
Pigs_in_space preview image

1 collaborator

Default-person Marina Toger (Author)



"model deals with wildlife in cities"

Tagged by Marina Toger over 3 years ago


"model deals with wildlife movement in cities"

Tagged by Marina Toger over 3 years ago

urban planning 

"model deals with wildlife in cities"

Tagged by Marina Toger over 3 years ago

urban wildlife 

"model deals with wildlife in cities"

Tagged by Marina Toger over 3 years ago

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extensions  [gis table array]

breed       [pigs pig]
breed       [snacks snack]

  Lcosts                ; list of costs available [0.001 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.75 999999]
  ratio                 ;amount of food per pig num-of-snacks-to-start / (count pigs)

  parent-patch  ; patch's predecessor
  f             ; the value of knowledge plus heuristic cost function f()
  g             ; the value of knowledge cost function g()
  h             ; the value of heuristic cost function h()
  pigvisits        ; counter of pig visits
  pigforagevisits  ; counter of pig visits when foraging

  pig-state            ;; either "foraging" or "feeding" or "passive"
  pig-satiety          ;; amount of food-units eaten till now
  pig-energy           ;; energy lost on walking, distance*cost
  pig-target           ;; current pig's target snack position
  pig-optimal-path     ;; the optimal path from source to destination
  pig-opt-path-cost    ;; cost of the last optimal path checked
  pig-opt-path-dist    ;; length of the last optimal path checked
  this-path-cost       ;; costdistance of this path
  this-path-distance   ;; length of this path in patches
  pig-current-path     ;; part of the path that is left to be traversed
  pig-home             ;; patch where pig was born
  pig-time-feeding     ;; time since the pig started deeding in ticks
  pig-penetration      ;; distance from the os boundary, here distance to pig-home
  pig-depth            ;; pig penetration distance
  pig-snacks-eaten     ;; list of snacks the pig has eaten
  pig-current-sally    ;; list of patches the pig walks through between two snacks
  ;;                      (de facto, as opposed to current-path which is intended path of a sally)
  pig-sallies          ;; list of sallies the pig walked
  pig-patches-visited  ;; count of patches visited by the pig
  traveled             ;; distance traveled by the pig
  Tpig-ptypes          ;; table of patch types the pig traveled through
  Lpig-ptypes2         ;; list of patch types the pig traveled through
  pig-max-xcor-ever    ;; max easting
  my-snacks            ;; snacks the pig is checking out now
  start-time           ;; time to start moving in ticks (random 0-599)


;;; 1 tick = 1 min
;;; max-ticks = 600 is one night = 10 h = 600 min
;;; pigs move 5 m/min which is 1 cell each tick

;;██████ go ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
;;██████ go ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
;;██████ go ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

to go
  set model-time (word (floor ((floor (ticks / 60)) / 60)) " : " ((floor (ticks / 60)) mod 60) )
  if (ticks >= max-ticks)
    show "night is over"
    repeat 3 [ beep ]
  if (not any? pigs with [pig-state != "passive"])
    show "all pigs are blue"
    repeat 5 [ beep ]
  ask pigs
    set label pig-state
    ;set list-of-pig-x lput (xcor * 5) list-of-pig-x
    ;set list-of-pig-y lput (ycor * 5) list-of-pig-y
    if pig-state != "waiting"
      ask patch-here [
        set pigvisits pigvisits + 1
    ifelse pig-state = "foraging"
      ;;if foraging
      set pigforagevisits pigforagevisits + 1
      set list-of-pig-x lput (xcor * 5) list-of-pig-x
      set list-of-pig-y lput (ycor * 5) list-of-pig-y
      ;;if not foraging
      ifelse pig-state = "feeding"
        ;;if feeding
        ifelse pig-state = "waiting"
          ;;if waiting
          ;;if not foraging and not feeding and not waiting
          if (pig-state != "passive")
            user-message (word "Error: a pig with weird pig-state=" pig-state)
  set mean-penetration mean [pig-penetration] of pigs
  set mean-depth mean [pig-depth] of pigs
  set front max (list (max [pig-penetration] of pigs) )
  set food-facto sum [snack-food-left] of snacks

;;██████ go procedures ██████

;;██████ waitStart ██████████████████████████████████████████

to setup-waiting
  ifelse random_start_time?
    let wait_RD random 600
    set start-time wait_RD
    set start-time 1
  set pig-state "waiting"
  set color magenta

to waitStart
  if ticks >= start-time
    set pig-state "foraging"

;;██████ forage ██████████████████████████████████████████

to forage
  ifelse any? snacks
    ;;if snacks exist
    set color red
    ;;set target
    ifelse pig-target = 0 or pig-current-path = [] or target-dibs?
      ;;if pig has no target or path
      ask my-links [die]
      set my-snacks snack-list
      ask my-links [die]
      ifelse first-target-probabilistic
        set pig-target select-pig-target-probabilistic my-snacks patch-here
        LCP pig-target
        select-a-target patch-here
      ;;if pig has a target then with probability of p-min
      let p_r random-float 1
      if  p_r <= p-min
        ;;check whether there are any snacks that aren't dibs and closer than the target
        let pig-target-snack one-of snacks-on pig-target
        let distance-to-target distance pig-target-snack
        let attractiveness-of-target attractiveness pig-target-snack patch-here
        ;;if there are any snacks closer than target here
        if any? snacks with
          ;distance myself < distance-to-target and dibs = 0
          (attractiveness self patch-here > attractiveness-of-target) and dibs = 0
          ;;select with attractiveness less than target and not dibs
          ;set my-snacks snacks with [(attractiveness self patch-here > attractiveness-of-target) and dibs = 0] ;;;***
          set my-snacks snacks with [(attractiveness self patch-here > attractiveness-of-target) and dibs = 0 and distance myself <= smell-range and distance myself >= 1]  ;;***
          ask my-links [die]
          select-a-target patch-here
    ;;pig has target and path
    let energy1 [cost] of patch-here
    let old-patch patch-here
    let energy2 [cost] of patch-here
    let stepcost (energy1 + energy2) * 0.5 * distance old-patch
    set pig-energy pig-energy - stepcost
    set pig-penetration distance pig-home
    set pig-depth xcor - ([pxcor] of pig-home)
    set pig-current-sally lput patch-here pig-current-sally
    if patch-here = pig-target
      ;;pig arrived at target
      if any? snacks-here
        ;;there is a snack at target
        ifelse any? other pigs-here with [pig-state = "feeding"]
          ;;if another pig is here feeding it has dibs on this snack
          ask snacks-here [set dibs 1]
          ;;there is a snack and nobody has dibs on it
          set pig-state "feeding"
          set pig-snacks-eaten pig-snacks-eaten + 1
          ;;copy current sally details to list of sallies and reset current sally
          set pig-sallies lput pig-current-sally pig-sallies
          set pig-current-sally []
          set color white
          set pig-time-feeding 0
          ask snacks-here [set dibs 1]
    ;;if no snacks exist become blue :(

to select-a-target [patch-origin]
  ifelse target-selection = "probabilistic"
        set pig-target select-pig-target-probabilistic my-snacks patch-origin
        LCP pig-target
        ifelse target-selection = "deterministic"
          set pig-target select-pig-target-deteriministic my-snacks patch-origin
          LCP pig-target
          ifelse target-selection = "low-cost" ;;***
            select-ptarget-low-cost my-snacks patch-origin
            show "weird target selection"

to be-blue
  set pig-state "passive"
  set color blue

to-report select-pig-target-deteriministic [the-snacks patch-origin]
  let best-snack max-one-of the-snacks [attractiveness self patch-origin]
  ifelse is-agent? best-snack
    create-link-with best-snack [set color white]
    let best-psnack [patch-here] of  best-snack
    report best-psnack
    report 0

to select-ptarget-low-cost [the-snacks patch-origin]
  ;show the-snacks
  ;; ***
  ;; 1-sort snacks by attractiveness
  ;; 2-start with the 1st one most attractive
  ;;   calculate path to it, path-cost and path-distance
  ;;   if path-cost/path-distance < gamma then
  ;;      set this snack as target, this path as current-path
  ;;   else select another snack
  ;; 3-do this until the target is chosen or list is empty
  ;; 4-if list is empty be-blue

  ask the-snacks
    set snack-attractiveness attractiveness self patch-origin
  let list-of-my-snacks reverse sort-on [snack-attractiveness ] the-snacks ;;sort snacks by attractiveness
  ;; shorten list-of-my-snacks to min of n-snacks or all snacks
  if n-snacks >= (length list-of-my-snacks)
    let list-length length list-of-my-snacks
    let last-item list-length
    set list-of-my-snacks sublist list-of-my-snacks 0 last-item ;;******
  while [ pig-target = 0 and not empty? list-of-my-snacks]
    let best-snack first list-of-my-snacks ;;select 1st snack
    ;show best-snack
    create-link-with best-snack [set color white]
    set list-of-my-snacks but-first list-of-my-snacks ;;remove 1st snack from list
    let pbest-snack [patch-here] of  best-snack  ;;find a patch under 1st snack

