Simple double auction market

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Default-person Per Hung Yap (Author)


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Hi, still new to the website and don't really know how to edit it yet. If you have any questions, just ask them here

Posted almost 3 years ago

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breed [buyers buyer]
breed [sellers seller]
breed [farmers farmer]
breed [speculators speculator]
breed [firms firm]
;breed [happiest happy] ; to take out fulfilled buyers out of the market
;breed [no-stocks no-stock]
;breed [unhappiest_buyers unhappy_buyer]
;breed [unhappiest_sellers unhappy_seller]

Globals [b-price s-price bid_schedule ask_schedule last_price round_price number_of_buyers_left highest_bid lowest_ask number_of_sellers_left rounds periods]

buyers-own [bid stock_demanded Own_ID Money_Holdings]
sellers-own [ask_offer inventory Own_ID Money_Holdings]
farmers-own [ask_offer inventory Own_ID Money_Holdings]
speculators-own [bid stock_demanded ask_offer inventory Own_ID Money_Holdings]
firms-own [bid stock_demanded Own_ID Money_Holdings]

to Setup
  create-firms Number-of-Firms [
    set Own_ID 0
    set color blue
    ask firms [find_patch]
    set bid random bid-variation
    set stock_demanded random demand-variation
    set Money_Holdings 500
  ]                                                   ; create a sort-of demand curve, placeholder, will be more 'adaptive' in the future where bids are endogenously generated instead of exogenously determined
  create-farmers Number-of-Farmers [
    set Own_ID 1
    set color red
    ask farmers [find_patch]
    set ask_offer random ask-variation
    set inventory random inventory-variation
    set Money_Holdings 500
  ]                                                    ; create a sort-of supply curve
  create-speculators Number-of-Speculators [
    set Own_ID 2
    set color green
    ask speculators [find_patch]
    set bid 0
    set ask_offer 0
    set inventory 0
    set Money_Holdings 500

  set s-price []
  set bid_schedule []
  set ask_schedule []
  set last_price 0
  set number_of_buyers_left 0
  set number_of_sellers_left 0
  set rounds 1
  set periods 1

;;;; setup stuff ;;;;;;;

to find_patch
  setxy random-xcor random-ycor
  while [any? other turtles-here] [find_patch]

;;;;;; To go ;;;;;;;;;;;

to go
  ;;if round = 1 [
    ;; do accounting, this is a new period afterall. Determine performance in the last period. This is where period-to-period readjustment will happen
    ;; farmer harvest and decide how much to plant based on past. After this they decide on initial bid
    ;; speculators see how much is planted, and decide whether to bid, or ask, and at what price and quantity
    ;; firm determines bid based on whether current income can afford it]
;;  print last first ask_schedule - when want to know the lowest asking price
;;  print last first bid_schedule - when want to know the highest bid price
;;  print last first bid_schedule
;; print first first bid_schedule  - when want to know who is the higest bidder
  readjustment  ; need to readjust based on rounds in the future
  if all? buyers [stock_demanded = 0][
  if all? sellers [inventory = 0][
  plot_stuff    ; we do plot stuff first because of we are monitoring the more 'general breeds'

to create_sellers
  ask farmers [
    set breed sellers]
;  ask speculators [           This is to let speculators become sellers under certain condition, yet to be introduced
;    if .... [
;      set breed sellers]

to create_buyers
  ask firms [
    set breed buyers]
;  ask speculators [           This is to let speculators become buyers under certain condition, yet to be introduced
;    if .... [
;      set breed buyers]

to create_bid_schedule
  let d []
  set d sort ([who] of buyers)
  foreach d [ ID ->
    let temp2 []
    set temp2 lput ID temp2
    set temp2 lput ([bid] of buyer ID) temp2
    set bid_schedule lput temp2 bid_schedule]
  set bid_schedule sort-by [ [x y] ->  last x > last y] bid_schedule ; ordering the schedule from the highest bidder to the lowest bidder
;  print bid_schedule

to create_ask_schedule
  let d []
  set d sort ([who] of sellers)
  foreach d [ ID ->
    let temp2 []
    set temp2 lput ID temp2
    set temp2 lput ([ask_offer] of seller ID) temp2
    set ask_schedule lput temp2 ask_schedule]
  set ask_schedule sort-by [ [x y] ->  last x < last y] ask_schedule ; ordering the schedule from the lowest ask offer to the highest
;    print ask_schedule

