Simplified Natural Selection Game

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1 collaborator

Default-person Michael Zito (Author)



Tagged by Michael Zito almost 7 years ago


Tagged by Michael Zito almost 7 years ago


Tagged by Michael Zito almost 7 years ago


Tagged by Michael Zito almost 7 years ago

natural selection 

Tagged by Michael Zito almost 7 years ago

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breed [hawks hawk]
breed [mice mouse]

hawks-own [vision age]
mice-own [camo]

to setup

  ask patches [
    set pcolor 63 + random 4                  ; its a patchwork world!

  create-hawks init-hawks [
    set shape "hawk"
    set color 36
    set size .75
    set age 0
    set vision round random-normal init-mean-vision init-SD-vision
    if vision < 0 [set vision 0]              ; keep scores non-negative

  create-mice init-mice [
    set shape "mouse top"
    set size .2
    set color 32
    set camo round random-normal init-mean-camo init-SD-camo
    if camo < 0 [set camo 0]                  ; keep scores non-negative



to go
  if ticks = 30 [stop]
  ask hawks [hunt]
  ask hawks [starve]
  ask mice [evolve-mice?]

to hunt
  if any? mice-here [                         ; if there are mice on this patch
    if vision >= min [camo] of mice-here [    ; and they can be seen
      if-else vision > min [camo] of mice-here
        [evolve-hawks?]                       ; if vision > camo eat and reproduce
        [if random 2 = 0 [evolve-hawks?]]     ; else vision = camo so flip a coin
  ; recurse to continue eating until all possible meals eaten
  if any? mice-here and vision >= min [camo] of mice-here [hunt]

to evolve-hawks?
  if-else hawks-coevolve?

to eat-and-evolve
  ask min-one-of mice-here [camo] [die]  ; eat the mouse
    hatch 1 [                            ; produce an offspring with poorer vision
      set age ticks
      set vision  vision - 1
      if vision < 0 [set vision 0]       ; keep scores non-negative

    hatch 1 [                            ; produce an offspring with better vision
      set age ticks
      set vision  vision + 1
  die                                    ; die

to eat-and-reproduce
  ask min-one-of mice-here [camo] [die]  ; eat the mouse
  hatch 2 [                              ; produce 2 offspring with random vision
    set age ticks
    set vision round random-normal init-mean-vision init-SD-vision
    if vision < 0 [set vision 0]         ; keep scores non-negative
  die                                    ; die

to starve
  if (ticks - age >= 2) [die]            ; if a hawk hasn't eaten in 2 tickss it dies

to evolve-mice?
  if-else mice-coevolve?

to reproduce-and-evolve
  if not any? other mice-here [          ; if there is no competition
    hatch 1 [                            ; produce an offspring with worse camouflage
        set camo  camo - 1
        if camo < 0 [set camo 0]         ; keep scores non-negative
    hatch 1 [                            ; produce an offspring with better camouflage
      set camo  camo + 1

    die                                  ; die

to reproduce
  if not any? other mice-here [          ; if there is no competition
  hatch 2 [                              ; produce 2 offspring with random camo
    set camo round random-normal init-mean-camo init-SD-camo
    if camo < 0 [set camo 0]             ; keep scores non-negative
    die                                  ; die

to distribute
  ask mice [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set heading random 359]
  ask hawks [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set heading random 359]

to reset
  set mice-coevolve? true
  set init-mice 16
  set init-mean-camo 5
  set init-SD-camo 1.5
  set hawks-coevolve? true
  set init-hawks 16
  set init-mean-vision 5
  set init-SD-vision 1.5

There is only one version of this model, created almost 7 years ago by Michael Zito.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
NatSelGameLab_original.doc word Student Lab almost 7 years ago, by Michael Zito Download
Simplified Natural Selection Game.png preview Simplified Natural Selection Game That Runs Better in NetLogo Web almost 7 years ago, by Michael Zito Download

This model does not have any ancestors.

This model does not have any descendants.