PCH Project

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1 collaborator

Default-person Jeff O (Author)


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Model was written in NetLogo 6.2.2 • Viewed 59 times • Downloaded 2 times • Run 0 times
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turtles-own [name nearest-Exit]
patches-own [exit]
globals [Armory suitor-Armory Ody-xcor Ody-ycor Tele-xcor Tele-ycor this-turn last-turn cards
  starting level-oneing dialogue-oneing tutorialing escapist transition level-twoing
breed [suitors suitor]

; Create at least 1 map and a tutorial
; Start screen
; Back button
; Playtesting

to startup
  resize-world -14 14 -8 8
  set-patch-size 24
  write-sentence "PRESS G TO BEGIN PLAYING" -11 0 green 1
  set global-tick 1

to go
  if global-tick = 0 [startup]
  if global-tick = 1 [start-screen]
  if global-tick = 2 [level-tutorial]
  if global-tick = 3 [level-one]

to start-screen
  while [starting != 1 and starting != 2] [cd clear-turtles clear-patches
    ask patches with [pycor = 8] [sprout 3 [set heading 180 setxy (pxcor + (random-float -2) + 1) (pycor + 0.25) set color (random 3) + 11
    set pen-size random 10 + 8 pd fd random-float 2 if pxcor > 10 or pxcor < -10 [fd (random-float 10) + 2] if pxcor = -3 or pxcor = -2 [fd random-float 3] die]]
  set starting 1]
  while [starting = 1 and starting != 2] [THE-PALACE
    write-sentence "TUTORIAL" -4 1 green 3
    write-sentence "LEVEL 1: SUITORS" -8 -1 yellow 3
    ask patches [if pxcor >= -4 and pxcor <= 3 and pycor = 1 [set pcolor 57]]
    ask patches [if pxcor >= -8 and pxcor <= 7 and pycor = -1 [set pcolor 27]]
  set starting 2]

  if mouse-down? and [pcolor] of patch round mouse-xcor round mouse-ycor = 57 [set global-tick global-tick + 1]
  if mouse-down? and [pcolor] of patch round mouse-xcor round mouse-ycor = 27 [set global-tick global-tick + 2]

to level-tutorial
  while [tutorialing = 0] [
  set this-turn 1
  set last-turn 1
  set Armory false
  set suitor-Armory false
    set cards  0
    write-sentence (list this-turn) -8 8 white 3
  cro max-pxcor * 2 + 2 [setxy max-pxcor + who - 0.5 max-pycor set heading 180 set color black pd fd max-pycor * 2 + 2 die] ;down
  cro max-pycor * 2 + 2 [setxy max-pxcor + 1 max-pycor + who - 0.5 set heading 90 set color black pd fd max-pxcor * 2 + 2 die] ;side
  ask patches [set pcolor gray]
  ask patches with [pycor < min-pycor + 3 or pycor > max-pycor - 1] [set pcolor black]
  ask patch -6 8 [set pcolor green]
  ask patch -14 8 [set pcolor 15.5]
  write-sentence "TURN:" -13 8 white 3
  write-sentence "UNITS:" 4 8 white 3
    ask patches with [pycor = -3] [set pcolor white]
    ask patches with [pycor = 3] [set pcolor white]
    cro 1 [set name "Odysseus" set shape "person" set color cyan setxy -14 3]
    cro 1 [set name "Telemachus" set shape "person" set color red setxy -14 -3]
    create-suitors 1 [set name "Tutorial 1" set label name set label-color 100 set shape "person" set color random-float 2 + 7 setxy -8 3]
    create-suitors 1 [set name "Tutorial 2" set label name set label-color 100 set shape "person" set color random-float 2 + 7 setxy -9 -3]
    ask patch -12 -3 [Armory-patch]
    ask patch -3 3 [Exit-patch]
    ask patch -3 -3 [Exit-patch]
    set tutorialing 1

  while [this-turn = 1 and tutorialing = 1] [
    write-sentence "WELCOME TO THE TUTORIAL" -14 -6 green 3
    write-sentence "MOVE" -14 -7 white 3 write-sentence "ODYSSEUS" -9 -7 85 3 write-sentence "BY CLICKING A" 0 -7 white 3
    write-sentence "BLUE TILE" -14 -8 white 3
    set tutorialing 2
  while [this-turn = 1 and tutorialing = 2 and any? patches with [pcolor = 105]] [
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -6 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pd fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -7 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pd fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -8 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pd fd 30 die]
    write-sentence "MOVE" -14 -6 white 3 write-sentence "TELEMACHUS" -9 -6 15 3 write-sentence "BY CLICKING A" 2 -6 white 3
    write-sentence "RED TILE" -14 -7 white 3
    set tutorialing 3
  while [this-turn = 1 and tutorialing = 3 and any? patches with [pcolor = 15]] [
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -6 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pd fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -7 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pd fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -8 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pd fd 30 die]
    write-sentence "CLICK THE" -14 -6 white 3 write-sentence "GREEN BUTTON" -4 -6 green 3 write-sentence "TO" 9 -6 white 3
    write-sentence "ADVANCE THE TURN" -14 -7 white 3
    set tutorialing 4
  while [this-turn = 2 and tutorialing = 4] [
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -6 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -7 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -8 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    ask patch -14 -6 [Armory-patch]
    write-sentence "IS AN ARMORY TILE." -12 -6 white 3
    write-sentence "MOVE ?????????? TO THE ARMORY" -14 -7 white 3 write-sentence "TELEMACHUS" -9 -7 15 3
    set tutorialing 5
  while [tutorialing = 5 and Armory = true] [
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -6 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -7 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -8 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    ask patch -14 -6 [Armory-patch]
    write-sentence "IS AN ARMORY TILE." -12 -6 white 3
    write-sentence "MOVE ?????????? TO THE ARMORY" -14 -7 white 3 write-sentence "TELEMACHUS" -9 -7 15 3
    set tutorialing 6
  while [tutorialing = 6] [
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -6 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -7 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -8 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    ask patch -14 -6 [set pcolor black ask turtles-here [die]]
    ask patch -14 -6 [sprout 1 [set shape "person" set color random-float 2 + 7]]
    write-sentence "IS A SUITOR. AN ENEMY." -12 -6 white 3
    write-sentence "MOVE ??? AND ???? TO THE" -14 -7 white 3 write-sentence "ODY" -9 -7 85 3 write-sentence "TELE" -1 -7 15 3
    write-sentence "SUITORS" -14 -8 white 3
    ask turtles with [name = "Telemachus"] [setxy -6 -3]
    set tutorialing 7
  while [tutorialing = 7 and count suitors < 2] [
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -6 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -7 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -8 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    ask patch -14 -6 [set pcolor black ask turtles-here [die]]
    ask patch -14 -6 [Exit-patch]
    write-sentence "IS AN EXIT TILE" -12 -6 white 3
    write-sentence "IF ???????? GETS HERE YOU" -14 -7 white 3 write-sentence "A SUITOR" -11 -7 8 3
    write-sentence "LOSE" -14 -8 white 3
    set tutorialing 8
  while [tutorialing = 8 and count suitors = 0] [
    wait 2
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -6 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -7 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -8 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    ask patch -14 -6 [set pcolor black ask turtles-here [die]]
    ask patch -14 -6 [Armory-patch]
    ask turtles with [name = "Odysseus"] [setxy -14 3]
    ask turtles with [name = "Telemachus"] [setxy -14 -3]

