Cameroon Hunting Model

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1 collaborator

Default-person Rohan Fisher (Author)



Tagged by Rohan Fisher over 5 years ago


Tagged by Rohan Fisher over 5 years ago

predator prey model 

Tagged by Rohan Fisher over 5 years ago

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;  rat-reproduce-age      ;;  min age of rats before they can reproduce
;  duiker-reproduce-age  ;;  min age of elephants before they can reproduce
elephant-reproduce-age     ;;  min age of duiker before they can reproduce
;  rat-max-age           ;;  max age of rats before they automatically die
;  duiker-max-age          ;;  max age of duiker before they automatically die
  elephant-max-age       ;;  max age of elephants before they automatically die

  max-rats-offspring              ;; maximum number of offspring per reproductive event for a rat
  max-duikers-offspring             ;; maximum number of offspring per reproductive event for a bird
  max-elephants-offspring          ;; maximum number of offspring per reproductive event for an elephant

  rat-energy              ;; maximum number of offspring per reproductive event for a rat
  duiker-energy             ;; maximum number of offspring per reproductive event for a bird
  elephant-energy          ;; maximum number of offspring per reproductive event for an elephant


  rat-range           ;;  max age of rats before they automatically die
  duiker-range          ;;  max age of duiker before they automatically die
  elephant-range      ;;  max age of elephants before they automatically die


;  rat-cc
;  duiker-cc
;  elephant-cc




breed [ duikers duiker ]
breed [ elephants elephant ]
breed [ rats rat ]
breed [ hunters hunter ]  ;;  turtles that mark the location of where a rat was removed from disease.

turtles-own [ current-age max-age starting-patch distance-from-home time-since-birth place-of-birth]       ;; these three variables are used for rats, elephants, and duiker
patches-own [reserve]

to setup
; set rat-reproduce-age 20
; set rat-max-age  40
  set  max-rats-offspring   3
  set rat-range 12
; set duiker-reproduce-age 40
; set duiker-max-age  60
  set  max-duikers-offspring 2
  set duiker-range 15

  set elephant-reproduce-age 200
  set elephant-max-age  1000
  set  max-elephants-offspring 1
  set elephant-range 60

  set rat-reproduce-interval 7
  set duiker-reproduce-interval 10
  set elephant-reproduce-interval 50

  set rat-energy 30
  set duiker-energy 50
  set elephant-energy 1000

  set-default-shape rats "mouse"
  set-default-shape duikers "fox"
  set-default-shape elephants "mammoth"
  set-default-shape hunters "person"

  ask patches [set pcolor green]
  ask patches with [pxcor > (55 - reserve-size)] [set pcolor 53]
  ask n-of 500 patches  [sprout 1 [set color 54 set size 2 set shape "grass"]]

  ask patches with [ count neighbors != 8 ] [set pcolor 54.5]


to go
 if ticks >= 3000 and after-3000 [stop]
  ask rats [
  ask duikers [
  ask elephants [
  ask hunters [hunters-live]
  if  (count elephants + count rats + count duikers) = 0 and on-extiction  [stop]

to add-rats ;; setup rats procedure to add rats based on initial settings
  create-rats initial-number-rats [  ;; create the rats, then initialize their variables
    set color white
    set current-age 0  + random rat-max-age       ;;don't start out with everyone at the same age
    set max-age rat-max-age
    set time-since-birth 100
    set size 2
    setxy random-pxcor random-pycor
    set starting-patch patch-here

to add-duiker ;; setup duiker procedure
  create-duikers initial-number-duikers  ;; create the duikers, then initialize their variables
    set color brown
    set current-age 0  + random duiker-max-age      ;;don't start out with everyone at the same age
    set max-age duiker-max-age
    set time-since-birth 100
    set size 3
    setxy random-pxcor random-pycor
    set starting-patch patch-here

to add-elephants
  create-elephants number-of-elephants ;; elephants the rats, then initialize their variables
    set color grey
    set current-age 0  + random elephant-max-age     ;;don't start out with everyone at the same age
    set max-age elephant-max-age
    set time-since-birth 100
    set size 6
    setxy random-pxcor random-pycor
    set starting-patch patch-here

to add-hunters
  ask n-of number-of-hunters patches with  [pcolor = green]
  [sprout-hunters 1  [ set color black     set size 3

to rats-live ;; rats procedure
    set current-age (current-age + 1)
      set time-since-birth (time-since-birth + 1)

to duiker-live ;; duiker procedure
  set current-age (current-age + 1)
      set time-since-birth (time-since-birth + 1)

to elephants-live ;; elephants procedure
    set current-age (current-age + 1)
    set time-since-birth (time-since-birth + 1)

to hunters-live ;; elephants procedure
  set current-age (current-age + 1) ;this is used as a proxy for hunting effort - the amount of time spent looking for animals

to move-rats  ;; rats procedure

  ifelse [pcolor] of patch-here = 54.5
    [    rt random 140
         lt random 140
      fd .5 ]

