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The model was built on top the GasLab Gravity Box from the Model Library Wilensky, U. (2002). NetLogo GasLab Gravity Box model. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
A full description of the use of the model to teach Thermodynamics can be found in Mayorga LS, Lopez MJ, Becker WM Molecular thermodynamics for cell biology as taught with boxes. CBE Life Sci Educ. 2012, 11:31-8. doi: 10.1187/cbe.11-07-0053.
This model is an extension of the boxes used in the cell biology textbook The World of the Cell (Becker et al., 2008).
The analogy was first developed by Harold F. Blum in the book Time_s Arrow and Evolution (Blum, 1968).
The box containing small balls that are in constant movement. The collisions of balls against the box walls and against each other are elastic. However, when they hit the floor, they receive (in a random way) an energy following a Boltzmann distribution (- R T ln (random-float 1), where R is the gas constant (1.986 cal / mol / K) and T the absolute temperature.
The number of molecules in each sector depends on the area of each sector and on the floor level of the sector. These two factors accurately correspond to the entropy and the enthalpy difference between the two sectors.
A barrier can be added between the two sectors such that only balls jumping higher than the barrier can pass to the other sector.
This wall accurately represents the activation energy in a chemical reaction. Simulations can be initiated with all of the balls in one sector and follow the kinetics of transfer to the other compartment in boxes having different activation energies.
This strategy is useful to show how the activation energy affects the reaction rate. It will also shows that the activation energy does not affect the equilibrium constant. The effect is quantitative and can be used to calculate the activation energy to go from left to right or from right to left counting the initial number of balls that jump at different temperatures (Arrhenius equation). These numbers (kinetic constants) can also be used to calculate the equilibrium constant
1-propanol <- -> 2-propanol standard molar enthalpy -3.63 kcal / mol standard molar entropy -3.85 cal /mol / K (p1 = 0.875)
ATP + AMP <- -> 2 ADP standard molar enthalpy -1.46 kcal / mol standard molar entropy -2.88 cal /mol / K (p1 = 0.81)
Ice fusion standard molar enthalpy 1.44 kcal / mol standard molar entropy 5.25 cal /mol / K (p1 = 0.066)
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globals [ tick-delta ;; how much we advance the tick counter this time through max-tick-delta ;; the largest tick-delta is allowed to be avg-speed-init avg-energy-init ;; initial averages avg-speed avg-energy ;; current averages fast medium slow lost-particles ;; current counts percent-medium percent-slow ;; percentage of current counts percent-fast percent-lost-particles ;; percentage of current counts box-edge1 box-edge2 leftbox-edge rightbox floor1 floor2 entropy2 R enthalpy1 Eafloor deltaG deltaG0 deltaG0e deltaS deltaH K percent1 yboltz tracer punta min-xcor max-xcor min-ycor max-ycor p/r ; entropy1 ; enthalpy2 ; scale ; initialstate ; particles in initially in state 1 ; temperature ] breed [invisibles invisible] breed [ particles particle ] particles-own [ speed mass energy ;; particle info last-collision state ] invisibles-own [ speed mass energy ;; particle info last-collision state ] to setup clear-all set-default-shape particles "circle" set max-tick-delta 0.1073 set R 1.9858775 / 1000 ;constante de gases en kcal/mol/K set entropy2 1 - entropy1 ; entropy expresed as probability set enthalpy1 0 ifelse enthalpy1 <= enthalpy2 [set floor1 0 set floor2 (enthalpy2 * scale)] ; scale 1kcal= scale y coordenate [set floor2 0 set floor1 (-1 * enthalpy2 * scale)] ; scale 1kcal=scale y coordinate set Eafloor max (list floor1 floor2) + Ea * scale set min-xcor min-pxcor set max-xcor max-pxcor set min-ycor min-pycor set max-ycor max-pycor set box-edge2 max-xcor set box-edge1 min-xcor + (entropy1 * (max-xcor - min-xcor)) set punta patch box-edge1 Eafloor set deltaH enthalpy2 - enthalpy1 set deltaS R * ln (entropy2 / entropy1) ;calculo entropía set deltaG0 deltaH - temperature * deltaS ;calculo delta G cero teórica ;; make floor make-box make-separation make-particles make-invisibles update-variables set avg-speed-init avg-speed set avg-energy-init avg-energy reset-ticks set tracer one-of particles end to go if not any? particles [stop] ;; particles can die when they float too high ask particles [ if collide? [check-for-collision] change-position ] if tracer = nobody [ set tracer one-of particles ] ifelse trace? [ ask tracer [ pen-down ] ] [ ask tracer [ pen-up ] ] tick-advance tick-delta if floor ticks > floor (ticks - tick-delta) [ ask invisibles [ bounce ] update-variables update-plots ] calculate-tick-delta display end to update-variables set K count invisibles with [state = 2] / (count invisibles with [state = 1] + 1E-20) set deltaG0e (- R * temperature * ln (K + 1E-20)) set deltaG0 deltaH - temperature * deltaS ;calculo delta G cero teórica set deltaG R * temperature * ln (K + 1E-20) + deltaG0 set avg-speed mean [speed] of particles set avg-energy mean [energy] of particles set percent1 count invisibles with [state = 1] / (number-of-particles) * 100 set p/r count invisibles with [state = 2] / (count invisibles with [state = 1] + 0.000001) end to bounce ;; particle procedure ifelse state = 1 [ set yboltz floor1 - scale * ln (random-float 1) * R * temperature if yboltz >= Eafloor [set xcor min-pxcor + random (max-pxcor - min-pxcor)] ] [ set yboltz floor2 - scale * ln (random-float 1) * R * temperature if yboltz >= Eafloor [set xcor min-pxcor + random (max-pxcor - min-pxcor)] ] ifelse yboltz > max-pycor [set ycor max-pycor] [set ycor yboltz] ifelse (xcor >= min-pxcor and xcor < box-edge1) [set state 1 set color blue] [set state 2 set color yellow] end to calculate-tick-delta ;; tick-delta is calculated in such way that even the fastest ;; particle will jump at most 1 patch length in a tick. As ;; particles jump (speed * tick-delta) at every tick, making ;; tick length the inverse of the speed of the fastest particle ;; (1/max speed) assures that. Having each particle advance at most ;; one patch-length is necessary for it not to "jump over" a wall ;; or another particle. ifelse any? particles with [speed > 0] [ set tick-delta min list (1 / (ceiling max [speed] of particles)) max-tick-delta ] [ set tick-delta max-tick-delta ] end to change-position let oldx xcor let oldy ycor move if xcor = oldx and ycor = oldy [print "no se mueve"] end to move ;; particle procedure let new-patch patch-ahead 1 ;; if we're about to hit a wall, bounce and then move ;if new-patch = nobody or [pcolor] of new-patch != 0 ;[bounce] let xdiff dx * speed * tick-delta let ydiff dy * speed * tick-delta - gravity-acceleration * (0.5 * (tick-delta ^ 2)) let new-x xcor + xdiff let new-y ycor + ydiff if new-x <= min-xcor [ set new-x min-xcor set heading (- heading) boltzman-n ] if new-x >= max-xcor [ set new-x max-xcor set heading (- heading) boltzman-n ] if state = 1 and ycor <= Eafloor and new-x > box-edge1 [ set new-x box-edge1 - 1 set heading (- heading) boltzman-n ] if state = 2 and ycor <= Eafloor and new-x <= box-edge1 [ set new-x box-edge1 + 1 set heading (- heading) boltzman-n ] if new-y >= max-ycor [set new-y max-ycor set heading (180 - heading) boltzman-n ] if state = 1 and new-y <= floor1 [ set new-y floor1 boltzman-n set heading (180 - heading) ] if state = 2 and new-y <= floor2 [ set new-y floor2 boltzman-n set heading (180 - heading) ] setxy new-x new-y ifelse (xcor >= min-pxcor and xcor < box-edge1) [set state 1 set color green] [set state 2 set color red] factor-gravity end to boltzman-n set yboltz -1 * scale * (ln (random-float 1)) * R * temperature; from the potencial energy that should have a boltzmann distribution; ; ifelse state = 1 [set yboltz yboltz + floor2][set yboltz yboltz + floor1] set speed 1 * (2 * gravity-acceleration * yboltz) ^ 0.5 ; the speed is