02 OamLab V1.10

02 OamLab V1.10 preview image

1 collaborator

121210_portrait_of_garvin Garvin Boyle (Author)


atwood's machine 

Tagged by Garvin Boyle over 7 years ago

biophysical economics 

Tagged by Garvin Boyle over 7 years ago

ecological economics 

Tagged by Garvin Boyle over 7 years ago

maximum power principle 

Tagged by Garvin Boyle over 7 years ago


Tagged by Garvin Boyle over 7 years ago

sustainable economics 

Tagged by Garvin Boyle over 7 years ago

Model group Sustainability | Visible to everyone | Changeable by group members (Sustainability)
Model was written in NetLogo 5.0.5 • Viewed 899 times • Downloaded 39 times • Run 0 times
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;; File Name: OamLab_V1.10.nlogo
;; By Orrery Software
;; Dated: 2015-01-28
;; Author contact:
;;   Garvin H Boyle
;;   orrery@rogers.com
;;   orrery-software.webs.com

;; As the author, I welcome questions, discussion of issues and suggestions
;;   for improvements.

;; This OamLab app is a laboratory in which students can study the MPP.

;; This program was developed on NetLogo Version 5.0.5

;; code-determined global variables
  ;; The version should be coded in this global variable to be included in
  ;;   output files.
  ;; Note: Some global variables are declared inside of switches, sliders and 
  ;;   choosers when the interface is constructed and are not declared here.
  ;;   For the sake of clarity and completeness, they are noted here.
  ;; There are several uses of global variables:
  ;;  - Toggles (switches), and choosers which enable or disable features;
  ;;  - Numbers (in variables or sliders) which act as parameters;
  ;;  - Numbers (in variables) which collect data.
  ;; Those marked as 'native Boolean' have values of true or false.
  ;; Those marked as 'numeric Boolean' have values of 1 or 0.
  ;; Assumed “Model Settings” on startup
  ;; horizontal wrap: off
  ;; vertical wrap: off
  ;; location of origin: bottom left
  ;; patch size: 9.63 pixels
  ;; Implicit global variables due to model settings – patch locations
  ;; min-pxcor  0
  ;; max-pxcor  15
  ;; min-pycor  0
  ;; max-pycor  31
  ;; gs-scenario       ;; Chooser, string converts to a scenario number
  g-scenario-number    ;; scenario number, 0, 1 or 2; interpretation of gs-scenario

  ;; The possible scenarios.
  g-scenario-low-e     ;; scenario 0
  g-scenario-high-e    ;; scenario 1
  g-scenario-mixed-e   ;; scenario 2

  ;; gs-fitness-measure  ;; Chooser, string converts to a fitness number
  g-fitness-number     ;; scenario number, 0, 1 or 2; interpretation of gs-scenario

  ;; The possible scenarios.
  g-fitness-joint      ;; Fitness-number 0
  g-fitness-time       ;; Fitness-number 1
  g-fitness-energy     ;; Fitness-number 2
  ;; The special scenario.
  ;; g-set-max-head-size  ;; Has it's own input box
  ;; To halt a scenario at a pre-determined tick.
  ;; g-halt-at-tick       ;; Has it's own input box

  ;; Initialize the Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG).
  ;; g-use-this-seed      ;; Slider, ( 1 <= g-use-this-seed <= 100 )


  ;; Structural control parameters (Sliders)
  ;; g-no-of-chains-at-start     ;; The initial number of primed chains
  g-no-of-chains-max             ;; The maximum number of primed chains
  ;; g-length-of-chains          ;; The fixed length of all chains
  ;; g-drop-distance             ;; The distance a mass falls (D)
  ;; g-acceleration              ;; Acceleration due to gravity (g).
  ;; Chain structures
  g-no-of-chains                 ;; The current number of primed chains
  g-next-chain-sn                ;; The serial number of the next chain born
  gl-new-chain                   ;; a list in which a new chain is constructed
  gl-chains-lib                  ;; a list containing all chains
  gl-chains-indices              ;; a list if indices into gl-chains

  ;; The following global variables are not model controls or paramaters, 
  ;;   but, rather, are variables used to collect data about the model 
  ;;   for display in the user interface, in some fashion (monitors or plots),
  ;;   or used to manage all of the debug routines and output.
  ;; Used to verify conservation of cash, mass and energy.
  ;; Also used to make 'balance sheet' display on interface.

  ;; also g-no-of-chains above.
  g-no-of-hoams             ;; count of all HOAMs
  g-no-of-heads             ;; count of all heads
  g-no-of-bodies            ;; count of all bodies
  g-no-of-tails             ;; count of all tails

  ;; These lists have g-length-of-chains entries. 
  gl-ttl-lg-nrg-per-hoam    ;; list; total of unusable energy
  gl-ttl-mass-per-hoam      ;; list; total mass
  ;; These lists have ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) entries.
  gl-ttl-hg-nrg-per-oam     ;; list; total of usable energy
  gl-pi-Mj-per-oam          ;; list; product of joint fitness measures
  gl-pi-Mt-per-oam          ;; list; product of time fitness measures
  gl-pi-Eu-per-oam          ;; list; product of Odum Efficiency measures
  gl-geo-Mj-per-oam         ;; list; GeoAve of joint fitness measures
  gl-geo-Mt-per-oam         ;; list; GeoAve of time fitness measures
  gl-geo-Eu-per-oam         ;; list; GeoAve of Odum Efficiency measures

  gl-ttl-hg-nrg-per-tick    ;; list; average of usable energy
  gl-ttl-lg-nrg-per-tick    ;; list; average of unusable energy

  ;; Assorted measures
  g-geo-Mj                  ;; GeoAve of joint fitness measure all OAMs
  g-geo-Mt                  ;; GeoAve of time fitness measure all OAMs
  g-geo-Eu                  ;; GeoAve of Odum Efficiency measure all OAMs
  g-ttl-age-of-chains       ;; the sum of age of all chains
  g-ttl-dt-of-chains        ;; the sum of discharge time of all chains
  ;; Colours
  g-hoam-colour             ;; the default colour for a HOAM
  g-primed-colour           ;; the default colour for a primed HOAM
  gl-colour-pallette        ;; list of allowed colours
  ;; Switch to allow the mass in heads to mutate.
  ;; gb-mutate-heads
  ;; Switch to allow the mass in tails to mutate.
  ;; gb-mutate-tails
  ;; Switch to disable horse-race mode.
  ;; gb-horse-race-on
  ;; PLOTS
  ;; Switch for plots
  ;; gb-plots-on              ;; Switch, Native Boolean, enables/disables plotting

  ;; Plot "Age Distribution - Chains"
  ;; Plot "Ln(Mass) Distribution - HOAMs"
  ;; Plot "Ln(Mass) Per HOAM"
  ;; Plot "Ave(Eu) Per OAM"
  ;; Plot "Average Drop Time - Chains"
  ;; Plot "Ave(Aggregated Fitness Measures)"
  ;; Other - built-in or declared implicitly in plot interface items
  ;; See each plot design dialogue.


  ;; CSV means "Character Separated Values"
  ;; I use a space to separate values.  This can be read by MS Excel.

  g-recno-max        ;; Maximum record number for all files.

  ;; Data Per Xaction
  gb-dpx-on          ;; Numeric Boolean switch
  gs-dpx-status      ;; Interpretation of gb-dpx-on
  gs-dpx-file-name   ;; The file name
  g-dpx-recno        ;; The number of the last record written.

  ;; Data Per Tick
  gb-dpt-on          ;; Numeric Boolean switch
  gs-dpt-status      ;; Interpretation of gb-dpt-on
  gs-dpt-file-name   ;; The file name
  g-dpt-recno        ;; The number of the last record written.

  gb-debug-on                 ;; Numeric Boolean, opens debug log file, 0 or 1.
  gs-debug-status             ;; for monitor, '1 (On)' or '0 (Off)', 
  ;; gs-debug-step-chooser    ;; Chooser, used with gb-debug-flow-on
  gb-debug-flow-on            ;; Numeric Boolean, in association with chooser, 
  gs-log-file-name            ;; name of the debug log file
                              ;;   opens flow to log file
  ;; gb-debug-show-steps      ;; Switch, Native Boolean, show in command centre

;; Attributes of patches
  ;; pxcor        ;; min-pxcor <= pxcor < max-pxcor
  ;; pycor        ;; min-pxcor <= pxcor < max-pxcor 
  ;; pcolor       ;; color of this patch ( 0 <= color < 140 ) 
  ;; plabel       ;; label of this patch
  ;; plabel-color ;; color of this patch's label ( 0 <= label-color < 140 ) 
  ;; Nil.

;; Attributes of links
;; nil
;; I don't understand links and did not use any.

;; Turtles and breeds
breed [ heads  head ]
breed [ bodies body ]
breed [ tails  tail ]

;; Attributes of heads
  ;; who         ;; fixed id number
  ;; breed       ;; to which breed this turtle belongs [head]
  ;; heading     ;; 0 <= heading < 360, 0 = north
  ;; xcor        ;; min-pxcor <= xcor < max-pxcor
  ;; ycor        ;; min-pxcor <= xcor < max-pxcor
  ;; size        ;; size relative to a patch, default is 1
  ;; shape       ;; a shape chosen from the shape library
  ;; color       ;; color of this turtle ( 0 <= color < 140 )
  ;; pen-mode    ;; "up" or "down"
  ;; pen-size    ;; in pixels
  ;; hidden?     ;; true or false
  ;; label       ;; label of this turtle
  ;; label-color ;; color of this turtle's label ( 0 <= label-color < 140 )
  ;; Associated with chain.
  mas-sn                   ;; serial number of parent chain.
  chain-sn                 ;; serial number of this chain.
  index-into-chains-lib    ;; the index of this chain in gl-chains-lib
  age-of-chain             ;; age of this chain
  primed-rh-hoam-index     ;; index of active RH-HOAM
  primed-lh-hoam-index     ;; index of active LH-HOAM
  default-colour           ;; as it says
  chain-time-to-drop       ;; total time required to discharge all OAMs
  ;; For these measures, the least fit has the lowest measure.
  Mj-pi-this-chain         ;; product of Mj of chain
  Mt-pi-this-chain         ;; product of Mt of chain
  Eu-pi-this-chain         ;; product of Eu of chain
  Mj-geo-this-chain        ;; GeoAve of Mj of chain
  Mt-geo-this-chain        ;; GeoAve of Mt of chain
  Eu-geo-this-chain        ;; GeoAve of Eu of chain
  fitness-measure          ;; currently active fitness measure

  ;; Associated with HOAM.
  index-into-chain     ;; the serial index (position) of this HOAM
  mass                 ;; the mass in this HOAM

  ;; Associated with rh-hoam.
  oam-time-to-drop     ;; time required for heavy mass to fall
  age-to-discharge     ;; age at which discharge is possible
  energy-to-transfer   ;; amount of high-grade energy to be transferred
  energy-to-discharge  ;; amount of low-grade energy to be exhausted
  Mj-in-oam            ;; Mj is joint fitness measure
  Mt-in-oam            ;; Mt is time fitness measure
  Eu-in-oam            ;; Eu is Odum's efficiency measure

;; Attributes of bodies
  ;; who      ;; fixed id number
  ;; breed    ;; to which breed this turtle belongs [body]
  ;; heading  ;; 0 <= heading < 360, 0 = north
  ;; xcor     ;; min-pxcor <= xcor < max-pxcor
  ;; ycor     ;; min-pxcor <= xcor < max-pxcor
  ;; size     ;; size relative to a patch, default is 1
  ;; shape    ;; a shape chosen from the shape library
  ;; color    ;; color of this turtle ( 0 <= color < 140 )
  ;; pen-mode ;; "up" or "down"
  ;; pen-size ;; in pixels
  ;; hidden?  ;; true or false
  ;; label    ;; label of this turtle
  ;; label-color ;; color of this turtle's label ( 0 <= label-color < 140 )
  ;; Associated with chain.
  ;; Nil.

  ;; Associated with this HOAM.
  index-into-chain     ;; the serial index (position) of this HOAM
  mass                 ;; the mass in this HOAM

  ;; Associated with rh-hoam.
  oam-time-to-drop     ;; time required for heavy mass to fall
  age-to-discharge     ;; age at which discharge is possible
  energy-to-transfer   ;; amount of high-grade energy to be transferred
  energy-to-discharge  ;; amount of low-grade energy to be exhausted
  Mj-in-oam            ;; Mj is joint fitness measure
  Mt-in-oam            ;; Mt is time fitness measure
  Eu-in-oam            ;; Eu is Odum's efficiency measure

;; Attributes of tails
  ;; who      ;; fixed id number
  ;; breed    ;; to which breed this turtle belongs [tail]
  ;; heading  ;; 0 <= heading < 360, 0 = north
  ;; xcor     ;; min-pxcor <= xcor < max-pxcor
  ;; ycor     ;; min-pxcor <= xcor < max-pxcor
  ;; size     ;; size relative to a patch, default is 1
  ;; shape    ;; a shape chosen from the shape library
  ;; color    ;; color of this turtle ( 0 <= color < 140 )
  ;; pen-mode ;; "up" or "down"
  ;; pen-size ;; in pixels
  ;; hidden?  ;; true or false
  ;; label    ;; label of this turtle
  ;; label-color ;; color of this turtle's label ( 0 <= label-color < 140 )
  ;; Associated with chain.
  ;; Nil.

  ;; Associated with the HOAM.
  index-into-chain     ;; the serial index (position) of this HOAM
  mass                 ;; the mass in this HOAM

  ;; Associated with rh-hoam.
  ;; Nil.


;; The 'autostart' startup routine

to startup
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  ;; The manual describes this routine as follows:
  ;; This procedure, if it exists, will be called when a model is first loaded in 
  ;;   the NetLogo application.  Startup does not run when a model is run headless 
  ;;   from the command line, or by parallel BehaviorSpace.

  ;; On loading the model, the debug feature is always off.
  set gb-debug-on 0
  set gs-debug-status "0 (Off)"
  ;; On loading the model, the data capture is always off.
  ;; On loading the model, the model, the choosers, switches and sliders are
  ;;   always reset to the values that are known to work.  Only the choosers
  ;;   for the scenario is not reset.  The last saved 
  ;;   selection of scenario is persistant.  This allows the 'Reset Defaults'
  ;;   button to NOT reset the scenario.

  ;; Run the setup routine to initialize other globals.
  ;; End of startup

;; The setup button(s)

to setup
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  ;; NOTE: The contents of switches, sliders, and choosers seem to be 
  ;;   immune to these 'clear' commands.
  ;; clear-globals   ;; Suppressed to make gb-debug-on value persistent.
  ;; NOTE: Instead of 'clear-globals', you must ensure all globals are 
  ;;   initialized properly in 'setup'.
  ;; The version should be coded in this global variable to be included in
  ;;   output files.
  set gs-Version "OamLab_V1.10" 

  ;; Debug features may be off or on depending on history.
  ;;   - Perhaps 'Setup' was called by 'to Startup'.
  ;;   - Perhaps 'setup' was called during a 'BehaviorSpace' run.
  ;;   - Perhaps 'setup' was called by a user-pushed 'setup' button.
  ;; Setup needs to handle some quasi-persistant values correctly regardless of
  ;;   the history.  For gb-debug-on, in particular, I want it to be 
  ;;   persistant so I can have debug output from the 'setup' routine routed
  ;;   to the debug log file, or to the command centre.
  ;; 'startup' automatically sets gb-debug-on to 0 when the application is first
  ;;   loaded.  I want to be able to (A) toggle debug on, then, (B) press 
  ;;   'setup' and watch the debug output of the 'setup' command.  The gb-debug-on
  ;;   must be persistant through the above 'clear' commands.  The debug log 
  ;;   file name and status, however, should not be persistent and must be 
  ;;   reset when setup runs, if appropriate.
  ifelse ( gb-debug-on = 1 )
    ;; Debug is on due to user setting, so file name and status should be 
    ;;   reset.  I do this by turn the feature off then on.
    ;; First toggle it off, closing any remnant log file, if needed.
    ;; Then toggle it back on, opening a new time-stamped log file.
  ;; else
    ;; Debug is off, possibly due to startup execution, possibly due to user 
    ;;   choice.
    ;; Ensure associated variables have compatible settings.
    set gb-debug-on 0              ;; Redundant but ensures consistency.
    set gs-debug-status "0 (Off)"  ;; Redundant but ensures consistency.
    set gb-debug-flow-on 0         ;; Step-specific flow is off.
    file-close-all                 ;; Close the debug log file.
    set gs-log-file-name "dummyname"
  ;; Now, do the standard check that is done at the start of each debuggable 
  ;;   routine.  This must follow the clear commands, which reset everything 
  ;;   except globals, switches, sliders and choosers.
  if( gb-debug-on = 1 )
    ifelse( ( gs-debug-step-chooser = "all" ) or ( gs-debug-step-chooser = "setup" ) )
    [ set gb-debug-flow-on 1 LOG-TO-FILE "" LOG-TO-FILE word "Setup: Debug on; tick = " 0 ]
    [ set gb-debug-flow-on 0 ]

