Titration of base with a strong acid
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This model presents the differences in titrating a strong base (NaOH) and a weak base (Ammonia). Students are able to observe the changes in pH when titrating a strong/weak base with a HCl solution. Students may also change the concentrations of bases and the titrant and then observe the corresponding results.
The pH of the solution is calculated based on the equation: C1V1=C2V2.
This model can be used to address a range of misconceptions about pH, titration, and dissociation.
Both the molarities of the conjugate acid and titrant are used to calculate pH at the beginning of the titration (titration volume < approx 10 ml). Then, only the titrant's molarity is used to calculate pH.
How to use:
- Choose a base
- Set the base concentration
- Set HCi concentration
- Set dose of HCl added per tick
- Set the total amount of HCl added
- Click "Set up"
- Click "Titration"
- Observe outpts in the monitors and plots.
Note: -Don't change HCl's concentration and dose during titration. -Use switches to hide some molecules or ions to help observations.
- Dissociation of the strong base and weak base.
- The pH changes in the titration processes of the strong base and weak base.
- The equivalent points of the titration of the strong base and weak base.
- Choose different bases
- Adjust base and/or titrant concentration
- Adjust the titratant does
- Hide some ions to help observations
See more chemistry models at https://sites.google.com/view/3d-science-abm/physics-chemistry
Dr. Lin Xiang created this module at the University of Kentucky in 2022. If you mention this model in a publication, we ask that you include the citations below.
Xiang, L. (2022). Titration of base with a strong acid. Department of STEM Education, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/.
Comments and Questions
breed [Bs B] breed [BHs BH] breed [OHs OH] breed [H3OS H30] breed [legends legend] turtles-own[ ] globals [ mode kb ka Num-H Num-OH num-B num-BH vol-1 vol-titrant current-conc-H current-conc-OH current-conc-B current-conc-BH current-ph current-pOH M-H M-T M-OH M-BH M-B M-B-1 unit-num-b ] to setup ca set-bk set-legends (ifelse Choose-a-base = "Sodium hydroxide" [set mode 1 set-NaOH] Choose-a-base = "Ammonia" [set mode 2 set-NH3]) plot-ion-concentrations-log reset-ticks end to set-bk ask patches [set pcolor 91.5 + random-float 0.5] ask patches with [ pycor = max-pycor or pycor < 4] [set pcolor 101] ask patches with [ pxcor = min-pxcor or pxcor = max-pxcor] [set pcolor 101] end to set-NaOH set-default-shape ohs "ab-oh-1" set-default-shape h3os "ab-h3o-1" set-default-shape bs "ab-b-1" set-default-shape bhs "ab-b-2" set vol-1 Base-volume set vol-titrant 0 set current-conc-OH Base-concentration set current-ph 14 - (-1 * (log current-conc-OH 10)) set M-OH Base-concentration * vol-1 * 0.001 ;determine the mole of hydroxide set M-B M-OH set M-BH M-OH set current-conc-BH (M-BH / (vol-1 * 0.001)) ;determine initial conjugate acid concentration set current-conc-B 0 ;there is no base molecule set current-Conc-H 10 ^ (-14) / current-conc-OH ;calculate the concentration of H+ set M-H current-Conc-H * vol-1 * 0.001 ;calculate exisitng mole of H+ set num-H round (1000 * (1.3895 ^ (-1 * current-ph))) ;find the amount of visual H+ set num-OH round (10000 / (num-H)) ;find the amount of visual OH- if Hide-base-molecule-and-conjugate-acid? = false [create-BHs num-OH [set-tt-properties set size 1.25 set color 62]] if Hide-hydronium-and-hydroxide? = false [set num-H round (1000 * (1.3895 ^ (-1 * current-ph))) ;find the amount of visual H+ set num-OH round (10000 / (num-H)) ;find the amount of visual OH- create-h3os num-H [set-tt-properties set size 1.25 ] create-ohs num-OH [set-tt-properties set size 1.25 set color 85]] end to set-NH3 set-default-shape ohs "ab-oh-1" set-default-shape h3os "ab-h3o-1" set-default-shape Bs "ab-b-1" set-default-shape BHs "ab-b-2" set kb 1.8 * (10 ^ -5) set vol-1 Base-volume set vol-titrant 0 set current-conc-OH (-0.5 * (kb - sqrt (kb * kb + 4 * kb * Base-concentration))) set current-ph 14 - (-1 * (log current-conc-OH 10)) set M-B Base-concentration * vol-1 * 0.001 ;determine