calculated from the free fall formula. ; v^2 = 2gh is the speed of an object falling from an heigth h with a gravity g ;The 1.15 factor is a correction factor for ??????????????? ; set heading (180 - heading) end to factor-gravity ;; turtle procedure let vx (dx * speed) let vy (dy * speed) - (gravity-acceleration * tick-delta) set speed sqrt ((vy ^ 2) + (vx ^ 2)) set energy (0.5 * mass * (speed ^ 2)) set heading atan vx vy end to check-for-collision ;; particle procedure ;; Here we impose a rule that collisions only take place when there ;; are exactly two particles per patch. if count other particles-here = 1 [ ;; the following conditions are imposed on collision candidates: ;; 1. they must have a lower who number than my own, because collision ;; code is asymmetrical: it must always happen from the point of view ;; of just one particle. ;; 2. they must not be the same particle that we last collided with on ;; this patch, so that we have a chance to leave the patch after we've ;; collided with someone. let candidate one-of other particles-here with [who < [who] of myself and myself != last-collision] ;; we also only collide if one of us has non-zero speed. It's useless ;; (and incorrect, actually) for two particles with zero speed to collide. if (candidate != nobody) and (speed > 0 or [speed] of candidate > 0) [ collide-with candidate set last-collision candidate ask candidate [ set last-collision myself ] ] ] end ;; implements a collision with another particle. ;; ;; THIS IS THE HEART OF THE PARTICLE SIMULATION, AND YOU ARE STRONGLY ADVISED ;; NOT TO CHANGE IT UNLESS YOU REALLY UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'RE DOING! ;; ;; The two particles colliding are self and other-particle, and while the ;; collision is performed from the point of view of self, both particles are ;; modified to reflect its effects. This is somewhat complicated, so I'll ;; give a general outline here: ;; 1. Do initial setup, and determine the heading between particle centers ;; (call it theta). ;; 2. Convert the representation of the velocity of each particle from ;; speed/heading to a theta-based vector whose first component is the ;; particle's speed along theta, and whose second component is the speed ;; perpendicular to theta. ;; 3. Modify the velocity vectors to reflect the effects of the collision. ;; This involves: ;; a. computing the velocity of the center of mass of the whole system ;; along direction theta ;; b. updating the along-theta components of the two velocity vectors. ;; 4. Convert from the theta-based vector representation of velocity back to ;; the usual speed/heading representation for each particle. ;; 5. Perform final cleanup and update derived quantities. to collide-with [ other-particle ] ;; particle procedure ;; local copies of other-particle's relevant quantities: ;; mass2 speed2 heading2 ;; ;; quantities used in the collision itself ;; theta ;; heading of vector from my center to the center of other-particle. ;; v1t ;; velocity of self along direction theta ;; v1l ;; velocity of self perpendicular to theta ;; v2t v2l ;; velocity of other-particle, represented in the same way ;; vcm ;; velocity of the center of mass of the colliding particles, ;; along direction theta ;;; PHASE 1: initial setup ;; for convenience, grab some quantities from other-particle let mass2 [mass] of other-particle let speed2 [speed] of other-particle let heading2 [heading] of other-particle ;; since particles are modeled as zero-size points, theta isn't meaningfully ;; defined. we can assign it randomly without affecting the model's outcome. let theta (random-float 360) ;;; PHASE 2: convert velocities to theta-based vector representation ;; now convert my velocity from speed/heading representation to components ;; along theta and perpendicular to theta let v1t (speed * cos (theta - heading)) let v1l (speed * sin (theta - heading)) ;; do the same for other-particle let v2t (speed2 * cos (theta - heading2)) let v2l (speed2 * sin (theta - heading2)) ;;; PHASE 3: manipulate vectors