Behavior spread

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Rg_400x400 Ricardo Gonzalez (Author)



Tagged by Ricardo Gonzalez over 4 years ago

behavior spread 

Tagged by Nannan Liang over 1 year ago


Tagged by Ricardo Gonzalez over 4 years ago

peer pressure 

Tagged by Ricardo Gonzalez over 4 years ago

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Model was written in NetLogo 6.1.1 • Viewed 469 times • Downloaded 16 times • Run 0 times
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;; Global variables.
globals [count_MS0 count_MS1 ticks_MS01]

;; turtle/breed.

;; turtle/breed variables.
turtles-own [
  MS  ;; mental state
  OB  ;; observed behavior
  OBD ;; observed behavior discrepancy

;; setup.

to setup
  ;; etc

;; setup-world.

to setup-world
  ask patches [ set pcolor green + 2]

;; setup-turtles.

to setup-turtles
  ;; Initialize global variables.

  ;; Create the turtles and set their initial states.
  create-turtles number_agents
  [ set shape "default"
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor]

  ;; Initial MS.
  ask turtles
    ifelse random 100 < MS1
    [ set MS 1
      set color 9.9]
    [ set MS 0
      set color 0  ]

  ;; Update counts.

;; go.

to go
  ;; Criteria to stop.
  if (ticks > 5000) [stop]
  if (count_MS0 = count_MS1) [stop]

  ;; Otherwise do-things.

  ;; Update status.

  ;; tick.

;; update-turtles.

to update-turtles
  ask turtles
  [ ;; update MS after wear
    let WR (WR0 + (WR1 - WR0) * MS)
    if random-float 100 < WR
    [ ifelse MS = 0 [set MS 1] [set MS 0]]

    ;; update OB
    ifelse (MS = 1)
    [ set OB sqrt(random-float 1.)]
    [ set OB (1 - sqrt(1 - (random-float 1.)))]

    ;; update OBD
    set OBD (MS - mean [OB] of other n-of K turtles)

    ;; update MS after OBD
    ;; triangular distribution for given MS:
    let x0 MS - 1
    let x1 MS
    let xm 2 * MS - 1 ;; position of the mode
    let ym (PC0 + (PC1 - PC0) * MS) * 2
    ;; compute y (given MS and OBD):
    let y 0
    ifelse (OBD < xm)
      ifelse ( xm = x0)
      [ set y ym]
      [ set y 0 + (OBD - x0) * ym / (xm - x0)]
      ifelse ( xm = x1)
      [ set y ym]
      [ set y 0 + (x1 - OBD) * ym / (x1 - xm)]
    ;; Change MS according to y
    if random-float 100 < y * 0.1 ;; 0.1 is the interval precision width for OBD.
    [ ifelse MS = 0 [set MS 1] [set MS 0]]

    ;; Update counts.

    ;; update color
    ifelse MS = 0
    [set color 0]
    [set color 9.9]

to update-counts
  ;; Update counts.
  set count_MS0 count turtles with [MS = 0]
  set count_MS1 count turtles with [MS = 1]

There is only one version of this model, created over 4 years ago by Ricardo Gonzalez.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Behavior spread.png preview Preview for 'Behavior spread' over 4 years ago, by Ricardo Gonzalez Download

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