    write-sentence "GIVES YOU TWO UNITS. THEY " -12 -6 white 3
    write-sentence "ARE EUMAEUS AND PHILOITHOS" -14 -7 white 3
    write-sentence "THEY CLOSE ARMORY AND EXITS" -14 -8 white 3 write-sentence ".." 12 -8 yellow 3
    set tutorialing 9
  while [tutorialing = 9] [
    wait 6
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -6 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -7 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -8 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    ask patch -14 -6 [set pcolor black ask turtles-here [die]]
    ask patch -8 -6 [Exit-patch]
    ask turtles with [name = "Odysseus"] [setxy -14 3]
    ask turtles with [name = "Telemachus"] [setxy -14 -3]
    create-suitors 1 [set name "Tutorial 3" set label name set label-color 100 set shape "person" set color random-float 2 + 7 setxy -9 3]
    create-suitors 1 [set name "Tutorial 4" set label name set label-color 100 set shape "person" set color random-float 2 + 7 setxy -9 -3]
    write-sentence "CLICK" -14 -6 white 3     write-sentence "TO CLOSE IT" -6 -6 white 3
    write-sentence "IT WILL BE CLOSED NEXT TURN" -14 -7 white 3
    set tutorialing 10
  while [any? turtles with [shape = "x"] and tutorialing = 10] [
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -6 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -7 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -8 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    ask patch -14 -6 [set pcolor black ask turtles-here [die]]
    ask patch -8 -6 [set pcolor black ask turtles-here [die]]
    ask patch -10 -7 [Armory-patch]
    write-sentence "YOU CAN ALSO CLOSE" -14 -6 white 3
    write-sentence "THE ? USING YOUR UNITS," -14 -7 white 3
    write-sentence "TRAPPING SOMEONE INSIDE" -14 -8 white 3
    set tutorialing 11
  while [tutorialing = 11] [
    wait 6
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -6 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -7 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -8 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    ask patches with [pycor <= -6] [set pcolor black ask turtles-here [die]]
    write-sentence "KILL THE SUITORS" -14 -6 white 3
    write-sentence "TO WIN!" -14 -7 white 3
    set tutorialing 12


to tutorial-logic
  if global-tick = 2 [
    if any? turtles with [shape = "x"] [ask suitors [ifelse any? neighbors4 with [any? turtles-here with [shape = "x"]] [setxy pxcor - 1 pycor] [setxy pxcor + 1 pycor]]]
    if any? patches with [any? turtles-here with [shape = "flag"] and any? suitors-here] [ ;lose-screen for tutorial
      clear-patches clear-drawing clear-turtles
      ask patches with [pycor = 8] [sprout 3 [set heading 180 setxy (pxcor + (random-float -2) + 1) (pycor + 0.25) set color (random 3) + 11 ;the blood thingy
    set pen-size random 10 + 8 pd fd random-float 2 if pxcor > 12 or pxcor < -12 [fd (random-float 10) + 2] die]]
      write-sentence "YOU LOST THE TUTORIAL!" -11 4 red 3
      wait 3 startup
    if tutorialing = 12 and not any? suitors [ ;win-screen for tutorial
      clear-patches clear-drawing clear-turtles
      ask patches with [pycor = 8] [sprout 3 [set heading 180 setxy (pxcor + (random-float -2) + 1) (pycor + 0.25) set color (random 3) + 11 ;the blood thingy
    set pen-size random 10 + 8 pd fd random-float 2 if pxcor > 12 or pxcor < -12 [fd (random-float 10) + 2] die]]
      write-sentence "YOU WON THE TUTORIAL!" -10 4 green 3
      wait 3 startup

to create-map-one [x y]
    ask patch (-11 + x) (5 + y) [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-11 + x) (4 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-11 + x) (3 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-11 + x) (2 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-12 + x) (2 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-10 + x) (2 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-13 + x) (1 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-13 + x) (0 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-9 + x) (5 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-8 + x) (5 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-8 + x) (4 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-8 + x) (3 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-8 + x) (2 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-8 + x) (1 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-7 + x) (5 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-6 + x) (5 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-5 + x) (5 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-4 + x) (5 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-3 + x) (5 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-2 + x) (5 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-1 + x) (5 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (0 + x) (5 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (1 + x) (5 + y) [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (2 + x) (5 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-4 + x) (4 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-6 + x) (3 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-5 + x) (3 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-3 + x) (3 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-6 + x) (1 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-6 + x) (0 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-6 + x) (-1 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-6 + x) (-2 + y) [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-6 + x) (-3 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-5 + x) (1 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-4 + x) (1 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-2 + x) (1 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-1 + x) (1 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (0 + x) (1 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (1 + x) (1 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (2 + x) (1 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-3 + x) (0 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-3 + x) (-1 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-3 + x) (-2 + y)  [Exit-patch]
    ask patch (-1 + x) (5 + y) [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-1 + x) (4 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-1 + x) (3 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-1 + x) (2 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-1 + x) (1 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (4 + x) (5 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (5 + x) (5 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (6 + x) (5 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (7 + x) (5 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (5 + x) (4 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (5 + x) (3 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (5 + x) (2 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (5 + x) (1 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (5 + x) (0 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (5 + x) (-1 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (6 + x) (3 + y) [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (7 + x) (3 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (7 + x) (2 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (7 + x) (1 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (7 + x) (0 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (6 + x) (0 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (2 + x) (3 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (2 + x) (2 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-10 + x) (6 + y)  [Exit-patch]
    ask patch (-10 + x) (1 + y)  [Exit-patch]
    ask patch (-6 + x) (-4 + y)  [Exit-patch]
    ask patch (-1 + x) (0 + y)  [Armory-patch]
    ask patch (3 + x) (6 + y)  [Exit-patch]
    ask patch (8 + x) (4 + y)  [Exit-patch]
    ask patch (-5 + x) (1 + y)  [Exit-patch]
    ask patch (-13 + x) (2 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-10 + x) (5 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-4 + x) (3 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-6 + x) (2 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (-3 + x) (1 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (2 + x) (4 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (3 + x) (5 + y)  [set pcolor white]
    ask patch (7 + x) (4 + y)  [set pcolor white]

to level-one
  while [level-oneing = 0] [ ;this is the start

  set this-turn 1
  set last-turn 1
  set Armory false
  set suitor-Armory false
  set cards 0
  cro max-pxcor * 2 + 2 [setxy max-pxcor + who - 0.5 max-pycor set heading 180 set color black pd fd max-pycor * 2 + 2 die] ;down
  cro max-pycor * 2 + 2 [setxy max-pxcor + 1 max-pycor + who - 0.5 set heading 90 set color black pd fd max-pxcor * 2 + 2 die] ;side
  ask patches [set pcolor gray]
  ask patches with [pycor < min-pycor + 3 or pycor > max-pycor - 1] [set pcolor black]
  ask patch -6 8 [set pcolor green]
  ask patch -14 8 [set pcolor 15.5]
  write-sentence "TURN:" -13 8 white 3
  write-sentence "UNITS:" 4 8 white 3
  write-sentence (list (floor (this-turn / 10)) (this-turn mod 10)) -8 8 white 3
  write-sentence (list (floor (cards / 10)) (cards mod 10)) 10 8 white 3
    create-map-one 0 0

    cro 1 [set name "Odysseus" set shape "person" set color cyan setxy -6 -3]
    cro 1 [set name "Telemachus" set shape "person" set color red setxy -3 -1]
    create-suitors 1 [set name "Antinous" set label name set label-color 100 set shape "person" set color random-float 2 + 7 setxy -6 -1]
    create-suitors 1 [set name "Eurymakhos" set label name set label-color 100 set shape "person" set color random-float 2 + 7 setxy -6 2]
    create-suitors 1 [set name "Amphinomos" set label name set label-color 100 set shape "person" set color random-float 2 + 7 setxy -1 1]
    create-suitors 1 [set name "Melanthios" set label name set label-color 100 set shape "person" set color random-float 2 + 7 setxy 2 3]
    create-suitors 1 [set name "Agelaos" set label name set label-color 100 set shape "person" set color random-float 2 + 7 setxy -4 4]
    create-suitors 1 [set name "Euryades" set label name set label-color 100 set shape "person" set color random-float 2 + 7 setxy -3 5]
    create-suitors 1 [set name "Demoptolemos" set label name set label-color 100 set shape "person" set color random-float 2 + 7 setxy -8 1]
    create-suitors 1 [set name "Elatos" set label name set label-color 100 set shape "person" set color random-float 2 + 7 setxy -8 2]
    create-suitors 1 [set name "Penisandros" set label name set label-color 100 set shape "person" set color random-float 2 + 7 setxy 5 0]

