Seats Allocation under Various Electoral Systems

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Default-person Jaehyun Song (Author)


electoral system  

Tagged by Jaehyun Song over 7 years ago


Tagged by Jaehyun Song over 7 years ago

voting behavior 

Tagged by Jaehyun Song over 7 years ago

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;; ===================================
;; 日本選挙学会2017年度大会@香川大学
;; 制度変化とその帰結のシミュレーション
;;  ー異なる投票方法の下での議席配分
;; シミュレーション・ソースコード
;; 報告者: 品田裕・Song Jaehyun
;; 作成者: Song Jaehyun
;; 作成日: 2017-01-06
;; 修正履歴
;;  20170107 選挙サイクルの導入
;;           プロット機能の追加
;;  20170108 選好をベータ分布へ変更
;;           投票確率関数の修正
;; ===================================

globals [election_cycle ENC]

breed [voters voter]         ;;有権者エージェント
breed [candidates candidate] ;;候補者エージェント
breed [v_counters v_counter] ;;得票数カウンター    (今後、パッチ化する)
breed [r_counters r_counter] ;;当選率カウンター    (今後、パッチ化する)
breed [w_counters w_counter] ;;当選回数カウンター   (今後、パッチ化する)
breed [l_counters l_counter] ;;連続敗北回数カウンター (今後、パッチ化する)

voters-own [id        ;; ID
            ideology] ;; イデオロギー (Beta(vAlpha, vBeta)の分布から生成)

candidates-own [run_election ;;立候補時期
                ideology     ;;イデオロギー (Uniform(0, 1)の分布から生成)
                votes        ;;現在の得票数
                votes2 .     ;;現在の得票数^2
                rate         ;;当選率
                nWin         ;;累積当選回数
                prevLose     ;;前回の選挙での敗北有無
                nLose        ;;連続敗北回数
                plotColor]   ;;Line Color in Plot

;;カウンターの属性 (今後、パッチ化する)
v_counters-own [votes] ;;得票数
r_counters-own [rate]  ;;得票数j順位
w_counters-own [nWin]  ;;当選回数
l_counters-own [nLose] ;;連続敗北回数

to setup
  if (magnitude > nCandidates) [
    error "Error! District Magnitude (magnitude) must be smaller than number of candidates (nCandidates)!"
  if (nBallot > nCandidates) [
    error "Error! If number of ballots (nBallot) is bigger than number of candidates (nCandidates), elections are endless!"

  clear-all            ;;全て初期化
  random-seed seed     ;;Set seed
  set election_cycle 1 ;;選挙回数の初期化
  set ENC 0

  create_candidates   ;;候補者の生成
  create_voters       ;;有権者の生成
  create-v_counter    ;;得票数カウンターの生成
  show-v_counter      ;;得票数カウンターの表示
  create-r_counter    ;;当選率カウンターの生成
  show-r_counter      ;;当選率カウンターの表示
  create-w_counter    ;;当選回数カウンターの生成
  show-w_counter      ;;当選回数カウンターの表示
  create-l_counter    ;;連続敗北回数カウンターの生成
  show-l_counter      ;;連続敗北回数カウンターの表示
  reset-ticks         ;;時間(tick)の初期化

to go
  cast-votes                 ;;投票行動
  highlight-top-candidates   ;;当選可能ライン候補者の得票数をハイライト
  highlight-top-candidates2  ;;当選回数上位の候補者の当選回数をハイライト
  highlight-top-candidates4  ;;連続敗北回数が1以上の候補者をハイライト
end -cycle                  ;;全員投票済みの場合、1回分の選挙終了
  if (election_cycle > Last-election) [ stop ]


to create_voters
  let counter 1 ;;臨時カウンターの初期化

  loop [
    if counter > nVoter [ stop ]            ;;臨時カウンターが有権者数より小さい限り、反復

    let temp_ideology rngBeta vAlpha vBeta  ;;Beta(vAlpha, vBeta)からイデオロギーの生成

    create-voters nBallot [
      set shape "square"                  ;;形は四角形
      set color [255 0 0 15]              ;;色は半透明な白
      ifelse ((random-float 1) >= 0.5) [  ;;移動方向(左右)をランダムに割当
        set heading 90
      [ set heading 270 ]
      setxy (random 50) 5                 ;;初期位置の指定 (横 = ランダム, 縦 = 3)

      set id counter                      ;;固有IDの割当
      set ideology temp_ideology          ;;イデオロギーの割当


