Urban Region Toy

Urban Region Toy preview image

1 collaborator

19344_1338329223422_4777790_n Javier Sandoval (Author)



Tagged by Javier Sandoval almost 5 years ago

urban planning 

Tagged by Javier Sandoval almost 5 years ago


Tagged by Javier Sandoval almost 5 years ago

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Model was written in NetLogo 6.1.1 • Viewed 303 times • Downloaded 39 times • Run 0 times
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;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::U R B A N   R E G I O N   T O Y::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Code: Dr. Javier Sadoval Felix:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Contact: jarquisol@gmail.com:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

extensions [rnd]
patches-own [

globals [

to setup
  set threshold 4

  ifelse Restrictions?
  [ask patches [ set potential one-of [1 -1] ]
   set probability-list (list (list "Residential" Residential) (list "Commercial" Commercial) (list "Industrial" Industrial) (list "Tourism" Tourism) (list "H-C" Residential-Commercial) (list "C-I" Commercial-Industrial) (list "Equipment" Equipment))
   set fitness ((max [slope] of patches) - (min [slope] of patches))]

  [ask patches [ set potential one-of [1 -1] ]
   set probability-list (list (list "Residential" Residential) (list "Commercial" Commercial) (list "Industrial" Industrial) (list "Tourism" Tourism) (list "H-C" Residential-Commercial) (list "C-I" Commercial-Industrial) (list "Equipment" Equipment))

to go
  if (Residential + Commercial + Industrial + Tourism + Residential-Commercial + Commercial-Industrial + Equipment) != 100 [user-message "Suma de porcentajes de uso no es igual a 100%"
  ask patches with [pcolor = white] [ask neighbors [set potential (potential + one-of [1 -1])]]
  ask patches [ set new-potential (potential + sum [potential] of neighbors4) / 5 + one-of [1 -1] ]
  ask patches [ set potential new-potential
                if potential > threshold and urban? = 0 and slope >= ((min [slope] of patches) + (fitness / 2))

                 [set interest first rnd:weighted-one-of-list probability-list last]
                   if interest = "Residential" and count patches in-radius Tolerance-radius with [interest = "Industrial" or interest = "C-I"] = 0
                        [set pcolor yellow
                         set urban? 1]

                   if interest = "Commercial" and (count patches in-radius Tolerance-radius with [interest = "Industrial"] = 0)
                        [set pcolor red
                         set urban? 1]

                   if interest = "Industrial" and (count patches in-radius Tolerance-radius with [interest = "Residential" or interest = "H-C" = 0 or interest = "Tourism" or interest = "Commercial"] = 0)
                        [set pcolor violet
                         set urban? 1]

                   if interest = "Tourism" and (count patches in-radius Tolerance-radius with [interest = "Industrial" or interest = "C-I" or interest = "Equipment"] = 0)
                        [set pcolor pink
                         set urban? 1]

                   if interest = "H-C" and (count patches in-radius Tolerance-radius with [interest = "Industrial" or interest = "C-I"] = 0)
                        [set pcolor orange
                         set urban? 1]

                   if interest = "C-I" and (count patches in-radius Tolerance-radius with [interest = "Residential" or interest = "Tourism" or interest = "H-C"] = 0)
                        [set pcolor brown
                         set urban? 1]

                   if interest = "Equipment" and (count patches in-radius Tolerance-radius with [interest = "Tourism"] = 0)
                        [set pcolor blue
                         set urban? 1]]

to Hab
    if mouse-down?
    [ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor
        [ set pcolor yellow
          set urban? 1
          set interest "Residential"]]

to Com
  if mouse-down?
    [ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor
        [ set pcolor red
          set urban? 1
          set interest "Commercial"]]

to Ind
  if mouse-down?
    [ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor
        [ set pcolor violet
          set urban? 1
          set interest "Industrial"]]

to Equi
  if mouse-down?
    [ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor
        [ set pcolor blue
          set urban? 1
          set interest "Equipment"]]

to Tur
  if mouse-down?
    [ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor
        [ set pcolor pink
          set urban? 1
          set interest "Tourism"]]

to Hab-Com
  if mouse-down?
    [ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor
        [ set pcolor orange
          set urban? 1
          set interest "H-C"]]

to Com-Ind
  if mouse-down?
    [ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor
        [ set pcolor brown
          set urban? 1
          set interest "C-I"]]

to Road
  if mouse-down?
    [ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor
        [ set pcolor white
          set urban? 1
          set interest 0]]

to No-urb
  if mouse-down?
    [ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor
        [ set pcolor gray
          set urban? 1]]

to setup-patches
  ask patches
  [set slope ( random 15 )]
  repeat 70
  [diffuse slope 1]
  ask patches
  [set pcolor scale-color green slope 7 6]

to estimate-%
  if count patches with [pcolor = yellow] != 0 [set %Residential (count patches with [pcolor = yellow] * 100) / (count patches with [pcolor = yellow or pcolor = red or pcolor = violet or pcolor = pink or pcolor = orange or pcolor = brown or pcolor = blue])]
  if count patches with [pcolor = red] != 0 [set %Commercial (count patches with [pcolor = red] * 100) / (count patches with [pcolor = yellow or pcolor = red or pcolor = violet or pcolor = pink or pcolor = orange or pcolor = brown or pcolor = blue])]
  if count patches with [pcolor = violet] != 0 [set %Industrial (count patches with [pcolor = violet] * 100) / (count patches with [pcolor = yellow or pcolor = red or pcolor = violet or pcolor = pink or pcolor = orange or pcolor = brown or pcolor = blue])]
  if count patches with [pcolor = pink] != 0 [set %Tourism (count patches with [pcolor = pink] * 100) / (count patches with [pcolor = yellow or pcolor = red or pcolor = violet or pcolor = pink or pcolor = orange or pcolor = brown or pcolor = blue])]
  if count patches with [pcolor = orange] != 0 [set %R-C (count patches with [pcolor = orange] * 100) / (count patches with [pcolor = yellow or pcolor = red or pcolor = violet or pcolor = pink or pcolor = orange or pcolor = brown or pcolor = blue])]
  if count patches with [pcolor = brown] != 0 [set %C-I (count patches with [pcolor = brown] * 100) / (count patches with [pcolor = yellow or pcolor = red or pcolor = violet or pcolor = pink or pcolor = orange or pcolor = brown or pcolor = blue])]
  if count patches with [pcolor = blue] != 0 [set %Equipment (count patches with [pcolor = blue] * 100) / (count patches with [pcolor = yellow or pcolor = red or pcolor = violet or pcolor = pink or pcolor = orange or pcolor = brown or pcolor = blue])]

There is only one version of this model, created almost 5 years ago by Javier Sandoval.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Urban Region Toy.png preview Preview for 'Urban Region Toy' almost 5 years ago, by Javier Sandoval Download

This model does not have any ancestors.

This model does not have any descendants.