Word-of-mouth with Information Seeking

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1 collaborator

Default-person Samuel Thiriot (Author)


complex networks 

Tagged by Samuel Thiriot almost 6 years ago

diffusion of innovations 

Tagged by Samuel Thiriot almost 6 years ago

diffusion of technology 

Tagged by Samuel Thiriot almost 6 years ago

social networks 

Tagged by Samuel Thiriot almost 6 years ago

word of mouth 

Tagged by Samuel Thiriot almost 6 years ago

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Model was written in NetLogo 6.0.3 • Viewed 540 times • Downloaded 29 times • Run 0 times
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extensions [nw]

  ticks-for-peak-A ;; the tick for the max of Awareness (was never higher later)
  ticks-for-peak-AK ;; the tick for the max of AK (was never higher later)
  ticks-last-activity ; the last tick when something happened

;; defines the type used for links
undirected-link-breed [edges edge]

;; "turtles" (in the good old netlogo terminology)
;; represent individuals holding states for awareness and an expertise
;; they are also nodes in the social network
  unaware?           ;; state on the awareness dimension: if true, the turtle is unaware
  seeking?           ;; state on the awareness dimension: if true, the turtle is seeking (aware and search for info)
  aware?             ;; state on the awareness dimension: if true, the turtle is aware (and not seeking)
  ignorant?          ;; state on the expertise dimension: if true, the turtle is ignorant
  proactive?         ;; state on the expertise dimension: if true, the turtle is knowledgeable and proactively passing the word
  knowledgeable?     ;; state on the expertise dimension: if true, the turtle is knowledgeable but passive

  ; characteristics which remain constant
  curious?            ;; if true, this individual would like to seek actively information
  enthusiastic?          ;; if true, thisindividual would ike to promote his knowledge

  time ; if > 0, the time to remain in this step

;; "links" represent social links.
;; their states are just used to understand what happens during the simulation
;; (visualisation) but not for computations.

to-report result-A
  report (count turtles with [not unaware?] / count turtles)

to-report result-AK
  report count turtles with [(not unaware?) and (not ignorant?)] / count turtles

to-report genlab-outputs
  report ["result-AK" "result-A" ]

to setup-network-load
  ;; load the network from the file and also initialize their state
  show "creating network"
  nw:generate-watts-strogatz turtles links count-individuals count-neighboors 0.1
    ; for visual reasons, we don't put any turtles *too* close to the edges
    setxy (random-xcor * 0.8) (random-ycor * 0.8)
    set size 1.5
    set unaware? true
    set seeking? false
    set aware? false
    set ignorant? true
    set proactive? false
    set knowledgeable? false
    set time 0
   show "loaded links and turtles"
   show count edges
   show count turtles
   ;; also layout it for beauty purpose
   if (with-gui) [
    ifelse (count-individuals < 1500) [
     show "network graphical layout..."
      layout-radial turtles links (turtle 0)
     repeat 200 [layout-spring turtles links 0.1 5 5]
    ] [
      show "too many nodes for a beautiful layout, doing a quick layout, sorry"
      layout-radial turtles links (turtle 0)
  show "end of init, let's play!"

to setup



  ; init the characteristics
  ask turtles [
    set curious? false
    set enthusiastic? false
    set supporter? false

  ask n-of (proportion-curious * count turtles) turtles [
    set curious? true
  ask n-of (proportion-enthusiastic * count turtles) turtles [
      set enthusiastic? true
  ask n-of (proportion-supporters * count turtles) turtles [
        set supporter? true

  ask turtles [
    set shape "circle"
    if curious? [ set shape "triangle" ]
    if enthusiastic? or supporter? [  set shape "square"]
    if curious? and (enthusiastic? or supporter?) [set shape "pentagon"]
      if (with-gui) [ set-color ]

  set ticks-for-peak-A 0
  set ticks-for-peak-AK 0
  set last-max-peak-A 0
  set last-max-peak-AK 0
  set ticks-last-activity 0

  ask n-of (initial-proportion-knowledgeable * count turtles) turtles [ become-knowledgeable ]

  ask links [
    set chain-retrieval? false
    set cascade-expertise? false
    set cascade-awareness? false
    set color gray


to setup-turtles
  if (with-gui) [ set-default-shape turtles "circle" ]

to go
  ; stopping condition
  if (
    ((ticks < advertisement-duration) and not (any? turtles with [ proactive? or seeking? or unaware?]))
    ((ticks >= advertisement-duration) and not (any? turtles with [ proactive? or seeking?]))
    [ stop ]

  ; change the state of agents which are in timeout

  ; inform with advertisement
  if (ticks < advertisement-duration) [
    ask n-of (advertisement-proportion-per-step * count turtles) turtles [ receive-advertisement ]
  ; change from proactive to knowledage, or seeking to aware