  ;; g-use-this-seed comes from a slider, and is persistant.
  random-seed g-use-this-seed      ;; Tells the PRNG to use this seed.
  ;; Data capture to file feature.
  ;;   The data capture files may be open, and the features, stored in switches,
  ;;   may be on, as they are persistent.  Ensure they are off.
  ;; Set the limit on the number of records in a CSV data file.
  ;; This applies to dpx and dpt files. (Debug log files?) 
  set g-recno-max 500000
  ;; There are 3 scenarios possible
  set g-scenario-low-e   0         ;; low Odum Efficiency at start
  set g-scenario-high-e  1         ;; high Odum Efficiency at start
  set g-scenario-mixed-e 2         ;; mixed Odum Efficiency at start

  ;; Use the input from the chooser gs-scenario to invoke the selected scenario.
  set g-scenario-number g-scenario-low-e  ;; default
  ifelse( gs-scenario = "Low Eu (Odum Efficiency)" )
    set g-scenario-number g-scenario-low-e
  ;; else
    ifelse( gs-scenario = "High Eu (Odum Efficiency)" )
      set g-scenario-number g-scenario-high-e
    ;; else
      ;; gs-scenario = "Mixed Eu (Odum Efficiency)"
      set g-scenario-number g-scenario-mixed-e
  ;; Special scenario
  set g-set-max-head-size -1 ;; An invalid value, has it's own input box
  ;; There are 3 fitness tests possible
  set g-fitness-joint   0         ;; time and energy
  set g-fitness-time    1         ;; time
  set g-fitness-energy  2         ;; energy

  ;; Use the input from the chooser gs-fitness-measure to invoke the selected test.
  set g-fitness-number g-fitness-joint  ;; default
  ifelse( gs-fitness-measure = "Mj - Joint" )
    set g-fitness-number g-fitness-joint
  ;; else
    ifelse( gs-fitness-measure = "Mt - Minimal Time To Drop" )
      set g-fitness-number g-fitness-time
    ;; else
      ;; gs-fitness-measure = "Eu - Maximal Useful Energy"
      set g-fitness-number g-fitness-energy
  ;; For debugging the debug feature!!!  Suppressed now.
  ;; show ( word "SETUP: Debug Is " gb-debug-on )
  ;; show ( word "SETUP: Debug Status Is " gs-debug-status )
  ;; show ( word "SETUP: Step Chooser Is " gs-debug-step-chooser )
  ;; show ( word "SETUP: Flow Control Is " gb-debug-flow-on )

  ;; For debugging the setup procedure, log the values of the globals.
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "Do-set: Scenario number     - " g-scenario-number ) 
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "Do-set: Scenario name       - " gs-scenario )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "Do-set: Fitness test number - " g-fitness-number ) 
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "Do-set: Fitness test name   - " gs-fitness-measure )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "Do-set: Random seed         - " g-use-this-seed )

  LOG-TO-FILE ( "" )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word g-no-of-chains-at-start " - Number of chains on initiation." )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word g-no-of-chains-max " - Maximum number of chains." )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word g-length-of-chains " - Length of all chains"  )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word g-drop-distance " - Distance a mass falls"  )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word g-acceleration " - Acceleration due to gravity"  )

  ;; Zero the structural measures.
  ;; Operational variable first
  set g-no-of-chains 0
  LOG-TO-FILE ( "" )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word g-no-of-chains " - Current number of chains"  )
  ;; Zero the data collection variables next.
  set g-no-of-hoams  0
  set g-no-of-heads  0
  set g-no-of-bodies 0
  set g-no-of-tails  0

  set g-max-head-size 0
  set g-min-tail-size 0

  ;; Zero the lists for structural averages.
  set gl-ttl-lg-nrg-per-hoam  ( n-values g-length-of-chains [0.0] )
  set gl-ttl-mass-per-hoam    ( n-values g-length-of-chains [0.0] )
  set gl-ttl-hg-nrg-per-oam   ( n-values ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) [0.0] )
  set gl-pi-Mj-per-oam        ( n-values ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) [1.0] )
  set gl-pi-Mt-per-oam        ( n-values ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) [1.0] )
  set gl-pi-Eu-per-oam        ( n-values ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) [1.0] )
  set gl-geo-Mj-per-oam       ( n-values ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) [1.0] )
  set gl-geo-Mt-per-oam       ( n-values ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) [1.0] )
  set gl-geo-Eu-per-oam       ( n-values ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) [1.0] )

  ;; Zero the per tick throughput measures.
  set gl-ttl-hg-nrg-per-tick  ( n-values g-length-of-chains [0.0] )
  set gl-ttl-lg-nrg-per-tick  ( n-values g-length-of-chains [0.0] )

  ;; Zero other assorted measures.
  set g-geo-Mj 0   ;; Joint fitness measure, all chains
  set g-geo-Mt 0   ;; Time fitness measure, all chains
  set g-geo-Eu 0   ;; Odum Efficiency measure, all chains
  set g-ttl-age-of-chains 0
  set g-ttl-dt-of-chains 0  ;; Drop time, all chains
  ;; Colours
  set g-hoam-colour 95     ;; the default colour for a HOAM
  set g-primed-colour 45   ;; the default colour for a primed HOAM
  set gl-Colour-Pallette [5 15 25 35 55 75 85 95 105 115 125 135]
  ;; Note: colour 65 (lime) is used for the background, and has been elided here.
  ;; Note: colour 45 (yellow) is used for primed haoms, and has been elided here.
  ;; The main lists.
  set gl-new-chain []      ;; construction site of new chains of turtles
  set gl-chains-lib []     ;; library of current chains of hoams
  set gl-chains-indices [] ;; indices of unfit chains
  set g-next-chain-sn 0    ;; Serial number of the next chain
  ;; Turn on the mutating heads function.
  ;; set gb-mutate-heads true
  ;; Turn on the mutating tails function.
  ;; set gb-mutate-tails true
  ;; Disable the horse race mode.
  ;; set gb-horse-race-on false
  ;; Turn on the plotting function.
  ;; Default is 'on'.
  set gb-plots-on true
  set-default-shape heads  "face happy"  ;; pulled from shapes library
  set-default-shape bodies "circle"      ;; pulled from shapes library
  set-default-shape tails  "circle"      ;; pulled from shapes library

  ask patches 
    set pcolor lime

  ;; Aggregates.
  ;; The aggregates must be updated after the chains are built.
  ;; The aggregates must be updated before any plots are invoked.
  f-update-aggregates  ;; Totals and averages.
  reset-ticks      ;; restarts tick counter and runs setup commands within plots

  ;; This call requires that 'reset-ticks' be called first.
  ;; Update the aggregates again, after energetics computed.
  f-update-aggregates  ;; Totals and averages.

  ;; Clears unwanted zeros in plots.
  ;; Debug controls
  set gb-debug-flow-on 0 ;; Boolean, in association with chooser, turns debug LOG-TO-FILE on/off
  set g-halt-at-tick -1  ;; input variable to set a tick for stopping

  LOG-TO-FILE "Do-set: procedure completed" 

  ;; End of setup

;; Initialize a set of chains.

to f-build-initialized-chains
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  ;; g-no-of-chains is initialized in to Setup.
  while [ g-no-of-chains < g-no-of-chains-at-start ]
    LOG-TO-FILE ( word "  Initializing: Chain " g-no-of-chains )
    ;; g-no-of-chains is incremented in f-build-initialized-chain.
    ;; Give the new chain a serial number.
    let this-chain-index ( g-no-of-chains - 1 )
    let this-chain ( item this-chain-index gl-chains-lib )
    let this-head ( item 0 this-chain )
    ask this-head
      set chain-sn ( g-next-chain-sn )
      set g-next-chain-sn ( g-next-chain-sn + 1 )
      set mas-sn -1  ;; These chains have no parent.
  ;; end f-build-initial-chains

;; Build an initialized chain.

to f-build-initialized-chain
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  ;; Create a new chain near the origin in the global variable.
  ;; end f-build-initialized-chain

;; Add chain to library and move into arena.

to f-add-new-chain-to-chains-lib
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  ;; Move this chain into place in the arena.  Does not put turtles in lib.
  f-relocate-this-chain gl-new-chain
  ;; Mark this chain with an index into gl-chains-lib.
  let head ( item 0 gl-new-chain )
  ask head
    set index-into-chains-lib g-no-of-chains
  set gl-chains-lib ( lput gl-new-chain gl-chains-lib )
  ;; Increment the counter.
  set g-no-of-chains ( g-no-of-chains + 1 )
  set gl-new-chain []  
  ;; End of f-add-new-chain-to-chains-lib

;; Initialize a single chain.

to f-populate-gl-new-chain
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "    Initializing in gl-new-chain" )
  ;; Start with the head.
  let this-colour 45
  let this-patch patch 0 0
  ask this-patch 
    sprout-heads 1 
      set default-colour ( one-of gl-colour-pallette )
      set this-colour default-colour
  let this-head heads-on this-patch
  set gl-new-chain ( list this-head )
  ask this-head 
    set index-into-chain 0
  ]  ;; Initialize and move it out of the road.
  set g-no-of-heads ( g-no-of-heads + 1 )
  set g-no-of-hoams ( g-no-of-hoams + 1 )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "      Head initialized: HOAM 0" )
  ;; Add the body parts.
  let this-hoam-index 1  ;; half open Atwood's Machine
  while [ this-hoam-index < ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) ]
    ask this-patch [ sprout-bodies 1 [ set color this-colour ] ] 
    let this-body bodies-on this-patch
    ask this-body  
      set index-into-chain this-hoam-index
    set gl-new-chain ( lput this-body gl-new-chain )  ;; add to end of chain
    set g-no-of-bodies ( g-no-of-bodies + 1 )
    set g-no-of-hoams ( g-no-of-hoams + 1 )

    LOG-TO-FILE ( word "      Body initialized: HOAM " this-hoam-index )
    set this-hoam-index ( this-hoam-index + 1 )

  ;; End with the tail.
  ask this-patch [ sprout-tails 1 [ set color this-colour ] ] 
  let this-tail tails-on this-patch
  ask this-tail 
    set index-into-chain ( g-length-of-chains - 1 )  ;; an index
  set gl-new-chain ( lput this-tail gl-new-chain )  ;; add to end of chain
  set g-no-of-tails ( g-no-of-tails + 1 )
  set g-no-of-hoams ( g-no-of-hoams + 1 )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "      Tail initialized: HOAM " ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) )
  ;; The parts are now all in place in the list.
  ;; Adjust masses and compute efficiencies.
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "    Efficiencies being adjusted: Scenario no " g-scenario-number )
  ifelse ( g-scenario-number = g-scenario-low-e )
    f-assign-low-e-to-new-chain gl-new-chain
  ;; else
    ifelse ( g-scenario-number = g-scenario-high-e )
      f-assign-high-e-to-new-chain gl-new-chain
    ;; else
      ;; g-scenario-number = g-scenario-mixed-e
      f-assign-mixed-e-to-new-chain gl-new-chain
  ;; end f-populate-gl-new-chain

;; Initialize a single head.

to f-initialize-new-head
  ;; This routine is to be executed by a head.

  ;; who         ;; set automatically
  set heading 90 ;; east
  ;; xcor        ;; min-pxcor <= xcor < max-pxcor
  ;; ycor        ;; min-pxcor <= xcor < max-pxcor
  ;; pen-mode    ;; "up" or "down"
  ;; pen-size    ;; in pixels
  ;; size        ;; size relative to a patch, default is 1

  ;; Associated with chain.
  set mas-sn -1                 ;; serial number of parent chain
  set chain-sn -1               ;; serial number of parent chain
  set index-into-chains-lib -1  ;; index of this chain in gl-chains-lib
  set age-of-chain 0            ;; age of this chain
  set primed-rh-hoam-index 0    ;; index of active RH-HOAM
  set primed-lh-hoam-index 0    ;; index of active LH-HOAM
  set chain-time-to-drop 0      ;; total time for chain to discharge all OAMs.

  set Mj-pi-this-chain       1  ;; product of Mj across chain
  set Mt-pi-this-chain       1  ;; product of Mt across chain
  set Eu-pi-this-chain       1  ;; product of Eu across chain
  set Mj-geo-this-chain      1  ;; geometric average Mj of chain
  set Mt-geo-this-chain      1  ;; geometric average Mt of chain
  set Eu-geo-this-chain      1  ;; geometric average Eu of chain
  set fitness-measure        1  ;; active fitness-measure

  ;; Associated with HOAM.
  set index-into-chain 0     ;; the serial position
  set mass 16                ;; the mass in this HOAM

  ;; Associated with rh-hoam.
  set oam-time-to-drop 0     ;; time required for heavy mass to fall
  set age-to-discharge  -1   ;; next tick at which discharge is possible
  set energy-to-transfer 0   ;; amount of high-grade energy to be transferred
  set energy-to-discharge  0 ;; amount of low-grade energy to be exhausted
  set Mt-in-oam 1            ;; Mt is time fitness measure
  set Eu-in-oam 1            ;; Eu is Odum's efficiency measure
  set Mj-in-oam 1            ;; Mj is joint fitness measure
  forward 1  ;; Move it out of the road.
  ;; end f-initialize-new-head

;; Initialize a single body element.

to f-initialize-new-body
  ;; This routine is to be executed by a body.

  ;; who        ;; set automatically
  set heading 90 ;; east
  ;; xcor       ;; min-pxcor <= xcor < max-pxcor
  ;; ycor       ;; min-pxcor <= xcor < max-pxcor
  ;; pen-mode   ;; "up" or "down"
  ;; pen-size   ;; in pixels
  ;; size       ;; size relative to a patch, default is 1

  ;; Associated with HOAM.
  ;; set index-into-chain 1  ;; the serial position
  set mass 16                ;; the mass in this HOAM

  ;; Associated with rh-hoam.
  set oam-time-to-drop 0     ;; time required for heavy mass to fall
  set age-to-discharge -1    ;; next tick at which discharge is possible
  set energy-to-transfer 0   ;; amount of high-grade energy to be transferred
  set energy-to-discharge 0  ;; amount of low-grade energy to be exhausted
  set Mt-in-oam 1            ;; Mt is time fitness measure
  set Eu-in-oam 1            ;; Eu is Odum's efficiency measure
  set Mj-in-oam 1            ;; Mj is joint fitness measure
  forward 1  ;; Move it out of the road.
  ;; end f-initialize-new-body

;; Initialize a single tail.

to f-initialize-new-tail
  ;; This routine is to be executed by a tail.

