Wealth and residence

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1 collaborator

Default-person Hossein Sabzian (Author)


social science 

Tagged by Hossein Sabzian about 7 years ago

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turtles-own [
wealth  ;; the wealth of each person
happy?  ;; the state of happiness and when people are at their related residence, they feel happy otherwise they feel unhappy
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;setup procedure

to setup
  set-default-shape turtles "person"
  ask patches [ set pcolor green + 3]  ;; color of patches
  ask patches with [pxcor = 0 or pycor = 0 ] [ set pcolor white]  ;;seperating lines
  crt num-of-people  [
           set happy? false  ;; they are unhappy in the initial conditions
           setxy random-xcor random-ycor  ;; people's spatial distribution
           set wealth random 100  ;; people get a value of wealth in a random manner
           recolor ;; people set their color based on their wealth

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;go procedure

to go
if all? turtles [happy?] [stop]  ;; if all people are at their related residence they all get happy and model stopes
  ask turtles with [not happy?] [
    ;; move procedure
    ;; if wealth of a person is less than 25 units, he or she will go to southeast of the city to find a suitable residence
        if wealth < 25 [go-to-southeast]
    ;; if wealth of a person is greater than or equal to 25 units and less than 50 units, he or she will go to southwest of the city to find a suitable residence
        if wealth >= 25 and wealth < 50  [go-to-southwest]
    ;; if wealth of a person is greater than or equal to 50 units and less than 75 units, he or she will go to northeast of the city to find a suitable residence
        if wealth >= 50 and wealth < 75 [go-to-northeast]
    ;; if wealth of a person is greater than or equal to 75 units and less than 100 units, he or she will go to northwest of the city to find a suitable residence
        if wealth >= 75 and wealth < 100 [go-to-northwest]


;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;helper procedures

to go-to-southeast   ;; if they are at the southeast, get stabilised otherwise move to find the southeastern area
  ifelse ((pxcor > 0 and pycor < 0) ) [
  [ move-to-find ]

to go-to-southwest ;; if they are at the southwest, get stabilised otherwise move to find the southwestern area
    ifelse ((pxcor < 0 and pycor < 0) ) [
  [ move-to-find ]

to go-to-northeast ;; if they are at the northeast, get stabilised otherwise move to find the northeastern area
  ifelse ((pxcor > 0 and pycor > 0) ) [ stabilise
  [ move-to-find ]

to go-to-northwest ;;;; if they are at the northwest, get stabilised otherwise move to find the northwestern area
    ifelse ((pxcor < 0 and pycor > 0) ) [
  [ move-to-find ]

to move-to-find  ;; move procedure, a turtle-procedure
  rt random 90
  lt random 90
  if not can-move? 1 [ rt 180 ]
  fd 1

to stabilise  ;; stabilise procedure, a turtle-procedure
  ifelse not any? other turtles-here [
    set happy? true setxy pxcor pycor ]
  [ move-to-find ]

to recolor  ;; coloring procedure, a turtle-procedure

if wealth < 25 [set color orange] ;; people with a wealth value less than 25 units get an orange color
if wealth >= 25 and wealth < 50  [set color cyan]  ;; peolpe with a wealth value greater than or equal to 25 units and less than 50 units, they get a cyan color
if wealth >= 50 and wealth < 75 [set color green ] ;; peolpe with a wealth value greater than or equal to 50 units and less than 75 units, they get a green color
if wealth >= 75 and wealth < 100 [set color magenta] ;; peolpe with a wealth value greater than or equal to 75 units and less than 100 units, they get a magenta color

There is only one version of this model, created about 7 years ago by Hossein Sabzian.

Attached files

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Wealth and residence.png preview Preview for 'Wealth and residence' about 7 years ago, by Hossein Sabzian Download

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