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Default-person nasser danaye (Author)
nms (Advisor)


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;; 2 semicolon ha tozihat satr hastand (ghabel hazf hastand)
;; 1 semikolon ha dar barname taghyir ijad mikonad
breed [consumers consumer]




consumers-own [
  ;social-level    ***************************************** be kar narafte ast


  t  ;;reset buy-ok after 100 tick

  p; change: exogenouce factors
  q; change: endogenouce factors


patches-own [


to setup
  goods ;;goods = patches
  ask consumers [
    set p1 random-normal 4 3 ;p1-mean p1-SD    ; entekhab adadi ba miangin p1-mean va enheraf meyar p1-SD
    set p2 random-normal 4 3 ;p2-mean p2-SD
    set p3 random-normal 4 3 ;p3-mean p3-SD
    set p4 random-normal 4 3 ;p4-mean p4-SD
    set p (p1 + p2 + p3 + p4) / 4 ] ; change p can be replaced by latent-thresh

  ask consumer random total-population [set color red]

to go
  if not any? consumers [ stop ]
  if ticks = maxticks [stop]

to consumer-move
   ask consumers [
    rt random 90
    lt random 90
    fd 1

to index
  ask consumers[
    if pcolor = blue [
      set feature-index-D feature-sen * battry-distance
      set price-index-D -1 * price-sen * charge-time
      set promo-index-D promo-sen * max-speed
      set SI-index-D SI-sen * charge-cost
                                                 set PRE-1 feature-index-D + price-index-D + promo-index-D + SI-index-D  ;si-sen baraye meghdar avaliye ast va badan SI-index  nashi az interact ezafe mishavad.
    if pcolor = yellow[
      set feature-index-F feature-sen * battry-distance2
      set price-index-F -1 * price-sen * charge-time2
      set promo-index-F promo-sen * max-speed2
      set SI-index-F SI-sen * charge-cost2
                                                 set PRE-2 feature-index-F + price-index-F + promo-index-F + SI-index-F
  set PRE max (list PRE-1 PRE-2)

to make-node [old-node]
  ;set-default-shape consumers "person"
  set total-population total-population
  set darsad-taxi-driver darsad-taxi-driver
  set darsad-employee darsad-employee
  set darsad-engineer darsad-engineer
  if (darsad-taxi-driver + darsad-employee + darsad-engineer) != 1[ show "error: population percent is not true"]
  set pop-level-1 darsad-taxi-driver * total-population
  set pop-level-2 darsad-employee * total-population
  set pop-level-3 darsad-engineer * total-population

  let clist []
  let c1 count consumers with [label = 1]
  let c2 count consumers with [label = 2]
  let c3 count consumers with [label = 3]

  if c1 <= pop-level-1 [set clist lput 1 clist ]
  if c2 <= pop-level-2 [set clist lput 2 clist]
  if c3 <= pop-level-2 [set clist lput 3 clist]

  if clist = [] [set clist lput 1 clist ]
  let c one-of clist

   if c = 1 [
   ;;level-1 Groups:
   create-consumers 1[
    set label 1
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor

    set color red
    if old-node != nobody
      [ create-link-with old-node [ set color green ]
        ;; position the new node near its partner
        move-to old-node
        fd 8

    set sen-random random-normal sen-batry1 0.065624    set feature-sen sen-random
    set sen-random random-normal sen-charget1 0.183302      set price-sen sen-random
    set sen-random random-normal sen-speed1 0.024031      set promo-sen sen-random
    set sen-random random-normal sen-chargCost1 0.083501         set SI-sen sen-random

    set PRE-1 feature-index-D + price-index-D + promo-index-D + SI-index-D
    set PRE-2 feature-index-F + price-index-F + promo-index-F + SI-index-F
    set buy-ok 0 set t 0 set size 0.75

   if c = 2 [
   ;;level-2 Groups:
   create-consumers 1 [
     set label 2
     setxy random-xcor random-ycor