  ;; who        ;; set automatically
  set heading 90 ;; east
  ;; xcor       ;; min-pxcor <= xcor < max-pxcor
  ;; ycor       ;; min-pxcor <= xcor < max-pxcor
  ;; pen-mode   ;; "up" or "down"
  ;; pen-size   ;; in pixels
  ;; size       ;; size relative to a patch, default is 1

  ;; Associated with HOAM.
  ;; set index-into-chain 1  ;; the serial position
  set mass 16                ;; the mass in this HOAM
  forward 1  ;; Move it out of the road.
  ;; end f-initialize-new-tail

;; Initialize the masses and efficiencies - low e.

to f-assign-low-e-to-new-chain [ to-this-chain ]
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.
  ;; This does not alter the mass in the tail.
  ;; For low efficiencies, the heavy mass must be substantially larger. 
  let this-lhhoam-index ( g-length-of-chains - 1 )  ;; half open Atwood's Machine
  while [ this-lhhoam-index > 0 ] 
    let this-lhhoam ( item this-lhhoam-index to-this-chain ) ;; target the lh-HOAM.
    let next-rhhoam ( item ( this-lhhoam-index - 1 ) to-this-chain ) ;; target the rh-HOAM.
    let light-mass ( item 0 [mass] of this-lhhoam )
    let heavy-mass ( light-mass / 0.10 )
    let this-Eu ( light-mass / heavy-mass )
    let mass-total ( heavy-mass + light-mass )
    let mass-diff  ( heavy-mass - light-mass )
    let this-Mt ( ( mass-diff / mass-total ) ^ ( 0.5 ) )
    let this-Mj ( this-Mt * this-Eu )
    ask next-rhhoam 
      set mass heavy-mass
      set Mt-in-oam this-Mt  ;; Time fitness measure
      set Eu-in-oam this-Eu  ;; Odum Efficiency measure 
      set Mj-in-oam this-Mj  ;; Joint fitness measure
    LOG-TO-FILE ( word "      Low-e: HOAM " ( this-lhhoam-index - 1 ) "; mass: " heavy-mass )
    set this-lhhoam-index ( this-lhhoam-index - 1 )
  ;; end of f-assign-low-e-to-new-chain

;; Initialize the masses and efficiencies - high e.

to f-assign-high-e-to-new-chain [ to-this-chain ]
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  ;; This does not alter the mass in the tail.
  ;; For high efficiencies, the heavy mass must be slightly larger. 
  let this-lhhoam-index ( g-length-of-chains - 1 )  ;; half open Atwood's Machine
  while [ this-lhhoam-index > 0 ] 
    let this-lhhoam ( item this-lhhoam-index to-this-chain ) ;; target the lh-hoam.
    let next-rhhoam ( item ( this-lhhoam-index - 1 ) to-this-chain ) ;; target the rh-hoam.
    let light-mass ( item 0 [mass] of this-lhhoam )
    let heavy-mass ( light-mass / 0.90 )
    let this-Eu ( light-mass / heavy-mass )
    let mass-total ( heavy-mass + light-mass )
    let mass-diff  ( heavy-mass - light-mass )
    let this-Mt ( ( mass-diff / mass-total ) ^ ( 0.5 ) )
    let this-Mj ( this-Mt * this-Eu )
    ask next-rhhoam 
      set mass heavy-mass
      set Mt-in-oam this-Mt  ;; Time fitness measure
      set Eu-in-oam this-Eu  ;; Odum Efficiency measure 
      set Mj-in-oam this-Mj  ;; Joint fitness measure
    LOG-TO-FILE ( word "      High-e: HOAM " ( this-lhhoam-index - 1 ) "; mass: " heavy-mass )
    set this-lhhoam-index ( this-lhhoam-index - 1 )

  ;; end of f-assign-high-e-to-new-chain

;; Initialize the masses and efficiencies - mixed e.

to f-assign-mixed-e-to-new-chain [ to-this-chain ]
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  ;; This does not alter the mass in the tail.
  ;; For variable efficiencies, the heavy mass must be variably larger. 
  let this-lhhoam-index ( g-length-of-chains - 1 )  ;; half open Atwood's Machine
  while [ this-lhhoam-index > 0 ] 
    let this-lhhoam ( item this-lhhoam-index to-this-chain ) ;; target the lh-HOAM.
    let next-rhhoam ( item ( this-lhhoam-index - 1 ) to-this-chain ) ;; target the rh-HOAM.
    let random-efficiency ( ( random-float 1 ) * 0.8 ) ;; [ 0, 0.8 )
    set random-efficiency 0.10 + random-efficiency   ;; [ 0.10, 0.90 )
    let light-mass ( item 0 [mass] of this-lhhoam )
    let heavy-mass ( light-mass / random-efficiency )
    let this-Eu ( light-mass / heavy-mass )
    let mass-total ( heavy-mass + light-mass )
    let mass-diff  ( heavy-mass - light-mass )
    let this-Mt ( ( mass-diff / mass-total ) ^ ( 0.5 ) )
    let this-Mj ( this-Mt * this-Eu )
    ask next-rhhoam 
      set mass heavy-mass
      set Mt-in-oam this-Mt  ;; Time fitness measure
      set Eu-in-oam this-Eu  ;; Odum Efficiency measure
      set Mj-in-oam this-Mj  ;; Joint fitness measure
    LOG-TO-FILE ( word "      Mixed-e: HOAM " ( this-lhhoam-index - 1 ) "; mass: " heavy-mass )
    set this-lhhoam-index ( this-lhhoam-index - 1 )

  ;; end of f-assign-mixed-e-to-new-chain

;; Move the chain from where it was built to where you want it to appear.

to f-relocate-this-chain [ chain-to-relocate ]
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  ;; Move this chain into place in the arena.
  ;; This moves the display into place, according to the index stored in the
  ;;   head, and does not affect its location in memory.
  let this-hoam-index 0
  while [ this-hoam-index < g-length-of-chains ]
    let this-hoam ( item this-hoam-index gl-new-chain )
    ask this-hoam
      set xcor ( max-pxcor - ( this-hoam-index + 1 ) )
      set ycor ( g-no-of-chains + 1 )
    set this-hoam-index ( this-hoam-index + 1 )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "  Relocated to: xcor: " 
    ( max-pxcor - 1 ) "; ycor: " ( g-no-of-chains + 1 ) )
  ;; End of f-relocate-this-chain [ chain-to-relocate ]

;; Compute the energy changes, Odum Efficiency, and time to drop for this OAM.

to f-compute-energetics-of-chains
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  let chain-index 0
  let this-chain gl-new-chain
  while [ chain-index < g-no-of-chains ]
    set this-chain ( item chain-index gl-chains-lib )
    LOG-TO-FILE ( word "Computing Energetics: Chain " chain-index )
    f-compute-energetics-of-chain this-chain
    ;; And, prime the first OAM in the chain.
    ;; Each possible OAM in the chain was actually primed in the above
    ;;   call, from a programming point of view, but metaphorically, it
    ;;   is not primed until the previous OAM has discharged its energy.
    f-prime-oam 0 1 this-chain
    set chain-index ( chain-index + 1 )
  ;; End of f-compute-energetics-of-chains

;; Compute the energy changes, Odum Efficiency, and time to drop for this OAM.

to f-compute-energetics-of-chain [ of-this-chain ]
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  ;; Compute energetics for all OAMs in the chain.  An OAM is composed of
  ;;   an LH-HOAM linked to a RH-HOAM.  'Energetics' includes:
  ;;   - energy to be transferred from RH-HOAM to LH-HOAM
  ;;   - energy to be exhausted from RH-HOAM
  ;;   - oam-time-to-drop for RH-HOAM
  ;;   - accumulated time-to-discharge for RH-HOAM, across chain
  ;;   - three local measures associated with each RH-HOAM:
  ;;     - Mj - joint fitness measure for time and energy = Mt*Eu
  ;;     - Mt - fitness measure of time used = Td/Tb
  ;;     - Eu - Odum's efficiency measure of used energy = Ml/Mh
  ;; These are rolled up to compute four indices for the chain as a whole:
  ;;   - Geometric average of the Mjs - the joint fitness measure
  ;;   - Geometric average of the Mts - the time fitness measure
  ;;   - Geometric average of the Eus - Odum Efficiency fitness measure
  ;; The masses (and efficiencies) were set in the 'f-asign- routine(s).
  ;; Time-to-discharge is tricky.  Often it is a non-integer, and so
  ;;   the next OAM is constituted and released at some time before
  ;;   the current tick started.  Each time-to-discharge needs to
  ;;   be computed from the initial release of OAM 0.
  let total-time-to-drop 0
  let this-head ( item 0 of-this-chain )
  let this-colour ( item 0 [default-colour] of this-head )
  let chain-index ( item 0 [index-into-chains-lib] of this-head )
  let sn-of-chain ( item 0 [chain-sn] of this-head )
  let this-pi-Mj 1
  let this-pi-Mt 1
  let this-pi-Eu 1
  let rhhoam-index 0
  ;; Only index for rh-hoams.  Leave out the tail.
  while [ rhhoam-index < ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) ]
    ;; Compute values within OAM (linking pairs of HOAMs).
    LOG-TO-FILE ( word "  Comp Energetics: Ch(" sn-of-chain "," 
      chain-index "); OAM " rhhoam-index )
    set total-time-to-drop 
      fr-compute-energetics-of-oam rhhoam-index total-time-to-drop of-this-chain
    ;; Access the RH-HOAM of this HOAM pair, this OAM.
    let this-hoam ( item rhhoam-index of-this-chain )
    ;; While here, I do a little non-relevant house-cleaning.
    ask this-hoam [ set color this-colour ]
    ;; Multiply the efficiencies, as basis for geometric average.
    set this-pi-Mj ( this-pi-Mj * ( item 0 [Mj-in-oam] of this-hoam ) )
    set this-pi-Mt ( this-pi-Mt * ( item 0 [Mt-in-oam] of this-hoam ) )
    set this-pi-Eu ( this-pi-Eu * ( item 0 [Eu-in-oam] of this-hoam ) )
    set rhhoam-index ( rhhoam-index + 1 )

  ;; Store the total time to drop in the head.
  ask this-head [ set chain-time-to-drop total-time-to-drop ]
  ;; Determine the correct root to use.
  let proper-root ( 1 / ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) ) ;; 1 / (Number of OAMs).

  ;; Compute the geometric average of Mj across the chain of HOAMs.
  ;; This is based on Mj = Eu * Mt
  let this-geo-ave-Mj ( this-pi-Mj ^ proper-root )
  ask this-head 
    set Mj-pi-this-chain this-pi-Mj 
    set Mj-geo-this-chain this-geo-ave-Mj 
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "  CompEn: Joint Fitness Measure  (GeoAveMj) - Mj = " this-geo-ave-Mj )

  ;; Compute the geometric average of Mt across the chain of HOAMs.
  ;; This is based on ( constrained time to drop ) / ( unconstrained time to drop )
  let this-geo-ave-Mt ( this-pi-Mt ^ proper-root )
  ask this-head 
    set Mt-pi-this-chain this-pi-Mt 
    set Mt-geo-this-chain this-geo-ave-Mt 
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "  CompEn: Time Fitness Measure   (GeoAveMt) - Mt = " this-geo-ave-Mt )

  ;; Compute the geometric average of Eu across the chain of HOAMs.
  ;; This is based on Mu = Eu
  let this-geo-ave-Eu ( this-pi-Eu ^ proper-root )
  ask this-head 
    set Eu-pi-this-chain this-pi-Eu 
    set Eu-geo-this-chain this-geo-ave-Eu 
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "  CompEn: Energy Fitness Measure (GeoAveEu) - Eu = " this-geo-ave-Eu )

  ;; Assign the active fitness measure.
  if( g-fitness-number = 0 ) [ ask this-head [ set fitness-measure Mj-geo-this-chain ] ]
  if( g-fitness-number = 1 ) [ ask this-head [ set fitness-measure Mt-geo-this-chain ] ]
  if( g-fitness-number = 2 ) [ ask this-head [ set fitness-measure Eu-geo-this-chain ] ]
  let this-tail ( item ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) of-this-chain )
  ask this-tail [ set color this-colour ]
  ;; End of f-compute-energetics-of-chain [ of-this-chain ]

;; Compute the energy changes, Odum Efficiency, and time to drop for this OAM.

to-report fr-compute-energetics-of-oam [ rh-hoam-index ttl-time-to-drop in-this-chain ]
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  let lh-hoam-index ( rh-hoam-index + 1 )
  let rh-hoam ( item rh-hoam-index in-this-chain )
  let lh-hoam ( item lh-hoam-index in-this-chain )
  let mass-heavy item 0 ( [mass] of rh-hoam )
  let mass-light item 0 ( [mass] of lh-hoam )
  let mass-total ( mass-heavy + mass-light )
  let mass-diff  ( mass-heavy - mass-light )

  let this-Eu ( mass-light / mass-heavy )
  let this-Mt ( ( mass-diff / mass-total ) ^ 0.5 )
  let this-Mj ( this-Mt * this-Eu )
  let numerator ( 2 * g-drop-distance * mass-total )
  let denominator ( g-acceleration * mass-diff )
  let time-to-fall ( ( numerator / denominator ) ^ 0.5 )
  set ttl-time-to-drop ( ttl-time-to-drop + time-to-fall )

  let energy-total   ( g-drop-distance * g-acceleration * mass-heavy )
  let energy-kinetic ( g-drop-distance * g-acceleration * mass-diff )
  let energy-xferred ( energy-total - energy-kinetic )
  ask rh-hoam
    set oam-time-to-drop time-to-fall
    set age-to-discharge ttl-time-to-drop
    set Mt-in-oam this-Mt
    set Eu-in-oam this-Eu
    set Mj-in-oam this-Mj
    set energy-to-transfer energy-xferred
    set energy-to-discharge energy-kinetic
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "  CompEn: oam-time-to-drop    - " time-to-fall )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "  CompEn: age-to-discharge    - " ttl-time-to-drop )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "  CompEn: Mj-in-oam           - " this-Mj )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "  CompEn: Mt-in-oam           - " this-Mt )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "  CompEn: Eu-in-oam           - " this-Eu )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "  CompEn: energy-to-transfer  - " energy-xferred )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "  CompEn: energy-to-discharge - " energy-kinetic )

  report ttl-time-to-drop
  ;; End of fr-compute-energetics-of-oam

;; Indicate which OAM in the HOAM chain is primed.

to f-prime-oam [ rh-hoam-index lh-hoam-index in-this-chain ]
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  ASSERT( rh-hoam-index < lh-hoam-index ) ( word "Set: rh-hoam-index = " rh-hoam-index " " ) -1
  ASSERT( lh-hoam-index < ( g-length-of-chains ) ) ( word "Set: rh-hoam-index = " rh-hoam-index " " ) -1
  let this-head ( item 0 in-this-chain )
  let this-colour 45 ;; a dummy declaration.
  ask this-head
    ;; Unpack indices.
    let old-rh-hoam-index primed-rh-hoam-index
    let old-lh-hoam-index primed-lh-hoam-index
    set this-colour default-colour
    ;; Change colour.
    let this-hoam ( item old-rh-hoam-index in-this-chain )
    ask this-hoam [ set color this-colour ]
    ;; Change colour.
    set this-hoam ( item old-lh-hoam-index in-this-chain )
    ask this-hoam [ set color this-colour ]
    ;; Change colour.
    set this-hoam ( item rh-hoam-index in-this-chain )
    ask this-hoam [ set color g-primed-colour ]
    ;; Change colour.
    set this-hoam ( item lh-hoam-index in-this-chain )
    ask this-hoam [ set color g-primed-colour ]
    set primed-rh-hoam-index rh-hoam-index
    set primed-lh-hoam-index lh-hoam-index
  ;; End of f-prime-oam [ rh-hoam-index lh-hoam-index in-this-chain ]

;; Reset the default values for the interface-declared items.

to f-reset-default-parameters 
  ;; The observer executes this routine.

  ;; Switches, sliders and choosers implicitly declare global variables.  The
  ;;   values in these variables are parameters for the model, and many 
  ;;   combinations of those parameters are not sustainable.  However, the
  ;;   values in those user interface devices are stored with the model and
  ;;   are persistant across a save/load action.  The default values must
  ;;   be reset on load, or available to a user as a parameter set.  The
  ;;   purpose of this routine is to store at least one viable set of 
  ;;   parameter values.
  ;; Parameters needed for "Setup" routine.
  ;; Initialize the fitness test chooser.
  set gs-fitness-measure "Mj - Joint"
  ;; The chooser that selects between the three scenarios is allowed to be 
  ;;   persistant.  It is not reset here.  This gives the user the ability
  ;;   to choose the scenario for which the defaults are to be restored.
  ;; Initialize the Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG).
  set g-use-this-seed 7

  ;; Operational controls, can be changed during a run.
  set gb-plots-on true
  set gb-mutate-heads true
  set gb-mutate-tails true
  set gb-horse-race-on true

  ;; Structural controls needed for "Setup"
  ;; Slider range settings are shown as (Min,Increment,Max)
  set g-no-of-chains-at-start 30 ;; (  1, 15,   100 ) Chains
  set g-no-of-chains-max 30      
  set g-length-of-chains 14      ;; (  3,  1,    14 ) HOAMs
  set g-drop-distance 100        ;; ( 50,  5,   200 ) meters
  set g-acceleration 10          ;; (  8,  0.10, 12 ) m/s/s
  ;; End of f-reset-default-parameters


;; The go button

to go
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  ;; Stop codes:
  ;; All stop decisions must be here in the 'go' procedure, as it causes an
  ;;   exit from the current procdure only.

  if( g-halt-at-tick = ticks  ) 
    set g-halt-at-tick -1
  let b-should-stop-now false
  if( count turtles <= 0 ) [ set b-should-stop-now true ]
  if( b-should-stop-now = true )
    ;; The Debug log file is handled differently elsewhere.

