Effects of testing and social distancing on the spread of infectious diseases ("Flattening the Curve")

Effects of testing and social distancing on the spread of infectious diseases ("Flattening the Curve") preview image

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Default-person Shikhara Bhat (Author)



Tagged by Shikhara Bhat over 4 years ago

humans carry disease 

Tagged by Shikhara Bhat over 4 years ago

infectious disease model 

Tagged by Shikhara Bhat over 4 years ago


Tagged by Shikhara Bhat over 4 years ago

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breed [infecteds infected]
breed [susceptibles susceptible]
breed [recovereds recovered]

infecteds-own [
turtles-own [neighbours]

to setup
  random-seed seed ;To make sure runs have same initial conditions
  create-turtles number
  [setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set size 1
    ifelse (who < number_sick)
    [set breed infecteds
    set clock 0
    set tested? False]
    [set breed susceptibles]

to recolor
  if (breed = susceptibles) [
    set color green
  if (breed = infecteds) [
    ifelse (tested? = True)
    [set color yellow]
    [set color red]
  if (breed = recovereds) [
    set color blue

to move [dist]
  [set neighbours other turtles in-radius ((SD_radius))
    if (count(neighbours) >= 1) ;Move only if you have neighbours
     [facexy (mean [xcor] of neighbours)
             (mean [ycor] of neighbours)
      rt 180  ; Turn away from the mean x and y co_ordinates of your neighbours
      fd dist
  [rt random-float 360  ;Turn to a random direction
   fd dist]

to get_infected ;S _> I
  let sick_neighbours infecteds in-radius max_inf_radius
  if (breed = susceptibles and count sick_neighbours  >= 1)
   [if ((random-float 1) <  (1 - ((1 - transmissibility)^(count(sick_neighbours)))))
    [set breed infecteds
      set clock 0
      set tested? False]

to recover ;I _> R
  if (clock >= infection_period and (random-float 1 < recovery_rate))
    [set breed recovereds]

to lose_immunity ;R _> S
  if (random-float 1 < susceptibility)
  [set breed susceptibles]

to advance_clock ;For recovery of infected people
  set clock (clock + 1)

to runtest
  if (breed = infecteds)

to test;
  ifelse (num_to_test <= count(turtles))
    [let testsubjects n-of num_to_test turtles
    ask (testsubjects) [runtest]]
    [ask (turtles) [runtest]]

to go
  ask (recovereds) [lose_immunity]
  ask (susceptibles) [get_infected]
  ask (infecteds) [advance_clock]
  ask (infecteds) [recover]
  ask (turtles) [move 1]
  ask (turtles) [recolor]
  if (ticks mod test_freq = 0)
  if (count(infecteds) = 0 or count(infecteds) = count(turtles)) ;Stop if nobody is infected, or everybody is infected

There are 2 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Shikhara Bhat over 4 years ago Slightly modified the 'model info' section Download this version
Shikhara Bhat over 4 years ago Initial upload Download this version

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Effects of testing and social distancing on the spread of infectious diseases ("Flattening the Curve").png preview Preview for 'Effects of testing and social distancing on the spread of infectious diseases ("Flattening the Curve")' over 4 years ago, by Shikhara Bhat Download

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