
Roundabout preview image

1 collaborator

Default-person Pradeesh K V (Author)



Tagged by Pradeesh K V over 6 years ago


Tagged by Pradeesh K V over 6 years ago

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Model was written in NetLogo 6.0.4 • Viewed 652 times • Downloaded 34 times • Run 0 times
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globals [ count-of-turtles

turtles-own [


to setup
  ask patches [set pcolor green]

  ;; construct main approach roads
  ask patches [
    if pxcor > -82  and pxcor < 82 [ set pcolor black]
    if pycor > -82 and pycor < 82 [ set pcolor black]
    ;; draw central lines
    if pxcor > -1 and pxcor < 1 [set pcolor brown]
    if pycor > -1 and pycor < 1 [set pcolor brown]
    ;; draw lanes
    if pxcor > 25 and pxcor < 27 [ set pcolor white]
    if pxcor > 52 and pxcor < 54 [ set pcolor white]
    if pxcor > 79 and pxcor < 81 [ set pcolor white]
    if pxcor > -27 and pxcor < -25 [ set pcolor white]
    if pxcor > -54 and pxcor < -52 [ set pcolor white]
    if pxcor > -81 and pxcor < -79 [ set pcolor white]

    if pycor > 25 and pycor < 27 [ set pcolor white]
    if pycor > 52 and pycor < 54 [ set pcolor white]
    if pycor > 79 and pycor < 81 [ set pcolor white]
    if pycor > -27 and pycor < -25 [ set pcolor white]
    if pycor > -54 and pycor < -52 [ set pcolor white]
    if pycor > -81 and pycor < -79 [ set pcolor white]
  ;; Construct roundabout
  ask patches [
    if (distancexy 0 0)  < 30
   [ set pcolor white ]
    if (distancexy 0 0) > 30 and (distancexy 0 0) < 109
   [ set pcolor black ]
    if (distancexy 0 0) > 55 and (distancexy 0 0) < 57
   [ set pcolor white ]

    if (distancexy 0 0) > 82 and (distancexy 0 0) < 84
   [ set pcolor white ]

    if (distancexy 0 0) > 109 and (distancexy 0 0) < 111
   [ set pcolor white ]


  ;; Construct entry points for inner lane
  ask patches [
    if ((pxcor > 10 and pxcor < 25) and (pycor > -50 and pycor < -35))
    or ((pxcor > -25 and pxcor < -10) and (pycor < 50 and pycor > 35))
    or ((pxcor > -50 and pxcor < -35) and (pycor < -10 and pycor > -25))
    or ((pxcor < 50 and pxcor > 35) and (pycor > 10 and pycor < 25))
      set pcolor green]

    ;; Construct exit points for inner lane
  ask patches [
    if ((pxcor < -10 and pxcor > -25) and (pycor > -45 and pycor < -30))
    or ((pxcor < 25 and pxcor > 10) and (pycor < 45 and pycor > 30))
    or ((pxcor > -50 and pxcor < -35) and (pycor > 10 and pycor < 25))
    or ((pxcor < 50 and pxcor > 35) and (pycor < -10 and pycor > -25))
      set pcolor yellow

    ;; Construct entry points for middle lane
  ask patches [
    if ((pxcor > 35 and pxcor < 50) and (pycor > -65 and pycor < -50))
    or ((pxcor > -50 and pxcor < -35) and (pycor < 65 and pycor > 50))
    or ((pxcor > -65 and pxcor < -50) and (pycor < -30 and pycor > -45 ))
    or ((pxcor < 65 and pxcor > 50) and (pycor > 30 and pycor < 45))
      set pcolor green]

    ;; Construct exit points for middle lane
  ask patches [
    if ((pxcor < -35 and pxcor > -50) and (pycor > -65 and pycor < -50))
    or ((pxcor < 50 and pxcor > 35) and (pycor < 65 and pycor > 50))
    or ((pxcor > -65 and pxcor < -50) and (pycor > 35 and pycor < 50))
    or ((pxcor < 65 and pxcor > 50) and (pycor < -35 and pycor > -50))
      set pcolor yellow
;; Construct entry points for outer lane
  ask patches [
    if ((pxcor > 60 and pxcor < 70) and (pycor > -85 and pycor < -75))
    or ((pxcor > -70 and pxcor < -60) and (pycor < 85 and pycor > 75))
    or ((pxcor > -85 and pxcor < -75) and (pycor < -60 and pycor > -70 ))
    or ((pxcor < 85 and pxcor > 75) and (pycor > 60 and pycor < 70))
      set pcolor green]