  ;; If needed, each check for validity can be enabled between steps.
  ;; They have been suppressed (turned into comments) for the sake 
  ;;   of speed of execution, but can be re-enabled if a bug has 
  ;;   somehow been re-introduced.
  ;; A single call to the validity check has been left active inside of the
  ;;   Do-Post-Tick step.  If it flags a problem, re-activate these to
  ;;   narrow down where the problem starts.
  ;; Major steps or functions, done once per tick, in order of execution.
  ;; if( frb-agents-are-all-valid = false ) [ LOG-TO-FILE ( word "Agents failed validity test: Do-pre." ) ]

  ;; if( frb-agents-are-all-valid = false ) [ LOG-TO-FILE ( word "Agents failed validity test: Do-chk." ) ]

  ;; if( frb-agents-are-all-valid = false ) [ LOG-TO-FILE ( word "Agents failed validity test: Do-pos." ) ]

  ;; End of to go

;; D1 - do-pre-tick procedure( s )

to do-pre-tick
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.
  if( gb-debug-on = 1 )
    ifelse( ( gs-debug-step-chooser = "all" ) or ( gs-debug-step-chooser = "pre-tick" ) )
    [ set gb-debug-flow-on 1 LOG-TO-FILE "" LOG-TO-FILE word "Do-Pre-tick: Debug on.; tick = " ticks ]
    [ set gb-debug-flow-on 0 ]
  ;; Enter all commands that need to be done before a tick begins.
  ;; Supressed. f-update-aggregates
  ;; Advance the tick counter by 1 tick.
  ifelse( gb-plots-on = true )
    ;; Advance the ticks by one and update the plots.
    ;; 'tick' is exactly the same as 'update-plots' except that the tick counter 
    ;;   is incremented before the plot commands are executed.
  ;; else
    ;; Advance ticks by one but do not update the plots.
    tick-advance 1

  ;; Check to see if dpx file is full.
  if( gb-dpx-on = 1 )
    if( g-dpx-recno > g-recno-max )
  ;; Ensure that the derived parameters are properly valued.
  ;; Nil changes required.

  ask heads [ set age-of-chain ( age-of-chain + 1 ) ]
  ;; Plot "Usage Rates Per Tick"
  ;; Zero the per tick throughput measures.
  set gl-ttl-hg-nrg-per-tick  ( n-values g-length-of-chains [0.0] )
  set gl-ttl-lg-nrg-per-tick  ( n-values g-length-of-chains [0.0] )

  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "Do-pre: Halt at tick - " g-halt-at-tick "; current ticks - " ticks ) 

  LOG-TO-FILE "Do-pre: routine completed."
  ;; End of to do-pre-tick

;; D2 – check-chains procedure(s)

to do-check-chains
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.
  if( gb-debug-on = 1 )
    ifelse( ( gs-debug-step-chooser = "all" ) or ( gs-debug-step-chooser = "check-chains" ) )
    [ set gb-debug-flow-on 1 LOG-TO-FILE "" LOG-TO-FILE word "Do-check-chains: Debug on; tick = " ticks ]
    [ set gb-debug-flow-on 0 ]
  ifelse (gb-horse-race-on = true )
    ;; This is 'horse race' mode.  I thought it would help the visualization
    ;;   of the model if I could 'see' the OAMs form and drop, so I coloured the
    ;;   active OAMs yellow.  It gives the effect of horses racing for the 
    ;;   finish line, and it is relatively dramatic.  A chain replicates when it
    ;;   has finished its drop, so drop time affects how often a chain can 
    ;;   replicate, even when the 'time fitness measure' is not being used.  I am
    ;;   concerned that this distorts the results.  So, I have left this 
    ;;   original version of the horse race as an option.  It is cute.  But, for
    ;;   more serious study of the MPP one should toggle the horse race mode
    ;;   off.
    ;; Initialize the list of chains, for this pass of the 'do-check-chains' routine.
    set gl-chains-indices ( [index-into-chains-lib] of heads )
    let chains-index fr-get-random-chains-index
    while [ chains-index != -1 ]
      let this-chain ( item chains-index gl-chains-lib )
      let this-chain-sn ( item 0 [chain-sn] of ( item 0 this-chain ) )
      LOG-TO-FILE ( word "Chk Chain (S/N, index): Ch(" this-chain-sn "," chains-index ") " )
      f-check-one-chain-hrmode-on this-chain
      set chains-index fr-get-random-chains-index
  ;; Else
    ;; This is the mode of operation when 'horse race mode' is turned off.
    ;; Initialize the list of chains, for this pass of the 'do-check-chains' 
    ;;   routine.
    ;; Re-initialize the global list again as an empty list.
    set gl-chains-indices []
    ;; Create a temporary list of heads sorted in descending order of fitness.
    let temp-list ( sort-on [(- fitness-measure)] heads )
    foreach temp-list 
      ;; Add each index to the list, in descending order of fitness.
      ask ? 
        set gl-chains-indices ( lput index-into-chains-lib gl-chains-indices )
        ;; show ( word "who: " who ", fitness: " fitness-measure ", index: " 
        ;;   index-into-chains-lib ) 
    let chains-index fr-get-fit-chains-index
    while [ chains-index != -1 ]
      let this-chain ( item chains-index gl-chains-lib )
      let this-chain-sn ( item 0 [chain-sn] of ( item 0 this-chain ) )
      LOG-TO-FILE ( word "Chk Chain (S/N, index): Ch(" this-chain-sn "," chains-index ") " )
      f-check-one-chain-hrmode-off this-chain
      set chains-index fr-get-fit-chains-index
  ;; End else
  ;; Supressed. f-update-aggregates

  LOG-TO-FILE "Do-Chk: procedure completed"
  ;; End of to do-check-chains

;; The observer pulls a random index.

to-report fr-get-random-chains-index
  ;; The observer executes this routine.
  let next-index -1
  if( not ( empty? gl-chains-indices ) )
    ;; Move a random index to the front of the list of indices.
    set gl-chains-indices ( shuffle gl-chains-indices )
    ;; Select that index to report back.
    set next-index ( item 0 gl-chains-indices )
    ;; Delete that index from the list.
    set gl-chains-indices ( but-first gl-chains-indices )
  ;; Report a valid as-yet-unused index, or -1 for an empty list.
  report next-index
  ;; End of to fr-get-next-chains-index

;; the observer checks a chain to see if it needs to be updated

to f-check-one-chain-hrmode-on [ chain-to-check ]
  ;; The observer executes this routine.
  ;; This is the heart of the model.
  ;;   - If the primed OAM is not ready to discharge - do nothing.
  ;;   - Else, discharge and
  ;;   --- If this is not the last OAM, prime the next OAM.
  ;;   --- Else, replicate this chain, mutate and prime the offspring.
  ;; Retrieve the primed OAM (Open Atwood's Machine) indices.
  let this-head ( item 0 chain-to-check )
  let age-of-this-chain ( item 0 [age-of-chain] of this-head )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "  Age of chain: " age-of-this-chain )

  let rh-hoam-index ( item 0 [primed-rh-hoam-index] of this-head )
  let lh-hoam-index ( item 0 [primed-lh-hoam-index] of this-head )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "  OAM " rh-hoam-index )
  ;; Access the rh-hoam
  let rh-hoam ( item rh-hoam-index chain-to-check )
  ;; Determine if sufficient time has passed to exhaust waste heat.
  let discharge-age ( item 0 [age-to-discharge] of rh-hoam )

  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "  Discharge age: " discharge-age )
  if ( age-of-this-chain >= discharge-age )
    LOG-TO-FILE ( word "  OAM " rh-hoam-index " discharging" )
    ;; The rh-hoam has smacked down on the floor.
    ;; Access the other half of the oam, the lh-hoam.
    let lh-hoam ( item lh-hoam-index chain-to-check )
    ;; Exhaust waste heat.
    let nrg-exhausted ( item 0 [energy-to-discharge] of rh-hoam )
    let ttl-lg-nrg ( item rh-hoam-index gl-ttl-lg-nrg-per-tick ) 
    set ttl-lg-nrg 
      ( ttl-lg-nrg + nrg-exhausted )
    set gl-ttl-lg-nrg-per-tick 
      ( replace-item lh-hoam-index gl-ttl-lg-nrg-per-tick ttl-lg-nrg )
    LOG-TO-FILE ( word "    Nrg exhausted: " nrg-exhausted )
    ;; Transfer of hg-nrg per tick is handled in f-update-aggregates.
    ;; The energy does not have to actually be transferred, as the amount is
    ;;   determined by the structure of the OAM for each OAM.  I.e. it is a
    ;;   pre-determined amount, and can be calculated within the OAM when it
    ;;   is primed, based on the size of the masses.  All masses are raised
    ;;   by the same g-drop-distance when the OAM is primed.
    ;; But I log it here.  It's a virtual transfer.
    let nrg-xferred ( item 0 [energy-to-transfer] of rh-hoam )
    LOG-TO-FILE ( word "    Nrg transferred: " nrg-xferred )
    ;; Check if this OAM is the last of the chain.
    ifelse ( lh-hoam-index = ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) )
      ;; It is the last OAM. Exhaust the remaining energy, de-activate the OAM,
      ;;   de-activate the chain, and replicate with variation.
      ;; Exhaust transferred energy as waste heat.
      ;; Data is stored in the aggregate list using the lh-hoam-index.
      set ttl-lg-nrg ( item lh-hoam-index gl-ttl-lg-nrg-per-tick ) 
      set ttl-lg-nrg ( ttl-lg-nrg + nrg-xferred ) ;; xferred nrg here exhausted.
      set gl-ttl-lg-nrg-per-tick
        ( replace-item lh-hoam-index gl-ttl-lg-nrg-per-tick ttl-lg-nrg )
      LOG-TO-FILE ( word "    Nrg exhausted by tail: " nrg-xferred )
      ;; Deactivate this OAM. This is done simply by changing the access 
      ;;   indices in the head back to defaults.  It is unnecessary, however, since
      ;;   the chain is being deactivated, mutated, and re-primed with 
      ;;   the head primed.
      ask this-head 
        set rh-hoam-index 0
        set lh-hoam-index 1
      ;; The chain has completed processing of all energy received by the head.
      ;; The next call will (a) if possible, cause this chain to replicate, and
      ;;   (b) alter a random mass somewhere other than in the tail, for each
      ;;   of the two offspring chains.
      LOG-TO-FILE ( word "  Rep: Replication of chain ensues." )
      f-replicate-this-chain chain-to-check
    ;; else
     ;; Prime the next OAM.
      LOG-TO-FILE ( word "    Priming OAM " lh-hoam-index )
      f-prime-oam ( rh-hoam-index + 1 ) ( lh-hoam-index + 1 ) chain-to-check
  ;; Else, primed OAM is not ready to discharge, do nothing.

  ;; End of f-check-one-chain-hrmode-on [ chain-to-check ]

;; The observer pulls the next most fit index.

to-report fr-get-fit-chains-index
  ;; The observer executes this routine.

  let next-index -1
  if( not ( empty? gl-chains-indices ) )
    ;; Indices are in order of descending fitness of chains.
    ;; Select the most fit index to report back.
    set next-index ( item 0 gl-chains-indices )
    ;; Delete that index from the list.
    set gl-chains-indices ( but-first gl-chains-indices )

  ;; Report a valid as-yet-unused index, or -1 for an empty list.
  report next-index
  ;; End of fr-get-fit-chains-index

;; the observer checks a chain to see if it needs to be updated

to f-check-one-chain-hrmode-off [ chain-to-check ]
  ;; The observer executes this routine.
  ;; This is the heart of the 'no horse race' mode of the model.
  ;; Each chain is replicated in order from most fit downwards.
  ;;   As each fit chain is replicated, the least fit is replaced from the 
  ;;   bottom up.
  ;; In this mode, it does not matter which OAM in the chain is primed.  The
  ;;   decision as to when a chain replicates is not a horse race.  The decision 
  ;;   about fitness is entirely determined by examination of the energetics
  ;;   of the chain.  In every tick, all chains either replicate or are
  ;;   replaced.  This is purely a breeding program and 'natural selection' does
  ;;   not happen here.
  ;; Log the relevant data.
  let this-head ( item 0 chain-to-check )
  let this-chain-index ( item 0 [index-into-chains-lib] of this-head )
  let sn-of-this-chain ( item 0 [chain-sn] of this-head )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "  Checking: Ch(" sn-of-this-chain "," this-chain-index ")" )
  let fm-of-this-chain ( item 0 [fitness-measure] of this-head )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "    Fitness: " ( precision fm-of-this-chain 6 ) )
  let Mj-of-this-chain ( item 0 [Mj-geo-this-chain] of this-head )
  let Mt-of-this-chain ( item 0 [Mt-geo-this-chain] of this-head )
  let Eu-of-this-chain ( item 0 [Eu-geo-this-chain] of this-head )
  let Dt-of-this-chain ( item 0 [chain-time-to-drop] of this-head )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "    Mj: " ( precision Mj-of-this-chain 6 ) )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "    Mt: " ( precision Mt-of-this-chain 6 ) )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "    Mu: " ( precision Eu-of-this-chain 6 ) )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "    Dt: " ( precision Dt-of-this-chain 6 ) )

  ;; Exhaust waste heat.  Exclude the tail data.
  ;; TODO: Note, in this mode the final energy passed to the tail is not
  ;;   included in the discharge statistic.
  let tail-excluded ( but-last chain-to-check )
  let nrg-exhausted 0
  let nrg-transferred 0
  foreach tail-excluded
    ask ?
      let rh-hoam-index ( item 0 [index-into-chain] of ? )
      let lh-hoam-index ( rh-hoam-index + 1 )

      set nrg-exhausted ( item 0 [energy-to-discharge] of ? )
      let ttl-lg-nrg ( item rh-hoam-index gl-ttl-lg-nrg-per-tick ) 
      set ttl-lg-nrg 
        ( ttl-lg-nrg + nrg-exhausted )
      set gl-ttl-lg-nrg-per-tick 
        ( replace-item lh-hoam-index gl-ttl-lg-nrg-per-tick ttl-lg-nrg )

      set nrg-transferred ( item 0 [energy-to-transfer] of ? )
      let ttl-hg-nrg ( item rh-hoam-index gl-ttl-hg-nrg-per-tick ) 
      set ttl-hg-nrg 
        ( ttl-hg-nrg + nrg-transferred )
      set gl-ttl-hg-nrg-per-tick 
        ( replace-item lh-hoam-index gl-ttl-hg-nrg-per-tick ttl-hg-nrg )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "    Nrg exhausted: " nrg-exhausted )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "    Nrg transferred: " nrg-transferred )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "  Rep: Replication of chain ensues." )

  f-replicate-this-chain chain-to-check

  ;; End of f-check-one-chain-hrmode-on [ chain-to-check ]

;; the observer checks a chain to see if it needs to be updated

to f-replicate-this-chain [ chain-to-replicate ]
  ;; The observer executes this routine.

  ;; This is the soul of the model
  ;; The list 'chain-to-replicate' is located somewhere in the super-list 
  ;;   'gl-chains-lib'.  If there is room for another, simply replicate by 
  ;;   sprouting a new chain of turtles in gl-new-chain, copying the data into 
  ;;   that new set of turtles, and then moving the turtles into the 
  ;;   gl-chains-lib library of chains.
  ;;   If there is no room for another chain, then the worst chain that has
  ;;   not yet discharged is terminated, and the offspring replaces it.  In that
  ;;   case, no new turtles are sprouted.
  ;; The chains are competing for the scarce resource of 'place on the list'.
  ;; That sounds silly, but, the parameter 'g-no-of-chains-max' is effectively
  ;;   the carrying capacity of this system, and it is a hard limit.  Those
  ;;   that process most quickly will stay on the list.  Those that process
  ;;   the most slowly will be removed, and replaced.
  ;; Time to process is determined by low efficiency.  The least efficient
  ;;   transform their energy to kinetic energy and drop quickly, and 
  ;;   exhaust it as waste heat.  So, won't the average efficiency drop?
  ;;   As  drops, the load (energy delivered to the tail) drops.
  ;; The tail is of fixed mass.  The ultimate load is fixed.  So, the winner
  ;;   is the chain that can deliver that fixed load the most quickly.
  ;; Unpack the parent chain's serial number.
  let sn-of-ma ( item 0 [chain-sn] of ( item 0 chain-to-replicate ) )
  ;; Unpack the parent chain's index number.
  let index-of-ma ( item 0 [index-into-chains-lib] of ( item 0 chain-to-replicate ) )
  let index-of-da1 index-of-ma  ;; Index of first daughter, replaces mother.
  let index-of-da2 -1           ;; Index of second daughter.
  ;; Duplicate the target chain, by sprouting a new one, or copying over an old.
  let daughter-chain []
  ifelse ( g-no-of-chains < g-no-of-chains-max )
    ;; There is room in the library of chains for another chain, which means
    ;;   there is a need for the creation of a new set of turtles.
    ;; This populates gl-new-chain with turtles, somewhat unnecessarily 
    ;;   initializes each, and transfers the whole chain into the gl-chains-lib, 
    ;;   and then, adjusts efficiencies to match the scenario.  This is all for
    ;;   the new turtles.  This is wasted computing, but the waste only goes on
    ;;   until gl-chains-lib is full.  So I have not tried to make it more
    ;;   efficient in processing time.  It does not compute energetics, 
    ;;   as that is handled below.
    ;; Clear construction area.
    set gl-new-chain []
    ;; Establish a handling name for the daughter chain within the library.
    ;; No new turtles are created, they are just listed in this list.
    set daughter-chain ( item ( g-no-of-chains - 1 ) gl-chains-lib )
    set index-of-da2 ( g-no-of-chains - 1 )