    set color red
    if old-node != nobody
      [ create-link-with old-node [ set color green ]
        ;; position the new node near its partner
        move-to old-node
        fd 8

    set sen-random random-normal sen-batry2 0.026539  set feature-sen sen-random
    set sen-random random-normal sen-charget2 0.11829     set price-sen sen-random
    set sen-random random-normal sen-speed2 0.046191    set promo-sen sen-random
    set sen-random random-normal sen-chargCost2 0.149441       set SI-sen sen-random

    set PRE-1 feature-index-D + price-index-D + promo-index-D + SI-index-D
    set PRE-2 feature-index-F + price-index-F + promo-index-F + SI-index-F
    set buy-ok 0 set t 0 set size 0.75

   if c = 3 [
   ;;level-3 Groups:
   create-consumers 1 [
     set label 3
     setxy random-xcor random-ycor
     ;set color white - 5

    set color red
    if old-node != nobody
      [ create-link-with old-node [ set color green ]
        ;; position the new node near its partner
        move-to old-node
        fd 8

      set sen-random random-normal sen-batry3 0.021685  set feature-sen sen-random
      set sen-random random-normal sen-charget3 0.196543   set price-sen sen-random
      set sen-random random-normal sen-speed3 0.18422   set promo-sen sen-random
      set sen-random random-normal sen-chargCost3 0.044505      set SI-sen sen-random

      set PRE-1 feature-index-D + price-index-D + promo-index-D + SI-index-D
      set PRE-2 feature-index-F + price-index-F + promo-index-F + SI-index-F
      set buy-ok 0 set t 0 set size 0.75
   set c1 0  set c2 0 set c3 0 set clist []
   ;ask consumers [set buy-ok 0 set t 0 set size 0.75]
   ;ask consumer random total-population [set color red]  ;;social

to goods
  ask patches [
    set pcolor gray
    if random 100 < 3 and pcolor = gray [set pcolor blue ]     ;; 3 % khanehaye patch abi rang (Domestic) mishavand.
    if random 100 < 3 and pcolor = gray [set pcolor yellow ]  ;; 3 % khanehaye patch abi rang (Foreign) mishavand.
  ask patches [
    if pcolor = blue[
      ;Goods inputs
      ;;Domestic Goods
      set battry-distance battry-distance set temp-feature-D battry-distance
      set charge-time charge-time     set temp-price-D charge-time
      set max-speed max-speed     set temp-promo-D max-speed
      set charge-cost charge-cost     set temp-place-D charge-cost
    ;foreign Goods
    if pcolor = yellow [
      set battry-distance2 battry-distance2  set temp-feature-F battry-distance2
      set charge-time2 charge-time2      set temp-price-F charge-time2
      set max-speed2 max-speed2      set temp-promo-F max-speed2
      set charge-cost2 charge-cost2      set temp-place-F charge-cost2

to change
  ;;goods parameters change
  ask patches [
  if temp-feature-D != battry-distance [set battry-distance battry-distance  set temp-feature-D battry-distance   set s 1]
  if temp-price-D != charge-time     [set charge-time charge-time      set temp-price-D charge-time       set s 1]
  if temp-promo-D != max-speed     [set max-speed max-speed      set temp-promo-D max-speed       set s 1]
  if temp-place-D != charge-cost     [set charge-cost charge-cost      set temp-place-D charge-cost       set s 1]

  if temp-feature-F != battry-distance2 [set battry-distance2 battry-distance2 set temp-feature-F battry-distance2    set s 1]
  if temp-price-F != charge-time2     [set charge-time2 charge-time2     set temp-place-F charge-time2        set s 1]
  if temp-promo-F != max-speed2     [set max-speed2 max-speed2     set temp-promo-F max-speed2        set s 1]
  if temp-place-F != charge-cost2     [set charge-cost2 charge-cost2     set temp-place-F charge-cost2        set s 1]

to preferences
  ask consumers [if buy-ok != 0 [set t t + 1]] ;if t = 50 [set buy-ok 0]]
  set TR random-normal adoption-threshold 0.1
  ask consumers [
    ;set TR random-normal adoption-threshold 1
    if s = 1 [
      ask consumers [
        set PRE-1 feature-index-D + price-index-D + promo-index-D + SI-index-D
        set PRE-2 feature-index-F + price-index-F + promo-index-F + SI-index-F
        set PRE max(list PRE-1 PRE-2)

