Game Theory UHON 111 SP24

Game Theory UHON 111 SP24 preview image

1 collaborator

Default-person David Earnest (Author)


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breed [ titles title ]
breed [ opponents opponent ]

globals [ player-score opponent-score playerchoice opponentchoice game-outcome initial-play iteration unknown-strategy ]

to setup


  create-turtles 4 [ set color black make-labels ]
  ask turtle 0 [ setxy 5 4 ]
  ask turtle 1 [ setxy 5 -4 ]
  ask turtle 2 [ setxy -3 -4 ]
  ask turtle 3 [ setxy -3 4 ]

;;          ;;
;; GO STUFF ;;
;;          ;;

to play
  wait 0.1

  if (ticks > 99) [ stop ]

to play-a-choice

  ;; Find player 1 strategy

  set opponentchoice 0

  let opponent-choice "Null"

  ifelse (unknown-strategy = 0)


      if (opponent-strategy = "Cooperative")
        [ set opponentchoice 1 ]
      if (opponent-strategy = "Conflictual")
        [ set opponentchoice 0 ]
      if (opponent-strategy = "Random")
          let randomchoice random 1000
          ifelse (randomchoice < 500)
            [ set opponentchoice 0 ]
            [ set opponentchoice 1 ]

      if (opponent-strategy = "Reciprocation")
          ifelse (iteration = 1)
            [ set opponentchoice initial-play ]
            [ set opponentchoice playerchoice ]

      set playerchoice 0

      if (your-strategy = "Cooperate (up)")
        [ set playerchoice 1 ]

      if (your-strategy = "Reciprocation")
          ifelse (iteration = 1)
            [ set playerchoice initial-play ]
            [ set playerchoice opponentchoice ]



      if (unknown-strategy = "Cooperative")
        [ set opponentchoice 1 ]
      if (unknown-strategy = "Conflictual")
        [ set opponentchoice 0 ]
      if (unknown-strategy = "Random")
          let randomchoice random 1000
          ifelse (randomchoice < 500)
            [ set opponentchoice 0 ]
            [ set opponentchoice 1 ]
      if (unknown-strategy = "Reciprocation")
          ifelse (iteration = 1)
            [ set opponentchoice initial-play ]
            [ set opponentchoice playerchoice ]

      set playerchoice 0

      if (your-strategy = "Cooperate (up)")
        [ set playerchoice 1 ]

      if (your-strategy = "Reciprocation")
          ifelse (iteration = 1)
            [ set playerchoice initial-play ]
            [ set playerchoice opponentchoice ]


  ;; Find player 2 strategy

  set iteration iteration + 1

  set game-outcome (word playerchoice ", " opponentchoice)

to calculate-payoffs

  if (game = "Rules of the Road")
       if (game-outcome = "0, 0")
           set player-score player-score + 1
           set opponent-score opponent-score + 1
       if (game-outcome = "1, 0")
           set player-score player-score + 0
           set opponent-score opponent-score + 0
       if (game-outcome = "0, 1")
           set player-score player-score + 0
           set opponent-score opponent-score + 0
       if (game-outcome = "1, 1")
           set player-score player-score + 1
           set opponent-score opponent-score + 1

  if (game = "Vacation")
       if (game-outcome = "0, 0")
           set player-score player-score + 1
           set opponent-score opponent-score + 2
       if (game-outcome = "1, 0")
           set player-score player-score
           set opponent-score opponent-score
       if (game-outcome = "0, 1")
           set player-score player-score
           set opponent-score opponent-score
       if (game-outcome = "1, 1")
           set player-score player-score + 2
           set opponent-score opponent-score + 1

  if (game = "Prisoner's Dilemma")
       if (game-outcome = "0, 0")
           set player-score player-score + 1
           set opponent-score opponent-score + 1
       if (game-outcome = "1, 0")
           set player-score player-score + 0
           set opponent-score opponent-score + 3
       if (game-outcome = "0, 1")
           set player-score player-score + 3
           set opponent-score opponent-score + 0
       if (game-outcome = "1, 1")
           set player-score player-score + 2
           set opponent-score opponent-score + 2

to plot-results


to draw-lines

  create-turtles 1
       set color white
       setxy -8 8
       set heading 90
       forward 16
       set heading 180
       forward 16
       set heading 270
       forward 16
       set heading 0
       forward 16
  create-turtles 1
       set color white
       setxy -8 0
       set heading 90
       fd 16
       setxy 0 -8
       set heading 0
       fd 16

to make-labels

  if game = "Rules of the Road"
       ask turtle 0 [ set label "Crash, Crash" ]
       ask turtle 1 [ set label "Alive, Alive" ]
       ask turtle 2 [ set label "Crash, Crash"]
       ask turtle 3 [ set label "Alive, Alive"]

  if game = "Vacation"
       ask turtle 0 [ set label "Alone, Alone" ]
       ask turtle 1 [ set label "Disapp, Happy" ]
       ask turtle 2 [ set label "Alone, Alone"]
       ask turtle 3 [ set label "Happy, Disapp"]

  if game = "Prisoner's Dilemma"
       ask turtle 0 [ set label "3 Yrs, Free" ]
       ask turtle 1 [ set label "2 Yrs, 2 Yrs" ]
       ask turtle 2 [ set label "Free, 3 Yrs"]
       ask turtle 3 [ set label "1 Yr, 1 Yr"]

to generate-titles
  create-titles 1
      set color black
      setxy -9 0
      set label "you"
  create-titles 1
      set color black
      setxy 1 9
      set label "opponent"

to generate-opponent
  create-opponents 1
       set hidden? true

to setup-scores
  set unknown-strategy 0
  set player-score 0
  set opponent-score 0
  set game-outcome "null"
  set initial-play 0
  set iteration 1

  if (opponent-strategy = "Unknown") [ set unknown-strategy one-of [ "Cooperative" "Conflictual" "Reciprocation" "Random" ]]

There are 8 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
David Earnest 8 months ago Final 20240207-0927 Download this version
David Earnest 8 months ago Final Version Download this version
David Earnest 8 months ago Updated 20240206-1916 Download this version
David Earnest 8 months ago Updated 20240206-1914 Download this version
David Earnest 8 months ago Updated 20240206-191100 Download this version
David Earnest 8 months ago Lesson plan for week 5b Download this version
David Earnest 8 months ago For week 5b lesson Download this version
David Earnest 8 months ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

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Game Theory UHON 111 SP24.png preview Preview for 'Game Theory UHON 111 SP24' 8 months ago, by David Earnest Download

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