Rubin and Schneider (2021)
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;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Setup Procedures ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; globals [ remover ;; tracks the number of ticks so we can "retire" scientists once the number of scientists reaches num-scientists ticks-on-contest ;; tracks the number of ticks used on display-contest to calibrate aspects of model which depend on time-steps ] turtles-own [group] ;; if a turtle has group = 0, it is a part of a HEG. If a turtle has group = 1, it is part of a HUG. to setup clear-all set-default-shape turtles "circle" ;; make the initial network of two turtles and an edge create-turtles num-links [ set color red create-links-with other turtles fd 8 ] set remover 3 - num-scientists set ticks-on-contest 0 reset-ticks end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Main Procedures ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; go procedure for building and maintaining network to go ask turtles [set color red] ;; reset color if the model has just finished running display-contest ask links [ set color gray ] make-node set remover remover + 1 if remover >= 0 [ ask turtle remover [ die ] ] layout tick end ;; reports the difference between the proportion of contests won by a HEG member and the proportion of contests won by a HUG member to-report heg-advantage let hug-wins 0 let heg-wins 0 repeat num-contests [ ifelse run-contest = 0 [ set heg-wins heg-wins + 1 ] [ if run-contest = 1 [ set hug-wins hug-wins + 1 ] ] ] report (heg-wins - hug-wins ) / num-contests end ;; reports the winner of a contest to-report run-contest ;code for assigning contestants random-seed new-seed let winner nobody let hug-player one-of turtles with [group = 1] let heg-player one-of turtles with [group = 0] ask hug-player [set color blue] ask heg-player [set color green] while [count turtles with [color = red] != 0] [ let scientist one-of turtles with [color = red] let blues turtles with [color = blue] let greens turtles with [color = green] let blues-list sort blues let greens-list sort greens set blues-list map [i -> path-length scientist i ] blues-list set greens-list map [i -> path-length scientist i] greens-list let distance1 min blues-list let distance2 min greens-list ifelse distance1 < distance2 [ ask scientist [set color blue] ] [ ifelse distance2 < distance1 [ ask scientist [set color green] ] [ ask scientist [set color one-of [blue green]] ] ] ] ifelse (count turtles with [color = blue] > 66) [ set winner hug-player print ("Player from HUG wins!") ] [ ifelse (count turtles with [color = green] > 66) [ set winner heg-player print ("Player from HEG wins!") ] [ print ("Tie!") ] ] reset-contest ifelse winner != nobody [ report [group] of winner ] [ report 2] end ;; a procedure that displays each step of a attribution contest. to display-contest random-seed new-seed let winner nobody let hug-player one-of turtles with [group = 1] let heg-player one-of turtles with [group = 0] ask hug-player [set color blue] ask heg-player [set color green] while [count turtles with [color = red] != 0] [ let scientist one-of turtles with [color = red] let blues turtles with [color = blue] let greens turtles with [color = green] let blues-list sort blues let greens-list sort greens set blues-list map [i -> path-length scientist i ] blues-list set greens-list map [i -> path-length scientist i] greens-list let distance1 min blues-list let distance2 min greens-list print (word "The scientist is " distance1 " steps away from the closest blue scientist. " "The scientist is " distance2 " steps away from the closest green scientist.") ifelse distance1 < distance2 [ ask scientist [set color blue] ] [ ifelse distance2 < distance1 [ ask scientist [set color green] ] [ ask scientist [set color one-of [blue green]] ] ] tick set ticks-on-contest ticks-on-contest + 1 ] ifelse (count turtles with [color = blue] > 66) [ set winner hug-player print ("Player from HUG wins!") ] [ ifelse (count turtles with [color = green] > 66) [ set winner heg-player print ("Player from HEG wins!") ] [ print ("Tie!") ] ] end ;; procedure to reset a contest to reset-contest ask turtles [set color red] end ;; procedure to make a node and connect it with other nodes. to make-node create-turtles 1 [ set color red let community-proportion population_proportion / (1 + 10 * e ^ (-0.5 * (ticks - ticks-on-contest))) ;; here we use ticks-on-contest so that the ticks used in displaying a contest do not count towards the actual time-steps. ifelse