  ;set TR adoption-threshold

  ;ask consumers [
    if buy-ok = 0[
      if pcolor = blue or pcolor = yellow [         ;;if moshtari rooye khaneyi (patch) bashad k kala hast.
        ifelse PRE-1 >= TR and PRE-2 >= TR [
          ;set PRE max (list PRE-1 PRE-2)
          ifelse PRE >= TR [
            if PRE = PRE-1 [set buy-ok 1 beep]
            if PRE = PRE-2 [set buy-ok 2 beep]
          [show "Error when PRE calculate" stop]
        [ ;;else
          if PRE-1 < TR and PRE-2 < TR [
            set buy-ok 0   ;set color white  ;;buy-ok : 2 for foreign , 1 for Domestic
          if  PRE-1 >= TR [                       ;;******** sath income ra be nahvi bayad vared konim va buy-ok ra sefr gharar dahim. sath income ra be mizan entezar dar amad (vam o ...) niz vabaste konam
            set buy-ok 1   ;set color yellow + 2
          if PRE-2 >= TR[
            set buy-ok 2   ;set color white
    ;if buy-ok != 0 [set t t + 1]
    ;if t = 50 [set buy-ok 0]

;;;Social Function;;;

to setup-pa
  ;set-default-shape consumers "person"
  ;; make the initial network of two consumers and an edge
  make-node nobody        ;; first node, unattached
  make-node consumer 0      ;; second node, attached to first node
  repeat total-population [ go-pa ]

  ask consumers [set color white]
  ask links [set color yellow]
  ask consumers [ set q count link-neighbors] ; change: calculating the degree of centrality of each node ask consumers [ set q count link....

to go-pa
  ask links [ set color yellow ]
  make-node find-partner         ;; find partner & use it as attachment
                                 ;; point for new node
  if layout? [layout-pa]

to-report find-partner
  let total random-float sum [count link-neighbors] of consumers
  let partner nobody
  ask consumers
    let nc count link-neighbors
    ;; if there's no winner yet...
    if partner = nobody
      ifelse nc > total
        [ set partner self ]
        [ set total total - nc ]
  report partner

to social-interact
  ask consumers [
    set PRE-1 PRE-1 - SI-index-D
    set PRE-2 PRE-2 - SI-index-F
  ask consumers with [ label = 1] [
    let SI-index-1 0
    ask link-neighbors with [label = 1] [ set SI-index-1 SI-index-1 + 0.4 * sen-chargCost1]
    ask link-neighbors with [label = 2] [ set SI-index-1 SI-index-1 + 0.5 * sen-chargCost2]
    ask link-neighbors with [label = 3] [ set SI-index-1 SI-index-1 + 0.1 * sen-chargCost3]

    set SI-index-D (SI-index-D + SI-index-1) / count link-neighbors * charge-cost
    set SI-index-F (SI-index-F + SI-index-1) / count link-neighbors * charge-cost2

    set PRE-1 PRE-1 + SI-index-D
    set PRE-2 PRE-2 + SI-index-F

;;;;;; label 2
  ask consumers with [ label = 2] [
    let SI-index-2 0
    ask link-neighbors with [label = 1] [ set SI-index-2 SI-index-2 + 0.3 * sen-chargCost1]
    ask link-neighbors with [label = 2] [ set SI-index-2 SI-index-2 + 0.4 * sen-chargCost2]
    ask link-neighbors with [label = 3] [ set SI-index-2 SI-index-2 + 0.3 * sen-chargCost3]

    set SI-index-D (SI-index-D + SI-index-2) / count link-neighbors * charge-cost
    set SI-index-F (SI-index-F + SI-index-2) / count link-neighbors * charge-cost2