    cro 1 [setxy -14 -6 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -7 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -8 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    ask patches with [pycor <= -6] [set pcolor black ask turtles-here [die]]
    ask patch -14 -6 [sprout 1 [set shape "person" set color random-float 2 + 85]]
    write-sentence "ODYSSEUS" -13 -6 85 3
    write-sentence "{FIGHT YOUR WAY OUT" -4 -6 white 3
    write-sentence "OR RUN FOR IT, IF YOU" -14 -7 white 3
    write-sentence "THINK YOULL ESCAPE DEATH{" -14 -8 white 3
;  ask patches with [pxcor > -12 and pxcor < 7 and pycor = -1] [set pcolor white]
;  ask patches with [pxcor = -14 and pycor = -1] [set pcolor white]
;  ask patches with [pxcor = -13 and pycor = -1] [set pcolor white]
;  ask patches with [pxcor = -13 and pycor = 7] [set pcolor white]
;  ask patches with [pxcor > -14 and pxcor < -8 and pycor = 5] [set pcolor white]
;  ask patches with [pxcor = -13 and pycor = 3] [set pcolor white]
;  ask patches with [pxcor = -13 and pycor = 4] [set pcolor white]
;  ask patches with [pxcor = -12 and pycor < 6 and pycor > -1] [set pcolor white]
;  ask patches with [pxcor = -10 and pycor = 3] [set pcolor white]
;  ask patches with [pxcor = -5 and pycor > 2 and pycor < 8] [set pcolor white]
;  ask patches with [pxcor = -2 and pycor > 4 and pycor < 8] [set pcolor white]
;  ask patches with [pxcor = 5 and pycor = 1] [set pcolor white]
;  ask patches with [pxcor = 6 and pycor > -5 and pycor < 6] [set pcolor white]
;  ask patches with [pxcor > 5 and pxcor < 9 and pycor = 7] [set pcolor white]
;  ask patches with [pxcor < 10 and pxcor > 5 and pycor = 4] [set pcolor white]
;  ask patches with [pxcor > 10 and pxcor < 15 and pycor = 4] [set pcolor white]
;  ask patches with [pxcor > 5 and pxcor < 15 and pycor = 0] [set pcolor white]
;  ask patches with [pxcor < 11 and pxcor > 5 and pycor = 2] [set pcolor white]
;  ask patches with [pxcor = 10 and pycor = 3] [set pcolor white]
;  ask patches with [pxcor = 12 and pycor = 1] [set pcolor white]
;  ask patches with [pxcor = 14 and pycor = 1] [set pcolor white]
;  ask patches with [pxcor = 13 and pycor = 2] [set pcolor white]
;  ask patches with [pxcor = 14 and pycor = 2] [set pcolor white]
;    ask patch -13 6 [set pcolor white]
;    ask patch -11 3 [set pcolor white]
;    ask patch -12 -1 [set pcolor white]
;    ask patch -13 6 [set pcolor white]
;    ask patch 13 1 [set pcolor white]
;    ask patch 12 2 [set pcolor white]
;    ask patch 6 6 [set pcolor white]
;    ask patch 10 4 [set pcolor white]
;    ask patch 12 5 [set pcolor white]
;    ask patch 5 4 [set pcolor white]
;    ask patch 5 -3 [set pcolor white]
;    ask patch 6 -5 [set pcolor white]
;    ask patch -9 -2 [set pcolor white]
;    ask patch -14 3 [set pcolor white]
;    ask patch -5 2 [set pcolor white]
;    ask patch -8 5 [set pcolor white]
;    ask patch 0 7 [set pcolor white]
    set level-oneing 1
  while [Armory = true and level-oneing = 1] [
    ask turtles with [name = "Telemachus"] [setxy -1 5]
    set level-oneing 2

  while [level-oneing = 2 and count suitors = 1 and any? patches with [any? turtles-here with [shape = "x"] and any? suitors-here with [name = "Melanthios"]]] [;transition
    set transition 1
    repeat 7 [
      ask patches with [pycor <= 7 and pycor >= -5] [set pcolor 5]
      create-map-one 0 transition clear-turtles
      ask patches with [pycor = 8 or pycor <= -6] [set pcolor black]
      ask patches with [pycor = -4 or pycor = -5] [set pcolor 5]
      cro 1 [set color cyan set shape "person" setxy -13 transition]
      cro 1 [set color red set shape "person" setxy 5 (-1 + transition)]
      wait .5
      set transition transition + 1
    ask patch -14 8 [set pcolor 15.5]
    set level-oneing 3
  ]; win condition to next level

  while [level-oneing = 3] [ ;finishes creating the second part of the map
    ask turtles with [shape = "person"] [die]
    cro 1 [set name "Odysseus" set shape "person" set color cyan setxy -13 7]
    create-suitors 1 [set name "Leodes" set label name set label-color 100 set shape "person" set color random-float 2 + 7 setxy -13 2]
    ask patches with [pxcor = -13 and pycor <= 6 and pycor >= 1] [set pcolor white]
    set level-oneing 4

  if level-oneing = 4 and not any? turtles with [xcor = -13 and ycor = 7 and name = "Odysseus"] [
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -6 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -7 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -8 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    ask patches with [pycor <= -6] [set pcolor black ask turtles-here [die]]
    ask patch -14 -6 [sprout 1 [set shape "person" set color random-float 2 + 7]]
    write-sentence "?Leodes" -14 -6 5 3
    write-sentence "???????? {Mercy, mercy" -14 -6 white 3
    write-sentence "on a suppliant, Odysseus!{"-14 -7 white 3
    set level-oneing 5
  if level-oneing = 5 and not any? suitors [
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -6 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -7 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -8 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    ask patches with [pycor <= -6] [set pcolor black ask turtles-here [die]]
    ask patch -14 -6 [sprout 1 [set shape "person" set color random-float 2 + 85]]
    write-sentence "?Odysseus" -14 -6 85 3
    write-sentence "????????? {No plea like" -14 -6 white 3
    write-sentence "yours could save you."-14 -7 white 3
     write-sentence "Death it shall be!{"-14 -8 white 3
    wait 2
    set level-oneing 6

  if level-oneing = 6 [
    ask turtles [die]
    ask patches with [pycor = 8] [sprout 3 [set hidden? true set heading 180 setxy (pxcor + (random-float -2) + 1) (pycor + 0.25) set color (random 3) + 11 ;the blood thingy
      set pen-size random 10 + 8 pd]]
    repeat 250 [ask turtles [fd random-float 0.1] wait 0.01]
    set level-oneing 7

  if level-oneing = 7 [; win-screen
    clear-patches clear-drawing clear-turtles
    cro 1 [setxy -6 8 set pen-size 50 set color black pd fd 0.1 die]
    ask patches with [pycor = 8] [sprout 3 [set heading 180 setxy (pxcor + (random-float -2) + 1) (pycor + 0.25) set color (random 3) + 11 ;the blood thingy
    set pen-size random 10 + 8 pd fd random-float 2 if pxcor > 12 or pxcor < -12 [fd (random-float 10) + 2] die]]
      write-sentence "YOU WIN THE LEVEL!" -9 4 green 3
    wait 5

