Beetle Navigation

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1 collaborator

Default-person Jake Hofgard (Author)



Tagged by Jake Hofgard over 6 years ago

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Model was written in NetLogo 6.0.3 • Viewed 404 times • Downloaded 58 times • Run 0 times
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breed [ boxes box ]

breed [ beetles beetle ]

beetles-own [

to setup
  ask patches [ set pcolor green + (random-float 0.8) - 0.4 ]

to setup-beetle
  create-beetles 1 [
    set shape "bug"
    set color black
    set size 3.5
  ask beetles [
    setxy -24 0
    facexy 25 0
    set moving-timer number-steps
    set time-reorienting reorient-timer
    set beetle-home patch-here
    ifelse show-pen?
      [ pen-down ]
      [ pen-up ]

to setup-obstacles
  ask n-of number-obstacles patches with [
    distancexy -25 0 > 4 and abs pxcor < (max-pxcor - 5) and
    abs pycor < (max-pycor - 5)
  ] [
    sprout-boxes 1 [
      set shape "circle"
      set size size-obstacles
      set color 1.5

to go
  if all? beetles [ xcor >= 24 ]
  [ stop ]
  ask beetles [
  ifelse moving-timer >= 1
    [ move-beetles ]
    [ reorient ]

to move-beetles
  ask beetles [
    set heading random-float step-angle + 90
    fd 1
    set distance-home distance beetle-home
    set moving-timer moving-timer - 1
    if count boxes in-cone (size-obstacles) 180 > 0
    [ go-another-direction ]
    if abs pxcor >= 25 or abs pycor >= 24
    [ set heading random 360
      bk 1 ]

to go-another-direction
  ask beetles [
    let target one-of boxes in-radius size-obstacles
    set x-position [ xcor ] of target
    set y-position [ ycor ] of target
    ifelse step-angle < 90 [
      ifelse y-position > ycor
      [ lt random 45
        bk 1
        lt random 90
        bk 1 ]
      [ rt random 45
        bk 1
        rt random 90
        bk 1 ]
      if x-position < xcor and y-position < ycor
      [ case-one ]
      if x-position > xcor and y-position > ycor
      [ case-one ]
      if x-position > xcor and y-position < ycor
      [ case-two ]
      if x-position < xcor and y-position > ycor
      [ case-two ]

to case-one
  ask beetles [
    bk 1
    rt random 15
    bk 1

to case-two
  ask beetles [
    bk 1
    lt random 15
    bk 1

to reorient
  ask beetles [
    set shape "rotating bug"
    set color 3
    set heading heading + ( 1 / reorient-timer ) * 360
    set time-reorienting time-reorienting - 1
    if time-reorienting < 1 [
      set heading 90
      set shape "bug"
      set color black
      set moving-timer number-steps
      set time-reorienting reorient-timer

There are 9 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Jake Hofgard over 6 years ago Changes default speed Download this version
Jake Hofgard over 6 years ago Updated Info Download this version
Jake Hofgard over 6 years ago Information added Download this version
Jake Hofgard over 6 years ago Obstacle navigation corrected Download this version
Jake Hofgard over 6 years ago Syntax Error Corrected Download this version
Jake Hofgard over 6 years ago Deleted unnecessary code Download this version
Jake Hofgard over 6 years ago Obstacle navigation partially fixed Download this version
Jake Hofgard over 6 years ago Setup button fixed Download this version
Jake Hofgard over 6 years ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Beetle Navigation.png preview Preview for 'Beetle Navigation' over 6 years ago, by Jake Hofgard Download

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