to implement collision ;; compute the velocity of the system's center of mass along theta let vcm (((mass * v1t) + (mass2 * v2t)) / (mass + mass2) ) ;; now compute the new velocity for each particle along direction theta. ;; velocity perpendicular to theta is unaffected by a collision along theta, ;; so the next two lines actually implement the collision itself, in the ;; sense that the effects of the collision are exactly the following changes ;; in particle velocity. set v1t (2 * vcm - v1t) set v2t (2 * vcm - v2t) ;;; PHASE 4: convert back to normal speed/heading ;; now convert my velocity vector into my new speed and heading set speed sqrt ((v1t ^ 2) + (v1l ^ 2)) set energy (0.5 * mass * (speed ^ 2)) ;; if the magnitude of the velocity vector is 0, atan is undefined. but ;; speed will be 0, so heading is irrelevant anyway. therefore, in that ;; case we'll just leave it unmodified. if v1l != 0 or v1t != 0 [ set heading (theta - (atan v1l v1t)) ] ;; and do the same for other-particle ask other-particle [ set speed sqrt ((v2t ^ 2) + (v2l ^ 2)) set energy (0.5 * mass * (speed ^ 2)) if v2l != 0 or v2t != 0 [ set heading (theta - (atan v2l v2t)) ] ] ;; PHASE 5: final updates end ;;; ;;; drawing procedures to make-box ; white the part of the box that is inactive ifelse floor1 <= floor2 [ ask patches with [ (pxcor > box-edge1) and (pycor < floor2) ] [ set pcolor 8 ] ] [ ask patches with [ (pxcor < box-edge1) and (pycor < floor1) ] [ set pcolor 8 ] ] end ;;; to make-separation create-particles 1 [ setxy box-edge1 0 set pen-size world-width / 50 set color 45 pen-down move-to patch box-edge1 Eafloor die ] end ;; creates initial particles to make-particles create-particles number-of-particles [ setup-particle ifelse random-float 1 < initialstate [ set xcor min-xcor + random (box-edge1 - min-xcor - 1) set yboltz floor1 - scale * ln (random-float 1) * R * temperature ifelse yboltz > max-ycor [set ycor max-ycor] [set ycor yboltz] ] [ set xcor box-edge1 + 1 + random (max-xcor - box-edge1 - 1) set yboltz floor2 - scale * ln (random-float 1) * R * temperature ifelse yboltz > max-ycor [set ycor max-ycor] [set ycor yboltz] ] ifelse (xcor < box-edge1) [set state 1 set color green] [set state 2 set color red] ;;random-position ] ; set K count particles with [state = 2] / (count particles with [state = 1] + 1E-20) ;set deltaG0e (- R * temperature * ln (K + 1E-20)) ;set deltaG R * temperature * ln (K + 1E-20) + deltaG0 calculate-tick-delta end to make-invisibles create-invisibles number-of-particles [ set size 5 set hidden? true ifelse random-float 1 < initialstate [ set xcor min-xcor + random (box-edge1 - min-xcor - 1) set yboltz floor1 - scale * ln (random-float 1) * R * temperature ifelse yboltz > max-ycor [set ycor max-ycor] [set ycor yboltz] ] [ set xcor box-edge1 + 1 + random (max-xcor - box-edge1 - 1) set yboltz floor2 - scale * ln (random-float 1) * R * temperature ifelse yboltz > max-ycor [set ycor max-ycor] [set ycor yboltz] ] ifelse (xcor < box-edge1) [set state 1 set color blue] [set state 2 set color yellow] ;;random-position ] set K count invisibles with [state = 2] / (count invisibles with [state = 1] + 1E-20) set deltaG0e (- R * temperature * ln (K + 1E-20)) set deltaG R * temperature * ln (K + 1E-20) + deltaG0 end to setup-particle ;; particle procedure set size 10 set speed init-particle-speed set heading 90 - random 180 set mass particle-mass set energy (0.5 * mass * (speed ^ 2)) set last-collision nobody end to-report last-n [n the-list] ifelse n >= length the-list [ report the-list ] [ report last-n n butfirst the-list ] end ; Copyright 1997 Uri Wilensky. ; See Info tab for full copyright and license.
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MolecularThermodynamicsInBoxes.png | preview | Preview for 'MolecularThermodynamicsInBoxes' | about 3 years ago, by Luis Mayorga | Download |
MolecularThermodynamicsInBoxesPrueba.nlogo | data | To download a file that works | about 3 years ago, by Luis Mayorga | Download |
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