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Default-person Peter Nikolyuk (Author)


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This shows how to make turtles move along a perfect sphere. The first procedure moves turtles based a user-defined distance to be travelled; the second moves then based on a user-defined degree measure.


We use trigonometry to calculate the turtle's successive positions on the circle.


Turtles Circling, Circular Path Example

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globals [ radius ]

to setup
  set radius ( world-width - 2 ) / 2

  create-turtles 12 [
    ;; move to a random point on the sphere
    tilt-up ( random 180 ) - 90
    fd radius
    ;; lie tangent to the sphere
    tilt-down 90
    ;; turn again so that not all turtles are moving
    ;; to north and south poles
    rt random 360

to go-distance
  ask turtles [
    arc-forward-by-distance step-size
    lt random wiggle-range rt random wiggle-range

to go-angle
  ask turtles [
    arc-forward-by-angle arc-angle
    lt random wiggle-range rt random wiggle-range

;; This procedure moves the turtle to the next point
;; on the sphere the given distance along the curve.

to arc-forward-by-distance [dist] ;; turtle procedure
  ;; calculate how much of an angle we'll be turning through
  ;; (essentially converting radians to degrees)
  let theta dist * 180 / ( pi * radius )
  ;; turn to face the next point we're going to
  tilt-down theta / 2
  ;; go there
  fd dist
  ;; turn to face tangent to the circle
  tilt-down theta / 2

;; This procedure moves the turtle to the next point
;; on the sphere the given angle measure along the curve.

to arc-forward-by-angle [angle] ;; turtle procedure
  ;; turn to face the next point we're going to
  tilt-down angle / 2
  ;; calculate the distance we'll have to move forward
  ;; in order to stay on the circle. Go there.
  fd 2 * radius * sin (angle / 2)
  ;; turn to face tangent to the circle
  tilt-down angle / 2

; Public Domain:
; To the extent possible under law, Uri Wilensky has waived all
; copyright and related or neighboring rights to this model.

There is only one version of this model, created 7 months ago by Peter Nikolyuk.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
globals.png preview Preview for 'globals' 7 months ago, by Peter Nikolyuk Download

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