    ;; Copy everything except colour and location into the daughter chain.
    ;; This over-writes all of the data established during initialization.
    f-copy-chain-to-chain chain-to-replicate daughter-chain
    ;; There are now two almost identical copies in the library.
    ;; Give each a unique serial number, used for CSV output and analysis.
    ;; Ensure this-chain is ready to go.
    let daughter1-head ( item 0 chain-to-replicate )
    ask daughter1-head
      set age-of-chain 0
    ;; Ensure daughter-chain is ready to go.
    let daughter2-head ( item 0 daughter-chain )
    ask daughter2-head
      set index-into-chains-lib ( g-no-of-chains - 1 )
      set age-of-chain 0
  ;; else
    ;; There is no room.  Find worst chain and replace it.
    let head-to-replicate ( item 0 chain-to-replicate )
    ;; Daughter2 cannot replace this chain.  Daughter1 replaces it.
    let index-to-exclude 
      ( item 0 [index-into-chains-lib] of head-to-replicate )
    ;; Find a suitable other chain to replace.
    let index-of-worst-chain
      fr-get-index-of-worst-chain index-to-exclude 
    ;; Write a 'data per x-action' record, if appropriate.
    WRITE-DPX-D-RECORD index-of-worst-chain "Discard"

    ;; Target the worst chain for replacement.
    set daughter-chain ( item index-of-worst-chain gl-chains-lib ) 
    let sn-of-chain ( item 0 [chain-sn] of item 0 daughter-chain )
    LOG-TO-FILE ( word "    Replacing Ch(" sn-of-chain "," index-of-worst-chain 
      ") with daughter chain" )

    ;; Replace the worst.  Copy everything except colour and location.
    f-copy-chain-to-chain chain-to-replicate daughter-chain
    set index-of-da2 index-of-worst-chain
    ;; There are now two almost identical copies in the library.
    ;; Give each a unique serial number, used for CSV output and analysis.
    ;; Ensure this-chain is ready to go.
    let daughter1-head ( item 0 chain-to-replicate )
    ask daughter1-head
      set age-of-chain 0
    ;; Ensure daughter-chain is ready to go.
    let daughter2-head ( item 0 daughter-chain )
    ask daughter2-head
      set index-into-chains-lib index-of-worst-chain
      ;; Correct the faulty age.
      set age-of-chain 0
  ;; End else
  ;; At this point both chain-to-replicate and daughter-chain exist and
  ;;   are in the library and are located in the arena.  They are identical
  ;;   except for colour, location, and serial numbers.
  ;; Write a 'data per x-action' record, if appropriate.
  WRITE-DPX-D-RECORD index-of-ma "Fission"
  ;; Update the serial numbers.
  let daughter1-head ( item 0 chain-to-replicate )
  ask daughter1-head
    set chain-sn g-next-chain-sn
    set g-next-chain-sn ( g-next-chain-sn + 1 )
    set mas-sn sn-of-ma
  let daughter2-head ( item 0 daughter-chain )
  ask daughter2-head
    set chain-sn g-next-chain-sn
    set g-next-chain-sn ( g-next-chain-sn + 1 )
    set mas-sn sn-of-ma
  let d1-sn ( item 0 [chain-sn] of daughter1-head )
  let d2-sn ( item 0 [chain-sn] of daughter2-head )
  let d1-in ( item 0 [index-into-chains-lib] of daughter1-head )
  let d2-in ( item 0 [index-into-chains-lib] of daughter2-head )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "    D1 chain is Ch(" d1-sn "," d1-in ")" )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "    D2 chain is Ch(" d2-sn "," d2-in ")" )

  ;; Mutate each chain.
  f-mutate-this-chain chain-to-replicate
  WRITE-DPX-D-RECORD index-of-da1 "Birth"
  f-mutate-this-chain daughter-chain
  WRITE-DPX-D-RECORD index-of-da2 "Birth"
  ;; While mutating, the energetics were re-computed and the 
  ;;   first OAM primed.

  ;; End of f-replicate-this-chain [ chain-to-replicate ]

;; Get the fitness measure of this chain.

to-report fr-get-fitness-measure-of-chain [ of-this-chain ]
  ;; The observer executes this routine.
  let this-head ( item 0 of-this-chain )
  let active-fitness-measure 1
  if( g-fitness-number = g-fitness-joint )
    [ set active-fitness-measure ( item 0 [Mj-geo-this-chain] of this-head ) ]
  if( g-fitness-number = g-fitness-time )
    [ set active-fitness-measure ( item 0 [Mt-geo-this-chain] of this-head ) ]
  if( g-fitness-number = g-fitness-energy )
    [ set active-fitness-measure ( item 0 [Eu-geo-this-chain] of this-head ) ]
  report active-fitness-measure
  ;; End of fr-get-fitness-measure-of-chain

;; Get the fitness measure of this head.

to-report fr-get-fitness-measure-of-head [ this-head ]
  ;; The observer executes this routine.
  let active-fitness-measure 1
  if( g-fitness-number = g-fitness-joint )
    [ set active-fitness-measure ( item 0 [Mj-geo-this-chain] of this-head ) ]
  if( g-fitness-number = g-fitness-time )
    [ set active-fitness-measure ( item 0 [Mt-geo-this-chain] of this-head ) ]
  if( g-fitness-number = g-fitness-energy )
    [ set active-fitness-measure ( item 0 [Eu-geo-this-chain] of this-head ) ]
  report active-fitness-measure
  ;; End of fr-get-fitness-measure-of-head

;; Get the index of the worst chain in the library.

to-report fr-get-index-of-worst-chain [ excluded-index ]
  ;; The observer executes this routine.
  ;; This routine is used to find the worst chain in the library of chains,
  ;;   for the purpose of replicating the discharging chain into it.  The
  ;;   discharging chain, of course, should not be copied over itself, and
  ;;   so, its index is excluded from the search.
  ;; First, create an agentset of heads that exclude the appropriate head.
  let heads-to-include ( heads with [ not ( index-into-chains-lib = excluded-index ) ]  )
  ;; Then, exclude those with lower fitness measure.
  ;; set heads-to-include ( heads-to-include with [ fitness-measure <= min-fitness ] )
  ;; There are three difference fitness criteria:
  ;; - Mj - A joint criteria that finds a compromise.
  ;; - Mt - Minimize time to drop;
  ;; - Eu - Maximize useful energy passed on to next OAM;
  let list-of-worst [ -1 ]
  ifelse ( g-fitness-number = g-fitness-joint )
    ;; Joint fitness measure invoked.
    set list-of-worst 
    ( [index-into-chains-lib] of 
      ( heads-to-include with-min [Mj-geo-this-chain] ) )
  ;; else - not joint
    ifelse ( g-fitness-number = g-fitness-time )
      ;; Time fitness measure invoked.
      set list-of-worst 
      ( [index-into-chains-lib] of 
        ( heads-to-include with-min [Mt-geo-this-chain] ) )
    ;; else - not time
      ;; Energy fitness measure invoked.
      set list-of-worst 
      ( [index-into-chains-lib] of 
        ( heads-to-include with-min [Eu-geo-this-chain] ) )
    ;; End else
  ;; End else
  ;; We now have a list of indices of chains, any of which would be suitable.
  ;; Randomly order the list.
  set list-of-worst ( shuffle list-of-worst )
  ;; Choose one.
  let index-of-worst 0
  ifelse( empty? list-of-worst ) 
  [ set index-of-worst excluded-index ]
  [ set index-of-worst ( item 0 list-of-worst ) ]  
  ;; There is one thing left to do.  Since the 'worst' will be over-written
  ;;   with a fresh newly mutated chain of age zero, it should be removed from
  ;;   the list of chains checked in this turn.  If this is not done, those
  ;;   newly minted chains that replace an already-been-checked chain will
  ;;   have a disadvantage, having one less tick to perform in the race.  This
  ;;   may cause fluctuations that amount to noise.
  ;; Check if this index is in the list of as-yet unchecked chains.
  if ( member? index-of-worst gl-chains-indices )
    let position-to-exclude ( position index-of-worst gl-chains-indices )
    set gl-chains-indices ( remove-item position-to-exclude gl-chains-indices )
  report index-of-worst
  ;; End of fr-get-index-of-worst-chain

;; Copy from one chain to the other, contents of one turtle at a time.

to f-copy-chain-to-chain [ from-chain to-chain ]
  ;; The observer executes this routine.
  ;; Both chains must exist prior to copy action.  This copies the important
  ;;   content that is specific to OamLab.
  ;; This is the primary routine for enabling a 'fission' of the chain when a 
  ;;   chain is allowed to reproduce.  
  let hoam-index 0
  while [ hoam-index < g-length-Of-chains ]
    let from-hoam ( item hoam-index from-chain )
    let to-hoam   ( item hoam-index to-chain )
    ifelse ( hoam-index = 0 ) [ f-copy-head-to-head from-hoam to-hoam ]
      ifelse ( hoam-index < ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) ) 
        [ f-copy-body-to-body from-hoam to-hoam ]
        [ f-copy-tail-to-tail from-hoam to-hoam ]
    set hoam-index ( hoam-index + 1 )
  ;; End of f-copy-chain-to-chain [ from-chain to-chain ]

;; Copy contents from one head to another.

to f-copy-head-to-head [ from-head to-head ]
  ;; The observer executes this routine.
  ;; Both heads must have different who numbers.
  let from-who ( item 0 [who] of from-head )
  let to-who   ( item 0 [who] of to-head )
  ASSERT ( from-who != to-who ) 
    ( word "Copy error: who " from-who " = " to-who ) from-who
  ;; I don't know of an easy way to do this.  It looks messy.
  ;; Associated with chain.
  ask to-head [ set mas-sn 
    ( item 0 [mas-sn] of from-head ) ]
  ask to-head [ set chain-sn 
    ( item 0 [chain-sn] of from-head ) ]
  ask to-head [ set index-into-chains-lib 
    ( item 0 [index-into-chains-lib] of from-head ) ]
  ask to-head [ set age-of-chain 
    ( item 0 [age-of-chain] of from-head ) ]
  ask to-head [ set Mj-pi-this-chain 
    ( item 0 [Mj-pi-this-chain] of from-head ) ]
  ask to-head [ set Mt-pi-this-chain 
    ( item 0 [Mt-pi-this-chain] of from-head ) ]
  ask to-head [ set Eu-pi-this-chain 
    ( item 0 [Eu-pi-this-chain] of from-head ) ]
  ask to-head [ set Mj-geo-this-chain 
    ( item 0 [Mj-geo-this-chain] of from-head ) ]
  ask to-head [ set Mt-geo-this-chain 
    ( item 0 [Mt-geo-this-chain] of from-head ) ]
  ask to-head [ set Eu-geo-this-chain 
    ( item 0 [Eu-geo-this-chain] of from-head ) ]

  ask to-head [ set primed-rh-hoam-index 
    ( item 0 [primed-rh-hoam-index] of from-head ) ]
  ask to-head [ set primed-lh-hoam-index 
    ( item 0 [primed-lh-hoam-index] of from-head ) ]
  ;; ask to-head [ set default-colour 
  ;;   ( item 0 [default-colour] of from-head ) ]

  ;; Associated with HOAM.
  ask to-head [ set index-into-chain 
    ( item 0 [index-into-chain] of from-head ) ]
  ask to-head [ set mass 
    ( item 0 [mass] of from-head ) ]

  ;; Associated with rh-hoam.
  ask to-head [ set oam-time-to-drop 
    ( item 0 [oam-time-to-drop] of from-head ) ]
  ask to-head [ set age-to-discharge 
    ( item 0 [age-to-discharge] of from-head ) ]
  ask to-head [ set energy-to-transfer 
    ( item 0 [energy-to-transfer] of from-head ) ]
  ask to-head [ set energy-to-discharge 
    ( item 0 [energy-to-discharge] of from-head ) ]
  ask to-head [ set Mt-in-oam 
    ( item 0 [Mt-in-oam] of from-head ) ]
  ask to-head [ set Eu-in-oam 
    ( item 0 [Eu-in-oam] of from-head ) ]
  ask to-head [ set Mj-in-oam 
    ( item 0 [Mj-in-oam] of from-head ) ]

  ;; End of f-copy-head-to-head

;; Copy contents from one body to another.

to f-copy-body-to-body [ from-body to-body ]
  ;; The observer executes this routine.
  ;; Both bodys must have different who numbers.
  let from-who ( item 0 [who] of from-body )
  let to-who   ( item 0 [who] of to-body )
  ASSERT ( from-who != to-who ) 
    ( word "Copy error: who " from-who " = " to-who ) from-who
  ;; I don't know of an easy way to do this.  It looks messy.
  ;; Associated with chain.
  ;; Nil.

  ;; Associated with HOAM.
  ask to-body [ set index-into-chain 
    ( item 0 [index-into-chain] of from-body ) ]
  ask to-body [ set mass 
    ( item 0 [mass] of from-body ) ]

  ;; Associated with rh-hoam.
  ask to-body [ set oam-time-to-drop 
    ( item 0 [oam-time-to-drop] of from-body ) ]
  ask to-body [ set age-to-discharge 
    ( item 0 [age-to-discharge] of from-body ) ]
  ask to-body [ set energy-to-transfer 
    ( item 0 [energy-to-transfer] of from-body ) ]
  ask to-body [ set energy-to-discharge 
    ( item 0 [energy-to-discharge] of from-body ) ]
  ask to-body [ set Mt-in-oam 
    ( item 0 [Mt-in-oam] of from-body ) ]
  ask to-body [ set Eu-in-oam 
    ( item 0 [Eu-in-oam] of from-body ) ]
  ask to-body [ set Mj-in-oam 
    ( item 0 [Mj-in-oam] of from-body ) ]

  ;; End of f-copy-body-to-body

;; Copy contents from one tail to another.

to f-copy-tail-to-tail [ from-tail to-tail ]
  ;; The observer executes this routine.
  ;; Both tails must have different who numbers.
  let from-who ( item 0 [who] of from-tail )
  let to-who   ( item 0 [who] of to-tail )
  ASSERT ( from-who != to-who ) 
    ( word "Copy error: who " from-who " = " to-who ) from-who
  ;; I don't know of an easy way to do this.  It looks messy.
  ;; Associated with chain.
  ;; Nil.
  ;; Associated with HOAM.
  ask to-tail [ set index-into-chain 
    ( item 0 [index-into-chain] of from-tail ) ]
  ask to-tail [ set mass 
    ( item 0 [mass] of from-tail ) ]

  ;; Associated with rh-hoam.
  ;; Nil.

  ;; End of f-copy-tail-to-tail

;; Alter one of the masses, other than the mass in the tail.

to f-mutate-this-chain [ chain-to-mutate ]
  ;; The observer executes this routine.

