
Unique-Colors preview image

1 collaborator

Turtlezero2-white-048 James Steiner (Author)


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Model was written in NetLogo 6.2.2 • Viewed 202 times • Downloaded 25 times • Run 0 times
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patches-own [
  new-pcolor ;; only for wheee demo

to-report deep-color-1 [ value ]
  report (
  red + 10 * (value mod 13) ;; base netlogo color
  ;; shift up or down
  +  .5 * ( (int (value / 13 )) mod 2 * 2 - 1) ;; alternate normal -1, +1
  ;; increase difference (gets brighter and darker)
  * (1 + int ( value / ( 2 * 13 )))

to-report deep-color-2 [ value gamut shades ]
  ;; color from the wheel
  let hue (value mod gamut) / gamut * 360
  ;; ring determines shift in brightness
  let ring ( int (value / gamut) ) mod shades
  ;; thickness of the slice of brightness
  ;; 160, not 200, so that brightest is not white and darkest is not black
  let thick 160 / shades
  ;; calculate it (180 for same reasons as 160, above (min bright is 20, max sat is 180))
  let brightness 180 - ( ring * thick )
  let saturation 100
  if brightness > 100
  [ set saturation (200 - brightness)
    set brightness 100

  report HSB hue saturation (brightness)

to-report min-max [$value $min $max ]
  ( ifelse
    ( $value < $min ) [ report $min   ]
    ( $value > $max ) [ report $max   ]
    [                   report $value ]

to adjust-world-view [ $width $height  $pix-width-limit $pix-height-limit]

  let #max-height min-max $height 1 $pix-height-limit
  let #max-width min-max $width 1 $pix-width-limit
  let #p1 min-max ($pix-height-limit / #max-height) 1 40
  let #p2 min-max ($pix-width-limit / #max-width) 1 40
  let #p max list 1 min list #p1 #p2
  set-patch-size #p
  resize-world 0 (#max-width - 1) 0 (#max-height - 1)
  set-patch-size #p

to test-deep-color-1
  adjust-world-view 13 16 1000 500
  foreach sort patches
  [ p ->
    ask p
    [ sprout 1
        set color (deep-color-1 who)
        set pcolor color

to test-deep-color-2
  adjust-world-view $gamut $shades 1000 500
  foreach sort patches
  [ p ->
    ask p
      sprout 1
        set color (deep-color-2 who $gamut $shades)
        set pcolor color

to startup

;; setup and go here are mainly for the modeling commons thumbnail generator

to setup

to go
 ask turtles
  [ rt (random 2 * 2 - 1)
    jump 1 / patch-size

There are 4 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
James Steiner over 2 years ago removed test rig for min-max methods Download this version
James Steiner over 2 years ago Self-adjusting world-view, deep-color-2 now also makes tints and shades Download this version
James Steiner over 2 years ago Fixed error in width of color gamuts Download this version
James Steiner over 2 years ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Unique-Colors.png preview Preview for 'Unique-Colors' over 2 years ago, by James Steiner Download

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