Corruption with Repeated Interactions

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Tagged by Nick van Doormaal over 4 years ago


Tagged by Nick van Doormaal over 4 years ago

game theory 

Tagged by Nick van Doormaal over 4 years ago

organizational behavior 

Tagged by Nick van Doormaal over 4 years ago

repeated interactions 

Tagged by Nick van Doormaal over 4 years ago

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[ choices                 ;; Different strategies for agents. 1 = Corrupt, and 0 = Honest

;; Agent properties
[ morality                ;; The agent's predisposition to act good (0 = complete immorale, 1 = total good and rightness )
  network                 ;; Agentset of 'friends'
  memory                  ;; List of interactions with previously encountered agents
  suspended-time          ;; Amount of time an agent is suspended for if caught for a corrupt act
  corrupt-previously?     ;; If true, the agent was corrupt in the last round
  reports                 ;; Total number of reports received since last suspension
  chosen?                 ;; If true, the agent has been matched with a partner
  partner                 ;; Display's the agent's partner
  my-interactions         ;; Shows the number of interactions with the current partner

;; Prepare model setup

to setup
  random-seed seed
  resize-world 0 ((number-of-agents / 8) - 1) 0 8  ;; Resize world so it is large enough to accommodate every agent on its own patch
  setup-globals                                    ;; Create the global variable containing the actions the agents can choose from
  calculate-decision                               ;; All agents need to decide if they will act corrupt or honest before the first round
  repeat reports-for-suspension [go]               ;; A sort of burn-in that allows some agents to be potentially suspended
  ask links [die]                                  ;; reset the links, agents' partners and interactions
  ask turtles [
    set chosen? false
    set partner nobody
    set my-interactions 0
  random-seed new-seed                            ;; Making sure that the decisions aren't always exactly the same

;; Procedure for a simulation round

to go
  generate-links                                             ;; agents will be randomly matched with another agent (partner)
  compare-actions                                            ;; agents compare actions with their partner
  enforce                                                    ;; check if agents get suspended or can be returned to the game
  calculate-decision                                         ;; agents decide whether they choose to act corrupt or honest

;; Calculate the decision of each agent in turn

to calculate-decision
  ask turtles with [my-interactions > 0] [                  ;; selecting agents who have interacted previously
    if my-interactions = number-of-interactions [           ;; if an agent has reached the specified number of interactions ('number-of-interactions')
      set my-interactions 0                                 ;; my-interactions will be reset to zero
      set chosen? FALSE                                     ;; the agent can be chosen by another agent as their partner
      set partner nobody                                    ;; the agent has no partner
      ask my-links [die]                                    ;; remove the link between the agent and its partner

;; IF agent is suspended, set its color to red and skip rest of its turn
ask turtles [
  ifelse suspended-time != 0
  [ set color red ]

;; ELSE agents who are not suspended calculate payoffs
;; Calculate the weighted corruption payoff (xi) based on the agent's morality
    let xi ( 1 - morality ) * corruption-base-payoff

;; Define variable 'A' for later calculations
    let A 0

;; Check if agent already has interacted previously with the same partner OR if no weights are assigned to memory )
    ifelse ( my-interactions = 0 ) or ( last-action-weight = 0 )

;; Find the number of corrupt agents in memory
    [ let memory-corrupt sum memory

;; Sets A as probability of encountering a corrupt agent
      set A memory-corrupt / size-of-memory ]

;; ELSE - procedure for assigning weights
    [ let last-action first memory                                        ;; 'first memory' selects the most recent value of memory
      let weighted-action last-action * (last-action-weight / 100)        ;; assign weight to it

      let other-actions but-first memory                                  ;; select the remaining values in memory
      let other-corrupt (sum other-actions) / (length other-actions)      ;; Find the number of corrupt agents in 'other-actions'
      set other-corrupt (1 - (last-action-weight / 100)) * other-corrupt  ;; assign weight to it

      ;; Sets A as probability of encountering a corrupt agent based on repeated interactions
      set A weighted-action + other-corrupt

     ;; Define the number of agents in network that are suspended/corrupt
          let friends-suspended 0
          let friends-corrupt 0

          ;; Scan through network updating suspended/corrupt values
            ask network [
               if suspended-time != 0 [
                set friends-suspended friends-suspended + 1
               if corrupt-previously? = true [
                 set friends-corrupt friends-corrupt + 1

          ;; Define variable 'B' for percieved chance of being suspended
          let B 0

          ;; Sets probability, avoiding potential divide-by-zero errors if no friends are corrupt
          if friends-corrupt != 0 [
            set B friends-suspended / friends-corrupt

          ;; Calculate the agents corruption payoff for the round based on A, B, x, y and k (following Hammond 2000).
          let corruption-payoff (1 - B) * ((A * xi) + (1 - A) * honesty-base-payoff) + B * (honesty-base-payoff - suspended-term * honesty-base-payoff)

          ;; Determine whether the agent will be corrupt or honest in the next round and set values accordingly
          ifelse honesty-base-payoff > corruption-payoff

          ;; IF  honesty-base-payoff > corruption-payoff
          [ set color blue ]
          ;; ELSE  honesty-base-payoff =< corruption-payoff
          [ set color yellow ]

;; Create links between an agent and its partner to symbolize working together

to generate-links
  ;; Selecting only agents that are not suspended and have no partner yet
  ask turtles with [suspended-time = 0 and chosen? = FALSE] [
    if partner = nobody [

;; Get a random partner from the list of other agents who are not suspended and have no partner
      set partner one-of other turtles with [chosen? = FALSE and suspended-time = 0]
      if partner != nobody [
        set chosen? TRUE
        create-link-with partner