to auction_round
  if empty? bid_schedule [stop] ; highly unlikely
  while [(last first bid_schedule) >= (last first ask_schedule)] [
    ask buyer (first first bid_schedule) [   ; the highest bidder has the right to buy first, she will of course buy from the lowest asker
      let bid_price []
      let Q_bid []
      let ask_price []
      let Q_ask []
      set bid_price bid
      set Q_bid stock_demanded
      ask seller (first first ask_schedule) [ ; gathering info from the seller we face

        set ask_price ask_offer
        set Q_ask inventory

      ;;;; Auction starts for real ;;;;;;;;

      ifelse stock_demanded = 0 [  ; if buyer already exit the market, still has nothing to buy, she will leave the market again. This is admitedly a convoluted way of eliminating bidders who exit from previous rounds
        set bid_schedule remove-item 0 bid_schedule
      [;;;;;;; if bidder really has something to buy
      ifelse Q_bid <= Q_ask [ ; when quantity needed is more than quantity offered by seller
        set stock_demanded stock_demanded - Q_bid
        set Money_Holdings Money_Holdings - ((bid_price + ask_price) / 2) * Q_bid ; buyers have to pay, which takes away her money holdings
        ask seller (first first ask_schedule) [
          set Money_Holdings Money_Holdings + ((bid_price + ask_price) / 2) * Q_bid ; sellers got paid, it's money holdings are increased
          set inventory inventory - Q_bid
          if inventory = 0 [set ask_schedule remove-item 0 ask_schedule]   ; sellers only exit when they run out of inventory
        set bid_schedule remove-item 0 bid_schedule                        ; if bid is fulfilled, then they exit the auction
        set last_price ((bid_price + ask_price) / 2)
        ;;;;;;;;  when initial bid cannot be fulfilled by initial ask. This is the case where  Q_bid > Q_ask
        ifelse Q_ask = 0 [                                     ; eliminate sellers that already have nothing to sell
          set ask_schedule remove-item 0 ask_schedule]
        set stock_demanded stock_demanded - Q_ask
        set Money_Holdings Money_Holdings - ((bid_price + ask_price) / 2) * Q_ask
        ask seller (first first ask_schedule) [
          set Money_Holdings Money_Holdings + ((bid_price + ask_price) / 2) * Q_ask
          set inventory 0
        set ask_schedule remove-item 0 ask_schedule             ; eliminate sellers that already have nothing to sell, won't eliminate buyer yet as full ordernot yet fufilled
        set last_price ((bid_price + ask_price) / 2)
      ]]  ; in usual times, this just makes sure buyers gets their orders fulfilled. If askers already left, this just eliminates them from the ask schedule until bidder can deal with asker with something to sell
    if empty? bid_schedule [stop]   ; after all current demand and supply orders are filled , which would result in the end of this procedure, and move on to 'readjustment'
    if empty? ask_schedule [stop]]

to readjustment   ; A placeholder for now, should be more complicated in the future
  foreach (bid_schedule) [Buyer_ID ->
    ask buyer first Buyer_ID[                            ; change the bid, and remove them from the list so a new list can be generated in the future
      set bid bid + random U_readjustment_rate
    set bid_schedule remove-item 0 bid_schedule
  foreach (ask_schedule) [Seller_ID ->
    ask seller first Seller_ID [
      set ask_offer ask_offer - random D_readjustment_rate
    set ask_schedule remove-item 0 ask_schedule

to plot_stuff
  set number_of_buyers_left count buyers with [stock_demanded > 0]
  set number_of_sellers_left count sellers with [inventory > 0]
  set highest_bid max [bid] of buyers with [stock_demanded > 0]
  set lowest_ask min [ask_offer] of sellers with [inventory > 0]

to return_to_original_breed
  ask turtles [
    if Own_ID = 0 [
      set breed firms]
    if Own_ID = 1 [
      set breed farmers]
    if Own_ID = 2 [
      set breed speculators]

to  round_accounting
  ifelse rounds < 12 [
    set rounds rounds + 1]
   [set rounds 1            ; when current round is already 12
    set periods periods + 1]

There are 2 versions of this model.

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Per Hung Yap over 2 years ago Made it more complicated Download this version
Per Hung Yap almost 3 years ago Initial upload Download this version

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