to level1-logic
  if global-tick = 3 [
    if last-turn = 1 [
      ask turtles with [name = "Antinous"] [setxy xcor ycor + 1]
      ask turtles with [name = "Eurymakhos"] [setxy xcor ycor - 1]
      ask turtles with [name = "Amphinomos"] [setxy xcor - 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Melanthios"] [setxy xcor ycor - 1]
      ask turtles with [name = "Agelaos"] [setxy xcor ycor + 1]
      ask turtles with [name = "Euryades"] [setxy xcor + 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Demoptolemos"] [setxy xcor ycor + 1]
      ask turtles with [name = "Elatos"] [setxy xcor ycor + 1]
      ask turtles with [name = "Penisandros"] [setxy xcor ycor + 1]
    if last-turn = 2 [
      ask turtles with [name = "Antinous"] [setxy xcor ycor + 1]
      ask turtles with [name = "Eurymakhos"] [setxy xcor + 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Amphinomos"] [setxy xcor - 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Melanthios"] [setxy xcor ycor - 1]
      ask turtles with [name = "Agelaos"] [setxy xcor - 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Euryades"] [setxy xcor + 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Demoptolemos"] [setxy xcor ycor + 1]
      ask turtles with [name = "Elatos"] [setxy xcor ycor + 1]
      ask turtles with [name = "Penisandros"] [setxy xcor ycor + 1]
    if last-turn = 3 [
      ask turtles with [name = "Antinous"] [setxy xcor + 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Eurymakhos"] []
      ask turtles with [name = "Amphinomos"] [setxy xcor - 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Melanthios"] [setxy xcor - 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Agelaos"] [setxy xcor - 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Euryades"] [setxy xcor + 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Demoptolemos"] [setxy xcor ycor + 1]
      ask turtles with [name = "Elatos"] [setxy xcor ycor + 1]
      ask turtles with [name = "Penisandros"] [setxy xcor ycor + 1]
    if last-turn = 4 [
      ask turtles with [name = "Antinous"] []
      ask turtles with [name = "Eurymakhos"] []
      ask turtles with [name = "Amphinomos"] [setxy xcor - 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Melanthios"] [setxy xcor - 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Agelaos"] [setxy xcor - 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Euryades"] [setxy xcor + 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Demoptolemos"] [setxy xcor ycor + 1]
      ask turtles with [name = "Elatos"] [setxy xcor - 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Penisandros"] [setxy xcor ycor + 1]
    if last-turn = 5 [
      ask turtles with [name = "Antinous"] []
      ask turtles with [name = "Eurymakhos"] []
      ask turtles with [name = "Amphinomos"] [setxy xcor - 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Melanthios"] [setxy xcor - 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Agelaos"] [setxy xcor - 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Euryades"] [setxy xcor + 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Demoptolemos"] [setxy xcor - 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Elatos"] [setxy xcor - 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Penisandros"] [setxy xcor ycor + 1]
    if last-turn = 6 [ ;enemy-armory is on
      ask turtles with [name = "Antinous"] []
      ask turtles with [name = "Eurymakhos"] []
      ask turtles with [name = "Amphinomos"] [setxy xcor - 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Melanthios"] [ifelse any? neighbors4 with [any? turtles-here with [shape = "x"]] [setxy xcor - 1 ycor][setxy xcor ycor - 1]]
      ask turtles with [name = "Agelaos"] [setxy xcor - 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Euryades"] [setxy xcor + 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Demoptolemos"] [setxy xcor - 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Elatos"] [ifelse any? neighbors4 with [any? turtles-here with [shape = "x"]] [setxy xcor - 1 ycor] [setxy xcor ycor + 1]]
      ask turtles with [name = "Penisandros"] [setxy xcor - 1 ycor]
    if last-turn = 7 [
      ask turtles with [name = "Antinous"] []
      ask turtles with [name = "Eurymakhos"] []
      ask turtles with [name = "Amphinomos"] [setxy xcor - 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Melanthios"] [ifelse any? turtles-here with [shape = "x"] [setxy xcor ycor]
        [ifelse any? turtles-here with [shape = "arrow"] [setxy xcor ycor + 1] [setxy xcor - 1 ycor]]]
      ask turtles with [name = "Agelaos"] [setxy xcor - 2 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Euryades"] [ifelse any? neighbors4 with [any? turtles-here with [shape = "x"]] [setxy xcor + 2 ycor] [setxy xcor ycor + 1]]
      ask turtles with [name = "Demoptolemos"] [setxy xcor - 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Elatos"] [setxy xcor ycor - 2]
      ask turtles with [name = "Penisandros"] [setxy xcor + 2 ycor]
    if last-turn = 8 [
      ask turtles with [name = "Antinous"] []
      ask turtles with [name = "Eurymakhos"] []
      ask turtles with [name = "Amphinomos"] [setxy xcor - 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Melanthios"] [ifelse any? turtles-here with [shape = "x"] [setxy xcor ycor]
        [ifelse suitor-Armory = true [setxy xcor - 2 ycor] [setxy xcor - 1 ycor]]]
      ask turtles with [name = "Agelaos"] [setxy xcor ycor - 1]
      ask turtles with [name = "Euryades"] [setxy xcor + 2 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Demoptolemos"] [setxy xcor ycor - 2]
      ask turtles with [name = "Elatos"] [setxy xcor ycor - 1]
      ask turtles with [name = "Penisandros"] [setxy xcor + 1 ycor]
    if last-turn = 9 [
      ask turtles with [name = "Antinous"] []
      ask turtles with [name = "Eurymakhos"] []
      ask turtles with [name = "Amphinomos"] [setxy xcor - 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Melanthios"] [ifelse any? turtles-here with [shape = "x"] [setxy xcor ycor]
        [ifelse suitor-Armory = true [setxy xcor - 2 ycor] [setxy xcor - 1 ycor]]]
      ask turtles with [name = "Agelaos"] [setxy xcor ycor - 2]
      ask turtles with [name = "Euryades"] [set xcor ycor - 1]
      ask turtles with [name = "Demoptolemos"] [setxy xcor ycor - 1]
      ask turtles with [name = "Elatos"] [setxy xcor + 1 ycor]
      ask turtles with [name = "Penisandros"] [setxy xcor ycor - 1]
    if last-turn = 10[
      ask turtles with [name = "Penisandros"] [setxy xcor + 1 ycor]
            ask turtles with [name = "Elatos"] [setxy xcor ycor - 1]

    if any? patches with [any? turtles-here with [shape = "flag"] and any? suitors-here] [
      set escapist [name] of one-of suitors with [any? turtles-here with [shape = "flag"]]
      clear-patches clear-drawing clear-turtles
      ask patches with [pycor = 8] [sprout 3 [set heading 180 setxy (pxcor + (random-float -2) + 1) (pycor + 0.25) set color (random 3) + 11 ;the blood thingy
    set pen-size random 10 + 8 pd fd random-float 2 if pxcor > 12 or pxcor < -12 [fd (random-float 10) + 2] die]]
      write-sentence "YOU LOST THE LEVEL!" -9 4 red 3
      write-sentence escapist -5 0 gray 3 write-sentence "ESCAPED" -4 -1 white 3
      wait 3 startup]

to level-one-dialogue
  if global-tick = 3 [
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -6 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -7 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -8 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    ask patches with [pycor <= -6] [set pcolor black ask turtles-here [die]]

