
MIHS-Make_A_Tree preview image

1 collaborator

Larry_bencivengo Larry Bencivengo (Author)


art, artificial lifeD 

Tagged by Larry Bencivengo over 4 years ago

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Model was written in NetLogo 6.0.2 • Viewed 97 times • Downloaded 10 times • Run 0 times
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;; MAKE A TREE 2.0

;; 22 March 2020
;; by Larry Bencivengo

;; major change in algorithm - fewer branches start thicker & "hatch" smaller branches
;; new branches have same # of births as parent, but dist = 0

;; The Parameters used by the tree-drawing algorithm:

;; generally, the branches will grow for longer with a greater height
;; generally, there will be more branches when branching is higher
;; generally, the branches will spread out more laterally when spread is higher
;; generally, the trunk and branches will tend to be thicker when width is higher

;; the branches draw the tree as each one climbs into the air independently
;; randomly "hatching" new branches as it goes
globals [ number-branches new-color]

;; the user-determined parameters influence the way each branch climbs and interacts with other nearby branches
breed [ branches branch ]

branches-own [
  dist               ;; dist keeps track of how far the branch has traveled since its last "birth"
  births             ;; each time the branch branches off, a new branch is hatched with dist = 0
  new-heading        ;; place-holder variable to hatch new branches
  new-distance       ;; place-holder variable to hatch new branches

to setup
  ;; the number of branches depends partly on the parameter width
  set number-branches 10 + random ( 3 * width / 10 )
  create-branches number-branches [
    ;; color
    set new-color 35 + random ( color-range ) - random ( color-range )
    ifelse new-color > 140 [
      set new-color new-color - 140 ]
      [ if new-color < 0 [ set new-color new-color * -1 ]]
    set color new-color
    setxy ( 0 + random ( width / 20 ) - random ( width / 20 ) ) ( min-pycor )
    set heading 0
    set pen-size ( 7 + width / 10 )

to draw
  loop [
    ask branches [ grow ]
    ask branches [ check-death ]
    ;; check for tree done drawing
    if count branches = 0 [ stop ]

to grow
  ;; check for branching
  if random ( 200 - random ( 100 - height ) ) < ( dist * branching / 20 ) [
    ;; the number of times the branch will hatch new, smaller branches is limited
    if births < random ( 3 + branching / 10 ) [ set dist 0 ]
    set births births + 1
    ifelse pen-size > 1 [
      set pen-size pen-size - 2 ]
      [ ifelse pen-size = 2 [ set pen-size 1 ] [pen-up ]]
    ;; branch either right or left (equal chance)
    ifelse random 100 < 51 [
      set new-heading ( heading + 15 + ( random spread / 2 ) * 1.5 )]
    [ set new-heading ( heading - 15 - ( random spread / 2 ) * 1.5 )]
    hatch 1 [ set heading new-heading ]

 ;;  grow one unit
  rt random 10
  lt random 10
  forward 1
  set dist dist + 1

to check-death
    if births * dist > 5 * random height [ die ]

to reset
  set height 50
  set color-range 50
  set branching 50
  set spread 50
  set width 50

There is only one version of this model, created over 4 years ago by Larry Bencivengo.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
MIHS-Make_A_Tree.png preview Preview for 'MIHS-Make_A_Tree' over 4 years ago, by Larry Bencivengo Download

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