    let this-path find-a-path pbest-snack patch-origin ;find a path to 1st snack
    ;show this-path
    if length this-path > 0
      set this-path-cost 0
      set this-path-distance 0
      let left-of-this-path this-path
      while [length left-of-this-path > 1]
        let parent-p first left-of-this-path
        ;show parent-p
        set left-of-this-path but-first left-of-this-path
        let child-p first left-of-this-path
        ;show child-p
        let stepdistance Euclidian parent-p child-p
        ;show (word "stepdistance=" stepdistance)
        let stepcost ([cost] of parent-p + [cost] of child-p) * 0.5 * stepdistance
        ;show (word "stepcost=" stepcost)
        set this-path-cost this-path-cost + stepcost
        set this-path-distance this-path-distance + stepdistance
      ;show (word "this-path-cost=" this-path-cost)
      ;show (word "this-path-distance=" this-path-distance)
      let path-toll this-path-cost / this-path-distance ;;average cost per patch on the path****
      ;show (word "path-toll=" path-toll) ;****
      ifelse path-toll < gamma
        set pig-target pbest-snack
        set pig-optimal-path  reverse this-path
        ;show pig-current-path
        set pig-current-path pig-optimal-path
        set pig-opt-path-cost this-path-cost
        set pig-opt-path-dist this-path-distance
        ask my-links [die]
  if length list-of-my-snacks <= 1 and pig-target = 0

to-report snack-list
  let temp-snack-list snacks with
    distance myself <= smell-range  ;;smell-range is usually 50 or 100
    distance myself >= 1
    dibs = 0
  report temp-snack-list

to-report select-pig-target-probabilistic [the-snacks patch-origin]
  let p_r random-float 1
  ifelse any? the-snacks
      let sorted-my-snacks sort-on [distance myself] the-snacks
      let closest-n-snacks []
      let n-origins []
      let n min (list n-snacks length sorted-my-snacks)
      foreach n-values n [ ?1 -> ?1 ]
      [ ?1 ->
        set closest-n-snacks lput (item ?1 sorted-my-snacks) closest-n-snacks
        set n-origins lput patch-origin n-origins
      let list-of-attr (map attractiveness closest-n-snacks n-origins)
      let sum-attr (reduce + list-of-attr)
      let list-of-prob map [ ?1 -> ?1 / sum-attr ] list-of-attr
      let list-cumul-prob partial-sums list-of-prob
      let p random-float 1
      let list-cumul-prob2 []
      foreach list-cumul-prob
      [ ?1 ->
        if ?1 <= p
          set list-cumul-prob2 fput ?1 list-cumul-prob2
      let best-prob 0
      ifelse not empty? list-cumul-prob2
        set best-prob (max list-cumul-prob2)
        let r position (max list-of-prob) list-of-prob
        set best-prob item r list-cumul-prob
      let i position best-prob list-cumul-prob
      let best-snack item i closest-n-snacks
      create-link-with best-snack [set color white]
      let best-psnack [patch-here] of  best-snack
      report best-psnack
    report 0

to-report partial-sums [nums]
  let total 0
  let result []
  foreach nums [ ?1 ->
    set total total + ?1
    set result lput total result
  report result

to-report attractiveness [of-snack at-patch]
  let A0 [snack-food-left] of of-snack
  let d Euclidian of-snack at-patch
  let alpha (ln c) / (k * x_a)
  let A (A0 * exp (-1 * alpha * d))
  report A

to-report target-dibs?
  let dibsy false
  ifelse any? snacks-on pig-target
    ask one-of snacks-on [pig-target] of self
      if dibs = 1
        set dibsy true
    set dibsy true
  report dibsy

to reset-target-and-path
  set pig-target 0
  set pig-current-path []
  ;set my-snacks []
  set pig-opt-path-cost 999999
  ask my-links [die]

to LCP [target]
  ifelse is-agent? target
    ;let temp-path-cost 0 ;;***
    set pig-optimal-path find-a-path patch-here target
    ;set optimal-path pig-optimal-path
    set pig-current-path pig-optimal-path
    set color violet
    show "snack dissapeared"

to step-on-path
  ;; make the pig traverse the path one step towards the destination patch
  if (length pig-current-path != 0)
    face first pig-current-path
    set pen-size 3 ;2 ;2.5 ;7 ;2.5
    set traveled traveled + distance first pig-current-path
    move-to first pig-current-path
    set pig-current-path remove-item 0 pig-current-path
    set Lmean-visits pig-ptypes-visits-mean
    if xcor > pig-max-xcor-ever [ set pig-max-xcor-ever xcor ]

to pig-count-patch-types
  let current-ptype [cost] of patch-here
  let visits table:get Tpig-ptypes current-ptype
  set visits visits + 1
  ;; table:pu tableName key value
  table:put Tpig-ptypes current-ptype visits
  let #cost-item position current-ptype Lcosts
  set Lpig-ptypes2 replace-item #cost-item Lpig-ptypes2 visits
  set pig-patches-visited pig-patches-visited + 1

to-report find-a-path [ source-patch destination-patch ]
  ; the actual implementation of the A* path finding algorithm
  ; it takes the source and destination patches as inputs
  ; and reports the optimal path if one exists between them as output
  ; initialize all variables to default values
  let search-done? false
  let search-path []
  let current-patch 0
  let open []
  let closed []
  ; add source patch in the open list
  ask source-patch
    set parent-patch 0
  set open lput source-patch open
  ; loop until we reach the destination or the open list becomes empty
  while [ (search-done? != true)]
    ifelse length open != 0
      ; sort the patches in open list in increasing order of their f() values
      set open sort-by [ [?1 ?2] -> [f] of ?1 < [f] of ?2 ] open
      ; take the first patch in the open list
      ; as the current patch (which is currently being explored (n))
      ; and remove it from the open list
      set current-patch item 0 open
      set open remove-item 0 open
      ; add the current patch to the closed list
      set closed lput current-patch closed
      ; explore the neighbors of the current patch
      ask current-patch
        ;;if any of the neighbors is the destination stop the search process - Moore (8 neighbors)
        ifelse any? neighbors with [ (pxcor = [ pxcor ] of destination-patch) and (pycor = [pycor] of destination-patch)]
          set search-done? true
          ; the neighbors should not be obstacles or already explored patches (part of the closed list)
          let obstacle 999999
          ifelse can-cross-roads? [set obstacle 1] [set obstacle 0.75]
          ;ask neighbors with [ cost < 1  and (not member? self closed) and (self != parent-patch) ]  ;Moore 8 neighbors not neighbors4
          ask neighbors with [ cost < obstacle  and (not member? self closed) and (self != parent-patch) ]  ;Moore 8 neighbors not neighbors4
            ; the neighbors to be explored should also not be the source or
            ; destination patches or already a part of the open list (unexplored patches list)
            if not member? self open and self != source-patch and self != destination-patch
              ;if color-foraging [set pcolor 88]
              ; add the eligible patch to the open list
              set open lput self open
              ; update the path finding variables of the eligible patch
              set parent-patch current-patch
              set g (my-g parent-patch self)
              ;set h ((distance destination-patch) * h-param)
              set h ((Euclidian self destination-patch) * h-param)
              ;set h ((distance destination-patch) * 0.25)  ;;A*, 0.25 is the min cost of non-OS area (0.01 0.05 0.1 0.25)
              ;set h ((distance destination-patch) * 1)     ;;Greedy Best-First-Search
              ;set h ((distance destination-patch) * 0)     ;;Breadth First Search
              set f (g + h)
        if color-foraging [if self != source-patch [set pcolor 87]]
      ; if a path is not found (search is incomplete) and the open list is exhausted
      ; display a user message and report an empty search path list.
      ;;perhaps insead add here choose-another-destination◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄
      show (word "A path from the source to the destination does not exist." )
      if is-patch? pig-target
        ask pig-target [ask snacks-here [set dibs 1]]
      set color turquoise
      report []
  ;; if a path is found (search completed) add the current patch
  ;; (node adjacent to the destination) to the search path.
  set search-path lput current-patch search-path
  ;; calculate total path cost      ;;◄*** ==== ***◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄
  ;set this-path-cost my-g current-patch destination-patch
  ; trace the search path from the current patch
  ; all the way to the source patch using the parent patch
  ; variable which was set during the search for every patch that was explored
  let temp first search-path
  while [ temp != source-patch ]
    if color-path [ask temp [set pcolor cyan]]
    set search-path lput [parent-patch] of temp search-path
    set temp [parent-patch] of temp
  ; add the destination patch to the front of the search path
  set search-path fput destination-patch search-path
  ; reverse the search path so that it starts from a patch adjacent to the
  ; source patch and ends at the destination patch
  set search-path reverse search-path
  report search-path

to-report my-g [my-parent my-patch]
  let g-parent ([g] of my-parent)
  let my-cost [cost] of my-patch
  let parent-cost [cost] of my-parent
  let dist Euclidian my-parent my-patch
  let move-cost 0.5 * ( my-cost + parent-cost)
  report (g-parent + move-cost * dist )

to-report my-g2 [my-parent my-patch]
  let g-parent ([g] of my-parent)
  let my-x [pxcor] of my-patch
  let my-y [pycor] of my-patch
  let my-cost [cost] of my-patch
  let parent-x [pxcor] of my-parent
  let parent-y [pycor] of my-parent
  let parent-cost [cost] of my-parent
  let dist sqrt ((my-x - parent-x) ^ 2 + (my-y - parent-y) ^ 2)
  ;let dist2 distance my-parent
  let move-cost 0.5 * ( my-cost + parent-cost)
  report (g-parent + move-cost * dist )

