RADAR preview image

1 collaborator

Turtlezero2-white-048 James Steiner (Author)



Tagged by James Steiner over 2 years ago


Tagged by James Steiner over 2 years ago


Tagged by James Steiner over 2 years ago

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Model was written in NetLogo 6.2.2 • Viewed 171 times • Downloaded 12 times • Run 0 times
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; add model procedures here

globals [ main-antenna ; refers to the turtle acting as the emitter and receiver
          antenna-x antenna-y ; the x/y coordinates of the antenna
          antenna-heading     ; the heading of the antenna, in terms
                              ; of -180 to +180 degrees.
          antenna-direction   ; the direction of rotation of the antenna
          main-scope               ; refers to the turtles acting as the display scope
          scope-x scope-y     ; holds the x/y coordinates of the display scope
          scope-radius        ; holds the radius of the display scope
          horizon             ; the lowest that a UFO can fly
          envelope            ; the highest that a UFO can fly

breed [ waves wave]
breed [ reflected-waves reflected-wave ]
breed [ antennas an-antenna]
breed [ ufos ufo]
breed [ scopes scopex]
breed [ scope-markers scope-marker]

[ pips     ; used to measure the travel of the wave
  bounced? ; helps the wave remember that is has bounced off something
           ; used to prevent our simplified waves
           ; from bouncing multiple times
[ pips     ; used to measure the travel of the wave
  bounced? ; helps the wave remember that is has bounced off something
           ; used to prevent our simplified waves
           ; from bouncing multiple times
[ goal-x goal-y ; where the ufo is heading
  speed         ; relative speed of the ufo

scope-markers-own [ pips ]

to setup
  ;; (for this model to work with NetLogo's new plotting features,
  ;; __clear-all-and-reset-pips should be replaced with clear-all at
  ;; the beginning of your setup procedure and reset-pips at the end
  ;; of the procedure.)
  set-default-shape waves "wave"
  set-default-shape antennas "antenna"
  set-default-shape ufos "ufo"
  set-default-shape scope-markers "phosphor"

  set envelope max-pycor
  set horizon antenna-y + .5 + 1
  create-ufos 3
  [ UFO-setup ]

to antenna-setup
  create-antennas 1
  [ set main-antenna self
    set antenna-direction 1
    set antenna-x 0
    set antenna-y 1
    setxy antenna-x antenna-y
    set size 2
    set heading 0

to ufo-setup
    ; start on left or right edge
    set xcor plus-or-minus ( max-pxcor  )
    ; start somewhere between horizon and upper limit of sky
    set ycor envelope - random-float ( envelope - horizon )
    ; head for opposite edge
    set goal-x (- xcor)
    ; at some other altitude
    set goal-y envelope - random-float ( envelope - horizon )
    ; point towards the goal
    set heading towardsxy goal-x goal-y
    ;set the size
    set size 1
    ; set the speed and color
    set speed (.5 + random-float 1) / patch-size
    set color random 13 * 10 +  15

to-report plus-or-minus [ value ]
    ; randomly reports either +value or -value
    report value * (((random 2) * 2) - 1)
    ; explanation of "(((random 2) * 2) - 1)"
    ; Operation:    Yields:
    ; random 2   -> 0           or 1
    ;      * 2   -> 0 * 2 =  0  or 1 * 2 = 2
    ;      - 1   -> 0 - 1 = -1  or 2 - 1 = 1
    ; thus, returns -1 or +1

to scope-setup
  set scope-x 0
  set scope-y 0 + min-pycor  - .5
  set scope-radius max-pycor + antenna-y ; - .5
  create-scopes 1
  [ set main-scope self
    set shape "scope"
    set size scope-radius * 2
    setxy scope-x scope-y
    set heading 0
    set color green

to go
  every (1 / 20) [  ufo-move ]
  every ((.5 * sweep-speed) / 60) [ antenna-sweep antenna-emit-pulse wave-propigate ]
  every (1 / 20) [ scope-fade ]

to-report wave-in
   report [ ->
    set pips pips + 1
    if pycor + dy < (antenna-y - 1) [ die ]
    jump (wave-length / patch-size)
    if ycor <= [ ycor ] of one-of antennas
      [ scope-activate ]

to-report wave-out
  report [ -> ; advance clock timing the pulse
      set pips pips + 1
      ; pulses are considered lost if they do not return in a certain time.
      ; but for display purposes, we will destroy pulses that leave the screen,
      ; or are below the antenna

      let res wave-length / patch-size
      ifelse not can-move? res
      [ die ]
      [ ; wave moves forward
        jump res
        ; if wave has not yet hit something and there's a UFO in the way...
        if any? ufos with [ distance myself <= .25 ]
        [ wave-bounce ]

to wave-propigate
  if rf-visible? or rf-visible? != old-rf-setting [ clear-drawing set old-rf-setting rf-visible? ]
  while [ any? waves ]
  [ ask waves [ run wave-move if rf-visible? [ stamp ] ]
  if rf-visible? [ display ]

to antenna-sweep
    set antenna-heading antenna-heading + 5 * antenna-direction
    ifelse reciprocate?
    [ if abs antenna-heading > 90
      [ set antenna-heading 90 * antenna-direction
        set antenna-direction antenna-direction * -1
    [ if abs antenna-heading >= 180
      [ set antenna-heading -180 * antenna-direction + antenna-direction
    ; antenna-dir 0 - antenna-dir
    ask main-scope [ set heading antenna-heading ]
    ask main-antenna [ set heading antenna-heading ]

to antenna-emit-pulse
  if abs antenna-heading < 90
  [ create-waves 1
    [ set shape "wave"
      set size wave-length / patch-size
      set heading antenna-heading
      setxy antenna-x antenna-y
      set bounced? false
      set pips 0
      set color white
      set hidden? not rf-visible?
      set wave-move wave-out

to scope-activate
    ; converts the incoming wave to mark the scope
    ; marks the scope based on the travel-time of the wave
     let detected-distance 0

     set breed scope-markers
     set shape "phosphor"
     set size  1

     ; move to center of scope
     setxy scope-x scope-y
     set color green + 1
     ; reverse heading
     set heading ( heading + 180 )
     ; calulate distance, and scale for scope viewing.
     set detected-distance pips * wave-length / patch-size / 2.5
     if detected-distance > scope-radius
     [ set detected-distance scope-radius ]
     jump detected-distance

to scope-fade
    ask scope-markers
    [ ifelse size > (1 / patch-size)
      [ set size size * .96
      [ die ]

to ufo-move
  ask ufos
  [ ifelse ( can-move? (speed ) )
    [ jump speed ]
    [ ufo-setup ]
    ;; ask (waves in-radius size) with [ not bounced? ] [ wave-bounce ]

to wave-bounce
    set wave-move wave-in
    set heading heading + 180
    set color yellow
    set shape "wave-return"
    set bounced? true

There is only one version of this model, created almost 3 years ago by James Steiner.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
RADAR.png preview Preview for 'RADAR' almost 3 years ago, by James Steiner Download

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