    if not any? suitors with [name = "Antinous"] and dialogue-oneing = 0 [ ;When Antinous dies
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -6 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -7 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -8 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    ask patches with [pycor <= -6] [set pcolor black ask turtles-here [die]]
    ask patch -14 -6 [sprout 1 [set shape "person" set color random-float 2 + 7]]
    write-sentence "?ANTINOUS" -14 -6 5 3
    write-sentence "????????? BACKWARD AND DOWN" -14 -6 white 3
    write-sentence "HE WENT, LETTING THE WINECUP" -14 -7 white 3
    write-sentence "FALL FROM HIS SHOCKED HAND" -14 -8 white 3
      set dialogue-oneing dialogue-oneing + 1
    if (not any? suitors with [name = "Eurymakhos"]) and dialogue-oneing = 1 [ ;When Eurymakhos dies
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -6 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -7 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -8 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    ask patches with [pycor <= -6] [set pcolor black ask turtles-here [die]]
    ask patch -14 -6 [sprout 1 [set shape "person" set color random-float 2 + 7]]
    write-sentence "?EURYMAKHOS" -14 -6 5 3
    write-sentence "??????????? {FIGHT, I SAY," -14 -6 white 3
    write-sentence "LETS REMEMBER" -14 -7 white 3
    write-sentence "THE JOY OF IT!{" -14 -8 white 3
      set dialogue-oneing dialogue-oneing + 1
    if Armory = true and dialogue-oneing = 2 [ ;When Telemachus goes on the armory
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -6 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -7 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -8 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    ask patches with [pycor <= -6] [set pcolor black ask turtles-here [die]]
    write-sentence "ALL THREE TOOK THEIR STAND" -14 -6 white 3
    write-sentence "BESIDE" -14 -7 white 3
    write-sentence "?????? THE MASTER OF BATTLE." -14 -7 85 3
      set dialogue-oneing dialogue-oneing + 1
    if any? patches with [any? suitors-here with [name = "Melanthios"] and any? turtles-here with [shape = "x"]] and dialogue-oneing = 3 [ ;When Melanthios is trapped
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -6 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -7 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -8 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    ask patches with [pycor <= -6] [set pcolor black ask turtles-here [die]]
    ask patch -14 -6 [sprout 1 [set shape "person" set color random-float 2 + 7]]
    write-sentence "?MELANTHIOS" -14 -6 5 3
    write-sentence "??????????? WITH A WHIP OF" -14 -6 white 3
    write-sentence "ROPE THEY HOISTED HIM IN"-14 -7 white 3
    write-sentence "AGONY UP A PILLAR TO THE BEAM" -14 -8 white 3
      set dialogue-oneing dialogue-oneing + 1
    if count suitors = 1 and any? suitors with [name = "Melanthios"] and dialogue-oneing = 4 [ ;when map switches
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -6 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -7 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    cro 1 [setxy -14 -8 rt 90 set pen-size 25 set color black pe fd 30 die]
    ask patches with [pycor <= -6] [set pcolor black ask turtles-here [die]]
    write-sentence "AS THESE LAY DYING... THEIR" -14 -6 white 3
    write-sentence "FRIENDS GAVE WAY" -14 -7 white 3
      wait 1
    write-sentence "???????????????? AND BROKE" -14 -7 white 4
    write-sentence "FOR THE INNER WALL" -14 -8 white 4
      set dialogue-oneing dialogue-oneing + 1

to turn-count ;the green button! (advances the turn counter)
  if mouse-down? and round mouse-xcor = -6 and round mouse-ycor = 8 [ask patch -6 8 [set pcolor 53]]
  ask patch -6 8 [ifelse pcolor = 53 and mouse-down? and any? patches with [pcolor = 105] and any? patches with [pcolor = 15] ;when all moves have been made
    [set this-turn this-turn + 1 set pcolor green] [
      ifelse pcolor = 53 and (not any? turtles with [name = "Telemachus"]) and (any? patches with [pcolor = 105]) ;when its only odysseus
      [set this-turn this-turn + 1 set pcolor green] [set pcolor green]]]

to back-button ;the red button! (goes back to main menu)
  if mouse-down? and round mouse-xcor = -14 and round mouse-ycor = 8 [startup] ;15.5 -> 13.5

to turn-counter
  ask patch -8 8 [sprout 1 [set color black set pen-size 26 pe fd 0.001 die]]
  ask patch -7 8 [sprout 1 [set color black set pen-size 26 pe fd 0.001 die]]
  write-sentence (list (floor (this-turn / 10)) (this-turn mod 10)) -8 8 white 3

  ask patch 10 8 [sprout 1 [set color black set pen-size 26 pe fd 0.001 die]]
  ask patch 11 8 [sprout 1 [set color black set pen-size 26 pe fd 0.001 die]]
  write-sentence (list (floor (cards / 10)) (cards mod 10)) 10 8 white 3

to Ody-highlight
  ifelse Armory = true ;if true, move 3 / else move 2
  [;radius of 1, neighbors4
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Ody-xcor + 1 and pycor = Ody-ycor + 0] [set pcolor 88]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Ody-xcor + -1 and pycor = Ody-ycor + 0] [set pcolor 88]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Ody-xcor + 0 and pycor = Ody-ycor + 1] [set pcolor 88]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Ody-xcor + 0 and pycor = Ody-ycor + -1] [set pcolor 88]
    ;radius of 2, neighbors4
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Ody-xcor + 2 and pycor = Ody-ycor + 0] [if count neighbors4 with [pcolor = 88] > 0 [set pcolor 88]]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Ody-xcor + -2 and pycor = Ody-ycor + 0] [if count neighbors4 with [pcolor = 88] > 0 [set pcolor 88]]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Ody-xcor + 0 and pycor = Ody-ycor + 2] [if count neighbors4 with [pcolor = 88] > 0 [set pcolor 88]]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Ody-xcor + 0 and pycor = Ody-ycor + -2] [if count neighbors4 with [pcolor = 88] > 0 [set pcolor 88]]
  ;radius of 3, neighbors4
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Ody-xcor + 3 and pycor = Ody-ycor + 0] [if count neighbors4 with [pcolor = 88] > 0 [set pcolor 88]]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Ody-xcor + -3 and pycor = Ody-ycor + 0] [if count neighbors4 with [pcolor = 88] > 0 [set pcolor 88]]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Ody-xcor + 0 and pycor = Ody-ycor + 3] [if count neighbors4 with [pcolor = 88] > 0 [set pcolor 88]]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Ody-xcor + 0 and pycor = Ody-ycor + -3] [if count neighbors4 with [pcolor = 88] > 0 [set pcolor 88]]
  [;radius of 1, neighbors4
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Ody-xcor + 1 and pycor = Ody-ycor + 0] [set pcolor 88]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Ody-xcor + -1 and pycor = Ody-ycor + 0] [set pcolor 88]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Ody-xcor + 0 and pycor = Ody-ycor + 1] [set pcolor 88]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Ody-xcor + 0 and pycor = Ody-ycor + -1] [set pcolor 88]
  ;radius of 2, neighbors4
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Ody-xcor + 2 and pycor = Ody-ycor + 0] [if count neighbors4 with [pcolor = 88] > 0 [set pcolor 88]]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Ody-xcor + -2 and pycor = Ody-ycor + 0] [if count neighbors4 with [pcolor = 88] > 0 [set pcolor 88]]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Ody-xcor + 0 and pycor = Ody-ycor + 2] [if count neighbors4 with [pcolor = 88] > 0 [set pcolor 88]]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Ody-xcor + 0 and pycor = Ody-ycor + -2] [if count neighbors4 with [pcolor = 88] > 0 [set pcolor 88]]
  ask turtles with [name = "Telemachus"] [ask patch-here [if pcolor = 88 [set pcolor white]]]