  let this-head ( item 0 chain-to-mutate )
  ask this-head [ set age-of-chain 0 set default-colour ( one-of gl-colour-pallette ) ]
  let this-chain-index ( item 0 [index-into-chains-lib] of this-head )
  let this-chain-sn ( item 0 [chain-sn] of this-head )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "  Mutating Ch(" this-chain-sn "," this-chain-index ")" )
  ;; Decide how many, and which, HOAMs can have mass mutated.
  let argument g-length-of-chains
  if( gb-mutate-heads = false ) [ set argument ( argument - 1 ) ]
  if( gb-mutate-tails = false ) [ set argument ( argument - 1 ) ]
  ;; Select an RH-HOAM randomly.
  let random-hoam-index random argument ;;  { 0, ..., (argument - 1 ) }
  ;; By default this includes the head.  Adjust upwards if needed.
  if( gb-mutate-heads = false ) [ set random-hoam-index ( random-hoam-index + 1 ) ]
  ;; Access the randomly selected HOAM.
  let this-hoam ( item random-hoam-index chain-to-mutate )
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "    Mutating HOAM " random-hoam-index )
  ;; Extract the masses.
  let this-mass ( item 0 [mass] of this-hoam )
  let this-mass-was this-mass
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "    Old mass: " this-mass )
  ;; Decide whether the mass in this HOAM will go up or down.
  let b-mass-goes-up random 2  ;; { 0, 1 }
  ;; Set a default size-factor
  let size-factor 1.0
  ;; When you adjust the mass in an HOAM you affect the efficiency of both
  ;;   OAMs formed using this HOAM.  An altered mass can make the combined
  ;;   time to discharge for both OAMs longer or shorter.  I want to make
  ;;   the change small enough that variances in time to process are not
  ;;   volatile, but large enough that the system can converge on a solution
  ;;   relatively quickly.  I have decided to use a random delta that is,
  ;;   at most, 1/4 of the distance to the previous or next mass
  ;; Compute a new mass for this HOAM.
  ;; Treat the head and tail differently from the others.
  ;; This is complicated, having six optional paths, all handled by ifelse.
  ifelse ( random-hoam-index = 0 )
    ;; This-hoam is the head.
    ;; There is no prev-hoam.
    let next-hoam ( item ( random-hoam-index + 1 ) chain-to-mutate )
    let next-mass ( item 0 [mass] of next-hoam )

    ifelse ( b-mass-goes-up = 1 )
      ;; Mass goes up.  It may go up by as much as 1/4 the distance
      ;;   to the next mass down.  Since, for the head, there is no next mass
      ;;   up, I use the next mass down to scale the change, but raise the 
      ;;   mass up.
      let mass-diff ( this-mass - next-mass )
      set size-factor ( ( random-float 1 ) / 4 )   ;; [0, 0.25 )
      set this-mass ( this-mass + ( size-factor * mass-diff ) )
    ;; else
      ;; Mass goes down.  It may go down by as much as 1/4 the distance
      ;;   to the next mass.
      let mass-diff ( this-mass - next-mass )
      set size-factor ( ( random-float 1 ) / 4 )   ;; [0, 0.25 )
      let mass-delta ( -1 * size-factor * mass-diff )
      set this-mass ( this-mass + mass-delta )
  ] ;; End if ( random-hoam-index = 0 )
  ;; else
    ;; This-hoam is not the head.  But it may be the tail, which also needs 
    ;;   special processing.
    ifelse ( random-hoam-index = ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) )
      ;; This-hoam is a tail HOAM.  There is no next HOAM.
      ;; Unpack the mass of the previous HOAM.
      let prev-hoam ( item ( random-hoam-index - 1 ) chain-to-mutate )
      let prev-mass ( item 0 [mass] of prev-hoam )
      ifelse ( b-mass-goes-up = 1 )
        ;; Mass goes up.  It may go up by as much as 1/4 the distance
        ;;   to the previous mass.
        let mass-diff ( prev-mass - this-mass )
        set size-factor ( ( random-float 1 ) / 4 )  ;; [0, 0.25 ) 
        set this-mass ( this-mass + ( size-factor * mass-diff ) )
      ;; else
        ;; Mass goes down.  It may go down by as much as 1/4 the distance
        ;;   to the next mass.
        let mass-diff this-mass ;; Special case for tail.
        set size-factor ( ( random-float 1 ) / 4 )   ;; [0, 0.25 ) 
        set this-mass ( this-mass - ( size-factor * mass-diff ) )
      ;; End else
    ;; Else
      ;; This-hoam is a body HOAM.
      ;; Unpack the mass of the previous HOAM.
      let prev-hoam ( item ( random-hoam-index - 1 ) chain-to-mutate )
      let prev-mass ( item 0 [mass] of prev-hoam )
      ;; Unpack the mass of the next HOAM.
      let next-hoam ( item ( random-hoam-index + 1 ) chain-to-mutate )
      let next-mass ( item 0 [mass] of next-hoam )
      ifelse ( b-mass-goes-up = 1 )
        ;; Mass goes up.  It may go up by as much as 1/4 the distance
        ;;   to the previous mass.
        let mass-diff ( prev-mass - this-mass )
        set size-factor ( ( random-float 1 ) / 4 )  ;; [0, 0.25 ) 
        set this-mass ( this-mass + ( size-factor * mass-diff ) )
      ;; else
        ;; Mass goes down.  It may go down by as much as 1/4 the distance
        ;;   to the next mass.
        let mass-diff ( this-mass - next-mass )
        set size-factor ( ( random-float 1 ) / 4 )   ;; [0, 0.25 ) 
        set this-mass ( this-mass - ( size-factor * mass-diff ) )
      ;; End else
    ;; End else
  ]  ;; End else ( random-hoam-index != 0 )

  ;; Change mass in this-hoam, which is still in chain-to-mutate.
  ask this-hoam [ set mass this-mass ]
  LOG-TO-FILE ( word "    New mass: " this-mass )
  ;; And, finally, recompute the energetics of this mutated chain.
  f-compute-energetics-of-chain chain-to-mutate
  ;; And, prime the first OAM in the chain.
  ;; Each possible OAM in the chain was actually primed in the above
  ;;   call, from a programming point of view, but metaphorically, it
  ;;   is not primed until the previous OAM has discharged its energy.
  f-prime-oam 0 1 chain-to-mutate
  if( gb-dpx-on = 1 )
    ;; Collect 'data per x-action' items if appropriate.
    let dpx-record-B ( n-values 5 [0.0] )  ;; Zeros
    let sn-of-ma ( item 0 [mas-sn] of this-head )
    set dpx-record-B ( replace-item 0 dpx-record-B sn-of-ma )

    let sn-of-chain ( item 0 [chain-sn] of this-head )
    set dpx-record-B ( replace-item 1 dpx-record-B sn-of-chain )

    set dpx-record-B ( replace-item 2 dpx-record-B random-hoam-index )
    set dpx-record-B ( replace-item 3 dpx-record-B this-mass-was )
    set dpx-record-B ( replace-item 4 dpx-record-B this-mass )

    WRITE-DPX-RECORD-B dpx-record-B
  ;; End of f-mutate-this-chain [ chain-to-mutate ]
;; D3 - f-post-tick procedure(s)

to do-post-tick
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.
  if( gb-debug-on = 1 )
    ifelse( ( gs-debug-step-chooser = "all" ) or ( gs-debug-step-chooser = "post-tick" ) )
    [ set gb-debug-flow-on 1  LOG-TO-FILE "" LOG-TO-FILE word "Do-Post-tick: Debug on; tick = " ticks ]
    [ set gb-debug-flow-on 0 ]
  ;; This is a call to a debug routine which could be suppressed if all is okay.
  ;; This is one of a group of such calls, most of which are between steps in 
  ;;   the 'Go' routine.  They are suppressed there, but can be enabled again.
  ;; I have decided to leave this one active, for now.
  ;; It checks all agents, every tick, to ensure that all values are greater than
  ;;   or equal to zero.  
  if( frb-agents-are-all-valid = false ) [ LOG-TO-FILE ( word "Agents failed validity test." ) ]
  ;; Write "Data Per Tick" (dpt) macro data to CSV file, if it is turned on.
  ;; Update the aggregates for display in the monitors.


  LOG-TO-FILE "Do-Pos: procedure completed."
  ;; End of to do-post-tick


;; Update the values of global aggregate numbers.

to-report fr-geometric-mean [list-of-geo-means]
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.
  ;;   As input it takes a list of numbers between 0 and 1 and produces
  ;;   the geometric mean of those numbers.  The list can be a list of
  ;;   geometric means of indices, or just a list of indices.
  let index 0
  let results 1  ;; Must be one.
  let this-number 0
  let list-length ( length list-of-geo-means )
  while [ index < list-length ]
    set this-number ( item index list-of-geo-means )
    set results ( results * this-number )
    set index ( index + 1 )
  set results ( results ^ ( 1 / list-length ) )
  report results
  ;; End of fr-geometric-mean

;; Update the values of global aggregate numbers.

to f-update-aggregates
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  ;; Although this is a display-only routine, it implicitly calls the PRNG and
  ;;   so does have an effect on the trajectory of the model.  In a standard 'go'
  ;;   run it is called only once per tick, before graphs are updated.  If you
  ;;   use the one-step debug buttons, it is called once after each step, so
  ;;   debug runs that use those buttons will not replicate a real run.
  ;; Most per-tick aggregates are handled as they happen.  High-grade
  ;;   energy happens as the light mass rises, and it is computed here.
  ;; Zero all aggregates not part of per-tick actions.
  set gl-ttl-lg-nrg-per-hoam  ( n-values g-length-of-chains [0.0] )
  set gl-ttl-mass-per-hoam    ( n-values g-length-of-chains [0.0] )
  set gl-ttl-hg-nrg-per-oam   ( n-values ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) [0.0] )
  set gl-pi-Mj-per-oam        ( n-values ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) [1.0] )
  set gl-pi-Mt-per-oam        ( n-values ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) [1.0] )
  set gl-pi-Eu-per-oam        ( n-values ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) [1.0] )
  set gl-geo-Mj-per-oam       ( n-values ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) [1.0] )
  set gl-geo-Mt-per-oam       ( n-values ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) [1.0] )
  set gl-geo-Eu-per-oam       ( n-values ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) [1.0] )

  set gl-ttl-hg-nrg-per-tick  ( n-values g-length-of-chains [0.0] )
  ;; set gl-ttl-lg-nrg-per-tick  ( n-values g-length-of-chains [0.0] )

  ;; All of these are collected as potential numerators of fractions.
  set g-no-of-hoams count turtles
  set g-no-of-heads count heads
  set g-no-of-bodies count bodies
  set g-no-of-tails count tails
  set g-ttl-age-of-chains sum [age-of-chain] of heads
  set g-ttl-dt-of-chains sum [chain-time-to-drop] of heads
  ;; These are the geometric mean of a set of geometric means.
  set g-geo-Mj ( fr-geometric-mean ( [Mj-geo-this-chain] of heads ) )
  set g-geo-Mt ( fr-geometric-mean ( [Mt-geo-this-chain] of heads ) )
  set g-geo-Eu ( fr-geometric-mean ( [Eu-geo-this-chain] of heads ) )
  ;; Declaration of needed variables.
  let this-chain-index 0
  let this-hoam-index 0
  let this-chain gl-new-chain ;; a dummy assignment
  let this-hoam one-of heads
  let value-from-hoam 0
  let value-from-list 0
  let time-for-this-drop 0
  ;; I have to do some tricky stuff here with indices into the lists
  ;;   because there are four rh-hoams in which data is collected that
  ;;   is associated with five transaction types:
  ;; - For hg energy, the energy coming into the first rh-hoam is not recorded.
  ;; - For hg energy, per tick, it must be computed, with the same problem.
  ;; - For lg energy, it's the tail exhausts all.
  ;; - For efficiency, there are four oams and four records.  A fifth is invented.
  ;; Loop through all hoams in all chains.
  while [ this-chain-index < g-no-of-chains ]
    set this-chain ( item this-chain-index gl-chains-lib )
    set this-hoam-index 0
    while [ this-hoam-index < g-length-of-chains ]
      set this-hoam ( item this-hoam-index this-chain )
      ;; Mass is the easiest to compile.
      set value-from-hoam item 0 ( [mass] of this-hoam ) 
      set value-from-list ( item this-hoam-index gl-ttl-mass-per-hoam )
      set value-from-list ( value-from-list + value-from-hoam )
      ;; Store it in the list
      set gl-ttl-mass-per-hoam
        ( replace-item this-hoam-index gl-ttl-mass-per-hoam value-from-list )
      ;; Some data is only associated with RH-HOAMS.
      if ( this-hoam-index < ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) ) ;; I.e. not a tail
        ;; High-grade energy
        ;; Calculate the amount transferred out of this rh-HOAM.
        set value-from-hoam ( item 0 [energy-to-transfer] of this-hoam ) 
        set value-from-list ( item this-hoam-index gl-ttl-hg-nrg-per-oam )
        set value-from-list ( value-from-list + value-from-hoam )
        ;; Store it in the list
        set gl-ttl-hg-nrg-per-oam
          ( replace-item this-hoam-index gl-ttl-hg-nrg-per-oam value-from-list )
        ;; Now, handle the per tick flow of hg nrg to the lh-hoam.
        set time-for-this-drop ( item 0 ( [oam-time-to-drop] of this-hoam ) )
        ifelse ( time-for-this-drop = 0 )
        [ set value-from-hoam 0 ]
        [ set value-from-hoam item 0 ( [energy-to-transfer] of this-hoam )
          set value-from-hoam ( value-from-hoam / time-for-this-drop ) ]
        set value-from-list ( item this-hoam-index gl-ttl-hg-nrg-per-tick )
        set value-from-list ( value-from-list + value-from-hoam )
        ;; Store it in the list
        set gl-ttl-hg-nrg-per-tick
          ( replace-item this-hoam-index gl-ttl-hg-nrg-per-tick value-from-list )

        ;; Now, handle total lg nrg.
        set value-from-hoam item 0 ( [energy-to-discharge] of this-hoam )
        set value-from-list ( item this-hoam-index gl-ttl-lg-nrg-per-hoam )
        set value-from-list ( value-from-list + value-from-hoam )
        ;; Store it in the list
        set gl-ttl-lg-nrg-per-hoam
          ( replace-item this-hoam-index gl-ttl-lg-nrg-per-hoam value-from-list )
        ;; The tail OAM needs to be handled as a special case of the HOAM that
        ;;   immediately precedes it.
        if ( this-hoam-index = ( g-length-of-chains - 2 ) )
          ;; All of the energy transferred to the tail is exhausted.
          ;; Get 'transferred', but store as low grade or 'exhausted'.
          set value-from-hoam item 0 ( [energy-to-transfer] of this-hoam )
          set value-from-list ( item ( this-hoam-index + 1 ) gl-ttl-lg-nrg-per-hoam )
          set value-from-list ( value-from-list + value-from-hoam )
          ;; Store it in the list
          set gl-ttl-lg-nrg-per-hoam
            ( replace-item ( this-hoam-index + 1 ) gl-ttl-lg-nrg-per-hoam value-from-list )

        ;; And Mj.
        set value-from-hoam ( item 0 [Mj-in-oam] of this-hoam )
        set value-from-list ( item this-hoam-index gl-pi-Mj-per-oam )
        set value-from-list ( value-from-list * value-from-hoam )
        ;; Store it in the list
        set gl-pi-Mj-per-oam
          ( replace-item this-hoam-index gl-pi-Mj-per-oam value-from-list )

        ;; Mt.
        set value-from-hoam ( item 0 [Mt-in-oam] of this-hoam )
        set value-from-list ( item this-hoam-index gl-pi-Mt-per-oam )
        set value-from-list ( value-from-list * value-from-hoam )
        ;; Store it in the list
        set gl-pi-Mt-per-oam
          ( replace-item this-hoam-index gl-pi-Mt-per-oam value-from-list )

        ;; And Eu.
        set value-from-hoam ( item 0 [Eu-in-oam] of this-hoam )
        set value-from-list ( item this-hoam-index gl-pi-Eu-per-oam )
        set value-from-list ( value-from-list * value-from-hoam )
        ;; Store it in the list
        set gl-pi-Eu-per-oam
          ( replace-item this-hoam-index gl-pi-Eu-per-oam value-from-list )

      set this-hoam-index ( this-hoam-index + 1 )
    ]  ;; End of while [ this-hoam-index < g-length-of-chains ]

    set this-chain-index ( this-chain-index + 1 )
  ]  ;; Enf of while [ this-chain-index < g-no-of-chains ]
  ;; Compute the geometric averages using the products.
  set this-hoam-index 0
  let geometric-mean 0
  while [ this-hoam-index < ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) ]
     set value-from-list ( item this-hoam-index gl-pi-Mj-per-oam ) 
     set geometric-mean ( value-from-list ^ ( 1 / g-no-of-chains ) )
     set gl-geo-Mj-per-oam ( replace-item this-hoam-index gl-geo-Mj-per-Oam geometric-mean )
     set value-from-list ( item this-hoam-index gl-pi-Mt-per-oam ) 
     set geometric-mean ( value-from-list ^ ( 1 / g-no-of-chains ) )
     set gl-geo-Mt-per-oam ( replace-item this-hoam-index gl-geo-Mt-per-Oam geometric-mean )
     set value-from-list ( item this-hoam-index gl-pi-Eu-per-oam ) 
     set geometric-mean ( value-from-list ^ ( 1 / g-no-of-chains ) )
     set gl-geo-Eu-per-oam ( replace-item this-hoam-index gl-geo-Eu-per-Oam geometric-mean )
     set this-hoam-index ( this-hoam-index + 1 ) 
  ;; To ensure that the PRNG is called whether or not plots are displayed, the
  ;;   calculations needed for the histogram plots are carried out here where
  ;;   they will happen every tick.

  ;; This log entry may come from any step during debug operations.  
  LOG-TO-FILE "Do-xxx: All aggregates updated."  
  ;; End of f-update-aggregates

;; Open a dpx file.

to f-open-dpx-file
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.
  ;; DPX stands for 'Data Per Xaction'
  ;; Ensure previous dpx file is closed.
  set gb-dpx-on 1
  set gs-dpx-status "1 (On)"
  set gs-dpx-file-name ( fr-construct-file-name "dpx" )
  set g-dpx-recno 0
  file-open gs-dpx-file-name
  ;; Write the mast head for the file.
  file-show "Data Per Transaction (DPX) File for a OamLab (NetLogo) Model."
  file-show word "File Name: " gs-dpx-file-name
  file-show ( word "Application Version Number: "gs-Version )
  file-show ""
  ifelse ( file-exists? gs-dpx-file-name )
    ;; Send a message directly to the command centre.
    show word gs-dpx-file-name " opened."