    ;; Construct exit points for outer lane
  ask patches [
    if ((pxcor < -60 and pxcor > -70) and (pycor > -85 and pycor < -75))
    or ((pxcor < 70 and pxcor > 60) and (pycor < 85 and pycor > 75))
    or ((pxcor > -85 and pxcor < -75) and (pycor > 60 and pycor < 70))
    or ((pxcor < 85 and pxcor > 75) and (pycor < -60 and pycor > -70))
      set pcolor yellow


  ;; construct roundabout entry stop points
  ask patches [
    if ((pxcor > 10 and pxcor < 20) and (pycor < -110 and pycor > -112))
    or ((pxcor > -20 and pxcor < -10) and (pycor > 110 and pycor < 112))
    or ((pxcor > 35 and pxcor < 45) and (pycor < -104 and pycor > -106))
    or ((pxcor > 60 and pxcor < 70) and (pycor < -92 and pycor > -94))
    or ((pxcor > -45 and pxcor < -35) and (pycor > 104 and pycor < 106))
    or ((pxcor > -70 and pxcor < -60) and (pycor > 92 and pycor < 94))
    or ((pxcor > 110 and pxcor < 112) and (pycor > 10 and pycor < 20))
    or ((pxcor > 104 and pxcor < 106) and (pycor > 35 and pycor < 45))
    or ((pxcor > 92 and pxcor < 94) and (pycor > 60 and pycor < 70))
    or ((pxcor < -110 and pxcor > -112) and (pycor < -10 and pycor > -20))
    or ((pxcor < -104 and pxcor > -106) and (pycor < -35 and pycor > -45))
    or ((pxcor < -92 and pxcor > -94) and (pycor < -60 and pycor > -70))

    [set pcolor red]

  crt 1 [ setxy 15 -111 set heading 335 set prime 1]
  crt 1 [ setxy 40 -105 set heading 325 set prime 2]
  crt 1 [setxy 111 15 set heading 245 set prime 3 ]
  crt 1 [setxy 105 40 set heading 235 set prime 4 ]
  crt 1 [setxy -15 111 set heading 155 set prime 5 ]
  crt 1 [setxy -30 105 set heading 145 set prime 6 ]
  crt 1 [setxy -111 -15 set heading 65 set prime 7 ]
  crt 1 [setxy -105 -40 set heading 55 set prime 8 ]
    ask turtles [
    if prime = 1 [ set patchset-A1 patches in-cone 100 40] ; ask patchset-A1 [ set pcolor pink]]
    if prime = 2 [ set patchset-A2 patches in-cone 80 40 ] ;ask patchset-A2 [ set pcolor green]]
    if prime = 3 [ set patchset-B1 patches in-cone 100 40 ] ; ask patchset-B1 [ set pcolor pink]]
    if prime = 4 [ set patchset-B2 patches in-cone 80 40 ] ; ask patchset-B2 [ set pcolor green]]
    if prime = 5 [ set patchset-C1 patches in-cone 100 40 ] ; ask patchset-C1 [ set pcolor pink]]
    if prime = 6 [ set patchset-C2 patches in-cone 80 40 ] ; ask patchset-C2 [ set pcolor green]]
    if prime = 7 [ set patchset-D1 patches in-cone 100 40 ] ; ask patchset-D1 [ set pcolor pink]]
    if prime = 8 [ set patchset-D2 patches in-cone 80 40 ] ; ask patchset-D2 [ set pcolor green]]

to go
  ;; create car in section A
  ask patch 15 -190 [
    if not any? turtles in-radius 10 and random int-arr-time = 1 [
      sprout 1 [set shape "car" set size 13 set entry-point "A1" set color red set heading 0 set speed 0.2 set status "Entry" set yellow-patch-count 0 set segment "A" set lane 1 set life 0]