to-report Euclidian [agent1 agent2]
  let x1 0.0
  let x2 0.0
  let y1 0.0
  let y2 0.0
  if is-patch? agent1
    set x1 (x1 + [pxcor] of agent1)
    set y1 (y1 + [pycor] of agent1)
  if is-patch? agent2
    set x2 (x2 + [pxcor] of agent2)
    set y2 (y2 + [pycor] of agent2)
  if is-turtle? agent1
    set x1 [xcor] of agent1
    set y1 [ycor] of agent1
  if is-turtle? agent2
    set x2 [xcor] of agent2
    set y2 [ycor] of agent2
  ;let Upsilon sqrt ( ( x1 - x2) ^ 2 + ( y1 - y2 ) ^ 2 )
  ;show (word x1 " " x2  " " y1  " " y2  " " Upsilon)
  ;report Upsilon
  report sqrt ( ( x1 - x2) * ( x1 - x2) + ( y1 - y2 ) * ( y1 - y2 ) )
;;██████ feed ██████████████████████████████████████████

to feed
  ifelse any? snacks-here
    ;;still some snacks here
    let current-snack one-of snacks-here
    let eaten 0
    let feeding-time pig-time-feeding
    ask current-snack
      ifelse snack-food-left > 0
        ;;if there is food still - eat it
        ifelse feeding-time < max-time-feeding
          ;;if there is still time to feed
          ;set color orange
          set snack-food-left (snack-food-left - 1)
          ;set label snack-food-left
          set eaten eaten + 1
          set feeding-time  feeding-time + 1
          ;set size ( 1 / zoomin ) + 1 * (snack-food-left / snack-size)
          set size ( 1 / zoomin ) + 1 ;* (snack-food-left / snack-size)
          ;;feeding time is over
          ask myself
            ;ask the pig that asked the current-snack
            set pig-state "foraging"
            set color red
            set pig-time-feeding 0
          set dibs 0
        ;;if the food is finished - snack disappears
        ask myself
          ;ask the pig that asked the current-snack
          set pig-state "foraging"
          set color red
          set pig-target 0
          set pig-current-path []
          set pig-time-feeding 0
    set pig-satiety (pig-satiety + eaten)
    set pig-time-feeding feeding-time
    ;;no more snacks here
    set pig-state "foraging"
    set color red
    set pig-target 0
    set pig-current-path []

;;██████ memory

to update-pig-memory

;;██████ setup ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
;;██████ setup ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
;;██████ setup ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

to setup
  set list-of-pig-x []
  set list-of-pig-y []
  if set-random-seed? [random-seed behaviorspace-run-number * 7 + 66]
  if set-usr-seed? [random-seed usrSeed * 7 + 66]
  set food-plan (num-of-snacks-to-start * snack-size)
  run setup-type
  set model-time 0
  set front 0
  set food-facto (sum [snack-food-left] of snacks)
  set snacks-num-start count snacks
  ;set each-pig-visits []
  set ratio num-of-snacks-to-start / (count pigs)
  if reset-random-seed2? [random-seed new-seed]

;;██████ setup procedures ██████

to Haifa
  ;;load datasets with names from user input boxes
  let dataset2 gis:load-dataset data_File
  ;let dataset2 gis:load-dataset "cost_m1000x1000.asc"
  ;let dataset2 gis:load-dataset "feed_m1000x500.asc"
  ;set world boundaries (envelope) as union of the datasets
    gis:envelope-union-of (gis:envelope-of dataset2) ;(gis:envelope-of dataset1)
  ;applies datasets as attributes of patches
  gis:apply-raster dataset2 cost
  ;gis:apply-raster dataset1 pahim
  ;let pahim-list []
  ;  foreach (list
  ;  (patch 102 80) (patch 90 30) (patch 71 95) (patch 71 94)
  ;  (patch 194 99) (patch 195 99) (patch 196 99) (patch 197 99) (patch 198 99) (patch 199 99)
  ;  (patch 196 98) (patch 197 98) (patch 198 98) (patch 199 98)
  ;  (patch 198 97) (patch 199 97) (patch 199 96))
  ;  [
  ;    ask ?1
  ;    [
  ;      set cost 999999
  ;    ]
  ;  ]
  ;ask patches with [pahim = 1]
  ;  set pahim-list lput self pahim-list
  ;show pahim-list

to map-cost
  let COSTtable table:make
  let cost-list [0 0.001 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.75 999999]
  ;let color-list [39.9 65 38 37 36 35 33]
  let color-list [9.9 66 8 7 5 3 0]
  (foreach cost-list color-list [ [?1 ?2] -> table:put COSTtable ?1 ?2 ] )
  ask patches
    set pigvisits 0
    set pigforagevisits 0
    if cost = 0
      set cost 999999
    if (cost <= 0.01)
      set cost 0.001
      set pcolor lime
    ;;if cost is not a number than make it  999999
    ifelse cost <= 0 or cost >= 0
      if cost >= 1 [set cost 999999]
      set pcolor table:get COSTtable cost
      set cost 999999
      set pcolor 9.9

to add-snacks
  ifelse grid?
    ask patches-for-snacks
      if not any? snacks-here
        sprout-snacks 1
          set color 45
          set shape "circle"
          set size 2 ;2.5
          if stamp_snacks [stamp]
          set shape "circle" ;"x"
          ;set color white
          ifelse rnd-snack-size
            set snack-food-left random-poisson snack-size
            set snack-food-left snack-size
          set color yellow
          ;set size ( 1 / zoomin ) + 1 * (snack-food-left / snack-size)
          set size ( 1 / zoomin ) ;+ 1 ;* (snack-food-left / snack-size)
          set dibs 0
          set snack-attractiveness 0

to-report patches-for-snacks
  ifelse rnd-setup-snacks
    if not any? snacks with [cost = 0.5] [set snacks-urban? false]
    ifelse snacks-urban?
      let numS num-of-snacks-to-start
      if num-of-snacks-to-start >= count patches with [cost = 0.5]
        set numS count patches with [cost = 0.5]
      report (n-of numS patches with [cost = 0.5])
      let numS num-of-snacks-to-start
      if num-of-snacks-to-start >= count patches with [cost <= 0.5 and cost >= 0.01]
        set numS count patches with [cost <= 0.5 and cost >= 0.01]
      report (n-of numS patches with [cost <= 0.5 and cost >= 0.01])
    ;let patch-list (list [213 460] [260 490] [329 433] [370 455] [318 310] [265 311])
    if pahim?

