Rhino Poaching

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2 collaborators

Jacob van der Ploeg (Team member)


animal behavior 

Tagged by Nick van Doormaal over 7 years ago


Tagged by Nick van Doormaal over 7 years ago


Tagged by Nick van Doormaal over 7 years ago

law enforcement 

Tagged by Nick van Doormaal over 7 years ago


Tagged by Nick van Doormaal over 7 years ago

wildlife crime 

Tagged by Nick van Doormaal over 7 years ago

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; ctrl f: JJJJ & ????

extensions [rnd]

globals [
  max-roughness         ; highest rough terrain value
  sprout-delay-time     ; number of ticks until resources wil grow back
  rhino-activity-decay  ; how fast will signs of rhino activity disappear?
  human-signs-decay     ; how fast will signs of poachers disappear?
  carcass-decay         ; how long it takes for a carcass to dissappear
  rhino-weight          ; sum of weights for the rhino-decision
  poacher-weight        ; sum of weight for the poacher-decision
  ranger-weight         ; sum of weight for the ranger-decision
  ;population-size      ; sum of herd-size of all rhinos (i.e. rhinos * herd-size, which starts at 70 w/ herds off and 350 w/ herds on) JJJJ [OFF, see report]

breed [ camps camp]         ; create breed of camps
breed [ poachers poacher ]  ; create breed of poachers
breed [ rhinos rhino]       ; create breed of rhinos
breed [ rangers ranger]     ; create breed of rangers

rangers-own [
  patrol-memory     ; remember previous visited patches
  patrol-time       ; how long has the ranger been on patrol
  risky-areas       ; remember areas where the ranger found signs of poaching activity
  safe-areas        ; remember areas with no poaching activity
  off-duty-time     ; how long to wait in between patrols
  rhino-sightings   ; remember where rangers saw a rhino
  ranger-goal       ; everyone needs a goal in life
  state             ; describes if the ranger is patrolling, or heading back to camp and preparing for next patrol
  direction         ; describes the direction of ranger during fence patrol

poachers-own [
  time              ; How much time has the poacher spent inside the reserve?
  laylow            ; How long to wait between hunts?
  success-sites     ; remember all patches where the poacher killed a rhino
  good-sites        ; remember all patches with rhino signs and no rangers
  failure-sites     ; remember all patches where the poacher did not find anything or too many rangers
  rhinos-killed     ; total number of rhinos killed
  poacher-memory    ; remember previous visited patches
  poacher-goal      ; everyone needs a goal in life
  state             ; describes if the poacher is on the journey to, from crime or waiting and planning new trip

rhinos-own [
   rhino-memory     ; remember previous visited patches
   rhino-goal       ; even rhinos have a goal in life
   herd-size        ; counter for group size JJJJ

patches-own [
  inside?               ; represents inside / outside reserve
  resources             ; how many resources in the patch?
  roughness             ; high roughness takes more time to move through
  countdown             ; number of ticks until resources wil grow back
  recent-rhino-activity ; was there any rhino here recently?
  rhino-territory       ; to which rhino does this patch belong to?
  poacher-signs         ; signs of poaching
  patch-attractiveness  ; which patch is the most sexy?
  ranger-signs          ; signs of ranger patrols

;to test
;  ask ranger (1 + num-rhinos) [set color yellow set size 20]

to setup-park
  set sprout-delay-time 100   ; resources will increase after a certain time
  set max-roughness 5                      ; highest rough terrain value
  set rhino-activity-decay 500 ;
  set rhino-weight (rhino-avoid-weight + roughness-weight + resources-weight)
  ;set population-size (sum [herd-size] of rhinos * count rhinos) ; JJJJ

to-report population-size ; JJJJ
  report sum [herd-size] of rhinos

to setup-humans
 set carcass-decay 10000                   ; carcass signs will always be visible throughout the simulation
 set human-signs-decay 200
 set poacher-weight (ranger-avoid-weight * 2) + hunt-rhino-weight + roughness-weight + resources-weight
 set ranger-weight 1 + search-rhino-weight + roughness-weight + catch-poacher-weight ; the '+1' represents avoidance of other patrols