    ;; Write the system parameter settings to the file.
  ;; else
    ;; Send a message directly to the command centre.
    show word gs-dpx-file-name " not opened."
    set gb-dpx-on 0
    set gs-dpx-status "0 (Off)"
    set gs-dpx-file-name "DpxDummyName"
  ;; End of f-open-dpx-file

;; Write header recordS to the dpx data file.

to f-write-dpx-headers
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  ;; Select the file
  file-open gs-dpx-file-name
  ;; Write a header record for mutation data. 
  let line-out "DPX-A, "
  set line-out ( word line-out "RecNo, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "Tick, " )

  set line-out ( word line-out "Ma's Serial #, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "Serial #, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "HOAM #, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "Mass Was, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "Mass Is now, " )

  file-print line-out
  ;; Write a header record for a mutated chain. 
  set line-out "DPX-C, "
  set line-out ( word line-out "RecNo, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "Tick, " )

  ;; Head of chain
  set line-out ( word line-out "X-Action, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "Ch: Ma's Serial #, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "Ch: Serial #, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "Ch: time-to-drop, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "Ch: Mj, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "Ch: Mt, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "Ch: Eu, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "He: Who #, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "He: HOAM #, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "He: HOAM-mass, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "He: OAM-time-to-drop, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "He: OAM-energy-to-transfer, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "He: OAM-energy-to-discharge, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "He: OAM-Mj, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "He: OAM-Mt, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "He: OAM-Eu, " )

  ;; Bodies within chain.
  let hoam-index 1
  while [ hoam-index < ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) ] ;; Exclude head and tail.
    set line-out ( word line-out "Bo: Who #, " )
    set line-out ( word line-out "Bo: HOAM #, " )
    set line-out ( word line-out "Bo: HOAM-mass, " )
    set line-out ( word line-out "Bo: OAM-time-to-drop, " )
    set line-out ( word line-out "Bo: OAM-energy-to-transfer, " )
    set line-out ( word line-out "Bo: OAM-energy-to-discharge, " )
    set line-out ( word line-out "Bo: OAM-Mj, " )
    set line-out ( word line-out "Bo: OAM-Mt, " )
    set line-out ( word line-out "Bo: OAM-Eu, " )
    set hoam-index ( hoam-index + 1 )

  set line-out ( word line-out "Ta: Who #, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "Ta: HOAM #, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "Ta: HOAM-mass " )

  file-print line-out
 ;; End of f-write-dpx-headers

;; Write the data record type B (mutation event) for the dpx data file.

to WRITE-DPX-RECORD-B [ this-record ]
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  ;; Select the file
  file-open gs-dpx-file-name
  ;; Write a data record for X-Action. 
  set g-dpx-recno ( g-dpx-recno + 1 )
  ;; Record type
  let line-out "DPX-B, "
  ;; Record number
  set line-out ( word line-out g-dpx-recno ", " )
  set line-out ( word line-out ticks ", " )

  set line-out ( word line-out ( item  0 this-record ) ", " ) ;; Ma's Serial #
  set line-out ( word line-out ( item  1 this-record ) ", " ) ;; Serial #
  set line-out ( word line-out ( item  2 this-record ) ", " ) ;; HOAM #
  set line-out ( word line-out ( item  3 this-record ) ", " ) ;; Mass was
  set line-out ( word line-out ( item  4 this-record ) ", " ) ;; Mass is now

  file-print line-out

;; Write a record to the DPX file, if appropriate.

to WRITE-DPX-D-RECORD [ index-of-chain action ]
  ;; The observer executes this routine.
  ;; Only execute if "data per event" is toggled on.
  if ( gb-dpx-on = 1 )
    ;; Select the file
    file-open gs-dpx-file-name
    ;; Increment the record number. 
    set g-dpx-recno ( g-dpx-recno + 1 )

    ;; Unpack the chain.
    let this-chain ( item index-of-chain gl-chains-lib ) 
    let this-value 0   ;; Dummy declaration
    ;; Record type
    let line-out "DPX-D, "
    set line-out ( word line-out g-dpx-recno ", " )
    set line-out ( word line-out ticks ", " )
    set line-out ( word line-out action ", " )

    ;; Unpack the head of chain
    let this-hoam ( item 0 this-chain )

    ;; Write data from the head.
    set this-value ( item 0 [mas-sn] of this-hoam )
    set line-out ( word line-out this-value ", " ) ;; Ma's serial number

    set this-value ( item 0 [chain-sn] of this-hoam )
    set line-out ( word line-out this-value ", " ) ;; Serial number

    set this-value ( item 0 [chain-time-to-drop] of this-hoam )
    set line-out ( word line-out this-value ", " ) ;; Chain-time-to-drop

    set this-value ( item 0 [Mj-geo-this-chain] of this-hoam )
    set line-out ( word line-out this-value ", " ) ;; Chain-Mj

    set this-value ( item 0 [Mt-geo-this-chain] of this-hoam )
    set line-out ( word line-out this-value ", " ) ;; Chain-Mt

    set this-value ( item 0 [Eu-geo-this-chain] of this-hoam )
    set line-out ( word line-out this-value ", " ) ;; Chain-Eu

    set this-value ( item 0 [who] of this-hoam )
    set line-out ( word line-out this-value ", " ) ;; Who #

    set this-value ( item 0 [index-into-chain] of this-hoam )
    set line-out ( word line-out this-value ", " ) ;; HOAM #

    set this-value ( item 0 [mass] of this-hoam )
    set line-out ( word line-out this-value ", " ) ;; HOAM-mass

    set this-value ( item 0 [oam-time-to-drop] of this-hoam )
    set line-out ( word line-out this-value ", " ) ;; OAM-time-to-drop

    set this-value ( item 0 [energy-to-transfer] of this-hoam )
    set line-out ( word line-out this-value ", " ) ;; OAM-energy-to-transfer

    set this-value ( item 0 [energy-to-discharge] of this-hoam )
    set line-out ( word line-out this-value ", " ) ;; OAM-energy-to-discharge

    set this-value ( item 0 [Mj-in-oam] of this-hoam )
    set line-out ( word line-out this-value ", "  ) ;; OAM-Mj

    set this-value ( item 0 [Mt-in-oam] of this-hoam )
    set line-out ( word line-out this-value ", " ) ;; OAM-Mt

    set this-value ( item 0 [Eu-in-oam] of this-hoam )
    set line-out ( word line-out this-value ", " ) ;; OAM-Eu

    ;; Bodies within chain.
    let hoam-index 1  ;; Exclude head, start at index = 1.
    while [ hoam-index < ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) ] ;; Exclude tail.
      set this-hoam ( item hoam-index this-chain )
      set this-value ( item 0 [who] of this-hoam )
      set line-out ( word line-out this-value ", " ) ;; Who#
      set this-value ( item 0 [index-into-chain] of this-hoam )
      set line-out ( word line-out this-value ", " ) ;; HOAM #
      set this-value ( item 0 [mass] of this-hoam )
      set line-out ( word line-out this-value ", " ) ;; HOAM-mass
      set this-value ( item 0 [oam-time-to-drop] of this-hoam )
      set line-out ( word line-out this-value ", " ) ;; OAM-time-to-drop
      set this-value ( item 0 [energy-to-transfer] of this-hoam )
      set line-out ( word line-out this-value ", " ) ;; OAM-energy-to-transfer
      set this-value ( item 0 [energy-to-discharge] of this-hoam )
      set line-out ( word line-out this-value ", " ) ;; OAM-energy-to-discharge
      set this-value ( item 0 [Mj-in-oam] of this-hoam )
      set line-out ( word line-out this-value ", " ) ;; OAM-Mj
      set this-value ( item 0 [Mt-in-oam] of this-hoam )
      set line-out ( word line-out this-value ", " ) ;; OAM-Mt
      set this-value ( item 0 [Eu-in-oam] of this-hoam )
      set line-out ( word line-out this-value ", " ) ;; OAM-Eu

      set hoam-index ( hoam-index + 1 )
    ]  ;; End while [ hoam-index < ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) ]

    ;; The tail of the chain.
    set this-hoam ( item hoam-index this-chain )

    set this-value ( item 0 [who] of this-hoam )
    set line-out ( word line-out this-value ", " ) ;; Who #
    set this-value ( item 0 [index-into-chain] of this-hoam )
    set line-out ( word line-out this-value ", " ) ;; HOAM #
    set this-value ( item 0 [mass] of this-hoam )
    set line-out ( word line-out this-value ", " ) ;; HOAM-mass

    file-print line-out
  ]  ;; End if ( gb-dpx-on = 1 )

;; Close the dpx file.

to f-close-dpx-file
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.
  ;; DPX stands for 'Data Per Xaction'
  if ( Is-string? gs-dpx-file-name )
    if ( file-exists? gs-dpx-file-name )
      ;; Select the file
      file-open gs-dpx-file-name
      ;; Close it.
  set gb-dpx-on 0
  set gs-dpx-status "0 (Off)"
  set gs-dpx-file-name "DpxDummyName"
  set g-dpx-recno 0
  ;; End of f-close-dpx-file

;; Close and reopen the dpx file, it is too full.

to f-reopen-dpx-file
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  ;; End of f-reopen-dpx-file

;; Write a pair of records for the system settings.

to f-write-system-settings
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  ;; A file must already be selected.
  ;; These system setting records are meant to be writtin right after the
  ;;   mast head lines.
  ;; Write a header record for system parameters.  
  let line-out "SYS-A, "
  set line-out ( word line-out "Version, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "Scenario, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "Fitness test, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "PRNG-Seed, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "g-no-of-chains-at-start, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "g-no-of-chains-max, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "g-length-of-chains, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "g-drop-distance, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "g-acceleration, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "gb-mutate-heads, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "gb-mutate-tails " )
  file-print line-out
  ;; Write a data record for system parameters.  
  set line-out "SYS-B, "
  set line-out ( word line-out gs-Version ", " )
  set line-out ( word line-out gs-scenario ", " )
  set line-out ( word line-out gs-fitness-measure ", " )
  set line-out ( word line-out g-use-this-seed ", " )
  set line-out ( word line-out g-no-of-chains-at-start ", " )
  set line-out ( word line-out g-no-of-chains-max ", " )
  set line-out ( word line-out g-length-of-chains ", " )
  set line-out ( word line-out g-drop-distance ", " )
  set line-out ( word line-out g-acceleration ", " )
  set line-out ( word line-out gb-mutate-heads ", " )
  set line-out ( word line-out gb-mutate-tails " " )
  file-print line-out
  ;; Now, write instructions on how to process the data.
  set line-out ( word "INSTRUCTIONS:" )
  file-print line-out
  set line-out ( word " - Copy the above rows of meta-data to a fresh sheet." )
  file-print line-out
  set line-out ( word " - Then delete the rows of meta-data and instructions." )
  file-print line-out
  set line-out ( word " - Then sort all columns and all rows of headers and data using Column A as sort key." )
  file-print line-out
  ;; End of f-write-system-settings

;; Dump "Data Per Tick" data to dpt file, if open.

  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  ;; Activate only if the dpt file is open and ready to receive data.
  if( gb-dpt-on = 1 )
    ;; If the file is full, close it.  MS Excel can handle 1,048,000 records.
    ;; Terminate the file before 1,000,000 records.
    ifelse( g-dpt-recno > g-recno-max ) [ f-reopen-dpt-file ]
      ;; Activate once per tick.  Take a reading.
      ;; This collects macro-economic data of various kinds.
  ;; End of DPT-DUMP

;; Open a dpt file.

to f-open-dpt-file
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.
  ;; DPT stands for 'Data Per Tick'
  ;; Ensure previous dpt file is closed.
  set gb-dpt-on 1
  set gs-dpt-status "1 (On)"
  set gs-dpt-file-name ( fr-construct-file-name "dpt" )
  set g-dpt-recno 0
  file-open gs-dpt-file-name
  ;; Write the mast head for the file.
  file-show "Data Per Transaction (dpt) File for a OamLab (NetLogo) Model."
  file-show ( word "Application Version Number: "gs-Version )
  file-show word "File opened at:" date-and-time
  file-show ""
  ifelse ( file-exists? gs-dpt-file-name )
    ;; Send a message directly to the command centre.
    show word gs-dpt-file-name " opened."

    ;; Write the system parameter settings to the file.
    ;; Write header records to the file.
  ;; else
    ;; Send a message directly to the command centre.
    show word gs-dpt-file-name " not opened.  Writing dpt data cancelled."
    set gb-dpt-on 0
    set gs-dpt-status "0 (Off)"
    set gs-dpt-file-name "DptDummyName"
  ;; End of f-open-dpt-file

;; Write the header records for the dpt data file.

to f-write-dpt-headers
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  ;; Select the file
  file-open gs-dpt-file-name
  ;; Write a header record for general macro-level data. 
  ;; Write headers for data collected per HOAM.
  f-write-dpt-x-hoam-header "DPT-C" "Ave Mass per HOAM"
  f-write-dpt-x-hoam-header "DPT-E" "Ave Low-grade energy per HOAM"
  f-write-dpt-x-hoam-header "DPT-G" "Ave High-grade energy transferred"
  f-write-dpt-x-hoam-header "DPT-I" "Ave Low-grade energy exhausted"
  ;; Write headers for data collected per OAM.
  f-write-dpt-x-oam-header "DPT-K" "Ave High-grade energy per OAM"
  f-write-dpt-x-oam-header "DPT-M" "GeoAve Mj per OAM"
  f-write-dpt-x-oam-header "DPT-O" "GeoAve Mt per OAM"
  f-write-dpt-x-oam-header "DPT-Q" "GeoAve Eu per OAM"
  ;; Write header for data associated with switches that may be flipped.
  ;; End of f-write-dpt-headers

;; Write the header record, the DPT-A record type.

to f-write-dpt-a-header
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  ;; Select the file
  file-open gs-dpt-file-name
  ;; Write a header record for general macro-level data. 
  let line-out "DPT-A, "
  set line-out ( word line-out "RecNo, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "Tick, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "g-no-of-chains, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "Ave drop time of chains, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "Geo Ave Mj, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "Geo Ave Mt, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "Geo Ave Eu " )

  file-print line-out

  ;;End of f-write-dpt-a-header
;; Write the header record, the DPT-X record type, per HOAM.

to f-write-dpt-x-hoam-header [ s-rectype s-recname ]
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  ;; Select the file
  file-open gs-dpt-file-name
  ;; Write a header record for averages by HOAM type. 
  let line-out ( word s-rectype ", " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "RecNo, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "Tick, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out s-recname " " )
  let hoam-index 0
  while [  hoam-index < g-length-of-chains ]
    set line-out ( word line-out ", HOAM " hoam-index " " )
    set hoam-index ( hoam-index + 1 )

  file-print line-out

  ;; End of f-write-dpt-x-hoam-header
;; Write the header record, the DPT-X record type, per OAM.

to f-write-dpt-x-oam-header [ s-rectype s-recname ]
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  ;; Select the file
  file-open gs-dpt-file-name
  ;; Write a header record for averages by OAM type. 
  let line-out ( word s-rectype ", " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "RecNo, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "Tick, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out s-recname " " )
  let oam-index 0
  while [ oam-index < ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) ]
    set line-out ( word line-out ", OAM " oam-index " " )
    set oam-index ( oam-index + 1 )

  file-print line-out

  ;; End of f-write-dpt-x-oam-header
;; Write the header record, the DPT-U record type.

to f-write-dpt-u-header
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  ;; Select the file
  file-open gs-dpt-file-name
  ;; Write a header record for general macro-level data. 
  let line-out "DPT-U, "
  set line-out ( word line-out "RecNo, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "Tick, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "g-no-of-chains-max, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "g-length-of-chains, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "g-drop-distance, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "g-acceleration, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "gb-mutate-heads, " )
  set line-out ( word line-out "gb-mutate-tails " )
  file-print line-out
  ;; End of f-write-dpt-u-header

;; Write the data records for the dpt data file.

to f-write-dpt-macro-data
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  ;; Select the file
  file-open gs-dpt-file-name
  ;; Write a data record for general macro-level data. 
  ;; Write data collected per HOAM.
  f-write-dpt-x-hoam-data "DPT-D" "Ave Mass per HOAM" gl-ttl-mass-per-hoam
  f-write-dpt-x-hoam-data "DPT-F" "Ave Low-grade energy per HOAM" gl-ttl-lg-nrg-per-hoam
  f-write-dpt-x-hoam-data "DPT-H" "Ave Hg energy transferred" gl-ttl-hg-nrg-per-tick
  f-write-dpt-x-hoam-data "DPT-J" "Ave Lg energy exhausted" gl-ttl-lg-nrg-per-tick
  ;; Write data collected per OAM.
  f-write-dpt-x-oam-data "DPT-L" "Ave High-grade energy per OAM" gl-ttl-hg-nrg-per-oam
  f-write-dpt-x-oam-data "DPT-P" "Geo Ave Mt" gl-geo-Mt-per-oam
  f-write-dpt-x-oam-data "DPT-N" "Geo Ave Eu" gl-geo-Eu-per-oam 
  f-write-dpt-x-oam-data "DPT-T" "Geo Ave Mj" gl-geo-Mj-per-oam
  ;; Write data associated with switches that may be flipped.
  ;; End of f-write-dpt-macro-data

;; Write the data record, the dpt-a data record.

to f-write-dpt-a-data
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  ;; Select the file
  file-open gs-dpt-file-name
  ;; Increment the record number.
  set g-dpt-recno ( g-dpt-recno + 1 )