      ;let patches-with-pahim (patch-set (patch 40 78) (patch 148 93) (patch 105 67) (patch 188 47) (patch 111 19) (patch 130 77) (patch 99 71) (patch 40 98) (patch 141 4) (patch 197 41) (patch 1 63) (patch 130 24) (patch 73 66) (patch 108 79) (patch 103 49) (patch 99 90) (patch 45 97) (patch 97 26) (patch 9 27) (patch 153 99) (patch 51 91) (patch 88 99) (patch 110 51) (patch 127 99) (patch 171 43) (patch 109 18) (patch 25 31) (patch 28 46) (patch 28 95) (patch 158 35) (patch 66 87) (patch 110 47) (patch 33 74) (patch 164 97) (patch 175 9) (patch 101 2) (patch 134 73) (patch 187 33) (patch 111 26) (patch 189 20) (patch 62 58) (patch 120 92) (patch 111 60) (patch 74 80) (patch 154 32) (patch 55 93) (patch 23 76) (patch 21 81) (patch 42 81) (patch 180 6) (patch 70 37) (patch 58 60) (patch 141 59) (patch 112 65) (patch 130 51) (patch 121 2) (patch 106 1) (patch 49 60) (patch 94 26) (patch 101 93) (patch 68 54) (patch 132 24) (patch 55 37) (patch 18 35) (patch 84 76) (patch 77 96) (patch 172 31) (patch 188 2) (patch 7 94) (patch 46 89) (patch 74 17) (patch 76 28) (patch 22 86) (patch 40 70) (patch 80 34) (patch 89 91) (patch 195 49) (patch 8 59) (patch 145 82) (patch 117 3) (patch 76 25) (patch 119 83) (patch 65 99) (patch 199 48) (patch 182 53) (patch 156 62) (patch 136 90) (patch 114 50) (patch 92 19) (patch 104 38) (patch 108 30) (patch 99 56) (patch 109 15) (patch 109 43) (patch 84 55) (patch 67 16) (patch 114 96) (patch 17 97) (patch 159 99) (patch 69 65) (patch 24 46) (patch 30 76) (patch 116 74) (patch 20 78) (patch 135 62) (patch 129 88) (patch 40 32) (patch 153 84) (patch 129 74) (patch 111 75) (patch 51 72) (patch 102 6) (patch 168 41) (patch 164 34) (patch 83 13) (patch 52 45) (patch 89 99) (patch 107 6) (patch 155 29) (patch 143 65) (patch 58 88) (patch 47 84) (patch 72 40) (patch 32 49) (patch 117 95) (patch 75 51) (patch 164 10) (patch 80 91) (patch 101 32) (patch 55 62) (patch 41 41) (patch 64 22) (patch 69 31) (patch 156 5) (patch 96 1) (patch 0 38) (patch 33 98) (patch 70 78) (patch 131 40) (patch 51 28) (patch 96 41) (patch 133 6) (patch 185 99) (patch 115 85) (patch 87 78) (patch 119 60) (patch 73 23) (patch 38 40) (patch 105 91) (patch 155 77) (patch 62 70) (patch 166 38) (patch 133 87) (patch 70 7) (patch 72 98) (patch 103 19) (patch 31 43) (patch 5 50) (patch 118 98) (patch 168 95) (patch 23 82) (patch 106 37) (patch 112 29) (patch 89 10) (patch 107 99) (patch 1 45) (patch 66 80) (patch 155 91) (patch 61 19) (patch 176 83) (patch 59 52) (patch 115 42) (patch 0 24) (patch 3 33) (patch 199 69) (patch 10 49) (patch 127 79) (patch 56 84) (patch 87 45) (patch 50 74) (patch 168 80) (patch 106 53) (patch 41 62) (patch 82 72) (patch 12 56) (patch 125 91) (patch 172 92) (patch 131 98) (patch 42 88) (patch 141 90) (patch 60 76) (patch 96 31) (patch 43 68) (patch 10 39) (patch 35 69) (patch 156 1) (patch 118 46) (patch 56 24) (patch 133 56) (patch 150 41) (patch 97 84) (patch 92 74) (patch 55 55) (patch 199 45) (patch 155 21) (patch 79 34) (patch 111 87) (patch 27 80) (patch 87 4) (patch 37 72) (patch 138 67) (patch 6 37) (patch 153 8) (patch 78 82) (patch 2 53) (patch 109 66) (patch 4 25) (patch 157 82) (patch 171 79) (patch 107 27) (patch 43 31) (patch 31 69) (patch 163 81) (patch 14 29) (patch 149 28) (patch 64 17) (patch 39 44) (patch 96 34) (patch 30 90) (patch 194 61) (patch 61 91) (patch 35 85) (patch 46 27) (patch 153 45) (patch 126 57) (patch 75 8) (patch 47 66) (patch 25 52) (patch 163 2) (patch 187 81) (patch 113 34) (patch 35 43) (patch 138 9) (patch 118 17) (patch 43 44) (patch 151 70) (patch 120 94) (patch 177 75) (patch 172 36) (patch 182 18) (patch 72 29) (patch 52 56) (patch 120 72) (patch 33 89) (patch 164 86) (patch 144 18) (patch 55 79) (patch 133 99) (patch 79 5) (patch 88 61) (patch 102 14) (patch 111 35) (patch 138 97) (patch 39 83) (patch 77 2) (patch 196 21) (patch 166 53) (patch 13 47) (patch 53 75) (patch 27 73) (patch 141 83) (patch 160 46) (patch 197 65) (patch 26 42) (patch 93 68) (patch 83 90) (patch 45 61) (patch 169 84) (patch 93 87) (patch 82 96) (patch 59 24) (patch 93 9) (patch 22 38) (patch 33 28) (patch 92 54) (patch 161 16) (patch 124 30) (patch 64 33) (patch 91 1) (patch 158 52) (patch 70 74) (patch 97 51) (patch 122 54) (patch 182 97) (patch 123 81) (patch 86 93) (patch 14 41) (patch 84 47) (patch 31 34) (patch 14 92) (patch 16 93) (patch 81 13) (patch 146 86) (patch 47 44) (patch 81 66) (patch 80 49) (patch 96 67) (patch 122 70) (patch 146 36) (patch 97 4) (patch 16 55) (patch 130 29) (patch 179 93) (patch 155 49) (patch 145 94) (patch 70 85) (patch 122 22) (patch 60 35) (patch 135 49) (patch 33 47) (patch 45 30) (patch 163 30) (patch 160 86) (patch 182 82) (patch 127 35) (patch 101 7) (patch 47 93) (patch 88 37) (patch 187 90) (patch 48 20) (patch 42 98) (patch 103 68) (patch 106 63) (patch 85 23) (patch 69 70) (patch 199 84) (patch 1 40) (patch 91 43) (patch 93 59) (patch 194 86) (patch 121 27) (patch 193 79) (patch 67 62) (patch 84 19) (patch 162 13) (patch 36 33) (patch 157 18) (patch 70 15) (patch 44 85) (patch 38 90) (patch 149 10) (patch 149 15) (patch 21 52) (patch 184 4) (patch 77 15) (patch 171 12) (patch 180 30) (patch 127 58) (patch 65 56) (patch 31 33) (patch 38 26) (patch 118 61) (patch 80 7) (patch 191 75) (patch 0 33) (patch 77 58) (patch 51 64) (patch 20 32) (patch 185 76) (patch 107 98) (patch 97 17) (patch 132 70) (patch 46 40) (patch 4 61) (patch 130 18) (patch 95 68) (patch 24 31) (patch 199 57) (patch 102 84) )
      let patches-with-pahim (patch-set (patch 40 78) (patch 148 93) (patch 105 67) (patch 188 47) (patch 111 19) (patch 130 77) (patch 99 71) (patch 40 98) (patch 141 4) (patch 197 41)               (patch 130 24) (patch 73 66) (patch 108 79) (patch 103 49) (patch 99 90) (patch 45 97) (patch 97 26) (patch 9 27) (patch 153 99) (patch 51 91) (patch 88 99) (patch 110 51) (patch 127 99) (patch 171 43) (patch 109 18) (patch 25 31) (patch 28 46) (patch 28 95) (patch 158 35) (patch 66 87) (patch 110 47) (patch 33 74) (patch 164 97) (patch 175 9) (patch 101 2) (patch 134 73) (patch 187 33) (patch 111 26) (patch 189 20) (patch 62 58) (patch 120 92) (patch 111 60) (patch 74 80) (patch 154 32) (patch 55 93) (patch 23 76) (patch 21 81) (patch 42 81) (patch 180 6) (patch 70 37) (patch 58 60) (patch 141 59) (patch 112 65) (patch 130 51) (patch 121 2) (patch 106 1) (patch 49 60) (patch 94 26) (patch 101 93) (patch 68 54) (patch 132 24) (patch 55 37) (patch 18 35) (patch 84 76) (patch 77 96) (patch 172 31) (patch 188 2) (patch 7 94) (patch 46 89) (patch 74 17) (patch 76 28) (patch 22 86) (patch 40 70) (patch 80 34) (patch 89 91) (patch 195 49) (patch 8 59) (patch 145 82) (patch 117 3) (patch 76 25) (patch 119 83) (patch 65 99) (patch 199 48) (patch 182 53) (patch 156 62) (patch 136 90) (patch 114 50) (patch 92 19) (patch 104 38) (patch 108 30) (patch 99 56) (patch 109 15) (patch 109 43) (patch 84 55) (patch 67 16) (patch 114 96) (patch 17 97) (patch 159 99) (patch 69 65) (patch 24 46) (patch 30 76) (patch 116 74) (patch 20 78) (patch 135 62) (patch 129 88) (patch 40 32) (patch 153 84) (patch 129 74) (patch 111 75) (patch 51 72) (patch 102 6) (patch 168 41) (patch 164 34) (patch 83 13) (patch 52 45) (patch 89 99) (patch 107 6) (patch 155 29) (patch 143 65) (patch 58 88) (patch 47 84) (patch 72 40) (patch 32 49) (patch 117 95) (patch 75 51) (patch 164 10) (patch 80 91) (patch 101 32) (patch 55 62) (patch 41 41) (patch 64 22) (patch 69 31) (patch 156 5) (patch 96 1)              (patch 33 98) (patch 70 78) (patch 131 40) (patch 51 28) (patch 96 41) (patch 133 6) (patch 185 99) (patch 115 85) (patch 87 78) (patch 119 60) (patch 73 23) (patch 38 40) (patch 105 91) (patch 155 77) (patch 62 70) (patch 166 38) (patch 133 87) (patch 70 7) (patch 72 98) (patch 103 19) (patch 31 43) (patch 5 50) (patch 118 98) (patch 168 95) (patch 23 82) (patch 106 37) (patch 112 29) (patch 89 10) (patch 107 99)              (patch 66 80) (patch 155 91) (patch 61 19) (patch 176 83) (patch 59 52) (patch 115 42)              (patch 3 33) (patch 199 69) (patch 10 49) (patch 127 79) (patch 56 84) (patch 87 45) (patch 50 74) (patch 168 80) (patch 106 53) (patch 41 62) (patch 82 72) (patch 12 56) (patch 125 91) (patch 172 92) (patch 131 98) (patch 42 88) (patch 141 90) (patch 60 76) (patch 96 31) (patch 43 68) (patch 10 39) (patch 35 69) (patch 156 1) (patch 118 46) (patch 56 24) (patch 133 56) (patch 150 41) (patch 97 84) (patch 92 74) (patch 55 55) (patch 199 45) (patch 155 21) (patch 79 34) (patch 111 87) (patch 27 80) (patch 87 4) (patch 37 72) (patch 138 67) (patch 6 37) (patch 153 8) (patch 78 82) (patch 2 53) (patch 109 66) (patch 4 25) (patch 157 82) (patch 171 79) (patch 107 27) (patch 43 31) (patch 31 69) (patch 163 81) (patch 14 29) (patch 149 28) (patch 64 17) (patch 39 44) (patch 96 34) (patch 30 90) (patch 194 61) (patch 61 91) (patch 35 85) (patch 46 27) (patch 153 45) (patch 126 57) (patch 75 8) (patch 47 66) (patch 25 52) (patch 163 2) (patch 187 81) (patch 113 34) (patch 35 43) (patch 138 9) (patch 118 17) (patch 43 44) (patch 151 70) (patch 120 94) (patch 177 75) (patch 172 36) (patch 182 18) (patch 72 29) (patch 52 56) (patch 120 72) (patch 33 89) (patch 164 86) (patch 144 18) (patch 55 79) (patch 133 99) (patch 79 5) (patch 88 61) (patch 102 14) (patch 111 35) (patch 138 97) (patch 39 83) (patch 77 2) (patch 196 21) (patch 166 53) (patch 13 47) (patch 53 75) (patch 27 73) (patch 141 83) (patch 160 46) (patch 197 65) (patch 26 42) (patch 93 68) (patch 83 90) (patch 45 61) (patch 169 84) (patch 93 87) (patch 82 96) (patch 59 24) (patch 93 9) (patch 22 38) (patch 33 28) (patch 92 54) (patch 161 16) (patch 124 30) (patch 64 33) (patch 91 1) (patch 158 52) (patch 70 74) (patch 97 51) (patch 122 54) (patch 182 97) (patch 123 81) (patch 86 93) (patch 14 41) (patch 84 47) (patch 31 34) (patch 14 92) (patch 16 93) (patch 81 13) (patch 146 86) (patch 47 44) (patch 81 66) (patch 80 49) (patch 96 67) (patch 122 70) (patch 146 36) (patch 97 4) (patch 16 55) (patch 130 29) (patch 179 93) (patch 155 49) (patch 145 94) (patch 70 85) (patch 122 22) (patch 60 35) (patch 135 49) (patch 33 47) (patch 45 30) (patch 163 30) (patch 160 86) (patch 182 82) (patch 127 35) (patch 101 7) (patch 47 93) (patch 88 37) (patch 187 90) (patch 48 20) (patch 42 98) (patch 103 68) (patch 106 63) (patch 85 23) (patch 69 70) (patch 199 84)              (patch 91 43) (patch 93 59) (patch 194 86) (patch 121 27) (patch 193 79) (patch 67 62) (patch 84 19) (patch 162 13) (patch 36 33) (patch 157 18) (patch 70 15) (patch 44 85) (patch 38 90) (patch 149 10) (patch 149 15) (patch 21 52) (patch 184 4) (patch 77 15) (patch 171 12) (patch 180 30) (patch 127 58) (patch 65 56) (patch 31 33) (patch 38 26) (patch 118 61) (patch 80 7) (patch 191 75)              (patch 77 58) (patch 51 64) (patch 20 32) (patch 185 76) (patch 107 98) (patch 97 17) (patch 132 70) (patch 46 40) (patch 4 61) (patch 130 18) (patch 95 68) (patch 24 31) (patch 199 57) (patch 102 84) )
      ;let patches-up50 ( patch-set nobody )
      ;show patches-up50
      ;foreach patches-with-pahim
      ;  let py-up50 pycor + 50
      ;  let pxxx pxcor
      ;  lput patches-up50 patch pxcor py-up50
      ;show patches-up50
      report patches-with-pahim
    let patch-list (list [200 66])
    report patches at-points patch-list