to Tele-highlight
  ifelse Armory = true ;if true, move 2 / else move 1
  [;radius of 1, neighbors4
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Tele-xcor + 1 and pycor = Tele-ycor + 0] [set pcolor 128]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Tele-xcor + -1 and pycor = Tele-ycor + 0] [set pcolor 128]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Tele-xcor + 0 and pycor = Tele-ycor + 1] [set pcolor 128]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Tele-xcor + 0 and pycor = Tele-ycor + -1] [set pcolor 128]
    ;radius of 2, neighbors4
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Tele-xcor + 2 and pycor = Tele-ycor + 0] [if count neighbors4 with [pcolor = 128] > 0 [set pcolor 128]]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Tele-xcor + -2 and pycor = Tele-ycor + 0] [if count neighbors4 with [pcolor = 128] > 0 [set pcolor 128]]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Tele-xcor + 0 and pycor = Tele-ycor + 2] [if count neighbors4 with [pcolor = 128] > 0 [set pcolor 128]]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Tele-xcor + 0 and pycor = Tele-ycor + -2] [if count neighbors4 with [pcolor = 128] > 0 [set pcolor 128]]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Tele-xcor + 2 and pycor = Tele-ycor + 0] [if count neighbors4 with [pcolor = 35] > 0 [set pcolor 128]]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Tele-xcor + -2 and pycor = Tele-ycor + 0] [if count neighbors4 with [pcolor = 35] > 0 [set pcolor 128]]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Tele-xcor + 0 and pycor = Tele-ycor + 2] [if count neighbors4 with [pcolor = 35] > 0 [set pcolor 128]]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Tele-xcor + 0 and pycor = Tele-ycor + -2] [if count neighbors4 with [pcolor = 35] > 0 [set pcolor 128]]
        ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Tele-xcor + 2 and pycor = Tele-ycor + 0] [if count neighbors4 with [pcolor = 123.1] > 0 [set pcolor 128]]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Tele-xcor + -2 and pycor = Tele-ycor + 0] [if count neighbors4 with [pcolor = 123.1] > 0 [set pcolor 128]]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Tele-xcor + 0 and pycor = Tele-ycor + 2] [if count neighbors4 with [pcolor = 123.1] > 0 [set pcolor 128]]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Tele-xcor + 0 and pycor = Tele-ycor + -2] [if count neighbors4 with [pcolor = 123.1] > 0 [set pcolor 128]]
  [;radius of 1, neighbors4
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Tele-xcor + 1 and pycor = Tele-ycor + 0] [set pcolor 128]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Tele-xcor + -1 and pycor = Tele-ycor + 0] [set pcolor 128]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Tele-xcor + 0 and pycor = Tele-ycor + 1] [set pcolor 128]
    ask patches with [pcolor = white and pxcor = Tele-xcor + 0 and pycor = Tele-ycor + -1] [set pcolor 128]
  ask turtles with [name = "Odysseus"] [ask patch-here [if pcolor = 128 [set pcolor white]]]

to highlight
  ;Odysseus highlight
ask turtles with [name = "Odysseus"] [set Ody-xcor xcor set Ody-ycor ycor Ody-highlight]
  if mouse-down? [ask patch round mouse-xcor round mouse-ycor [if pcolor = 88 [set pcolor 105]] ;mouse-down -> 88 to 105
    ask patches with [pxcor != round mouse-xcor or pycor != round mouse-ycor
      and pcolor = 105 and count patches with [pcolor = 105] > 1] [set pcolor 88]]; mouse-down different, 105 to 88
  ;Telemachus highlight
 ask turtles with [name = "Telemachus"] [set Tele-xcor xcor set Tele-ycor ycor Tele-highlight]
  if mouse-down? [ask patch round mouse-xcor round mouse-ycor [if pcolor = 128 [set pcolor 15]] ;mouse-down -> 128 to 15
    ask patches with [pxcor != round mouse-xcor or pycor != round mouse-ycor
      and pcolor = 15 and count patches with [pcolor = 15] > 1 and count turtles-here with [shape = "arrow"] = 0] [set pcolor 128]]; mouse-down different, 15 to 128
  ;Telemachus-Armory interaction
  if mouse-down? [ask patch round mouse-xcor round mouse-ycor
    [if pcolor = 35 and any? neighbors4 with [any? turtles-here with [name = "Telemachus"]] and Armory != true [set pcolor 15]] ;Armory tile -> 35 to 15
    ask patches with [pxcor != round mouse-xcor or pycor != round mouse-ycor
      and pcolor = 15 and count patches with [pcolor = 15] > 1 and any? turtles-here with [shape = "arrow"]] [set pcolor 35]]; mouse-down different, 15 to 128

to movement
  if this-turn = last-turn + 1 [ ;detects if a turn has passed
    ;Odysseus Movement
    ask patches with [pcolor = 88] [set pcolor white] ;sets cyan 88 to normal
    ask turtles with [name = "Odysseus"] [die] ;gets rid of Odysseus
    ask patches with [pcolor = 105] [sprout 1 [set name "Odysseus" set shape "person" set color cyan]] ;creates a duplicate Odysseus, imitating movement
    ask patches with [pcolor = 105] [set pcolor white] ;sets blue 105 to normal
    ;Telemachus Movement
    ask patches with [pcolor = 128] [set pcolor white] ;sets pink 128 to normal
    ask turtles with [name = "Telemachus"] [die] ;gets rid of Odysseus
    ask patches with [pcolor = 15] [sprout 1 [set name "Telemachus" set shape "person" set color red]] ;creates a duplicate Odysseus, imitating movement
    ask patches with [pcolor = 15] [ifelse not any? turtles-here with [shape = "arrow"] [set pcolor white] [set pcolor 35]] ;sets red 15 to normal or Armory-patch

to Armory-patch ;creates a patch that is the Armory
  set pcolor 35
  sprout 1 [set color yellow set shape "arrow" set heading 0]

to detect-Armory ;if Armory patch detects Telemachus or Menelaus, it will set the corresponding armory global and give the Eumaios/Philoithios cards
  ask patches with [pcolor = 35] [if count turtles-here with [name = "Telemachus"] > 0 [set Armory true set cards 2]]
  ask patches with [pcolor = 35] [if count turtles-here with [name = "Melanthios"] > 0 [set suitor-Armory true]]

to Exit-patch ;creates a patch that is an Exit patch
  set pcolor 123 set exit true
  sprout 1 [set color 44 set shape "flag" set heading 0]

to use-cards
  ;Highlights the exit-patch or armory-patch if there is a card
  if mouse-down? and cards > 0 [every .5 [ifelse any? patches with [pcolor = 136]
    [ask patch round mouse-xcor round mouse-ycor [if pcolor = 136 [set pcolor 123]]] ;mouse-down -> 136 to 123 (in case of misclicks)
      [ifelse any? patches with [pcolor = 32 and any? turtles-here with [shape = "arrow"]]
      [ask patch round mouse-xcor round mouse-ycor [if pcolor = 32 and any? turtles-here with [shape = "arrow"] [set pcolor 35]]] ;mouse-down in armory -> 32 to 35 (i.n.o. misclics)
    [if mouse-down? and cards > 0 [ask patch round mouse-xcor round mouse-ycor [if pcolor = 123 [set pcolor 136] ;mouse-down -> 123 to 136
      if pcolor = 35 and any? turtles-here with [shape = "arrow"] [set pcolor 32]] ;mouse-down and armory patch -> 35 to 32
   ask patches with [pxcor != round mouse-xcor or pycor != round mouse-ycor
          and pcolor = 136 and count patches with [pcolor = 136] > 1] [set pcolor 123]]]]]]; mouse-down different, 136 to 123
  ;Uses the card and closes the exit-patch after the turn
  if this-turn = last-turn + 1 [ ;detects if a turn has passed
    ask patches with [pcolor = 136 or pcolor = 32] ;asks highlighted exit patch
      [set exit "closed"
      ask turtles-here with [shape = "flag" or shape = "arrow"] [set shape "x"]
      set pcolor 123.1 ;closes the exit patch
        set cards cards - 1]]

to kill-suitors
  ask turtles with [name = "Odysseus" or name = "Telemachus"] [if any? suitors-here [ask suitors-here [die]]]

to suitor-logic ;moves all suitors will make, currently a WIP
  if this-turn = last-turn + 1 [wait .5
    ;Test1 suitor
    ask suitors with [name = "Test1"]
    [if this-turn = 2 [setxy -10 0]
    if this-turn = 3 [setxy -11 0]
    if this-turn = 4 [setxy -12 0]
    if this-turn = 5 [setxy -13 0]
      if this-turn = 6 [ifelse count neighbors4 with [exit = true] > 0 [setxy -14 0] [setxy xcor ycor - 1]]
      if this-turn = 7 [setxy xcor + 1 ycor]
      if this-turn = 8 [setxy xcor + 1 ycor]
    ;Test2 suitor
    ask suitors with [name = "Test2"]
    [if this-turn = 2 [setxy xcor + 1 ycor]
      if this-turn = 3 [setxy xcor + 1 ycor]
      if this-turn = 4 [setxy xcor + 1 ycor]
      if this-turn = 5 [ifelse count neighbors4 with [exit = true] > 0 [setxy xcor + 1 ycor] [setxy xcor ycor - 1]]
      if this-turn = 6 [setxy xcor - 1 ycor]
      if this-turn = 7 [setxy xcor - 1 ycor]
      if this-turn = 8 [setxy xcor - 1 ycor]
      set last-turn last-turn + 1 ;sets last-turn to this-turn, ending the detection