    [ifelse distance starting-patch > rat-range
    [face starting-patch]
    [ rt random 90  lt random 90 ]

  fd 1

to move-duiker  ;; duiker procedure
    ifelse [pcolor] of patch-here = 54.5
    [    rt random 140
         lt random 140
      fd .5 ]

   [ ifelse distance starting-patch > duiker-range
    [face starting-patch]
    [ rt random 90  lt random 90 ]
    fd 1

to move-elephants  ;; elephants procedure
  ifelse [pcolor] of patch-here = 54.5
    [    rt random 140
         lt random 140
      fd .5 ]

    [ifelse distance starting-patch > elephant-range
    [face starting-patch]
    [ rt random 90  lt random 90 ]

  fd 1

to move-hunters ;;
    ifelse [pcolor] of patch-here = 54.5 or [pcolor] of patch-here = 53 [
    rt 180  ]
    [ rt random 40
      lt random 40   ]
  fd 1

to hunter-catch-animal  ;; duiker procedure
    if (any? rats in-radius 4 )
        [ask one-of  rats in-radius 4 [  set total-catch-rat (total-catch-rat + rat-energy)
        if place-of-birth = 2  [set Origin-Reserve Origin-Reserve + 1]
         if place-of-birth = 1 [set Origin_Hunting_Area Origin_Hunting_Area + 1] die]]

    if (any? duikers in-radius 4 )
        [ask one-of  duikers in-radius 4 [ set total-catch-duiker (total-catch-duiker + duiker-energy)
         if place-of-birth = 2  [set Origin-Reserve Origin-Reserve + 1]
         if place-of-birth = 1 [set Origin_Hunting_Area Origin_Hunting_Area + 1] die]]

     if hunt-elephants [
      if (any? elephants in-radius 5 )
      [ask one-of  elephants in-radius 5 [die]  set total-catch-elephant (total-catch-elephant + elephant-energy)  ]]

to reproduce-rats  ;; rats procedure
  let number-offspring (random (max-rats-offspring + 1)) ;; set number of potential offspring from 1 to (max-rats-offspring)
  if ( current-age > rat-reproduce-age and time-since-birth > rat-reproduce-interval and random 4 = 1  and ((count rats in-radius rat-cc) < 3))
  [ set time-since-birth 0
    hatch number-offspring
        set size 2
        set color white
        set current-age 0
        set time-since-birth  1000
        set shape "mouse"
        rt random 360 fd 7
        set starting-patch patch-here
        ifelse pxcor > (55 - reserve-size) [set place-of-birth 2 ] [set place-of-birth 1 ] ;; born in or outside a protected area
      ]    ;; hatch an offspring set it heading off in a random direction and move it forward a step

to reproduce-duikers

  let number-offspring (random (max-rats-offspring + 1)) ;; set number of potential offspring from 1 to (max-rats-offspring)
  if ( current-age > duiker-reproduce-age and time-since-birth > duiker-reproduce-interval and random 4 = 1  and ((count duikers in-radius duiker-cc) < 3))
  [ set time-since-birth 0
    hatch number-offspring
        set size 3
        set color brown
        set current-age 0
        set time-since-birth  1000
        set shape "fox"
        rt random 360 fd 7
        set starting-patch patch-here
        ifelse pxcor > (55 - reserve-size) [set place-of-birth 2 ] [set place-of-birth 1 ] ;; born in or outside a protected area
      ]    ;; hatch an offspring set it heading off in a random direction and move it forward a step

to reproduce-elephants  ;;
   if ( current-age > elephant-reproduce-age and time-since-birth > elephant-reproduce-interval and random 3 = 1  and ((count elephants in-radius 70) < 3))
  [ set time-since-birth 0
    hatch 1
        set size 6
        set color grey
        set current-age 0
        set time-since-birth  1000
        set shape "mammoth"
        rt random 360 fd 7
        set starting-patch patch-here
        ifelse pxcor > (55 - reserve-size) [set place-of-birth 2 ] [set place-of-birth 1 ] ;; born in or outside a protected area
      ]    ;; hatch an offspring set it heading off in a random direction and move it forward a step

to death  ;; common procedure for rats duiker & elephants to die
  if (current-age > max-age)
  [ die ]

; Copyright 2011 Uri Wilensky.
; See Info tab for full copyright and license.

There are 2 versions of this model.

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Rohan Fisher over 5 years ago Spelling correction Download this version
Rohan Fisher over 5 years ago Initial upload Download this version

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Cameroon Hunting Model.png preview Preview for 'Cameroon Hunting Model' over 5 years ago, by Rohan Fisher Download

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