to make-grid
  let spacing grid-modul
  let min-xpos floor (min-pxcor + 0.5 * spacing)
  let min-ypos floor (min-pycor + 0.5 * spacing)
  ;;sprout snack-maker in the BL corner
  ;ask patch min-xpos min-ypos
  ask patch max-pxcor min-ypos
    sprout-snacks 1
      set shape "x"
      set color black
      ;set size ( 1 / zoomin )+ 1 * (snack-food-left / snack-size)
      set size ( 1 / zoomin ) + 1 ;* (snack-food-left / snack-size)
      set snack-food-left snack-size
      set dibs 0
  ;;calc how many row and cols the box can hold
  let box-width world-width ;- os-width
  let box-height  world-height
  let num-cols ceiling box-width / spacing + 1
  let num-rows ceiling box-height / spacing + 1
  ;;ask snack-maker to jump the grid hatching
  ask snack 0
    repeat num-rows
      repeat num-cols
        hatch 1
        set heading 270
        jump spacing
      ;setxy min-xpos ycor
      setxy max-pxcor ycor
      set heading 0
      jump spacing
  ;; kill snacks that are on buildings or roads or open space
  ask snacks with
  [ [cost] of patch-here > 0.5  or  [cost] of patch-here <= 0.01 ]

to leave-a-stamp
  ask snacks
    let sz size
    let sh shape
    set shape "circle"
    set size 1.5
    if stamp_snacks [stamp]
    set shape sh
    set size sz

to make-a-start-sign
  sprout 1 [
    set shape "x"
    set color white
    set size 2
    if stamp_snacks [stamp]

to add-pigs
  ask patches-for-pigs
    sprout-pigs num-pigs-at-start-points
      set size 3 / zoomin + 1
      set shape "pigface"
      ;set color pink
      set heading 0
      set color magenta
      set pig-state "foraging"
      set pig-satiety 0
      set pig-energy 0
      set label pig-state
      set label-color black
      set pig-home patch-here
      set pig-time-feeding 0
      set pig-penetration 0
      set pig-depth 0
      set pig-snacks-eaten 0
      set pig-current-sally []
      set pig-sallies []
      set Lpig-ptypes2 n-values length Lcosts [0]
      set pig-patches-visited 0
      set pig-max-xcor-ever xcor
      set pig-opt-path-cost 999999

to setup-pig-count-patch-types
  set Tpig-ptypes table:make
  set Lcosts [0.001 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.75 999999]
  let Lp-list n-values 6 [0]
  (foreach Lcosts Lp-list [ [?1 ?2] -> table:put Tpig-ptypes ?1 ?2 ] )

to-report patches-for-pigs
  ifelse rnd-setup-pigs
    ;report (n-of pig-start-points patches with [ cost <= 0.001 and pxcor = 0 ] )
    report (n-of pig-start-points patches with [ cost <= 0.001 and pxcor <= 3 ] )
    ;let patch-list (list [0 130])
    let patch-list (list [0 70])
    report patches at-points patch-list

;;██████ setup tests ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

to scenario1
  ask patches [set cost 0.5]
  let road-width 2
  ask patches with [(pycor mod 22) < 22 and (pycor mod 22) > 22 - road-width - 1] [set cost 0.75]
  ask patches with [(pxcor mod 16) < 16 and (pxcor mod 16) > 16 - road-width - 1] [set cost 0.75]
  let house-ycor n-values 20 [ ?1 -> ?1 ]
  set house-ycor filter [ ?1 -> (?1 mod 4) >= 1 and (?1 mod 4) < 1 + 2 ] house-ycor
  let house-xcor n-values 14 [ ?1 -> ?1 ]
  set house-xcor filter [ ?1 -> (?1 mod 8) >= 1 and (?1 mod 8) < 1 + 4 ] house-xcor
  let wx n-values (int (max-pxcor / 16)) [ ?1 -> ?1 ]
  let hy n-values (int (max-pycor / 22)) [ ?1 -> ?1 ]
  foreach wx
  [ ?1 ->
    let w ?1
    foreach hy
    [ ??1 ->
      let hh ??1
      foreach house-xcor
      [ ???1 ->
        let x ???1 + w * 16
        foreach house-ycor
        [ ????1 ->
          let y ????1 + hh * 22
          ask patch x y [set cost 999999]
  ;;open spaces
  ask patches with [pxcor < os-width] [set cost 0.01]

