Garden ecosystem

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Default-person Becca Shareff (Author)



Tagged by Becca Shareff almost 7 years ago

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breed [farmers farmer]
breed [plants plant]
breed [weeds weed]

turtles-own [energy my-heading]
patches-own [nutrients fertile] ;; nutrients determines the soil quality. fertile determines if a seed can be sprouted there; affected by spacing.

globals [
  total-harvested;; lbs of produce harvested by the farmer
  money;; budget for the project

to setup
  set money (budget - (count plants * plant-cost))

to setup-patches
  ask patches [
   set nutrients (random 15) ]
  repeat 5 [diffuse nutrients 1]
  ask patches [
   set pcolor scale-color brown nutrients  10 0
   if remainder pxcor spacing = 0 and remainder pycor spacing = 0 [set fertile true ]]

to setup-turtles
  create-weeds 0

to make-farmer
  create-farmers 1 [
    set color cyan
    set size 3
    set shape "farmer"
    setxy 0 0
    set heading 90
    set my-heading 270
    run "seed"

to seed
  repeat (number-plants)
 ask farmers [
  (ask patch-here [
      if fertile = true and not any? plants-here [
        sprout-plants 1 [
          set shape "plant"
          set size 0.2
          set energy 2
  fd (spacing)
  if not can-move? 1 [
    set heading 0
    fd spacing
    set heading my-heading
    ifelse my-heading = 90 [set my-heading 270] [set my-heading 90]



to re-seed
  repeat (number-plants * spacing)
  ask farmers [fd spacing
  (ask patch-here [
      if fertile = true and not any? plants-here [
        sprout-plants 1 [
          set shape "plant"
          set size 0.2
          set energy 2
  if not can-move? 1 [
    set heading 0
    fd spacing
    set heading my-heading
    ifelse my-heading = 90 [set my-heading 270] [set my-heading 90]


to go

to animate
 ask turtles [
   run word breed "-grow"
   run word breed "-check-if-dead"
   run word breed "-eat" ]
  ;wait 1
 if any? patches with [not any? plants-here and nutrients > 5] [
   ask one-of patches with [not any? plants-here and nutrients > 5] [
    sprout-weeds 1 [
      set breed weeds
      set shape "flower budding"
      set color lime
      set energy 1
      set size 0.03;; somehow I want to adjust this so that plants are more likely to appear in spaces with high nutrient level

to plants-grow
  if (energy > 3) [set size size + 0.02]

to weeds-grow;;
    if (energy > 2) [set size size + 0.04];; arbitrary numbers but weeds grow faster

to farmers-grow

to plants-check-if-dead
  if (energy <= 0) [
    set nutrients (nutrients + 0.5)
    set pcolor scale-color brown nutrients 10 0
  ;;maybe have them "flash" before they die, or 'turn red, wait 3' so we know to look at them **note that i can't get this part to work. they freeze up.

to weeds-check-if-dead
  if (energy <= 0) [ die ]

to farmers-check-if-dead

to plants-eat
  if (nutrients >= 1) [
      set energy energy + 1
      set nutrients (nutrients - 0.2)
      ask neighbors4 [set nutrients (nutrients - 0.05)
        set pcolor scale-color brown nutrients 10 0];; plants slowly take nutrients from soil
      set pcolor scale-color brown nutrients 10 0]
  if (nutrients < 1) [
      set energy energy - 0.1];; if no nutrients in the soil, this arbitrary rate is how fast they will die

to weeds-eat
  if (nutrients >= 1) [
  set energy energy + 1
  set nutrients (nutrients - 0.1)
  ask neighbors4 [
    set nutrients (nutrients - 0.08)
    set pcolor scale-color brown nutrients 10 0];; weeds take nutrients from soil less quickly
  set pcolor scale-color brown nutrients 10 0]
  if (nutrients < 1) [
  set energy energy - 0.1];; if no nutrients in the soil, this arbitrary rate is how fast they will die

to farmers-eat

to harvest-plants
  ask farmers [
    set hidden? not mouse-inside?
    setxy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor
  if mouse-inside? and mouse-down? [
    set crop plants with [distance one-of farmers < (size / 2)]
    if any? crop [
      let weight sum [size] of crop
      set total-harvested (total-harvested + (ceiling (1.5 * weight * count crop)))

ask crop [ die ]

to harvest-weeds
  ask farmers [
    set hidden? not mouse-inside?
    setxy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor
  if mouse-inside? and mouse-down? [
    let weedable weeds with [distance one-of farmers < (size * 2)]
    if any? weedable [

ask weedable [ die ]

to add-compost
  ask patches [set nutrients (nutrients + 5) set pcolor scale-color brown nutrients 10 0 ]
set money (money - 20)

to add-herbicide
  ask weeds [die]
  ask plants [
    set energy energy - 2]
  ask patches [set nutrients (nutrients - 2) set pcolor scale-color brown nutrients 10 0 ]
set money (money - 30)

There is only one version of this model, created almost 7 years ago by Becca Shareff.

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