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;;;; setup breeds ;;;;;;;

breed [ predators predator ]
breed [markers marker] ; silent breed marking obstacles ahead

  thigmo-patch-threshold ; patch value at which random walks become directed towards attractive patches
  pred-v ;; predator foraging velocity
  random-walk ;;;; the lt or rt amount in degrees

predators-own  [
                 last-head ; the last heading of the predator before surveying an area for prey or obstacles. Prevents repeated wall bouncing with inacessible prey.
                 last-turn ; l or r
                 pred-d-ob ;; distance to nearest ob
                 pred-ob-n ;; number of obstacle neighbours

patches-own [ob ; whether or not a patch is an obstacle
             dist-ob ; distance to closest obstacle
             thig-zone ;;; boundary patches between obstacle and non obstacle patches
             thigmo] ;; how attractive non obstacle patches are to prey and/or predators based on mean proximity to obstacles

;;;; setup predator, prey and habitat ;;;;;;;;;;

to setup
  set thigmo-patch-threshold 0
  set pred-v 3 ;; v in patches per second
  set random-walk 50 ;;;

  ask patches with [pxcor > 29 and pxcor < 70  and
                     pycor = 50 ]
    [ set pcolor blue ]

  ask patches with [pycor > 29 and pycor < 70 and
                     pxcor = 50 ]
    [ set pcolor blue ]

  ask patches with [pcolor = blue] ; assign obstacle vals of 1
  [set ob 1]

  ;;;;;; distance to obstacles for thigmotactic movement

  ask patches with [ob = 0] [set dist-ob distance min-one-of patches with [ob = 1] [distance myself]]

  ask patches with [ob = 0] [calc-thigmo
  set pcolor scale-color black thigmo 1 0

  ;;;; set boundary around obstacles

  ask patches with [any? neighbors with [ob = 1] and pcolor != blue]
    [set pcolor yellow
     set thig-zone 1]

  set expt-time 0 ;; time in s for each trial
  set-default-shape markers "dot"

 ask n-of 1 patches with [ob = 0]
    sprout-predators 1 [
    set shape "default"
    set color red
    set size 5]

    ask predators [
    set last-turn "r"
    set pred-ob-n count neighbors with [ob = 1]
    set pred-d-ob distance min-one-of patches with [ob = 1] [distance myself]

;;;;;;;;; GO PROCEDURE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to go
  ask markers [ die ]
  if expt-time > 1000 ;; reset trials at the end of trial period
  [;set prey-den prey-den + 1 ; increase prey density by one after each period
   set expt-time 0 ;; reset time
   ask predators [die] ; remove predators from previous trial
   set thigmo-patch-threshold thigmo-patch-threshold + 0.05
   refresh-predators ;; create new predators and prey for the new trial at next prey density


   ask predators [
    set pred-ob-n count neighbors with [ob = 1]
    set pred-d-ob distance min-one-of patches with [ob = 1] [distance myself]

  if thigmo-patch-threshold > 0.85 [stop]

;;;;; obstacle and prey detection procedures ;;;;;;;

to mlos-ob  ;; marker procedure FOR OBSTACLES
  let dist 0
  let last-patch patch-here
  ;; iterate through all the patches
  ;; starting at the patch directly ahead
  ;; going through MAXIMUM-VISIBILITY
  while [dist <= pred-v] [  ;; not react-D but move distance
    let p patch-ahead dist
    if p != last-patch and [ob] of p = 1 [
      ask p [ sprout-markers 1 [ set color green
      set size 2 ] ]
      set last-patch p
    set dist dist + 0.5


to sweep-area  ; for obstacles

       let lrot 1
       let rrot 1
       set last-head heading
  while [lrot <= random-walk or rrot <= random-walk]
        ifelse last-turn = "r" ;; predators-own last turn for this, setup as r initially
         [rt rrot ;;; turn 1 degree initially
          mlos-ob; check for markers at the new ahead
          set heading last-head ;; face ahead again
          set rrot rrot + 1 ;;  add 1 to right turn
          set last-turn "l" ;; setup to check left in the while loop

         [lt lrot
          set heading last-head ; turn back to straight ahead
          set lrot lrot + 1
          set last-turn "r"

;;;; detection and movement procedures ;;;;;;

to move
  ifelse [thig-zone] of patch-here = 0 ;;; if not in the obstacle boundary zone:
     ask markers [die]
      while [count markers > 0] ;;
              ask markers [die]
              lt random 360
     ask markers [die]

to thigmo-walk

  ifelse any? patches in-cone pred-v 100 with [thigmo >= thigmo-patch-threshold]
    face max-one-of patches in-cone pred-v 100 [thigmo]
    fd pred-v
    lt random random-walk
    rt random random-walk
    fd pred-v

to surface-walk
  ifelse random 100 > 20 ;; some p that predator will random walk or surface walk
   let hop 0
   while [hop <= pred-v]
     let next-thig-patch min-one-of ob-neighbors [turn-amount]
     face  next-thig-patch
     fd 1
     set hop hop + 1
   ask markers [die]
      while [count markers > 0] ;;
              ask markers [die]
              lt random 360
     lt random random-walk
     rt random random-walk
     fd pred-v

;;;;;;  prey capture and handling procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to refresh-predators
   ask n-of 1 patches with [ob = 0]
    sprout-predators 1 [
    set shape "default"
    set color red
    set size 5]
   ask predators [
   set last-turn "r"]

to keep-time

  set expt-time expt-time + 1

to calc-thigmo

  ;;; average distance to nearest patch across all non ob neighbours (including each central non ob patch)...then take 1 over that val

  set thigmo 1 / (((( mean [dist-ob] of neighbors with [ob = 0] ) * count neighbors with [ob = 0] ) + dist-ob) / (count neighbors with [ob = 0] + 1))
  ;set thigmo precision thigmo 2 ;; if labelling

to-report ob-neighbors  ;; patch procedure
  ;; report patches that are in the obstacle boundary layer
  report neighbors with [thig-zone = 1]

;; computes the turn the calling turtle would have to make to face this patch

to-report turn-amount  ;; patch procedure
  let this-patch self
  report [subtract-headings (towards this-patch) heading] of myself

There is only one version of this model, created over 3 years ago by Daniel Barrios-O'Neill.

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