the mole of base set M-OH current-conc-OH * vol-1 * 0.001 ;determine the mole of OH- set M-BH M-OH set current-conc-B ((M-B - M-OH) / (vol-1 * 0.001)) ;determine initial base concentration set current-conc-BH (M-BH / (vol-1 * 0.001)) ;determine initial conjugate acid concentration if Hide-base-molecule-and-conjugate-acid? = false [set num-B round (2500 * sqrt (sqrt (M-B))) set num-BH round (100 * sqrt (sqrt (M-BH))) create-Bs num-B [set-tt-properties set size 1.25 set color 42] create-BHs num-BH[set-tt-properties set size 1.25 set color 62] set unit-num-b (M-b / num-b)] if Hide-hydronium-and-hydroxide? = false [set num-H round (1000 * (1.3895 ^ (-1 * current-ph))) ;find the amount of visual H+ set num-OH round (10000 / (num-H)) ;find the amount of visual OH- create-h3os num-H [set-tt-properties set size 1.25 ] create-ohs num-OH [set-tt-properties set size 1.25 set color 85]] end to set-tt-properties setxy 1 + random-float (max-pxcor - 2) 4 + random-float (max-pycor - 5) end to set-legends create-legends 8 ask legend 0 [set shape "ab-h3o-1" set size 1.75 setxy 1.5 2] ask legend 1 [set shape "blank" set size 1.5 set label "Hydronium (H3O+)" set label-color white setxy 8.5 1.2] ask legend 2 [set shape "ab-OH-1" set size 1.75 set color 85 setxy 12 2] ask legend 3 [set shape "blank" set size 1.5 set label "Hydroxide (OH-)" set label-color white setxy 18 1.2] ask legend 4 [set shape "ab-b-1" set size 1.75 set color 42.5 setxy 22.5 2] ask legend 5 [set shape "blank" set size 1.5 set label "Base molecule" set label-color white setxy 27 1.2] ask legend 6 [set shape "ab-b-2" set size 1.75 set color 62.5 setxy 32 2] ask legend 7 [set shape "blank" set size 1.5 set label "Conjugate acid" set label-color white setxy 37.5 1.2] end to go if vol-titrant >= (Total-mL-of-HCl-added - 0.05) [user-message "Have added the specified amount of titrant." stop] move (ifelse Choose-a-base = "Sodium hydroxide" [if mode = 2 [setup] titration-NaOH] Choose-a-base = "Ammonia" [if mode = 1 [setup] titration-NH3]) (ifelse Hide-base-molecule-and-conjugate-acid? = true and count BHs > 0 [if any? BHs [ask BHs [die]] if any? Bs [ask Bs [die]]] Hide-base-molecule-and-conjugate-acid? = false and count BHs > 0 [if Choose-a-base = "Ammonia" [dissociation]] Hide-base-molecule-and-conjugate-acid? = false and count BHs <= 0 [ifelse Choose-a-base = "Ammonia" [set M-B-1 (current-conc-B * vol-1 * 0.001) let num-B-to-be round (M-B-1 / unit-num-b) create-bs num-b-to-be [set-tt-properties set size 1.25 set color 42] create-BHs (num-b - num-b-to-be + num-BH)[set-tt-properties set size 1.25 set color 62]] [create-BHs round (1000 * (1.3895 ^ (-1 * Base-concentration))) [set-tt-properties set size 1.25 set color 62]]]) (ifelse Hide-hydronium-and-hydroxide? = true and count OHs > 0 [ask h3os [die] ask ohs [die]] Hide-hydronium-and-hydroxide? = false and count ohs > 0 [acid-base-equilibrium] Hide-hydronium-and-hydroxide? = false and count ohs <= 0 [set num-H round (1000 * (1.3895 ^ (-1 * current-pH))) set num-OH round (10000 / (num-H)) create-h3os num-H [set-tt-properties set size 1.25 ] create-ohs num-OH [set-tt-properties set size 1.25 set color 85]]) plot-ion-concentrations-log tick end to move ask turtles with [breed != legends] ;ask non-legend turtles [rt random 360 ;rotate if [pcolor] of patch-at dx dy <= 92 and [pcolor] of patch-at dx dy >= 91.5 ;if the patch-ahead has the proper color [fd 0.5 ;move forward if ycor < 4 [set ycor 4] ;if ycor is low, put ycor higher ]] end to acid-base-equilibrium set num-H round (1000 * (1.3895 ^ (-1 * current-pH))) set num-OH round (10000 / (num-H)) let current-H count H3Os let current-OH count OHs (ifelse (num-H) > current-H [create-h3os abs ((num-H) - current-H) [set-tt-properties set size 1.25]] (num-H) < current-H [ask n-of abs ((num-H) - current-H) h3os [die]]) (ifelse (num-OH) > current-OH [create-ohs abs ((num-OH) - current-OH) [set-tt-properties set size 1.25 set color 85]] (num-OH) < current-OH [ask n-of abs ((num-OH) - current-OH) OHs [die]]) end to dissociation set M-B-1 (current-conc-b * vol-1 * 0.001) let num-b-to-be round (M-b-1 / unit-num-b) let current-num-b count bs if current-num-b > num-b-to-be [if any? bs [ask up-to-n-of (current-num-b - num-b-to-be) bs [set breed bhs set color 62]]] let T-of-tick HCl-concentration * 0.001 * HCl-dose ;calculate the added mole of H+ in this tick if M-B - M-T <= -0.5 * t-of-tick [if any? bs [ask bs [set breed bhs set color 62]]] end to titration-NaOH set current-Conc-H 10 ^ (-14) / current-conc-OH ;calculate the concentration of H+ set M-H current-Conc-H * (vol-1) * 0.001 ;calculate exisitng mole of H+ set vol-titrant vol-titrant + HCl-dose ;increase Titrant volume set vol-1 vol-1 + HCl-dose ;increase total volume let T-of-tick HCl-concentration * 0.001 * HCl-dose ;calculate the added mole of H+ in this tick set M-T (M-T + t-of-tick) ;update total mole of titant (ifelse current-conc-OH >= 10 ^ (-7) ;if base + acid [(ifelse M-B > M-T ;if more OH- than H+ [set current-conc-OH (M-B - M-T) / (vol-1 * 0.001) ;calculate the concentration of OH- set current-conc-BH (M-B / (vol-1 * 0.001)) ;update BH concentration ifelse current-conc-OH > 10 ^ (-6) [set current-ph (14 - (- log current-conc-OH 10))] ;calculate the ph [set current-conc-OH (10 ^ (-7) + current-conc-OH) ;consider water self-ionizaiton set current-ph (14 - (- log current-conc-OH 10))]] ; find current pH M-B < M-T [set M-H (M-T - M-B) ;if more H+ than OH-,calculate left mole of H+ set current-conc-H M-H / (vol-1 * 0.001) ;calculate the concentration of OH- set current-conc-BH (M-B / (vol-1 * 0.001)) ;update BH concentration ifelse current-conc-H > 10 ^ (-6) [set current-ph (- log current-conc-H 10)] ;calculate the concentration of H+ [set current-conc-H ((10 ^ (-7) + current-conc-H)) ;consider water self-ionizaiton set current-ph (- log current-conc-H 10)]] ;calculate the concentration of H+ M-B = M-T [set current-conc-BH (M-B / (vol-1 * 0.001)) ;update BH concentration set current-conc-H 10 ^ (-7) set current-ph (- log current-conc-H 10)]) ] current-conc-OH < 10 ^ (-7) ;if acid + acid [set current-conc-BH (M-B / (vol-1 * 0.001)) ;update BH concentration let total-H (M-H + T-of-tick) ;calculate the total mole of H+ set current-conc-H total-H / (vol-1 * 0.001) ;calculate the concentration of OH- set current-ph (- log current-conc-H 10)]) ;Find ph end to titration-NH3 set vol-titrant vol-titrant + HCl-dose ;increase Titrant volume set vol-1 vol-1 + HCl-dose ;increase total volume let T-of-tick HCl-concentration * 0.001 * HCl-dose ;calculate the added mole of OH- in this tick set M-T (M-T + t-of-tick) ;update total mole of titant (ifelse (M-B - M-T) >= T-of-tick * 0.5 ;if more base (half tick mole) than H+, i.e., before the equivalent point [set current-conc-B (M-B - M-T) / (vol-1 * 0.001) ;update base concentration ifelse ((M-BH + M-T) / (vol-1 * 0.001)) - (M-T / (vol-1 * 0.001)) > 0.001 ;update BH concentration. consider the initial BH concentration [set current-conc-BH ((M-BH + M-T) / (vol-1 * 0.001))] [set current-conc-BH (M-T / (vol-1 * 0.001))] set current-conc-OH (kb * current-conc-B / current-conc-BH) ;find current OH- concentration set current-ph (14 - (- log current-conc-OH 10))] ; find current pH M-B - M-T < T-of-tick * 0.5 and M-B - M-T > -0.5 * T-of-tick ;if at the equivalent point [set current-conc-BH ((Base-concentration * Base-volume * 0.001) / (vol-1 * 0.001)) ;update A- concentration set ka (10 ^ (-14) / kb) set current-conc-H (-0.5 * (ka - sqrt (ka * ka + 4 * ka * current-conc-BH))) ;find H+ concentration using Ka set current-pH (- log current-conc-H 10) ;find current ph using pH set current-conc-b current-conc-h] ;update Base molecule concentration M-B - M-T <= -0.5 * T-of-tick ; if after the equivalent point [set current-conc-b 0 ;update Base molecule concentration set current-conc-BH ((Base-concentration * Base-volume * 0.001) / (vol-1 * 0.001)) ;update BH concentration set current-conc-H ((M-T - M-B) / (vol-1 * 0.001)) ; find H+ concentration set current-ph (- log current-conc-H 10)]) ;find current ph using pOH end to plot-ion-concentrations-log ;; this creates the bar graph set-current-plot "Base/Conjugate acid Concentrations" clear-plot set-plot-x-range 0 1 set-plot-y-range 0 0.1 plot-pen-down set-current-plot-pen "Base" plotxy 0 current-conc-B set-current-plot-pen "Conjugate acid" plotxy 1 current-conc-BH end
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