [ set infection_state "recovered" set infectious? false set immune true set antibody_duration 1 / antibody_decay]
        [ set infection_state "dead" set dead true ]
      if c3 > c2
        ifelse random-float 1 < c3
        [ set infection_state "dead" set dead true]
        [ set infection_state "recovered" set infectious? false set immune true set antibody_duration 1 / antibody_decay]
      if c2 = c3
        ifelse random-float 1.0 < 0.5
        [ set infection_state "recovered" set infectious? false set immune true set antibody_duration 1 / antibody_decay]
        [ set infection_state "dead" set dead true]
    ][ set ons_p ons_p - 1]

to recolor ;green-susceptible ;yellow-presymptomatic ;red-asymptomatic ;violet-symptomatic ;blue-recovered ;black-dead
  if infectious? = false and infection_state = "susceptible" [set color gray + 1]
  if infectious? and infection_state = "presymptomatic" [set color yellow]
  if infectious? and infection_state = "asymptomatic" [set color red]
  if infectious? = false and infection_state = "symptomatic" [set color violet]
  if immune [set color blue]
  if dead [set color black]


to-report b2-value
  report 1 - b1

to-report c3-value
  report 1 - c2

to-report antibody-duration
  report 1 / antibody_decay


to-report susceptible
  report count turtles with [infection_state = "susceptible"]

to-report presymptomatic
  report count turtles with [infection_state = "presymptomatic"]

to-report asymptomatic
  report count turtles with [infection_state = "asymptomatic"]

to-report symptomatic
  report count turtles with [infection_state = "symptomatic"]

to-report recovered
  report count turtles with [immune = true]

to-report deceased
  report count turtles with [dead = true]

There is only one version of this model, created 6 months ago by Neal Clarin.

Attached files

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SIIR Agent-Based Model.png preview Preview for 'SIIR Agent-Based Model' 6 months ago, by Neal Clarin Download

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