Chernobyl Reactor

Chernobyl Reactor preview image

1 collaborator


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patches-own [I-135 Xe-135]

globals [integral prev-err dt]

to setup

 ask patches [
    if distancexy 0 0 < 24 [ set pcolor gray ]
    if distancexy 0 0 < 16 [
      if pxcor mod 8 = 4 and pycor = 0 and pcolor = gray [ set pcolor red ]
      if pxcor = 0 and pycor mod 8 = 4 and pcolor = gray [ set pcolor red ]
      if pxcor mod 16 = 8 and pycor mod 16 = 8 and pcolor = gray [ set pcolor red ]
    if pxcor mod 16 = 8 and pycor mod 16 = 0 and pcolor = gray [ set pcolor blue ]
    if pxcor mod 16 = 0 and pycor mod 16 = 8 and pcolor = gray [ set pcolor blue ]
    if pxcor mod 8 = 4 and pycor mod 8 = 4 and pcolor = gray [ set pcolor yellow ]
    if pxcor mod 4 = 0 and pycor mod 4 = 0 and pcolor = gray [ set pcolor green ]
    if pxcor mod 4 = 2 and pycor mod 4 = 2 and pcolor = gray [ set pcolor green ]

    set I-135 0
    set Xe-135 0

  set prev-err 0
  set dt 1 ;h


to set-standard-værdier
  set p-fission 10
  set p-neutron 5
  set p-absorption 90
  set p-Xe-absorption 6
  set p-vand-absorption 8

  set grøn-kontrolstav-position 50
  set gul-kontrolstav-position 50
  set rød-kontrolstav-position 50
  set grøn-automatik false
  set gul-automatik false
  set rød-automatik true

  set void false
  set void-tærskel 20000

to go

  ; automatik
  if ønsket-neutron-antal = 0 [ set ønsket-neutron-antal 1 ]

  let err count turtles - ønsket-neutron-antal
  set integral integral + err
  let differential err - prev-err
  set prev-err err

  if rød-automatik = true [
    set rød-kontrolstav-position round( 50 / ønsket-neutron-antal * err + 0.00005 * integral + 0.05 * differential) + 50
    if rød-kontrolstav-position < 0 [ set rød-kontrolstav-position 0 ]
    if rød-kontrolstav-position > 100 [ set rød-kontrolstav-position 100 ]
  if gul-automatik = true [
    set gul-kontrolstav-position round( 50 / ønsket-neutron-antal * err + 0.00005 * integral + 0.05 * differential) + 50
    if gul-kontrolstav-position < 0 [ set gul-kontrolstav-position 0 ]
    if gul-kontrolstav-position > 100 [ set gul-kontrolstav-position 100 ]
  if grøn-automatik = true [
    set grøn-kontrolstav-position round( 50 / ønsket-neutron-antal * err + 0.00005 * integral + 0.05 * differential) + 50
    if grøn-kontrolstav-position < 0 [ set grøn-kontrolstav-position 0 ]
    if grøn-kontrolstav-position > 100 [ set grøn-kontrolstav-position 100 ]

  ; neutronkilde
  ask patches with [pcolor = blue] [
    if random 100 < p-neutron [
        sprout 1 [
          set color white
          set heading random 360

  ; Xe-135 henfald i brænselsstave
  ask patches with [pcolor = gray] [
    set Xe-135 Xe-135 * (1 - 0.0076 * dt)

  ; I-135 henfald i brænselsstave
  ask patches with [pcolor = gray] [
    let d-I-135 I-135 * 0.0105 * dt
    set I-135 I-135 - d-I-135
    set Xe-135 Xe-135 + d-I-135

  ; brændselsstav
  let n-Xe sum [Xe-135] of patches

  ask patches with [pcolor = gray] [
    ask turtles-here [

      ; fission
      if random 100 < p-fission [

        ; skab nye neutroner
        hatch 2 [ ;Antal???
          set color white
          set heading random 360

        ; Skab I-135 (6% af fisionsprodukterne biver til I-135)
        set I-135 I-135 + .06

      ; Absorption pga. Xe-135 (Xe-forgiftning)
      if random 10000 < n-Xe * p-Xe-absorption [
        set Xe-135 Xe-135 - 1 ; Burn-off
        if Xe-135 < 0 [ set Xe-135 0 ]

      ; Absorption pga. kølevand / void (når der er mange neutroner fordamper kølevandet)
      if (void = false or count turtles < void-tærskel) and random 100 < p-vand-absorption [

  ask patches with [pcolor = green] [
    ask turtles-here [
      if random 100 < p-absorption * grøn-kontrolstav-position / 100 [
  ask patches with [pcolor = yellow] [
    ask turtles-here [
      if random 100 < p-absorption * gul-kontrolstav-position / 100 [
  ask patches with [pcolor = red] [
    ask turtles-here [
      if random 100 < p-absorption * rød-kontrolstav-position / 100 [

  ask turtles [
    if not can-move? 1 [die]
    fd 1
  ask patches with [pcolor = black] [
    ask turtles-here [ die ]


There is only one version of this model, created over 1 year ago by Solveig Skadhauge.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Chernobyl Reactor.png preview Preview for 'Chernobyl Reactor' over 1 year ago, by Solveig Skadhauge Download

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