    set counter counter + 1               ;;カウンター++

to create_candidates
  let counter 1 ;;臨時カウンターの初期化

    if counter > nCandidates [ stop ] ;;臨時カウンターが候補者数より小さい限り、反復

    create-candidates 1 [
      set shape "person"                   ;;形は人間
      set color red - 2                    ;;色はちょっと暗い赤
      set heading 180                      ;;全員南向き
      set run_election election_cycle      ;;最初に立候補した選挙は現在のelection_cycle
      setxy (((50 / nCandidates) / 2) + ((counter - 1) * (50 / nCandidates)) - 0.5) 4
      set ideology (rngBeta cAlpha cBeta)  ;;イデオロギーはBeta(cAlpha, cBeta)からランダムに生成
      set votes 0                          ;;得票数の初期化
      set votes2 0                         ;;得票数^2の初期化
      set rate 0                           ;;当選率の初期化
      set nWin 0                           ;;当選回数の初期化
      set nLose 0                          ;;連続敗北回数の初期化
      set prevLose 0                       ;;前回選挙敗北有無の初期化
      set plotColor random 145

      set label precision ideology 2       ;;ラベルはイデオロギーで

    set counter counter + 1                ;;カウンターを増やす


to create-v_counter
  let counter 1                            ;;臨時カウンターの初期化

  loop[                                    ;;候補者の数だけ繰り返し
    if counter > nCandidates [ stop ]

    create-v_counters 1 [                  ;;得票数カウンターの生成
      set shape "wolf"                     ;;どうせ透明だから形はどうでもいい
      set color [0 0 0 0]                  ;;色は透明
      ;;X座標は候補者と同じ、Y座標は候補者の座標 - 1
      setxy (((50 / nCandidates) / 2) + ((counter - 1) * (50 / nCandidates)) - 0.5) 3
      set votes 0                          ;;得票数の初期化

    set counter counter + 1                ;;臨時カウンター++

to show-v_counter
  ask v_counters [
    set label votes

to create-r_counter
  let counter 1

    if counter > nCandidates [ stop ]

    create-r_counters 1 [
      set shape "wolf"
      set color [0 0 0 0]
      setxy (((50 / nCandidates) / 2) + ((counter - 1) * (50 / nCandidates)) - 0.5) 2
      set rate 0

    set counter counter + 1

to show-r_counter
  ask r_counters [
    set label round rate

to create-w_counter
  let counter 1

    if counter > nCandidates [ stop ]

    create-w_counters 1 [
      set shape "wolf"
      set color [0 0 0 0]
      setxy (((50 / nCandidates) / 2) + ((counter - 1) * (50 / nCandidates)) - 0.5) 1
      set nWin 0

    set counter counter + 1

to show-w_counter
  ask w_counters [
    set label nWin

to create-l_counter
  let counter 1

    if counter > nCandidates [ stop ]

    create-l_counters 1 [
      set shape "wolf"
      set color [0 0 0 0]
      setxy (((50 / nCandidates) / 2) + ((counter - 1) * (50 / nCandidates)) - 0.5) 0
      set nLose 0

    set counter counter + 1

to show-l_counter
  ask l_counters [
    set label nLose

;;forward 1のみなら別にプロシージャにする必要はないが、

to normal_move
  forward 1


to end-cycle
  ;;全ての有権者が投票済み (透明)なら
  if (count voters with [color != [0 0 0 0]] = 0) [

    show_winner                               ;;当選者の表示
    set ENC (calc-ENC)

    ask candidates [                          ;;全ての高著者のの
      set votes 0                               ;;得票数を0に戻す
      set votes2 0                              ;;得票数^2を0に戻す

      let temp_rate ((nWin / (election_cycle - run_election + 1)) * 100)

      set rate temp_rate

      ask v_counters-at 0 -1 [
        set votes 0
      ask r_counters-at 0 -2 [
        set rate temp_rate
        set label round rate



    set election_cycle election_cycle + 1     ;;election_cycleを1増やす

    ask voters [                              ;;全ての有権者の
      set color [255 0 0 15]                    ;;色を元に戻す (= 復活させる)
      setxy (random 50) 5                       ;;位置の初期化



to show_winner
  ask max-n-of magnitude candidates [ votes ] [
    set nWin nWin + 1
    set prevLose 0
    set nLose 0

    ask w_counters-at 0 -3 [
      set nWin nWin + 1
      set label nWin
    ask l_counters-at 0 -4 [
      set nLose 0
      set label nLose

  ask min-n-of (nCandidates - magnitude) candidates [ votes ] [
    set prevLose PrevLose + 1

  ask candidates with [prevLose > 0] [
    set nLose nLose + 1
    ask l_counters-at 0 -4 [
      set nLose nLose + 1
      set label nLose

