Community interaction-Mutually beneficial
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This model simulates the interaction of mutually beneficial between bees and sunflowers.
There are two types of agents: bees and sunflowers.
Model Rules:
There are 165 patches in the model. The nutrients in each patch may support and only support one sunflower plant.
Bees lose energy when they move around to search for flowers and die when running out of energy.
Bees gain energy when they find flowers and will produce offspring when they accumulate enough energy.
Bees pollinate the sunflowers, and only the pollinated flowers produce seeds.
Spraying Insecticide kills bees.
Urbanization reduces the area of sunflower patches.
Use sliders number-of-plants and other similar sliders to set up the number of organisms. Click Start/Reset to confirm the settings.
Put a number in years to define when the model ends.
Click Run/Pause to run or pause the model. Good for gaining an overview and a long-term result.
Click Run a year to run the model for a hypothetical year. Good for systematically collecting data.
Use Urbanization and Rewild to change the area of sunflower patches
Use Bees-killed-by-insecticides to define how many bees are killed by insecticides.
What population patterns emerge when neither urbanization nor insecticides are present in the model?
What population patterns emerge when urbanization is present in the model?
What population patterns emerge when insecticides are sprayed in the model?
How do urbanization and/or insecticide utilization affect the yields of oil and honey in the model?
Find more community interaction models at
Dr. Lin Xiang ( created this module at the University of Kentucky in 2022. If you mention this model in a publication, we ask that you include the citations below.
Xiang, L. (2022). Mutually Beneficial Interaction. Department of STEM Education, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.
Comments and Questions
; Coded in 2022 by Lin Xiang; Last revised in 2022 by Lin Xiang (; ;; ;; If you mention this model in a publication, we ask that you include the citations below. ;; ;; Xiang, L. (2022). Mutually Beneficial Interaction. Department of STEM Education, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; breed [legends legend] breed [plant1s plant1] breed [pesticides pesticide] breed [buildings building] breed [bees bee] plant1s-own [visit-1 num-seed nectar] bees-own [life erg food ] patches-own [seeding bldg] Globals [days num-seeds running-avg-list-bee running-avg-list-plant1 mean-total-bee mean-total-plant1 oil honey ] to-report empty-patches report patches with [pcolor >= 62 and seeding = 0 and bldg = 0 and not any? plant1s-here] end to-report fresh-flowers report plant1s with [nectar > 0 and visit-1 < 2 and shape = "sunflower-1"] end to-report building-land report patches with [pxcor > min-pxcor and pxcor < max-pxcor and pcolor = 62 and bldg = 0] end to setup clear-all setup-patches setup-legends setup-plant1s setup-bees set running-avg-list-bee [] set running-avg-list-plant1 [] set oil 0 set honey 0 do-plot reset-ticks end to setup-patches ask patches [set pcolor 62] ask patches with [pycor < 2 or pycor = max-pycor or pxcor = 0 or pxcor = max-pxcor] [set pcolor white] ask patches with [pcolor = 62] [set seeding 0 set bldg 0] end to setup-bees set-default-shape bees "bee" create-bees number-of-bees [set color yellow set size 0.6 set erg 10 set life 0 setxy 1 + random (world-width - 2) 2 + random (world-height - 3) ] end to setup-plant1s ask n-of number-of-sunflowers empty-patches [sprout-plant1s 1 [set color 26 set size 1 set shape "sunflower-1" set visit-1 0 set nectar 1 ]] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; GO PROCEDURE ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to go ; every 0.01[ if ticks >= years: * 60 [stop] search reproduce-bees make-nectar flower-color plant-reproduction pesticides-killing find-running-avg-1 ifelse days <= 9 [set days days + 1] [set days 0] do-plot tick ;] if mean-total-plant1 = 0 and mean-total-bee <= 0 [stop] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to search ask bees [ifelse any? fresh-flowers in-radius 2 [let my-goal one-of fresh-flowers in-radius 2 face my-goal move-to my-goal set erg erg + 3 ask my-goal [set nectar 0 set visit-1 visit-1 + 1]] [right random 180 left random 180 if [pcolor] of patch-at dx dy = 62 [fd 1 set erg erg - 0.5 if erg <= 0 [die]]] ifelse life < 60 [set life life + 1][die] ;set life-span to allow trapped bees to die out ] end to harvest-honey ifelse count bees > 35 [set honey 0.1 * (sum [erg] of bees * (20 / 100)) ask bees [set erg erg * (80 / 100)]] [set honey 0] end to reproduce-bees ask bees [if erg >= 20 [hatch 1 [set erg 10 set life 0] set erg erg - 10]] end to plant-reproduction if days = 9 [ifelse count plant1s with [visit-1 = 2] > count patches with [pcolor = 62] / 2 [set oil (count plant1s with [visit-1 = 2] - count patches with [pcolor = 62] / 2) / 2 set num-seeds count patches with [pcolor = 62] / 2] ;harvest sunflower oil [set num-seeds count plant1s with [visit-1 = 2]] ask up-to-n-of (2 * num-seeds) patches