;to pathfind ;WIP
;  let radar 0
;  ask suitors [let closest min-one-of patches with [pcolor = 123] [distance myself] show (list closest [pxcor] of patch-here [pycor] of patch-here)
;    if [pycor] of closest > [pycor] of myself and patch-at
;  ]

to go-on
  back-button ;checks if back-button is pressed, goes to home screen if it is
  turn-count ;checks the turn
  use-cards ;highlights and uses cards
  highlight ;highlights the new tiles
  if this-turn = last-turn + 1 [ ;detects if turn has passed
    movement ;moves according to the highlighting
    detect-Armory ;finds if Telemachus or Menelaus enters the armory
    kill-suitors ;kills suitors on the same patch as Ody or Tele
    turn-counter ;writes the turn count and card count
    wait .5
    tutorial-logic ;moves Tutorial suitors
    level1-logic ;moves level 1 suitors
    kill-suitors ;kills suitors on the same patch as Ody or Tele
    set last-turn last-turn + 1 ;stops detection of turn pass

  ask patch -9 5 [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color 45 set heading 0 set pen-size 5 ;T
    bk 0.5 rt 90 fd 0.5 lt 90 bk 0.8 lt 90 fd 0.6 bk 1.2 fd 0.6 rt 90 pd fd 1.6 lt 90 fd 0.6 bk 1.2 die]]
  ask patch -7 5 [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color 44 set heading 0 set pen-size 5 ;H
    bk 0.5 rt 90 fd 0.5 lt 90 bk 0.8 lt 90 fd 0.6 rt 90 pd fd 1.6 bk 0.8 rt 90 fd 1.2 rt 90 fd 0.8 bk 1.6 die]]
  ask patch -5 5 [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color 43 set heading 0 set pen-size 5 ;E
  bk 0.5 rt 90 fd 0.5 lt 90 bk 0.8 lt 90 fd 0.5 rt 90 pd rt 90 fd 1 bk 1 lt 90 fd 0.8 rt 90 fd 0.6 bk 0.6 lt 90 fd 0.8 rt 90 fd 1 bk 1 lt 90 die]]

  ask patch -1 5 [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color 25 set heading 0 set pen-size 5 ;P
  bk 0.5 rt 90 fd 0.5 lt 90 bk 0.8 lt 90 fd 0.6 rt 90 pd fd 1.6 rt 90 fd 0.8 repeat 180 [fd 1.25664 / 180 rt 1] fd 0.8 die]]
  ask patch 1 5 [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color 24 set heading 0 set pen-size 5 ;A
  bk 0.5 rt 90 fd 0.5 lt 90 bk 0.8 lt 90 fd 0.8 rt 90 rt 90 - 63.435 pd fd 0.894 * 2 set heading 180 lt 26.565 fd sqrt 0.8 * 2 bk sqrt 0.8 set heading 270 fd 0.8 die]]
  ask patch 3 5 [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color 23 set heading 0 set pen-size 5 ;L
  bk 0.5 rt 90 fd 0.5 lt 90 bk 0.8 rt 90 fd 0.6 rt 180 pd fd 1.2 rt 90 fd 1.6 die]]
  ask patch 5 5 [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color 15 set heading 0 set pen-size 5 ;A
  bk 0.5 rt 90 fd 0.5 lt 90 bk 0.8 lt 90 fd 0.8 rt 90 rt 90 - 63.435 pd fd 0.894 * 2 set heading 180 lt 26.565 fd sqrt 0.8 * 2 bk sqrt 0.8 set heading 270 fd 0.8 die]]
  ask patch 7 5 [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color 14 set heading 0 set pen-size 5 ;C
  bk 0.5 rt 90 fd 0.5 lt 90 rt 90 fd 0.8 lt 90 repeat 45 [fd 2.51327 / 180 lt 1] pd repeat 270 [fd 2.51327 / 180 lt 1] die]]
  ask patch 9 5 [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color 13 set heading 0 set pen-size 5 ;E
  bk 0.5 rt 90 fd 0.5 lt 90 bk 0.8 lt 90 fd 0.5 rt 90 pd rt 90 fd 1 bk 1 lt 90 fd 0.8 rt 90 fd 0.6 bk 0.6 lt 90 fd 0.8 rt 90 fd 1 bk 1 lt 90 die]]

to write-sentence [string locationX locationY letter-color letter-size] ;string = phrase i want to display, location = coords of first letter
  let n 0
  while [length string != 0] [
    ask patch (locationX + n) locationY [
      write-word first string letter-color letter-size
      set n n + 1
      set string but-first string