  ; detect outputs related to time


to update-ticks-detection
  let prop_A (count turtles with [aware?] / count turtles)
  if (prop_A > last-max-peak-A) [
    set ticks-for-peak-A ticks
    set last-max-peak-A prop_A

  let prop_AK (count turtles with [not unaware? and not ignorant?] / count turtles)
  if (prop_AK > last-max-peak-AK) [
    set ticks-for-peak-AK ticks
    set last-max-peak-AK prop_AK

  set ticks-last-activity max list ticks-for-peak-A ticks-for-peak-AK

to set-color
  if (with-gui) [
  if (unaware? and ignorant?) [ set color gray set label "UI"]
  if (unaware? and proactive?) [ set color orange  set label "UP"]
  if (unaware? and knowledgeable?) [ set color brown set label "UK"]

  if (seeking? and ignorant?) [ set color green set label "SI"]

  if (aware? and ignorant?) [ set color gray set label "AI"]
  if (aware? and proactive?) [ set color red set label "AP"]
  if (aware? and knowledgeable?) [ set color violet set label "AK"]

  ; these cases are errors
  if (seeking? and proactive?) [ set color green set label "!SP" print "illegal SP" print who]
  if (seeking? and knowledgeable?) [ set color green set label "!SK" print "illegal SK" print who]


to become-unaware ;; turtle procedure
  set unaware? true
  set seeking? false
  set aware? false
  set time 0

to become-seeking  ;; turtle procedure
  if (unaware?) [
    set unaware? false
    set seeking? true
    set aware? false
    set time duration-seek

to become-aware  ;; turtle procedure
  set unaware? false
  set seeking? false
  set aware? true
  set time 0

to become-ignorant ;; turtle procedure
  set ignorant? true
  set proactive? false
  set knowledgeable? false
  set time 0

to become-proactive ;; turtle procedure
  ;show "becoming proactive"
  set ignorant? false
  set proactive? true
  set knowledgeable? false
  set time duration-proactive
  if (seeking?) [ set seeking? false set aware? true ]

to become-knowledgeable ;; turtle procedure
  set ignorant? false
  set proactive? false
  set knowledgeable? true
  set time 0
  if (seeking?) [ set seeking? false set aware? true ]

to inform-someone
  ask one-of turtles [ become-proactive ]

to advertise-someone
  ask one-of turtles [ receive-advertisement ]

to receive-advertisement
  if unaware?
    if (ignorant?) [
      ifelse (curious?) [ become-seeking] [ become-aware]
    if (knowledgeable?) [
      if (supporter?) [ become-proactive]

to receive-knowledge
  ;show "receive knowledge"
  if ignorant?
   ;show "receive knowledge 2"
   ifelse enthusiastic? [ become-proactive ] [ become-knowledgeable ]

to manage-timeouts

  ask turtles with [time > 0 and (seeking? or proactive?)]
      set time (time - 1)
  ask turtles with [proactive? and time = 0]
  ask turtles with [seeking? and time = 0]

; when agent a1 meets a2, then a2 will receive any piece of unknown information from a1

to-report exchange-info-agents [ a1 a2 ]
  let exchange false

  if ( (not [unaware?] of a1) and ([unaware?] of a2)) [
    ask a2 [receive-advertisement]
    set exchange true

  if ( (not [ignorant?] of a1) and ([ignorant?] of a2)) [
   ask a2 [receive-knowledge]
   set exchange true

  report exchange

to exchange-info

  ; by default, all the links are gray

  ; drive a given number of links
  ask n-of (probability-link-meeting * count links)  links

    ; so these links are at least active
    ; set color white

    if ( ( [seeking?] of end1 ) or ( [seeking?] of end2) or ( [proactive?] of end1 ) or ( [proactive?] of end2 )) [
     ; the interaction takes place

      let ignorant-before? [ignorant?] of end1 or [ignorant?] of end2
      let unaware-before? [unaware?] of end1 or [unaware?] of end2
      let seeking-before? [seeking?] of end1 or [seeking?] of end2

      let exchange12 (exchange-info-agents end1 end2)
      let exchange21 (exchange-info-agents end2 end1)

      if [not ignorant?] of end1 and [not ignorant?] of end2 and ignorant-before? [
       set cascade-expertise? true
       if seeking-before? [
         set chain-retrieval? true
      if [not unaware?] of end1 and [not unaware?] of end2 and unaware-before? [
       set cascade-awareness? true
      set color gray
      if chain-retrieval? [
          set color violet
          set thickness 0.4
      if color = gray and cascade-awareness? [
        set color green
        set thickness 0.4
      if color = gray and cascade-expertise? [
        set color orange
        set thickness 0.4



; Copyright 2016 Samuel Thiriot.
; See Info tab for full copyright and license.

There is only one version of this model, created almost 6 years ago by Samuel Thiriot.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Word-of-mouth with Information Seeking.png preview Preview for 'Word-of-mouth with Information Seeking' almost 6 years ago, by Samuel Thiriot Download

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