with [pcolor = 62 and seeding = 0] [set seeding 1] ask plant1s [die] ask patches with [seeding = 1] [if bldg = 0 [if random 100 < 85 [sprout-plant1s 1 [set color 26 set size 1 set shape "sunflower-1" set visit-1 0 set nectar 1]]] set seeding 0] harvest-honey ] end to make-nectar ask plant1s with [nectar = 0 and visit-1 < 2] [if random 100 < 15 ;produce food at a chance [set nectar 1]] end to flower-color ask plant1s with [visit-1 >= 2 and shape = "sunflower-1"] [set color 35 set shape "sunflower"] end to find-running-avg-1 ;find the running average (ifelse ticks < 30 [set running-avg-list-bee lput (count bees) running-avg-list-bee set mean-total-bee mean running-avg-list-bee set running-avg-list-plant1 lput (count plant1s) running-avg-list-plant1 set mean-total-plant1 mean running-avg-list-plant1 ] [set running-avg-list-bee lput count bees running-avg-list-bee set running-avg-list-bee remove-item 0 running-avg-list-bee set mean-total-bee mean running-avg-list-bee set running-avg-list-plant1 lput count plant1s running-avg-list-plant1 set running-avg-list-plant1 remove-item 0 running-avg-list-plant1 set mean-total-plant1 mean running-avg-list-plant1 ]) end to deconstruction-1 if any? buildings [ask one-of buildings with [pycor = max [pycor] of buildings] [ask neighbors with [bldg = 1] [set bldg 0 set pcolor 62] set bldg 0 set pcolor 62 die]] end to deconstruction if any? buildings [let demolishing buildings with [pycor = max [pycor] of buildings] ask one-of demolishing with [pxcor = max [pxcor] of demolishing] [ask neighbors with [bldg = 1] [set bldg 0 set pcolor 62] set bldg 0 set pcolor 62 die]] end to building-a-house if any? plant1s-here [ask plant1s-here [die]] sprout-buildings 1 [set shape "house-1" set size 2 set color 48 setxy pxcor - 0.5 pycor ] set bldg 1 set pcolor 62.5 ask neighbors with [pcolor = 62] [if any? plant1s-here [ask plant1s-here [die]] set bldg 1 set pcolor 62.5] end to pesticides-killing ifelse Bees-killed-by-insecticides > 0 [if any? plant1s [ask n-of (1 + ((Bees-killed-by-insecticides * count plant1s / 1000))) plant1s [set shape "sunflower-11"]]] [if any? plant1s [ask plant1s [ifelse visit-1 < 2 [set color 26 set shape "sunflower-1"][set color 35 set shape "sunflower"]]]] ask bees [if count bees >= 100 - Bees-killed-by-insecticides [if random 2 = 0 [die]]] end to building-houses-1 ifelse not any? buildings [ask patches with [pxcor = 2 and pycor = 3] [building-a-house ]] [ifelse any? building-land with [pycor = 3] [ask patches with [pxcor = max [pxcor] of patches with [bldg = 1] + 2 and pycor = 3] [building-a-house]] [ifelse not any? buildings with [pycor = 6] [ask patches with [pxcor = 2 and pycor = 6] [building-a-house ]] [ifelse any? building-land with [pycor = 6] [ask patches with [pxcor = max [pxcor] of patches with [bldg = 1 and pycor = 6] + 2 and pycor = 6] [building-a-house]] [ifelse not any? buildings with [pycor = 9] [ask patches with [pxcor = 2 and pycor = 9] [building-a-house ]] [ifelse any? building-land with [pycor = 9] [ask patches with [pxcor = max [pxcor] of patches with [bldg = 1 and pycor = 9] + 2 and pycor = 9] [building-a-house]] [ifelse not any? buildings with [pycor = 12] [ask patches with [pxcor = 2 and pycor = 12] [building-a-house ]] [ifelse any? building-land with [pycor = 12] [ask patches with [pxcor = max [pxcor] of patches with [bldg = 1 and pycor = 12] + 2 and pycor = 12] [building-a-house]] [ifelse not any? buildings with [pycor = 15] [ask patches with [pxcor = 2 and pycor = 15] [building-a-house ]] [if any? building-land with [pycor = 15] [ask patches with [pxcor = max [pxcor] of patches with [bldg = 1 and pycor = 15] + 2 and pycor = 15] [building-a-house]] ]]]]]]]]] end to do-plot ;; this creates creates the bar graph set-current-plot "Oil and Honey Yields" clear-plot plot-pen-down set-current-plot-pen "Sunflower Oil" plotxy 0 oil set-current-plot-pen "Honey" plotxy 1 honey end to setup-legends create-legends 10 ask legend 0 [set shape "sunflower-1" set size 1 set color 26 setxy 1.5 0.75] ask legend 1 [set shape "bee" set color yellow set size 0.75 setxy 3.75 0.75] ask legend 2 [set shape "house-1" set color gray set size 1.25 setxy 10.55 0.75] ask legend 3 [set shape "sunflower-11" set color 26 set size 1 setxy 8 0.75] ask legend 4 [set shape "blank" set color 136 set size 1.5 set label "Sunflower" set label-color 0 set heading 90 setxy 1.5 0.5] ask legend 5 [set shape "blank" set color 136 set size 1.5 set label "Sprayed flower" set label-color 0 set heading 75 setxy 8.4 0.5] ask legend 6 [set shape "blank" set color 136 set size 1.5 set label "Bee" set label-color 0 set heading 75 setxy 3.35 0.5] ask legend 7 [set shape "blank" set color 136 set size 1 set label "Building lot" set label-color 0 set heading 75 setxy 11 0.25] ask legend 8 [set shape "sunflower" set color 35 set size 1 set label "" set label-color 0 set heading 75 setxy 5.75 0.75] ask legend 9 [set shape "blank" set color 136 set size 1 set label "Seeds" set label-color 0 set heading 75 setxy 5.75 0.25] end
There are 2 versions of this model.
This model does not have any ancestors.
This model does not have any descendants.