random-float 1 <= community-proportion [ set group 1 set shape "box" set size 3 ] [ set group 0 ] let partners find-partners self let old-nodes map [i -> item 0 i] partners foreach old-nodes [ i -> create-link-with i [ set color green ] move-to i fd 8 ] ;; code for adding advisors if count turtles >= 50 [ let partner-list first partners let partner-turtle first partner-list let partner-link-neighbors sort [link-neighbors] of partner-turtle foreach partner-link-neighbors [ i -> if self != i [ ; Ensure we're not linking to ourselves let ran random-float 1 if ran < .5 [ create-link-with i [ set color blue ] ] ] ] ] ] end ;; procedure to find partners that a new node will connect to to-report find-partners [new-node] ;; issue with turtle 178 let old-nodes sort turtles with [self != new-node] let degrees sum map [i -> count [link-neighbors] of i] old-nodes let similarities sum map [i -> similarity new-node i] old-nodes let turtle-weights map [i -> list (i) (homophily * (similarity new-node i / (1 + similarities)) + (1 - homophily) * (count [link-neighbors] of i / degrees))] old-nodes ;; We weigh each turtle's chances of connecting based on their similarity and degree. See Rubin and Schneider (2021). report lottery-winners turtle-weights end ;; reports 1 if two nodes are in the same group and 0 otherwise. to-report similarity [new-node old-node] ifelse [group] of new-node = [group] of old-node [ report 1 ] [ report 0 ] end ;; procedure that determines the group of nodes a new node will connect to. to-report lottery-winners [turtle-weights] set turtle-weights shuffle turtle-weights let results [] repeat num-links [ let weights map [i -> item 1 i] turtle-weights let pick random-float sum weights let result nobody foreach turtle-weights [ i -> if result = nobody [ ifelse pick <= item 1 i [ set result i ] [ set pick pick - item 1 i ] ] ] if result != nobody [ ;;issue here set turtle-weights remove result turtle-weights set results lput result results ] ] report results end ;; a procedure that reports the shortest path-length between two turtles using depth-first search to-report path-length [start-turtle end-turtle] if start-turtle = end-turtle [ report 0 ] ; Path length is 0 if both turtles are the same let visited-nodes [] let queue (list (list start-turtle 0)) ; Queue contains pairs of turtle and path length while [not empty? queue] [ let current-item first queue let current-turtle item 0 current-item let current-length item 1 current-item set queue butfirst queue if not member? current-turtle visited-nodes [ set visited-nodes lput current-turtle visited-nodes if current-turtle = end-turtle [ report current-length ; Found the end turtle, report the path length ] ask current-turtle [ let next-neighbors link-neighbors with [not member? self visited-nodes] let next-neighbors-list sort next-neighbors foreach next-neighbors-list [ x -> set queue lput (list x (current-length + 1)) queue ] ] ] ] report -1 ; Return -1 or some indicator if no path is found end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Layout ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; resize-nodes, change back and forth from size based on degree to a size of 1 to resize-nodes ifelse all? turtles [size <= 1] [ ;; a node is a circle with diameter determined by ;; the SIZE variable; using SQRT makes the circle's ;; area proportional to its degree ask turtles [ set size sqrt count link-neighbors ] ] [ ask turtles [ set size 1 ] ] end to layout ;; the number 3 here is arbitrary; more repetitions slows down the ;; model, but too few gives poor layouts repeat 3 [ ;; the more turtles we have to fit into the same amount of space, ;; the smaller the inputs to layout-spring we'll need to use let factor sqrt count turtles ;; numbers here are arbitrarily chosen for pleasing appearance layout-spring turtles links (1 / factor) (350 / factor) (20 / factor) display ;; for smooth animation ] ;; don't bump the edges of the world let x-offset max [xcor] of turtles + min [xcor] of turtles let y-offset max [ycor] of turtles + min [ycor] of turtles ;; big jumps look funny, so only adjust a little each time set x-offset limit-magnitude x-offset 0.1 set y-offset limit-magnitude y-offset 0.1 ask turtles [ setxy (xcor - x-offset / 2) (ycor - y-offset / 2) ] end to-report limit-magnitude [number limit] if number > limit [ report limit ] if number < (- limit) [ report (- limit) ] report number end
There is only one version of this model, created 10 months ago by Sean Huang.
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