to scenario3
  ;set os-width 75
  let road-width 2
  let house-x-size 4
  let house-y-size 2
  let kav-binyan-front 1
  let kav-binyan-back 2
  let kav-binyan-side 1
  let parcel-x house-x-size + kav-binyan-front + kav-binyan-back
  let parcel-y house-y-size + kav-binyan-side * 2
  let houses-in-block-y 5
  let modul-x   parcel-x * 2 + road-width
  let modul-y   parcel-y * houses-in-block-y + road-width
   ;show (word "modul-x=" modul-x " modul-y=" modul-y)
  ask patches with [pxcor > os-width] [set cost 0.5]
  let blocks-x n-values modul-x [ ?1 -> ?1 ]
  let blocks-y n-values modul-y [ ?1 -> ?1 ]
  let house-x filter [ ?1 ->
    (?1 > kav-binyan-front - 1  and ?1 < kav-binyan-front + house-x-size )
    (?1 > kav-binyan-back + parcel-x - 1  and ?1 < kav-binyan-back + house-x-size + parcel-x)
  ] blocks-x
  let house-y filter [ ?1 ->
    ( (?1 mod houses-in-block-y >= road-width + kav-binyan-side) and (?1 mod houses-in-block-y <= road-width + kav-binyan-side + house-y-size) )
  ] blocks-y
    ;show (word "house-x=" house-x " house-y=" house-y)
  let wx n-values (ceiling (max-pxcor / modul-x)) [ ?1 -> ?1 ]
  let hy n-values (ceiling (max-pycor / modul-y)) [ ?1 -> ?1 ]
  let list-of-xx []
  foreach wx [ ?1 ->
    let w ?1
    foreach house-x [ ??1 ->
      let x ??1 + w * modul-x + os-width
      if x <= max-pxcor [
        set list-of-xx lput x list-of-xx
 ;show list-of-xx
  let list-of-yy []
  foreach hy [ ?1 ->
    let hh ?1
    foreach house-y [ ??1 ->
      let y ??1 + hh * modul-y
      if y <= max-pycor [
        set list-of-yy lput y list-of-yy
 ;show list-of-yy
  foreach list-of-xx [ ?1 ->
    let x ?1
    foreach list-of-yy [ ??1 ->
      let y ??1
      ask patch x y [set cost 999999]
  ;ask patches with [(pycor mod modul-y + 1) < modul-y and (pycor mod modul-y) > modul-y - road-width - 1] [set cost 0.75]
  ask patches with [
    (pxcor + os-width) mod modul-x > modul-x - parcel-x  - road-width
    (pxcor + os-width) mod modul-x <= modul-x - parcel-x
    pxcor <= max-pxcor
  ] [set cost 0.75]
  ask patches with [
    pycor mod modul-y > parcel-y * houses-in-block-y
    pycor mod modul-y = 0
  ] [set cost 0.75]
  ;;to delete !!!!
  ask patches with [pxcor <= os-width] [set cost 0.5]
  ;;open spaces
  ask patches with [pxcor < os-width] [set cost 0.001]

to scenario2
  ;set os-width 75
  let road-width 2
  let house-x-size 4
  let house-y-size 2
  let kav-binyan-front 1
  let kav-binyan-back 2
  let kav-binyan-side 1
  let parcel-x house-x-size + kav-binyan-front + kav-binyan-back
  let parcel-y house-y-size + kav-binyan-side * 2
  let houses-in-block-y 5
  let modul-x   parcel-x * 2 + road-width
  let modul-y   parcel-y * houses-in-block-y + road-width
   ;show (word "modul-x=" modul-x " modul-y=" modul-y)
  ask patches with [pxcor > os-width] [set cost 0.5]
  let blocks-x n-values modul-x [ ?1 -> ?1 ]
  let blocks-y n-values modul-y [ ?1 -> ?1 ]
  let house-x filter [ ?1 ->
    (?1 > kav-binyan-front - 1  and ?1 < kav-binyan-front + house-x-size )
    (?1 > kav-binyan-back + parcel-x - 1  and ?1 < kav-binyan-back + house-x-size + parcel-x)
  ] blocks-x
  let house-y filter [ ?1 ->
    ( (?1 mod houses-in-block-y >= road-width + kav-binyan-side) and (?1 mod houses-in-block-y <= road-width + kav-binyan-side + house-y-size) )
  ] blocks-y
    ;show (word "house-x=" house-x " house-y=" house-y)
  let wx n-values (ceiling (max-pxcor / modul-x)) [ ?1 -> ?1 ]
  let hy n-values (ceiling (max-pycor / modul-y)) [ ?1 -> ?1 ]
  let list-of-xx []
  foreach wx [ ?1 ->
    let w ?1
    foreach house-x [ ??1 ->
      let x ??1 + w * modul-x + os-width
      if x <= max-pxcor [
        set list-of-xx lput x list-of-xx
 ;show list-of-xx
  let list-of-yy []
  foreach hy [ ?1 ->
    let hh ?1
    foreach house-y [ ??1 ->
      let y ??1 + hh * modul-y
      if y <= max-pycor [
        set list-of-yy lput y list-of-yy
 ;show list-of-yy
  foreach list-of-xx [ ?1 ->
    let x ?1
    foreach list-of-yy [ ??1 ->
      let y ??1
      ask patch x y [set cost 999999]
  ;ask patches with [(pycor mod modul-y + 1) < modul-y and (pycor mod modul-y) > modul-y - road-width - 1] [set cost 0.75]
  ask patches with [
    (pxcor + os-width) mod modul-x > modul-x - parcel-x  - road-width
    (pxcor + os-width) mod modul-x <= modul-x - parcel-x
    pxcor <= max-pxcor
  ] [set cost 0.75]
  ask patches with [
    pycor mod modul-y > parcel-y * houses-in-block-y
    pycor mod modul-y = 0
  ] [set cost 0.75]
  ;;to delete !!!!
  ask patches with [pxcor <= os-width] [set cost 0.5]

  ;;open spaces
  ask patches with [pycor > max-pycor / 2 ] [set cost 999999]

  ;;open spaces
  ask patches with [pxcor < os-width] [set cost 0.001]

to Uniform05
  ;set os-width 20
  ask patches ;with [pxcor > os-width]
    set cost 0.5
  ;;open spaces
  ask patches with [pxcor <= os-width] [set cost 0.001]

to Uniform025
  ;set os-width 20
  ask patches ;with [pxcor > os-width]
    set cost 0.25
  ;;open spaces
  ask patches with [pxcor <= os-width] [set cost 0.001]

;;██████ data analysis ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

to create-csv-lists
  set each-pig-sallies []
  set each-pig-sallies  fput (list "setup-type" "snacks" "pigs" "ratio" "pahim?" "run" "gamma" "pig" "sally" "length" "patches-visited") each-pig-sallies
  set each-pig-route-lengths []
  set each-pig-route-lengths fput (list "setup-type" "snacks" "pigs" "p-min" "snack-size" "pahim?" "ratio" "run" "gamma" "pig" "route-L" "easting" "pig-patches-visited" "expenditure" "satiety" "snacks-eaten" "pig-max-xcor-ever" "c0.001" "c0.1" "c0.25" "c0.5" "c0.75" "c999999" "TOT") each-pig-route-lengths
  ;set each-pig-visits []
  ;set each-pig-visits fput (list "setup-type" "num-of-snacks-to-start" "num-pigs-at-start-points" "ratio" "behaviorspace-run-number" "pig" "c0.001" "c0.1" "c0.25" "c0.5" "c0.75" "c999999" "TOT") each-pig-visits

to export-data-to-list
  foreach sort-on [who] pigs
  [ ?1 ->
    ask ?1
      let l-temp 0
      foreach pig-sallies
      [ ??1 ->
        set l-temp l-temp + length ??1
        set each-pig-sallies lput (list setup-type num-of-snacks-to-start num-pigs-at-start-points (num-of-snacks-to-start / (count pigs)) pahim? behaviorspace-run-number gamma who (position ??1 pig-sallies)  (length ??1) pig-patches-visited ) each-pig-sallies
      set each-pig-route-lengths lput (list setup-type num-of-snacks-to-start num-pigs-at-start-points p-min snack-size pahim? (num-of-snacks-to-start / (count pigs)) behaviorspace-run-number gamma who l-temp xcor pig-patches-visited (0 - pig-energy) pig-satiety pig-snacks-eaten pig-max-xcor-ever (item 0 Lpig-ptypes2) (item 1 Lpig-ptypes2) (item 2 Lpig-ptypes2) (item 3 Lpig-ptypes2) (item 4 Lpig-ptypes2) (item 5 Lpig-ptypes2) pig-patches-visited) each-pig-route-lengths
      ;set each-pig-visits lput (list setup-type num-of-snacks-to-start num-pigs-at-start-points (num-of-snacks-to-start / (count pigs)) behaviorspace-run-number who (item 0 Lpig-ptypes2) (item 1 Lpig-ptypes2) (item 2 Lpig-ptypes2) (item 3 Lpig-ptypes2) (item 4 Lpig-ptypes2) (item 5 Lpig-ptypes2) pig-patches-visited) each-pig-visits
      ;show each-pig-route-lengths

to graph-validtn
  file-open (word "validtn" "-" behaviorspace-run-number ".csv")
  file-type "\n"
  file-type "SPB ratio,"
  file-type (num-of-snacks-to-start / (count pigs))
  file-type "\n"
  file-type (word "pig-start-points," pig-start-points "," "\n" "num-pigs-at-start-points," num-pigs-at-start-points "," "\n" "num-of-snacks-to-start," num-of-snacks-to-start "," "\n" "rnd-setup-pigs," rnd-setup-pigs ",")
  file-type "\n"
  file-type (word "pxcor" "," "pigvisits" "," "pigforagevisits" ",")
  file-type "\n"
  let ii 0
  while [ii <= max-pxcor] [
    let jj (sum [pigvisits] of patches with [pxcor = ii])
    let kk (sum [pigforagevisits] of patches with [pxcor = ii])
    file-type (word ii "," jj "," kk)
    file-type "\n"
    set ii ii + 1

  let bottom 0
  let top 0

to prepare-csv
  ;; patches-pigvisits  ;;
  file-open (word "patches-pigvisits"  "-" behaviorspace-run-number ".csv")
  file-type "\n"
  file-type "SPB ratio,"
  file-type (num-of-snacks-to-start / (count pigs))
  file-type "\n"
  file-type (word "pig-start-points," pig-start-points "," "\n" "num-pigs-at-start-points," num-pigs-at-start-points "," "\n" "num-of-snacks-to-start," num-of-snacks-to-start "," "\n" "rnd-setup-pigs," rnd-setup-pigs ",")
  file-type "\n"
  file-type (word "pxcor" "," "pycor" "," "pigvisits" "," "pigforagevisits" "," "behaviorspace-run-number" ",")
  file-type "\n"