  ;; Write a data record for general macro-level data. 
  let line-out "DPT-B, "
  set line-out ( word line-out g-dpt-recno ", " )
  set line-out ( word line-out ticks ", " )
  let value-out 0

  set line-out ( word line-out g-no-of-chains ", " )

  set value-out ( g-ttl-dt-of-chains / g-no-of-chains )
  set line-out ( word line-out value-out ", " )

  set value-out g-geo-Mj
  set line-out ( word line-out value-out ", " )

  set value-out g-geo-Mt
  set line-out ( word line-out value-out ", " )

  set value-out g-geo-Eu
  set line-out ( word line-out value-out " " )

  file-print line-out
  ;; End of f-write-dpt-a-data

;; Write the data record, the DPT-X record type, per HOAM.

to f-write-dpt-x-hoam-data [ s-rectype s-recname this-list ]
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  ;; Select the file
  file-open gs-dpt-file-name
  ;; Increment the record number.
  set g-dpt-recno ( g-dpt-recno + 1 )

  ;; Write a data record for averages per HOAM. 
  let line-out ( word s-rectype ", " )
  set line-out ( word line-out g-dpt-recno ", " )
  set line-out ( word line-out ticks ", " )
  set line-out ( word line-out s-recname " " )
  let value-out 0   ;; Dummy declaration
  let hoam-index 0
  while [  hoam-index < g-length-of-chains ]
    set value-out ( item hoam-index this-list )
    set value-out ( value-out / g-no-of-chains )
    set line-out ( word line-out ", " value-out " " )
    set hoam-index ( hoam-index + 1 )

  file-print line-out

  ;; End of f-write-dpt-x-hoam-data
;; Write the data record, the DPT-X record type, per OAM.

to f-write-dpt-x-oam-data [ s-rectype s-recname this-list ]
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  ;; Select the file
  file-open gs-dpt-file-name
  ;; Increment the record number.
  set g-dpt-recno ( g-dpt-recno + 1 )
  ;; Write a header record for averages by OAM type. 
  let line-out ( word s-rectype ", " )
  set line-out ( word line-out g-dpt-recno ", " )
  set line-out ( word line-out ticks ", " )
  set line-out ( word line-out s-recname " " )
  let value-out 0  ;; Dummy declaration.
  let oam-index 0
  while [ oam-index < ( g-length-of-chains - 1 ) ]
    set value-out ( item oam-index this-list )
    set value-out ( value-out / g-no-of-chains )
    set line-out ( word line-out ", " value-out " " )
    set oam-index ( oam-index + 1 )

  file-print line-out

  ;; End of f-write-dpt-x-oam-data
;; Write the data record, the DPT-V record type.

to f-write-dpt-u-data
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  ;; Select the file
  file-open gs-dpt-file-name
  ;; Increment the record number.
  set g-dpt-recno ( g-dpt-recno + 1 )

  ;; Write a data record for quasi-variable switches. 
  let line-out "DPT-V, "
  set line-out ( word line-out g-dpt-recno ", " )
  set line-out ( word line-out ticks ", " )
  set line-out ( word line-out g-no-of-chains-max ", " )
  set line-out ( word line-out g-length-of-chains ", " )
  set line-out ( word line-out g-drop-distance ", " )
  set line-out ( word line-out g-acceleration ", " )
  set line-out ( word line-out gb-mutate-heads ", " )
  set line-out ( word line-out gb-mutate-tails " " )
  file-print line-out
  ;; End of f-write-dpt-u-data

;; Close the dpt file.

to f-close-dpt-file
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.
  ;; DPT stands for 'Data Per Tick'
  if ( Is-string? gs-dpt-file-name )
    if ( file-exists? gs-dpt-file-name )
      ;; Select the file
      file-open gs-dpt-file-name
      ;; Close it.
  set gb-dpt-on 0
  set gs-dpt-status "0 (Off)"
  set gs-dpt-file-name "DptDummyName"
  set g-dpt-recno 0
  ;; End of f-close-dpt-file

;; Close and reopen the dpt file, it is too full.

to f-reopen-dpt-file
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  ;; End of f-reopen-dpt-file

;; Construct a CSV data file name.

to-report fr-construct-file-name [ type-string ]
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.
  ;; Date-string format "01:19:36.685 PM 19-Sep-2002"
  let date-string date-and-time
  let file-name ( word "OamLab_" type-string "_" )
  ;; Append the year as yy.
  set file-name word file-name ( substring date-string 25 27 )
  ;; Append the month as Mmm.
  set file-name word file-name fr-convert-mmm-mm ( substring date-string 19 22 )
  ;; Append the day as dd.
  set file-name word file-name ( substring date-string 16 18 )
  ;; Append a dash.
  set file-name word file-name "_"

  ;; Append the hour as hh.
  set file-name word file-name fr-convert1224 ( substring date-string 0 2 ) ( substring date-string 13 15 )
  ;; Append the minute as mm.
  set file-name word file-name ( substring date-string 3 5 )
  ;; Append the second as ss.
  set file-name word file-name ( substring date-string 6 8 )
  ;; Append the .csv extension.
  set file-name word file-name ".csv"

  report file-name
  ;; End of fr-construct-file-name


;; Open a log file for debug output.

to f-open-log-file
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.
  ;; Ensure previous log file is closed.
  if ( is-string? gs-log-file-name )
    if ( file-exists? gs-log-file-name )
  ;; Date-string format "01:19:36.685 PM 19-Sep-2002"
  let date-string date-and-time
  set gs-log-file-name "OamLab_Log_"
  ;; Append the year as yy.
  set gs-log-file-name word gs-log-file-name ( substring date-string 25 27 )
  ;; Append the month as Mmm.
  set gs-log-file-name word gs-log-file-name fr-convert-mmm-mm ( substring date-string 19 22 )
  ;; Append the day as dd.
  set gs-log-file-name word gs-log-file-name ( substring date-string 16 18 )
  ;; Append a dash.
  set gs-log-file-name word gs-log-file-name "_"

  ;; Append the hour as hh.
  set gs-log-file-name word gs-log-file-name fr-convert1224 ( substring date-string 0 2 ) ( substring date-string 13 15 )
  ;; Append the minute as mm.
  set gs-log-file-name word gs-log-file-name ( substring date-string 3 5 )
  ;; Append the second as ss.
  set gs-log-file-name word gs-log-file-name ( substring date-string 6 8 )
  ;; Append the .txt extension.
  set gs-log-file-name word gs-log-file-name ".txt"

  file-open gs-log-file-name
  file-show "Log File for a OamLab (NetLogo) Model."
  file-show word "File Name: " gs-log-file-name
  file-show word "File opened at:" date-and-time
  file-show ""
  ;; Send a message directly to the command centre.
  ifelse ( file-exists? gs-log-file-name )
    show word gs-log-file-name " opened."
    show word gs-log-file-name " not opened."
  ;; End of f-open-log-file

;; Convert month in text form to digital form.

to-report fr-convert-mmm-mm [ mmm ]
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.
  ;; It converts a string in the form mmm ( alpha text ) to the form mm ( digit-text ).
  let mm "00"
  if( mmm = "Jan" ) [ set mm "01" ]
  if( mmm = "Feb" ) [ set mm "02" ]
  if( mmm = "Mar" ) [ set mm "03" ]
  if( mmm = "Apr" ) [ set mm "04" ]
  if( mmm = "May" ) [ set mm "05" ]
  if( mmm = "Jun" ) [ set mm "06" ]
  if( mmm = "Jul" ) [ set mm "07" ]
  if( mmm = "Aug" ) [ set mm "08" ]
  if( mmm = "SeP" ) [ set mm "09" ]
  if( mmm = "Oct" ) [ set mm "10" ]
  if( mmm = "Nov" ) [ set mm "11" ]
  if( mmm = "Dec" ) [ set mm "12" ]
  report mm
  ;; End of fr-convert-mmm-mm

;; Convert hour in 12 format to 24 hour format.

to-report fr-convert1224 [ hh ampm ]
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.
  ;; It converts a string in 12 hour format to 24 hour format.
  let hour read-from-string hh
  if( ampm = "PM" ) [ set hour ( hour + 12 ) ]
  let dd ( word "00" hour )
  let d2 last dd
  set dd but-last dd
  let d1 last dd
  set dd ( word d1 d2 )
  report dd
  ;; End of fr-convert1224

;; Close a log file for debug output.

to f-close-log-file
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.
  let b-filename-exists 0
  if ( is-string? gs-log-file-name ) 
    if ( file-exists? gs-log-file-name )
      set b-filename-exists 1

  ifelse( b-filename-exists = 1 )
    ;; Ensure the file is selected.
    file-open gs-log-file-name
    ;; Stanp it.
    LOG-TO-FILE word "File closed at: " date-and-time
    ;; Flush the buffers.
    ;; Close it.
    ;; Note sent to command centre.
    show word gs-log-file-name " closed."
    ;; Revert to dummy name.
    set gs-log-file-name "dummyname"
    if( gs-log-file-name = "dummyname" )
      [ show "No log file is open.  Cannot close it." ]
  ;; End of f-close-log-file

;; Select an already opened log file.

to f-select-log-file
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.
  ifelse ( file-exists? gs-log-file-name )
    ;; Ensure the file is selected.
    file-open gs-log-file-name
    ;; Ensure it is open for writing.
    LOG-TO-FILE ""
    show word gs-log-file-name " is not open.  Cannot select it."
  ;; End of f-select-log-file

;; Change the debug mode from on to off, or vice versa.

to f-toggle-debug
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer, and is activated by a 
  ;;   button.
  ifelse( gb-debug-on = 1 )
    ;; Debug is On, turn it Off.
    ;; Close the file before turning debug logging off.
    set gs-debug-status "0 (Off)"  ;; This appears in the monitor.
    set gb-debug-on 0              ;; But this controls the debug feature.
    ;; Debug is Off, turn it On.
    set gs-debug-status "1 (On)"   ;; This appears in the monitor.
    set gb-debug-on 1              ;; But this controls the debug feature.
    ;; The switches, if needed, are reset manually by the user.
    ;; Open the log file after turning debug logging on.
  ;; End of f-toggle-debug

;; 'Show' a string in a debug log.

to LOG-TO-FILE [ log-this-string ]
  ;; This routine may be executed by observer or turtle.
  ;; It should be invoked as a debug routine only, and would not be used for 
  ;;    normal output.  It sends output to the debug log file, or, optionally,
  ;;    also to the command centre.
  ;; gb-debug-on is a global Boolean and has value 1 (true) or 0 (false).
  if( gb-debug-on = 1 )
    ;; gb-debug-flow-on is declared as a global Boolean variable, and its value 
    ;;   is 0 ( false ) or 1 ( true ) and is set on or off at the beginning of each 
    ;;   function ( each do-step ).  It is controlled by the chooser that selects 'all' 
    ;;   or a specific do-function.
    ;; When it is 'on' you can assume the debug log file exists and is open for
    ;;   write.
    if( gb-debug-flow-on = 1 )
      file-show log-this-string
      show log-this-string
  ;; End of LOG-TO-FILE

;; This replicates the effect of an 'ASSERTION' in C++

to ASSERT [ error-test error-string error-who ]
;; This routine can be run by any of observer or turtle (I think).

if( error-test = false )
  show ( word error-test " " error-string " " error-who )
  ;; Cause a run-time error and display a message.
  error ( word "Agent: " error-who " - " error-string )

  ;; End of ASSERT

;; Check whether the agents are all valid.

to-report frb-agents-are-all-valid 
;; This routine can be run by the observer.

  let b-agents-are-all-valid true
  if( gb-debug-on = 1 )
    ;; Do the check only if debug is on.
    ;; Check the heads.
    ask heads
      if( frb-head-is-valid = false ) [ set b-agents-are-all-valid false ]
    ;; Check the bodies.
    ask bodies
      if( frb-body-is-valid = false ) [ set b-agents-are-all-valid false ]
    ;; Check the tails.
    ask tails
      if( frb-tail-is-valid = false ) [ set b-agents-are-all-valid false ]
  report b-agents-are-all-valid
  ;; End of frb-agents-are-all-valid

;; Check whether a head is valid.

to-report frb-head-is-valid 
;; This routine can be run by a head.

  let b-head-is-valid true
  if( index-into-chains-lib < 0 ) 
    set b-head-is-valid false 
    LOG-TO-FILE ( word "index-into-chains-lib = " index-into-chains-lib "; at tick = " ticks )
  report b-head-is-valid
  ;; End of frb-head-is-valid

;; Check whether a body is valid.

to-report frb-body-is-valid 
;; This routine can be run by a body.

  let b-body-is-valid true

  if( mass < 0 ) 
    set b-body-is-valid false 
    LOG-TO-FILE ( word "mass = " mass "; at tick = " ticks )
  report b-body-is-valid
  ;; End of frb-body-is-valid

;; Check whether a tail is valid.

to-report frb-tail-is-valid 
;; This routine can be run by a tail.

  let b-tail-is-valid true
  if( mass < 0 ) 
    set b-tail-is-valid false 
    LOG-TO-FILE ( word "mass = " mass "; at tick = " ticks )
  report b-tail-is-valid
  ;; End of frb-tail-is-valid


;; Reports the fitness measure of the system based on the current choice of
;;   fitness measures, i.e. the active fitness regime.

to-report fr-get-active-fitness-measure 
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  let active-fitness-measure 1
  if( g-fitness-number = 0 ) [ set active-fitness-measure g-geo-Mj ]
  if( g-fitness-number = 1 ) [ set active-fitness-measure g-geo-Mt ]
  if( g-fitness-number = 2 ) [ set active-fitness-measure g-geo-Eu ]
  report active-fitness-measure
  ;; End of fr-get-active-fitness-measure


;; This is for a special scenario in which all tails are the same, all heads
;;   are the same, and there is mixed efficiency at start.  There is a button
;;   that invokes the g-set-all-heads-at-max, a monitor that displays 
;;   g-max-all-heads, and an input control that allows you to choose what
;;   value all heads will be set to.  You are expected to set the chooser to
;;   'energy' fitness measure and 'Mixed Odum Efficiency' yourself. 

;;  This routine is used by a monitor to report the maximum mass in all heads.

to-report fr-get-max-head-size 
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  set g-max-head-size ( max [mass] of heads )
  report g-max-head-size
  ;; End of fr-get-max-head-size

;;  This routine is used by a monitor to report the minimum mass in all tails.

to-report fr-get-min-tail-size 
  ;; This routine is to be executed by the observer.

  set g-min-tail-size ( min [mass] of tails )
  report g-min-tail-size
  ;; End of fr-get-min-tail-size

;;  This routine is used by a button to increase the size of the mass of 
;;    all heads to the value in an input box.

to f-make-all-heads-the-same 
;; This routine can be run by the observer.

  ;; Note the current value.
  let max-head-size-is ( fr-get-max-head-size )
  ;; Check whether a higher value has been entered into the input box.
  ifelse( g-set-max-head-size > max-head-size-is )
    ;; Effect the change.
    ask heads
      set mass ( g-set-max-head-size )
    ;; Recalculate all drop times, efficiencies, and fitness measures.
    ;; Update the aggregates again, after energetics computed.
    f-update-aggregates  ;; Totals and averages.
    ;; Return the input box to its default status.
    set g-set-max-head-size -1
  ;; else
    ;; Case of invalid input.
    ;; Return the input box to its default status.
    set g-set-max-head-size -2
  ;; End else

  ;; End of f-make-all-heads-the-same


  ;; nil

There is only one version of this model, created over 7 years ago by Garvin Boyle.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
02 OamLab V1.10.png preview Preview for '02 OamLab V1.10' over 7 years ago, by Garvin Boyle Download
141129 NTF - NetLogo Stds for OrrerySW R2.pdf pdf Prepared standards for Orrery Software for NetLogo projects. over 7 years ago, by Garvin Boyle Download
150101 NTF Atwood's Machine R4.pdf pdf An analysis of the functioning of Atwood's Machine. over 7 years ago, by Garvin Boyle Download
150105 NTF AM Shape Study R1.pdf pdf A study of the shape of the power vs efficiency curve of Atwood's Machine. over 7 years ago, by Garvin Boyle Download
150113 NTF Atwoods Machine Revisited R4.pdf pdf More thoughts on the operations of Atwood's Machine as a model for energy transfers. over 7 years ago, by Garvin Boyle Download
150418 NTF Three Shapes of AM Revisited R2.pdf pdf A more detailed study of the power vs efficiency curves associated with Atwood's Machine. over 7 years ago, by Garvin Boyle Download
170328 NTF OamLab Change Diary.pdf pdf The most recent change diary. over 7 years ago, by Garvin Boyle Download
170330 NTF High-Level Design - OAMLab R5.pdf pdf A high-level technical description of the model. over 7 years ago, by Garvin Boyle Download

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