Farms Using Area Subdivision

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1 collaborator

Turtlezero2-white-048 James Steiner (Author)


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Model was written in NetLogo 6.2.2 • Viewed 195 times • Downloaded 26 times • Run 0 times
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[ ;; for farm color assignments
  new-color ;; the last color provided by the next-color utility
  new-color-inc ;; the direction (plus or minus) to shift the shade
  new-color-base ;; the shade of gray that is the base color for the current color series

[ farm-id

breed [ farms farm ]

[ farm-root

to start-up

to reset
   ;; (for this model to work with NetLogo's new plotting features,
  ;; __clear-all-and-reset-ticks should be replaced with clear-all at
  ;; the beginning of your setup procedure and reset-ticks at the end
  ;; of the procedure.)
  ;; sanity check on mean-farm-size
  if desired-mean-farm-size < min-farm-size and seek-mean-farm-size?
  [ user-message (word "The desired mean farm size can't be less than the minimum farm size,\n"
    "or the desired mean can never be reached!\n\n"
                          "Please change either the minimum farm size or the desired mean farm size."
  set stop? false

to go

to setup-farms
  ;; create the initial farm
  ask patch min-pxcor min-pycor
  [ sprout-farms 1
    [ set farm-size world-width
  while [ stop? != true ]
  [ build-farm

to build-farm
  ;; first, enforce MAX-FARM-SIZE, split any farms over the max size.
   ;; using ONE-OF just to slow things down in demo!
   ;; --remove for production model
   ( ifelse
    ( any? large-farms )
    [ ask one-of large-farms [ split-farm ] ]
    ( seek-mean-farm-size?)
    [ ifelse ( mean [ farm-size ] of farms > desired-mean-farm-size and any? splittable-farms )
      [ ask one-of splittable-farms [ split-farm ] ]
      [ set stop? true ]
    [ ;; otherwise
      ;; enforce MIN-FARM-COUNT
      ;; split randomly, until at least enough farms
      ifelse ( count farms < desired-min-farm-count and any? splittable-farms )
      [ ask one-of splittable-farms [ split-farm ]
      [ set stop? true ]

to position-farm
   let scale farm-size / 2
   set size scale
   setxy ( [ pxcor ] of farm-root + scale )
         ( [ pycor ] of farm-root + scale )

to highlight-borders
   ask farm-patches with [ any? neighbors4 with [ farm-id != [ farm-id ] of myself ] ]
   [ set pcolor [ color + 3 ] of farm-id ]

to-report large-farms
   report farms with [ farm-size > max-farm-size ]

to-report splittable-farms
   report (farms with [ farm-size > min-farm-size ] )

to split-farm
   ;; do not even try to split if this farm is only 1 unit wide.
   if farm-size <= 1 [ stop ]

   ;; OK, split!
   let xx 0
   let yy 0
   let new-size farm-size / 2
   ;; create new farm-roots relative to current farm root
   ;; (do this relative to farm-root so that farm turtle's location is coupled to
   ;; determinig patches for splitting, etc)
   let new-farm-roots [ patches at-points map [ ?1 -> (list (first ?1 * new-size) (last ?1 * new-size) ) ] [ [ 0 0 ] [ 0 1 ] [ 1 1 ] [ 1 0 ] ] ] of farm-root
   ask new-farm-roots
   [ sprout-farms 1
     [ set farm-size new-size
   ;; this farm is removed

to initialize-farm
    ;; store ID of this patch,
    ;; so we can use farm-root to id the lower-left corner of farm
    ;; letting us put farm turtle anywhere, if we =hoose.
    set farm-root patch-here
    set farm-patches patches with [ pxcor >= [ xcor ] of myself and pxcor < [ xcor + farm-size] of myself
                            and pycor >= [ ycor ] of myself and pycor < [ ycor + farm-size] of myself
    set shape "farm"
    set color next-color
    ask farm-patches [ set pcolor [ color ] of myself set farm-id myself ]


to-report next-color
   ifelse new-color = 0 [ set new-color gray ]
   [ set new-color wrap-color (new-color + 10 ) ]
   report new-color

to-report between [ value minimum maximum ]
   report (minimum <= value and value <= maximum)

to histogram-farm-size
   set-current-plot "by farm size"
   histogram [ log farm-size 2] of farms

There are 5 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
James Steiner over 2 years ago tweaks Download this version
James Steiner over 2 years ago bug fix Download this version
James Steiner over 2 years ago Display tweak Download this version
James Steiner over 2 years ago tweaks for modeling commons Download this version
James Steiner over 2 years ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Farms Using Area Subdivision.png preview Preview for 'Farms Using Area Subdivision' over 2 years ago, by James Steiner Download

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