  ask patch 40 -190 [
    if not any? turtles in-radius 10  and random int-arr-time = 1 [
      sprout 1 [ set shape "car" set size 13 set entry-point "A2" set color red  set heading 0 set speed 0.2 set status "Entry" set yellow-patch-count 0 set segment "A" set lane 2 set life 0]
  ask patch 65 -190 [
    if not any? turtles in-radius 10  and random int-arr-time = 1 [
      sprout 1 [ set shape "car" set size 13 set entry-point "A3" set color red  set heading 0 set speed 0.2 set status "Entry" set yellow-patch-count 0 set segment "A" set lane 3 set life 0]
  ;; create car in section B
  ask patch 190 15 [
    if not any? turtles in-radius 10  and random int-arr-time = 1 [
      sprout 1 [set shape "car" set size 13 set entry-point "B1" set color blue set heading -90 set speed 0.2 set status "Entry" set yellow-patch-count 0 set segment "B" set lane 1 set life 0]
  ask patch 190 40 [
    if not any? turtles in-radius 10  and random int-arr-time = 1 [
      sprout 1 [ set shape "car" set size 13 set entry-point "B2" set color blue  set heading -90 set speed 0.2 set status "Entry" set yellow-patch-count 0 set segment "B" set lane 2 set life 0]
  ask patch 190 65 [
    if not any? turtles in-radius 10  and random int-arr-time = 1 [
      sprout 1 [ set shape "car" set size 13 set entry-point "B3" set color blue  set heading -90 set speed 0.2 set status "Entry" set yellow-patch-count 0 set segment "B" set lane 3 set life 0]
  ;; create car in section C
  ask patch -15 190 [
    if not any? turtles in-radius 10  and random int-arr-time = 1 [
      sprout 1 [set shape "car" set size 13 set entry-point "C1" set color orange set heading 180 set speed 0.2 set status "Entry" set yellow-patch-count 0 set segment "C" set lane 1 set life 0]
  ask patch -40 190 [
    if not any? turtles in-radius 10 and random int-arr-time = 1 [
      sprout 1 [ set shape "car" set size 13 set entry-point "C2" set color orange  set heading 180 set speed 0.2 set status "Entry" set yellow-patch-count 0 set segment "C" set lane 2 set life 0]
  ask patch -65 190 [
    if not any? turtles in-radius 10 and random int-arr-time = 1 [
      sprout 1 [ set shape "car" set size 13 set entry-point "C3" set color orange  set heading 180 set speed 0.2 set status "Entry" set yellow-patch-count 0 set segment "C" set lane 3 set life 0]
    ;; create car in section D
  ask patch -190 -15 [
    if not any? turtles in-radius 10 and random int-arr-time = 1 [
      sprout 1 [set shape "car" set size 13 set entry-point "D1" set color magenta set heading 90 set speed 0.2 set status "Entry" set yellow-patch-count 0 set segment "D" set lane 1 set life 0]
  ask patch -190 -40 [
    if not any? turtles in-radius 10 and random int-arr-time = 1 [
      sprout 1 [ set shape "car" set size 13 set entry-point "D2" set color magenta  set heading 90 set speed 0.2 set status "Entry" set yellow-patch-count 0 set segment "D" set lane 2 set life 0]
  ask patch -190 -65 [
    if not any? turtles in-radius 10 and random int-arr-time = 1 [
      sprout 1 [ set shape "car" set size 13 set entry-point "D3" set color magenta  set heading 90 set speed 0.2 set status "Entry" set yellow-patch-count 0 set segment "D" set lane 3 set life 0]
  ask turtles [ set speedlimit 0.6
  set acceleration 0.1
  set life life + 1

;; procedure for turtle to move on the road i.e. approaching roundabout, entering roundabout, travelling in roundabout, exiting roundabout and onward travel

to move-on-road

;; light red patch at the entrance of the roundabout is the location where each car has to stop and check for traffic before proceeding into the roundabout
  if [pcolor] of patch-here = red and lane != 3
  [ if any? other turtles-on patch-here [ die ]
    set speed 0.0
    set status "Stop"
    set num1 count turtles-on patchset-A1
    set num2 count turtles-on patchset-A2
    set num3 count turtles-on patchset-B1
    set num4 count turtles-on patchset-B2
    set num5 count turtles-on patchset-C1
    set num6 count turtles-on patchset-C2
    set num7 count turtles-on patchset-D1
    set num8 count turtles-on patchset-D2

    ;; if driver is patient, then she will wait for all cars to clear. If not, she will try to enter roundabout even with cars approaching from her left side.
    ifelse patience = "patient"
      [ set patiencevalue 2]
      [ set patiencevalue 5]

    if entry-point = "A1" and num1 < patiencevalue [ fd 2 set status "Go" ]
    if entry-point = "A2" [
      if  num2 < patiencevalue [ fd 2 set status "Go" ]
      if [ entry-point ] of turtles-on patchset-A2 = "A1" [ fd 2 set status "Go" ]]
    if entry-point = "B1" and num3 < patiencevalue [ fd 2 set status "Go" ]
    if entry-point = "B2" [
      if num4 < patiencevalue [ fd 2 set status "Go" ]
      if [ entry-point ] of turtles-on patchset-B2 = "B1" [ fd 2 set status "Go" ]]
    if entry-point = "C1" and num5 < patiencevalue [ fd 2 set status "Go" ]
    if entry-point = "C2" [
      if num6 < patiencevalue [ fd 2 set status "Go" ]
      if [ entry-point ] of turtles-on patchset-C2 = "C1" [ fd 2 set status "Go" ]]
    if entry-point = "D1" and num7 < patiencevalue [ fd 2 set status "Go" ]
    if entry-point = "D2" [
      if num8 < patiencevalue [ fd 2 set status "Go" ]
      if [ entry-point ] of turtles-on patchset-D2 = "B1" [ fd 2 set status "Go" ]
    set num1 0
    set num2 0
    set num3 0
    set num4 0
    set num5 0
    set num6 0
    set num7 0
    set num8 0