;;;;██████ write-csv ████████████ write-csv █████████████ write-csv ███████████ write-csv ███████████

to write-csv
  ;file-open (word "patches-pigvisits" ".csv")
  file-open (word "patches-pigvisits"  "-" behaviorspace-run-number ".csv")
  foreach sort patches [ ?1 ->
    ask ?1 [
      file-type (word pxcor "," pycor "," pigvisits "," pigforagevisits "," behaviorspace-run-number ",")
      ;if pxcor = max-pxcor [ file-type "\n" ]
      file-type "\n"
  if Write_pig-route-lengths
    file-open (word "each-pig-route-lengths" ".csv")
    foreach each-pig-route-lengths
    [ ?1 ->
      foreach ?1
      [ ??1 ->
        file-type ??1
        file-type ","
      file-print ""
  if Write_pig-sallies
    file-open (word "each-pig-sallies" ".csv")
    foreach each-pig-sallies
    [ ?1 ->
      foreach ?1
      [ ??1 ->
        file-type ??1
        file-type ","
      file-print ""
  if Write_list-of-pig-x-run
    file-open (word "list-of-pig-x-run" ".csv")
    file-type "\n"
    file-type (num-of-snacks-to-start / (count pigs))
    file-type ","
    foreach list-of-pig-x [ ?1 ->
      file-type ?1
      file-type ","
  if Write_patches-pigvisits-matrx
    file-open (word "patches-pigvisits-matrx" "-" behaviorspace-run-number ".csv")
    file-type (word "pigvisits" "\n")
    file-type (word "behaviorspace-run-number," behaviorspace-run-number "," "\n")
    file-type "BPS ratio,"
    file-type (num-of-snacks-to-start / (count pigs))
    file-type "\n"
    file-type (word "pig-start-points," pig-start-points "," "\n" "num-pigs-at-start-points," num-pigs-at-start-points "," "\n" "num-of-snacks-to-start," num-of-snacks-to-start "," "\n" "rnd-setup-pigs," rnd-setup-pigs "," "\n")
    file-type "\n"
    file-type (word "," "pxcor" ",")
    let ii 0
    while [ii <= max-pxcor] [
      file-type (word ii ",")
      set ii ii + 1
    file-type "\n"
    file-type (word "pycor" "," "\n")
    foreach sort patches [ ?1 ->
      ask ?1 [
        if pxcor = min-pxcor [file-type (word pycor "," ",")]
        file-type (word pigvisits ",")
        if pxcor = max-pxcor [ file-type "\n" ]
    file-open (word "patches-pigvisits-forage-matrx" "-" behaviorspace-run-number ".csv")
    file-type (word "pigforagevisits" "\n")
     file-type (word "behaviorspace-run-number," behaviorspace-run-number "," "\n")
    file-type "SPB ratio,"
    file-type (num-of-snacks-to-start / (count pigs))
    file-type "\n"
    file-type (word "pig-start-points," pig-start-points "," "\n" "num-pigs-at-start-points," num-pigs-at-start-points "," "\n" "num-of-snacks-to-start," num-of-snacks-to-start "," "\n" "rnd-setup-pigs," rnd-setup-pigs "," "\n")
    file-type "\n"
    file-type "\n"
    file-type (word "," "pxcor" ",")
    set ii 0
    while [ii <= max-pxcor] [
      file-type (word ii ",")
      set ii ii + 1
    file-type "\n"
    file-type (word "pycor" "," "\n")
    foreach sort patches [ ?1 ->
      ask ?1 [
        if pxcor = min-pxcor [file-type (word pycor "," ",")]
        file-type (word pigforagevisits ",")
        if pxcor = max-pxcor [ file-type "\n" ]

to-report pig-ptypes-visits-mean                         ;;pig-ptypes-stats
  let Lptypes-visits-mean n-values (length Lcosts) [0]
  foreach sort-on [who] pigs
  [ ?1 ->
    ask ?1
      ;let Lpcosts table:keys Tpig-ptypes
      let Lptypes-visits []
      let Lmean-temp Lptypes-visits-mean
      foreach Lcosts
      [ ??1 ->
        set Lptypes-visits lput table:get Tpig-ptypes ??1 Lptypes-visits
      ;show Lptypes-visits
      set Lptypes-visits-mean (map [ [??1 ??2] -> ??1 + ??2 ] Lptypes-visits Lmean-temp)
  set Lptypes-visits-mean map [ ?1 -> ?1 / count pigs ] Lptypes-visits-mean
  report Lptypes-visits-mean

to record-snacks
  if setup-type = "Haifa"

    set snack-patch-list-h []
    ask patches with [any? snacks-here]
      set snack-patch-list-h fput self snack-patch-list-h