;; Make sure that the partner cannot be chosen by another agent
        ask partner [
          set partner myself
          set chosen? TRUE

;; Using the links created, compare actions for each agent-partner pair

to compare-actions
  ;; Go through each link between agent and its partner individually. End1 is always the agent. End2 is the partner.
  ask links [

    ;; Variables to hold the strategy of each agent
    let agent-decision "null"
    let partner-decision "null"

    ;; Get the decisions of the agent and partner based on their colours
    ask end1[                             ;; end1 is the agent
      ifelse color = blue
      [ set agent-decision 0 ]
      [ set agent-decision 1 ]
    ask end2 [                           ;; end2 is the partner
      ifelse color = blue
      [ set partner-decision 0 ]
      [ set partner-decision 1 ]

    ;; Find mismatches e.g. either the agent or the partner chose the corrupt action
    ifelse agent-decision != partner-decision [

      ifelse agent-decision = 1 [                ;; IF the agent (end1) was corrupt
        ask end1 [
          if random-float 1 < report-prop [
            set reports reports + 1 ]            ;; agent gets be reported
          set corrupt-previously? true           ;; and updates the corrupt-previously? to TRUE
        ask end2 [                               ;; the partner updates the corrupt-previously? to FALSE
          set corrupt-previously? false

    [ ;; IF the partner (end2) was corrupt
       ask end2 [
         if random-float 1 < report-prop [
           set reports reports + 1 ]            ;; partner gets reported
        set corrupt-previously? true            ;; the partner updates the corrupt-previously to TRUE

      ask end1 [
        set corrupt-previously? false           ;; the agent updates the corrupt-previously? to FALSE


;;IF agent and partner both chose the corrupt action
    [ ifelse agent-decision = 1 and partner-decision = 1 [
      ask both-ends [
        set corrupt-previously? true

;;ELSE agent and partner both chose the honest action
     [ ask both-ends [
       set corrupt-previously? false

;; Update the memory for each agent to remove the oldest and add the most recent decision of the other agent

;; update memory of the agent
      ask end1[
        set memory but-last memory
        set memory fput partner-decision memory
        set my-interactions my-interactions + 1

;; update memory of partner
      ask end2[
        set memory but-last memory
        set memory fput agent-decision memory
        set my-interactions my-interactions + 1

;; Procedure for suspending agents for corrupt actions and later return them to the game

to enforce
  ask turtles[
    ;; Decrease remaining suspended time for all suspended agents
    if suspended-time > 0[
      set suspended-time suspended-time - 1

;; if agent has served the suspension term, it will not count as a corrupt agent (change 'corrupt-previously?' to FALSE)
      if suspended-time = 0 [
        set corrupt-previously? FALSE

;; Suspend any agents that have exceeded the report threshold
    if reports >= reports-for-suspension [
      set suspended-time suspended-term

;; Agents that get suspended lose their current partner
      ask partner [
        ask my-links [die]
        set chosen? FALSE
        set partner nobody
        set my-interactions 0

      ask my-links [die]
      set chosen? FALSE
      set partner nobody
      set my-interactions 0
      set reports 0


;; Create the global variable containing the choices for an action

to setup-globals
  set choices [1 0]                                        ;; 1 = Corrupt, and 0 = Honest

;; Create agent population

to generate-population
ask n-of number-of-agents patches [                        ;; A number (specified by the user through 'number-of-agents') of patches will...
  sprout 1 [                                               ;; ...create a single agent with the following settings:
    set shape "circle"
    set chosen? FALSE                                      ;; Agents are not yet matched to another agent
    set network 0                                          ;; No networks have been established
    set morality random-float 1                            ;; Morality is randomly and uniformly distributed. (0 = complete immorale, 1 = total good and righteousness)
    set memory n-values size-of-memory [one-of choices]    ;; A random memory is created for every agent
    set suspended-time  0                                  ;; No agent is suspended at the start
    set corrupt-previously? false                          ;; No agent was corrupt in the previous round
    set reports 0                                          ;; No one has received any reports
    set partner nobody                                     ;; Agents do not have a partner yet

;; Setup and create the networks for all agents

to setup-networks
  while [ min [ count my-links ] of turtles < size-of-network ]                    ;; checks if there are still agents with not enough a large enough network size
  [ ask links [die]                                                                ;; If above statement is true, the current network is removed...
    create-network size-of-network                                                 ;; ...and another network will be generated through the 'create-network' procedure
  ask turtles [set network link-neighbors]                                         ;; Once a network is estahblished, the agent's network will be stored in the 'network' variable
  ask links [die]                                                                  ;; The links are not needed anymore, because all agents remember their own network

to create-network [DD]
  ask turtles [
   let number-agents-needed DD - count my-links                                                ;; check how many links the agent still needs to reach 'size-of-network' (DD)
   if number-agents-needed > 0 [                                                               ;; check if the agent needs to have more links
     let candidates other turtles with [ count my-links < DD ]                                 ;; candidates are other agents with not enough links/friends
     create-links-with n-of min (list number-agents-needed count candidates) candidates        ;; randomly select the needed other agents (candidates) to include in agent's network


to-report x-morality
  report mean [morality] of turtles

There is only one version of this model, created over 4 years ago by Nick van Doormaal.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Corruption and Shadow of Future - ABM Workshop presentation.pptx powerpoint Presentation given at the second ABM4CTT Workshop (2019) over 4 years ago, by Nick van Doormaal Download
Corruption with Repeated Interactions.png preview Preview of Corruption Model in NetLogo over 4 years ago, by Nick van Doormaal Download
Original NetLogo Implementation - Lonsdale 2017.html html Link to the original NetLogo Implementation of Hammond's model. Created by Charles Lonsdale in 2017 over 4 years ago, by Nick van Doormaal Download

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