    set PRE-1 PRE-1 + SI-index-D
    set PRE-2 PRE-2 + SI-index-F
;;;;;; label 3
  ask consumers with [ label = 3] [
    let SI-index-3 0
    ask link-neighbors with [label = 1] [ set SI-index-3 SI-index-3 + 0.1 * sen-chargCost1]
    ask link-neighbors with [label = 2] [ set SI-index-3 SI-index-3 + 0.3 * sen-chargCost2]
    ask link-neighbors with [label = 3] [ set SI-index-3 SI-index-3 + 0.6 * sen-chargCost3]

    set SI-index-D (SI-index-D + SI-index-3) / count link-neighbors * charge-cost
    set SI-index-F (SI-index-F + SI-index-3) / count link-neighbors * charge-cost2

    set PRE-1 PRE-1 + SI-index-D
    set PRE-2 PRE-2 + SI-index-F
;;; Layout ;;;

to layout
  if not layout? [ stop ]
  ;; the number 10 here is arbitrary; more repetitions slows down the
  ;; model, but too few gives poor layouts
  repeat 10 [
    display  ;; so we get smooth animation

to do-layout
  layout-spring (consumers with [any? link-neighbors]) links 0.4 6 1

;;; Layout ;;;

;; resize-nodes, change back and forth from size based on degree to a size of 1

to resize-nodes
  ifelse all? consumers [size <= 1]
    ;; a node is a circle with diameter determined by
    ;; the SIZE variable; using SQRT makes the circle's
    ;; area proportional to its degree
    ask consumers [ set size sqrt count link-neighbors ]
    ask consumers [ set size 1 ]

to layout-pa
  ;; the number 3 here is arbitrary; more repetitions slows down the
  ;; model, but too few gives poor layouts
  repeat 3 [
    ;; the more consumers we have to fit into the same amount of space,
    ;; the smaller the inputs to layout-spring we'll need to use
    let factor sqrt count consumers
    ;; numbers here are arbitrarily chosen for pleasing appearance
    layout-spring consumers links (1 / factor) (7 / factor) (1 / factor)
    display  ;; for smooth animation
  ;; don't bump the edges of the world
  let x-offset max [xcor] of consumers + min [xcor] of consumers
  let y-offset max [ycor] of consumers + min [ycor] of consumers
  ;; big jumps look funny, so only adjust a little each time
  set x-offset limit-magnitude x-offset 0.1
  set y-offset limit-magnitude y-offset 0.1
  ask consumers [ setxy (xcor - x-offset / 2) (ycor - y-offset / 2) ]

to-report limit-magnitude [number limit]
  if number > limit [ report limit ]
  if number < (- limit) [ report (- limit) ]
  report number

to update-local-search
  ask consumers [
    set adoptee-neighbors count link-neighbors with [color = red]
    ;set label adoptee-neighbors
    set label-color 45 - adoptee-neighbors ];green ]

to decide-adopt
  ;; adoption means to turn red
  ;; based on comparing a random number between 0 and 100 to the various effects
  ;; these effects, in total, must exceed the random num for diffusion to occur
  let nadopt count consumers with [color = red]
  ask consumers [
    ;set shape "person"
    if color = white [
      set random-thresh random 100
          if random-thresh < p + ( q * (nadopt / number-of-nodes ) ) + ( adoptee-neighbors * cohesion-effect ) [
    ;  if random-thresh < constant-effect + ( endogenous-effect * (nadopt / number-of-nodes ) ) + ( adoptee-neighbors * cohesion-effect ) [
           set color red
           set shape "person"]
      ;; adopt if random number (0-100) is lower than
      ;; constant hazard + proportion adopted * endogenous hazard
      ;; note, cohesion-fx doesn't seem to work yet

There are 2 versions of this model.

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nasser danaye almost 5 years ago added SI Download this version
nasser danaye about 5 years ago Initial upload Download this version

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