to recreate_snacks
  let patches-for-old-snacks
    ;(patch 164 92) (patch 59 36) (patch 131 63) (patch 187 28) (patch 79 60) (patch 64 39) (patch 1 46) (patch 154 38) (patch 58 74) (patch 40 63) (patch 167 21) (patch 72 98) (patch 3 34) (patch 42 1) (patch 36 84) (patch 107 80) (patch 22 41) (patch 134 24) (patch 104 54) (patch 67 11) (patch 93 80) (patch 81 22) (patch 85 6) (patch 115 52) (patch 129 94) (patch 169 81) (patch 118 82) (patch 156 18) (patch 39 35) (patch 111 72) (patch 21 79) (patch 157 4) (patch 162 53) (patch 104 42) (patch 183 4) (patch 140 56) (patch 119 95) (patch 70 69) (patch 25 40) (patch 106 31) (patch 12 48) (patch 184 31) (patch 77 45) (patch 92 2) (patch 152 34) (patch 77 7) (patch 29 86) (patch 32 65) (patch 139 91) (patch 178 30) (patch 161 40) (patch 165 19) (patch 109 59) (patch 179 21) (patch 24 83) (patch 52 38) (patch 105 41) (patch 126 34) (patch 125 63) (patch 77 21) (patch 136 2) (patch 35 38) (patch 122 26) (patch 83 42) (patch 177 92) (patch 161 44) (patch 31 88) (patch 92 79) (patch 42 48) (patch 65 64) (patch 159 16) (patch 90 99) (patch 146 28) (patch 147 53) (patch 120 68) (patch 62 40) (patch 11 35) (patch 28 24) (patch 168 32) (patch 22 45) (patch 108 99) (patch 4 1) (patch 176 38) (patch 92 35) (patch 127 56) (patch 93 89) (patch 36 27) (patch 68 43) (patch 12 29) (patch 199 96) (patch 153 0) (patch 69 31) (patch 135 25) (patch 49 65) (patch 156 39) (patch 182 86) (patch 135 93) (patch 15 4) (patch 64 57) (patch 65 43) (patch 176 10) (patch 43 59) (patch 181 35) (patch 143 76) (patch 135 50) (patch 143 71) (patch 50 33) (patch 189 80) (patch 92 19) (patch 159 37) (patch 124 63) (patch 83 23) (patch 40 52) (patch 64 44) (patch 63 42) (patch 151 20) (patch 29 83) (patch 134 16) (patch 105 31) (patch 148 66) (patch 96 73) (patch 52 35) (patch 108 46) (patch 80 27) (patch 149 53) (patch 107 99) (patch 80 52) (patch 62 44) (patch 117 17) (patch 154 7) (patch 152 38) (patch 106 16) (patch 40 41) (patch 176 96) (patch 2 1) (patch 61 48) (patch 64 87) (patch 96 26) (patch 95 88) (patch 189 94) (patch 139 41) (patch 137 90) (patch 140 77) (patch 65 40) (patch 199 12) (patch 33 74) (patch 33 98) (patch 9 31) (patch 152 12) (patch 70 41) (patch 134 49) (patch 35 44) (patch 128 35) (patch 162 89) (patch 64 6) (patch 97 5) (patch 37 68) (patch 112 40) (patch 99 0) (patch 89 50) (patch 58 48) (patch 6 40) (patch 104 4) (patch 94 83) (patch 49 96) (patch 120 76) (patch 148 40) (patch 40 3) (patch 19 54) (patch 165 10) (patch 124 17) (patch 57 71) (patch 33 82) (patch 158 88) (patch 132 98) (patch 134 56) (patch 66 34) (patch 188 93) (patch 27 35) (patch 128 62) (patch 72 65) (patch 72 18) (patch 136 48) (patch 27 47) (patch 192 80) (patch 61 44) (patch 197 66) (patch 76 60) (patch 75 76) (patch 139 79) (patch 107 40) (patch 93 60) (patch 104 6) (patch 157 15) (patch 54 30) (patch 127 71) (patch 148 49) (patch 95 56) (patch 79 14) (patch 131 9) (patch 73 8) (patch 79 45) (patch 35 71) (patch 105 83) (patch 130 89) (patch 94 58) (patch 139 76) (patch 151 75) (patch 95 49) (patch 21 80) (patch 115 75) (patch 99 19) (patch 68 28) (patch 3 38) (patch 64 74) (patch 70 74) (patch 85 71) (patch 60 43) (patch 136 50) (patch 163 99) (patch 42 60) (patch 28 72) (patch 92 58) (patch 180 7) (patch 60 28) (patch 38 83) (patch 188 30) (patch 38 51) (patch 66 21) (patch 37 51) (patch 185 79) (patch 110 19) (patch 183 5) (patch 65 65) (patch 157 66) (patch 23 26) (patch 14 24) (patch 149 33) (patch 105 98) (patch 92 22) (patch 177 14) (patch 165 22) (patch 23 78) (patch 62 78) (patch 162 42) (patch 119 1) (patch 160 83) (patch 64 12) (patch 70 26) (patch 0 63) (patch 144 73) (patch 165 59) (patch 40 93) (patch 112 18) (patch 153 46) (patch 149 19) (patch 168 80) (patch 163 96) (patch 107 74) (patch 174 48) (patch 183 21) (patch 140 61) (patch 26 96) (patch 39 37) (patch 68 98) (patch 43 31) (patch 14 92) (patch 170 76) (patch 179 26) (patch 188 84) (patch 108 16) (patch 83 5) (patch 63 28) (patch 126 91) (patch 177 80) (patch 151 99) (patch 94 40) (patch 171 36) (patch 154 92) (patch 188 38) (patch 12 53) (patch 152 27) (patch 160 86) (patch 78 48) (patch 88 27) (patch 191 77) (patch 33 42) (patch 54 39) (patch 156 29) (patch 136 0) (patch 114 42) (patch 186 3) (patch 3 25) (patch 155 85) (patch 25 73) (patch 4 43) (patch 72 1) (patch 28 49) (patch 41 47) (patch 168 22)
    (patch 99 84) (patch 182 95) (patch 110 77) (patch 49 68) (patch 82 76) (patch 181 99) (patch 85 79) (patch 180 31) (patch 113 39) (patch 125 23) (patch 138 4) (patch 101 55) (patch 165 5) (patch 109 84) (patch 27 77) (patch 97 86) (patch 184 19) (patch 176 15) (patch 12 39) (patch 128 84) (patch 8 33) (patch 150 78) (patch 112 32) (patch 152 0) (patch 29 23) (patch 175 48) (patch 177 50) (patch 129 69) (patch 189 21) (patch 103 1) (patch 120 88) (patch 55 83) (patch 116 93) (patch 171 24) (patch 94 78) (patch 160 89) (patch 27 68) (patch 174 1) (patch 147 71) (patch 40 44) (patch 111 47) (patch 150 26) (patch 81 93) (patch 44 79) (patch 60 71) (patch 164 82) (patch 193 85) (patch 174 97) (patch 121 92) (patch 187 47) (patch 27 88) (patch 130 60) (patch 196 37) (patch 66 75) (patch 24 76) (patch 96 41) (patch 129 15) (patch 53 60) (patch 180 42) (patch 25 52) (patch 138 45) (patch 104 26) (patch 191 1) (patch 104 48) (patch 87 55) (patch 32 68) (patch 95 79) (patch 147 90) (patch 146 45) (patch 68 23) (patch 114 76) (patch 46 29) (patch 49 52) (patch 19 38) (patch 12 25) (patch 10 21) (patch 176 88) (patch 131 66) (patch 195 79) (patch 184 87) (patch 70 61) (patch 1 59) (patch 145 67) (patch 186 29) (patch 164 36) (patch 2 23) (patch 82 2) (patch 96 19) (patch 191 20) (patch 15 46) (patch 46 76) (patch 178 96) (patch 188 81) (patch 73 71) (patch 50 59) (patch 83 3) (patch 171 18) (patch 151 35) (patch 63 42) (patch 6 58) (patch 73 67) (patch 91 22) (patch 148 29) (patch 74 65) (patch 122 92) (patch 42 67) (patch 176 46) (patch 30 47) (patch 158 81) (patch 95 96) (patch 63 97) (patch 105 81) (patch 95 3) (patch 155 40) (patch 13 83) (patch 146 15) (patch 172 79) (patch 149 30) (patch 17 84) (patch 186 69) (patch 18 91) (patch 105 37) (patch 106 72) (patch 182 92) (patch 167 79) (patch 199 19) (patch 170 30) (patch 145 96) (patch 16 46) (patch 1 24) (patch 11 52) (patch 66 16) (patch 45 67) (patch 93 95) (patch 15 83) (patch 57 16) (patch 133 46) (patch 37 95) (patch 6 51) (patch 32 94) (patch 179 87) (patch 44 85) (patch 103 16) (patch 187 84) (patch 165 21) (patch 118 20) (patch 23 32) (patch 174 0) (patch 158 21) (patch 65 71) (patch 155 1) (patch 148 77) (patch 185 86) (patch 68 41) (patch 113 87) (patch 35 21) (patch 130 15) (patch 64 28) (patch 113 65) (patch 41 49) (patch 103 43) (patch 117 3) (patch 97 32) (patch 86 4) (patch 83 93) (patch 38 52) (patch 30 96) (patch 186 90) (patch 41 92) (patch 36 69) (patch 79 10) (patch 71 26) (patch 70 23) (patch 134 98) (patch 189 32) (patch 63 80) (patch 108 32) (patch 52 50) (patch 46 40) (patch 163 53) (patch 157 63) (patch 87 82) (patch 125 92) (patch 168 20) (patch 72 14) (patch 128 30) (patch 184 5) (patch 28 79) (patch 179 16) (patch 64 13) (patch 129 43) (patch 180 77) (patch 197 67) (patch 172 3) (patch 185 82) (patch 191 24) (patch 34 91) (patch 0 33) (patch 44 28) (patch 146 56) (patch 78 35) (patch 0 18) (patch 81 69) (patch 159 75) (patch 106 88) (patch 189 24) (patch 83 72) (patch 146 31) (patch 70 15) (patch 197 7) (patch 79 94) (patch 77 81) (patch 174 75) (patch 145 55) (patch 186 22) (patch 131 38) (patch 77 43) (patch 190 95) (patch 14 25) (patch 125 76) (patch 115 2) (patch 112 95) (patch 142 50) (patch 34 86) (patch 161 25) (patch 92 39) (patch 142 33) (patch 51 21) (patch 185 1) (patch 143 57) (patch 63 33) (patch 49 63) (patch 176 8) (patch 81 20) (patch 168 48) (patch 185 50) (patch 111 38) (patch 181 25) (patch 85 29) (patch 22 52) (patch 24 72) (patch 119 19) (patch 112 71) (patch 30 26) (patch 143 54) (patch 85 92) (patch 4 33) (patch 117 21) (patch 116 22) (patch 88 3) (patch 34 96) (patch 191 16) (patch 156 34) (patch 173 21) (patch 146 93) (patch 193 5) (patch 13 42) (patch 136 75) (patch 44 62) (patch 116 17) (patch 140 6) (patch 41 69) (patch 87 70) (patch 132 46) (patch 147 86) (patch 111 15) (patch 122 94) (patch 171 31) (patch 37 54) (patch 157 15) (patch 52 42) (patch 132 10) (patch 15 56) (patch 68 45) (patch 169 19) (patch 87 5) (patch 168 86) (patch 120 72) (patch 21 49) (patch 137 86) (patch 188 32) (patch 167 33) (patch 65 10) (patch 95 88) (patch 71 10) (patch 105 27) (patch 68 2) (patch 186 46) (patch 124 64) (patch 62 12) (patch 69 79) (patch 170 35) (patch 109 33) (patch 63 72) (patch 122 98) (patch 42 90) (patch 123 91) (patch 104 0) (patch 119 25) (patch 18 37)
    ask patches-for-old-snacks
      if not any? snacks-here
        sprout-snacks 1
          set color 45
          set shape "circle"
          set size 2 ;2.5
          if stamp_snacks [stamp]
          set shape "circle" ;"x"
          ;set color white
          ifelse rnd-snack-size
            set snack-food-left random-poisson snack-size
            set snack-food-left snack-size
          set color yellow
          ;set size ( 1 / zoomin ) + 1 * (snack-food-left / snack-size)
          set size ( 1 / zoomin ) ;+ 1 ;* (snack-food-left / snack-size)
          set dibs 0
          set snack-attractiveness 0

;; created by Marina Toger
;; PhD advisors Prof. Itzhak Benenson, Prof. Danny Czamanski
;; in collaboration with Dr. Dan Malkinson
;; thanks for programming advise to Lev Toger
;; 2015/07/05

;; \m/

There is only one version of this model, created over 3 years ago by Marina Toger.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
a_ramat_hen.asc data data ascii file - should be in the same folder as the model to run over 3 years ago, by Marina Toger Download
asc_ein_hayam.asc data another neighbourhood data ascii file - should be in the same folder as the model to run over 3 years ago, by Marina Toger Download
Pigs_in_space.png preview Preview for 'Pigs_in_space' over 3 years ago, by Marina Toger Download

This model does not have any ancestors.

This model does not have any descendants.