to write-word [letter letter-color letter-size]
  if letter = "A" or letter = "a" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    bk 0.4 lt 90 fd 0.4 rt 90 rt 90 - 63.435 pd fd 0.894 set heading 180 lt 26.565 fd sqrt 0.8 bk sqrt 0.8 / 2 set heading 270 fd 0.4 die]]
  if letter = "B" or letter = "b" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    bk 0.4 lt 90 fd 0.3 rt 90 pd fd 0.8 rt 90 fd 0.4 repeat 180 [fd 1.25664 / 360 rt 1] fd 0.4 bk 0.4 rt 180 repeat 180 [fd 1.25664 / 360 rt 1] fd 0.4 die]]
  if letter = "C" or letter = "c" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    rt 90 fd 0.4 lt 90 repeat 45 [fd 2.51327 / 360 lt 1] pd repeat 270 [fd 2.51327 / 360 lt 1] die]]
  if letter = "D" or letter = "d" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    bk 0.4 lt 90 fd 0.3 rt 90 pd fd 0.8 rt 90 fd 0.3 repeat 180 [fd 1.275 / 180 rt 1] setxy [pxcor] of patch-here - 0.3 [pycor] of patch-here - 0.4 die]]
  if letter = "E" or letter = "e" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    bk 0.4 lt 90 fd 0.25 rt 90 pd rt 90 fd 0.5 bk 0.5 lt 90 fd 0.4 rt 90 fd 0.3 bk 0.3 lt 90 fd 0.4 rt 90 fd 0.5 bk 0.5 lt 90 die]]
  if letter = "F" or letter = "f" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    bk 0.4 lt 90 fd 0.25 rt 90 pd fd 0.4 rt 90 fd 0.3 bk 0.3 lt 90 fd 0.4 rt 90 fd 0.5 bk 0.5 lt 90 die]]
  if letter = "G" or letter = "g" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    rt 90 fd 0.5 lt 90 repeat 75 [fd 2.51327 / 360 lt 1] pd repeat 210 [fd 2.51327 / 360 lt 1] lt 75 fd 0.4 lt 90 fd 0.3 bk 0.4 die]]
  if letter = "H" or letter = "h" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
      bk 0.4 lt 90 fd 0.3 rt 90 pd fd 0.8 bk 0.4 rt 90 fd 0.6 rt 90 fd 0.4 bk 0.8 die]]
  if letter = "I" or letter = "i" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    bk 0.4 lt 90 fd 0.3 pd bk 0.6 fd 0.3 rt 90 fd 0.8 lt 90 fd 0.3 bk 0.6 die]]
  if letter = "J" or letter = "j" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    fd 0.4 lt 90 fd 0.3 pd bk 0.6 fd 0.3 lt 90 fd 0.6 repeat 180 [fd 0.94248 / 360 rt 1]]]
  if letter = "K" or letter = "k" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    bk 0.4 lt 90 fd 0.2 rt 90 pd fd 0.8 bk 0.4 rt 45 fd 0.56569 bk 0.56569 set heading 135 fd 0.56569 die]]
  if letter = "L" or letter = "l" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    bk 0.4 rt 90 fd 0.3 rt 180 pd fd 0.6 rt 90 fd 0.8 die]]
  if letter = "M" or letter = "m" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    bk 0.4 lt 90 fd 0.4 rt 90 pd rt 90 - 75.964 fd 0.825 set heading 180 - 29.745 fd 0.403 set heading 0 rt 29.745 fd 0.403 set heading 180 lt 14.036 fd 0.825 die]]
  if letter = "N" or letter = "n" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    bk 0.4 lt 90 fd 0.3 rt 90 pd fd 0.8 rt 90 + 53.13 fd 1 set heading 0 fd 0.8 die]]
  if letter = "O" or letter = "o" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    rt 90 fd 0.4 lt 90 pd repeat 360 [fd 2.51327 / 360 lt 1] die]]
  if letter = "P" or letter = "p" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    bk 0.4 lt 90 fd 0.3 rt 90 pd fd 0.8 rt 90 fd 0.4 repeat 180 [fd 1.25664 / 360 rt 1] fd 0.4 die]]
  if letter = "Q" or letter = "q" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    rt 90 fd 0.4 lt 90 pd repeat 675 [fd 2.51327 / 360 lt 1] set heading 300 fd 0.3 bk 0.5 die]]
  if letter = "R" or letter = "r" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    bk 0.4 lt 90 fd 0.3 rt 90 pd fd 0.8 rt 90 fd 0.4 repeat 180 [fd 1.25664 / 360 rt 1] fd 0.4 bk 0.1 set heading 135 fd 0.55 die]]
  if letter = "S" or letter = "s" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    fd 0.4 rt 90 fd 0.2 lt 180 pd fd 0.2 repeat 180 [fd 1.25664 / 360 lt 1] repeat 180 [fd 1.25664 / 360 rt 1] fd 0.2 die  ]]
  if letter = "T" or letter = "t" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    bk 0.4 lt 90 fd 0.3 bk 0.6 fd 0.3 rt 90 pd fd 0.8 lt 90 fd 0.3 bk 0.6 die]]
  if letter = "U" or letter = "u" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    fd 0.4 lt 90 fd 0.3 rt 90 pd bk 0.5 repeat 180 [bk 1.88496 / 360 lt 1] bk 0.5 die]]
  if letter = "V" or letter = "v" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    fd 0.4 lt 90 fd 0.4 rt 90 pd lt 26.565 bk 0.894 set heading 0 rt 90 - 63.435 fd 0.894 die]]
  if letter = "W" or letter = "w" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    fd 0.4 lt 90 bk 0.4 rt 90 pd rt 90 - 75.964 bk 0.825 set heading 180 - 29.745 bk 0.403 set heading 0 rt 29.745 bk 0.403 set heading 180 lt 14.036 bk 0.825 die]]
  if letter = "X" or letter = "x" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    fd 0.4 lt 90 fd 0.4 rt 45 pd bk 1.131 fd 1.131 / 2 rt 90 fd 1.131 / 2 bk 1.131 die]]
  if letter = "Y" or letter = "y" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    fd 0.4 lt 90 fd 0.4 rt 45 pd bk 1.131 / 2 rt 90 fd 1.131 / 2 bk 1.131 / 2 lt 45 bk 0.4 die]]
  if letter = "Z" or letter = "z" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    fd 0.4 lt 90 fd 0.4 pd bk 0.8 lt 45 fd 1.131 rt 45 bk 0.8 die]]
  if letter = "1" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    bk 0.4 lt 90 fd 0.3 pd bk 0.6 fd 0.3 rt 90 fd 0.8 lt 135 fd sqrt 0.1 die]]
  if letter = "2" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    lt 90 fd 0.4 rt 90 fd 0.1 pd repeat 200 [fd 2.01327 / 360 rt 1] rt 30 fd 0.7 set heading 90 fd 0.5 die]]
  if letter = ":" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    bk 0.3 pd fd 0.1 pu fd 0.4 pd fd 0.1 die]]
  if letter = "!" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    bk 0.4 pd fd 0.1 pu fd 0.2 pd fd 0.5 die]]
  if letter = "." [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    bk 0.4 pd fd 0.1 die]]
  if letter = "{" [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    fd 0.3 set heading 180 pd repeat 30 [fd 0.3 / 30 lt 1] die]
                   sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    fd 0.3 rt 90 fd 0.3 set heading 180 pd repeat 30 [fd 0.3 / 30 lt 1] die]]
  if letter = "," [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    bk 0.1 set heading 180 pd repeat 30 [fd 0.3 / 30 lt 1] die]]
  if letter = 1 [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    bk 0.4 lt 90 fd 0.3 pd bk 0.6 fd 0.3 rt 90 fd 0.8 lt 135 fd sqrt 0.1 die]]
  if letter = 2 [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    lt 90 fd 0.4 rt 90 fd 0.1 pd repeat 200 [fd 2.01327 / 360 rt 1] rt 30 fd 0.7 set heading 90 fd 0.5 die]]
  if letter = 3 [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    fd 0.4 lt 90 fd 0.2 rt 180 pd fd 0.2 repeat 180 [fd 1.25664 / 360 rt 1] lt 180 repeat 180 [fd 1.25664 / 360 rt 1] fd 0.2 die]]
  if letter = 4 [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    bk 0.3 rt 90 fd 0.1 lt 90 pd fd 0.6 bk 0.4 rt 90 fd 0.2 bk 0.6 lt 45 fd sqrt (2 * (0.4 ^ 2)) die]]
  if letter = 5 [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    fd 0.4 rt 90 fd 0.3 pd bk 0.6 rt 90 fd 0.3 lt 90 fd 0.3 repeat 180 [fd 1.25664 / 360 rt 1] fd 0.3 die]]
  if letter = 6 [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    rt 90 fd 0.5 lt 90 repeat 45 [bk 2.51327 / 360 rt 1] repeat 120 [fd 2.51327 / 360 lt 1] pd repeat 140 [fd 2.51327 / 360 lt 1] repeat 400 [fd 1.5 / 360 lt 1] die]]
  if letter = 7 [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    fd 0.3 lt 90 fd 0.25 pd bk 0.6 lt 60 fd 0.8 die]]
  if letter = 8 [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    rt 90 pd repeat 360 [fd 1.25664 / 360 lt 1] repeat 360 [fd 1.25664 / 360 rt 1] die]]
  if letter = 9 [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    rt 90 pd repeat 360 [fd 1.25664 / 360 lt 1] repeat 90 [fd 1.25664 / 360 lt 1] bk 0.6 die]]
  if letter = 0 [sprout 1 [set hidden? true set color letter-color set heading 0 set pen-size letter-size
    rt 90 repeat 90 [fd 1.25664 / 360 lt 1] pd repeat 180 [fd 1.25664 / 360 lt 1] fd 0.4 repeat 180 [fd 1.25664 / 360 lt 1] fd 0.4 lt 135 fd 0.56569 die]]

There is only one version of this model, created 9 months ago by Jeff O.

Attached files

No files

This model does not have any ancestors.

This model does not have any descendants.