;;新人候補者のイデオロギーは同様にUniform(0, 1)

to retire-candidate

  ask candidates with [ nLose >= retire-timing ] [

    hatch-candidates 1 [
      set shape "person"                  ;;形は同様に「人間」
      set color red - 2                   ;;色は暗い赤
      set run_election election_cycle + 1 ;;立候補時期の記録
      set ideology (rngBeta cAlpha cBeta) ;;イデオロギーの割当
      set votes 0                         ;;得票数
      set votes2 0                        ;;得票数^2
      set rate 0                          ;;Rate
      set nWin 0                          ;;累積当選回数
      set nLose 0                         ;;連続敗北回数
      set prevLose 0                      ;;前回選挙での敗北有無
      set plotColor random 145

      set label precision ideology 2      ;;ラベルにイデオロギーを表示

    ask v_counters-at 0 -1 [
      set votes 0
      set label votes
    ask r_counters-at 0 -2 [
      set label round rate
    ask w_counters-at 0 -3 [
      set nWin 0
      set label nWin
    ask l_counters-at 0 -4 [
      set nLose 0
      set label nLose

  die ;;政治家は落ちたらただの人間...ではなく死体

;; 投票行動プロシージャ

to cast-votes

  ask voters with [color != [0 0 0 0]] [

    let didIvoted count voters-here with [ id = [id] of myself ]

    ifelse any? candidates-at 0 -1 [
      ifelse (didIvoted = 1) [

        let voter_ideology ideology                                      ;;1. 有権者のイデオロギー
        let cand_ideology [ideology] of one-of candidates-on neighbors4  ;;2. 候補者のイデオロギー
        let cand_nWin [nWin] of one-of candidates-on neighbors4          ;;3. 候補者の当選回数
        let cand_prev [prevLose] of one-of candidates-on neighbors4      ;;4. 候補者の当選回数
        let cand_rate [rate] of one-of candidates-on neighbors4          ;;5. 候補者の当選Rate

        let vote_prob 0                                                  ;;投票確率の宣言・初期化

        set vote_prob (calc-voteProb cand_ideology voter_ideology cand_nWin cand_prev cand_rate)

        let vote_prob2 random-float 1

        if vote_prob2 >= vote_prob [

        if vote_prob2 < vote_prob [
          set color [ 0 0 0 0 ] ;;投票した有権者を透明にする

          ask candidates-at 0 -1 [
            set votes votes + 1
            set votes2 ((votes / (nVoter * nBallot)) * (votes / (nVoter * nBallot)))

          ask v_counters-at 0 -2 [
            set votes votes + 1
            set label votes


      [ normal_move ]
    [ normal_move ]


to highlight-top-candidates
  ask max-n-of magnitude candidates [ votes ] [
    set color red + 2
    ask v_counters-at 0 -1 [
      set label-color yellow
  ask min-n-of (nCandidates - magnitude) candidates [ votes ] [
    set color red - 2
    ask v_counters-at 0 -1 [
      set label-color white

to highlight-top-candidates2
  ask max-n-of magnitude candidates [ rate ] [
    ask r_counters-at 0 -2 [set label-color yellow]

  ask min-n-of (nCandidates - magnitude) candidates [ rate ] [
    ask r_counters-at 0 -2 [set label-color white]

to highlight-top-candidates4
  ask candidates [
    ask l_counters-at 0 -4 [
      ifelse (nLose >= 1) [
        set label-color yellow
        set label-color white



to-report calc-voteProb [candId voterId cand_nWin cand_prev cand_rate]
  let temp_nWin 1
  let temp_incum 0

  if ((incumbency_advantage?) and (cand_nWin >= 1) and (cand_prev = 0)) [
    set temp_incum incumbency_discount
  if nWin_advantage? [
    ;set temp_nWin (1 + (nWin_advantage_discount * (cand_rate * 0.01)))
    set temp_nWin (1 + (nWin_advantage_discount * (cand_nWin / (election_cycle))))

  if (utility-function = "Simple") [
    report (1 - (abs(candID - voterID)) * temp_nWin + temp_incum)
  if (utility-function = "Logistic") [
    report (1 / (1 + exp(-(uBeta0 - uBeta1 * (abs(candID - voterID)))))) * temp_nWin + temp_incum

;;Beta(alpha, beta)からの乱数生成は
;;Gamma(alpha, 1) / (Gamma(alpha, 1) + Gamma(beta, 1))

to-report rngBeta [alpha beta]
  let temp1 random-gamma alpha 1
  let temp2 random-gamma beta 1
  report (temp1 / (temp1 + temp2))

to-report calc-ENC
  report (1 / sum([votes2] of candidates))

There are 2 versions of this model.

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Jaehyun Song over 7 years ago Minor change Download this version
Jaehyun Song over 7 years ago Initial upload Download this version

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Seats Allocation under Various Electoral Systems.png preview Preview for 'Seats Allocation under Various Electoral Systems' over 7 years ago, by Jaehyun Song Download

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