;; Green colored patch provides a circular motion for the cars within the roundabout
  if [pcolor] of patch-here = green
    [ if entry-point = "A1" or entry-point = "B1" or entry-point = "C1" or entry-point = "D1" and status = "Go"
      [ set speed 0.6 rt 50 set status "RAinner" fd 10  ]
    if entry-point = "A2" or entry-point = "B2" or entry-point = "C2" or entry-point = "D2" and status = "Go"
      [ set speed 0.6 rt 50 set status "RAmiddle" fd 10  ]
  if entry-point = "A3" or entry-point = "B3" or entry-point = "C3" or entry-point = "D3" and status = "Entry"
      [ set speed 0.6 rt 45 set status "RAouter" fd 7  ]]

  ;; Circular path for cars travelling the innermost lane
  if status = "RAinner"
  [ if speed != 0 [ lt 0.75 ]
    ;; Car stops if there is another car ahead and its color changes to yellow. Color changes back to original color once speed becomes more than 0
    let car-ahead-conei one-of turtles in-cone 20 90
    ifelse car-ahead-conei != nobody and car-ahead-conei != self
     [set speed 0 set color yellow]
     [if speed < speedlimit
      [set speed 0.6 if segment = "A" [ set color red ] if segment = "B" [ set color blue] if segment = "C" [ set color orange ] if segment = "D" [ set color magenta ]]
    ifelse [ pcolor]  of patch-here = yellow and yellow-patch-count > 200
    [ set status "Exit" rt 42]
    [ set yellow-patch-count yellow-patch-count + 1 ]

  ;; Circular path for cars travelling in the middle lane
  if status = "RAmiddle"
  [if speed != 0 [lt 0.5]

    ;; Car stops if there is another car ahead and its color changes to yellow. Color changes back to original color once speed becomes more than 0
    let car-ahead-conem one-of turtles in-cone 20 90
    ifelse car-ahead-conem != nobody and car-ahead-conem != self
      [set speed 0 set color yellow ]
     [if speed < speedlimit
      [set speed 0.6 if segment = "A" [ set color red ] if segment = "B" [ set color blue] if segment = "C" [ set color orange ] if segment = "D" [ set color magenta ]]
   ifelse [ pcolor]  of patch-here = yellow and yellow-patch-count > 60
    [ set status "Exit" rt 55]
    [ set yellow-patch-count yellow-patch-count + 1 ]


  ;; Path for cars travelling in the outermost lane
  if status = "RAouter"
  [lt 0.3
  ifelse [ pcolor]  of patch-here = yellow
    [ set status "Exit" rt 48]
    [ set yellow-patch-count yellow-patch-count + 1 ]

;; Forward motion of the car. When the car enters the roundabout (i.e. before Green patch), car is in "Go" state and checks for car ahead and stops if there are any.
  if status = "Entry" or status = "Exit" or status = "Go" [
    if status = "Go" [ car-ahead-incone ]
  fd speed

;; procedure for turtle to enter the roundabout from the road

to car-ahead-action
let car-ahead one-of turtles-on patch-ahead 10
    ifelse car-ahead != nobody
     [set speed [ speed ] of car-ahead ]
     [if speed < speedlimit
      [set speed speed + 0.1 ]

;; procedure for turtle to move in the roundabout

to car-ahead-incone
let car-ahead one-of turtles in-cone 20 10
    ifelse car-ahead != nobody and car-ahead != self
     [set speed 0 set color yellow]
     [if speed < speedlimit
      [set speed 0.6 if segment = "A" [ set color red ] if segment = "B" [ set color blue] if segment = "C" [ set color orange ] if segment = "D" [ set color magenta ]]

;; procedure for turtle to die

to let-turtle-die
    if ((entry-point = "A1" or entry-point = "B2" or entry-point = "C3") and xcor < -170)
    or ((entry-point = "A2" or entry-point = "B3" or entry-point = "D1") and ycor > 170)
    or ((entry-point = "A3" or entry-point = "D2" or entry-point = "C1") and xcor > 170)
    or ((entry-point = "B1" or entry-point = "C2" or entry-point = "D3") and ycor < -170)
    [ die ]

There is only one version of this model, created over 6 years ago by Pradeesh K V.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Roundabout.png preview Preview for 'Roundabout' over 6 years ago, by Pradeesh K V Download

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