to create-park
; next create resources patches inside the reserve
  ask patches with [count neighbors = 8][    ; inside the reserve
      set rhino-territory nobody             ; no patches have been taking by rhinos yet
      set roughness 1                        ; all patches are easy to move through
      set inside? TRUE                       ; resources can increase only inside the reserve
      set resources random-float 1.1         ; amount of resources is a random number between 0 to 1
      set countdown random (sprout-delay-time + random 100) ; generate a random countdown for each patch
diffuse resources 0.4
; first create the reserve's border
  ask patches with [count neighbors < 8][   ; select world's border
    set roughness 1                         ; easy to move through
    set resources 0                         ; no resources means unattractive for rhinos
    set inside? FALSE                       ; no resources can grow here
    set countdown 0                         ; no resources can grow back
    set pcolor black                        ; colour the border black
; some patches will be sand/dirt areas. No resources is growing on these patches
let percentage-sand ((count patches with [inside? = TRUE]) / 100 ) * sandy-areas
ask n-of percentage-sand patches with [inside? = TRUE] [
  set resources 0
; colour the world
ask patches [color-resources]

to setup-rhino
  if ticks = 1000 [ stop ]
   ask rhinos [
     rhino-goal-check                ; check for their rhino movement goal
     update-rhino-memory             ; short-term memory of rhino
     rhino-foraging-and-home-range   ; rhinos are territorial and search for food
   ask patches [

to go
; when all rhinos die and last poacher escaped the reserve, it's game over.
if (not any? rhinos) [ stop ]
; when all poachers are caught, the rhinos live happily ever after
if (not any? poachers) [ stop ]
; when "a year" has passed, stop the simulation
if ticks = 10000 [ stop ]

ask rhinos [
      rhino-goal-check                ; check for their rhino movement goal
      update-rhino-memory             ; short-term memory of rhino
      rhino-foraging-and-home-range   ; rhinos are territorial and search for food

ask poachers [
      poacher-laylow        ; if outside reserve, poacher will will prepare for their next hunt
      poacher-goal-check    ; poachers avoid rangers and search for rhinos

ask rangers [
      ranger-end-patrol         ; check if rangers have still time to patrol more.
      ranger-goal-check     ; rangers search for poachers

ask patches [

to update-visualization
  if visualization = "resources_colors" [
  if visualization = "rhino_home-ranges" [
  if (visualization = "rough_areas") [

to color-home-range
; the colour of the patch corresponds to the same colour as the rhino it belongs to.
; when the patch belongs to nobody, it corresponds to the number of resources.
; IF - patches are inside
 ifelse inside? [
   if rhino-territory != nobody [
     set pcolor [color] of rhino-territory + 2]
   if rhino-territory = nobody and resources > 0 [
     set pcolor (scale-color green resources 1.5  0)]
   if rhino-territory = nobody and resources = 0 [
     set pcolor brown * 1.02 ]
; ELSE - patches outside the reserve
 [set pcolor black]

to update-resources
set countdown (countdown - 1)        ; reduces the countdown by 1
if inside? and countdown = 0 [       ; for every fertile patch that reached 0..
  set resources (resources * 1.01)  ; ...increase resources with 1%
  set countdown sprout-delay-time + random 100    ; resources won't increase again until sprout-delay-time has passed
  if resources > 1 [set resources 1] ; 1 indicates maximum value, this cannot be exceeded
if not inside? [                     ; select the patches outside the reserve...
  set resources 0]                   ; ... and keep them unattractive for rhinos
if resources < 0 [
  set resources 0                    ; resources cannot have negative values

if (visualization = "resources_colours") [
  color-resources]                       ; colour patches based on amount of resources available

to color-resources
; scale color of patch from whitish green (for low resources) to green (for high resources)
; IF - patches are inside the reserve
 ifelse inside? [
; IF - and have some resources
   ifelse resources > 0 [
     set pcolor (scale-color green resources 1.5  0)]

; ELSE - fertile but no resources
   [set pcolor brown * 1.02]]  ; colour for patches inside the reserve but with no resources
; ELSE - not fertile
 [set pcolor black]            ; colour for outside the reserve

to create-rough-areas
  ask n-of rough-areas patches with [inside? = TRUE] [          ; select an x number of patches inside the reserve...
    set roughness max-roughness                                 ; and assign the maximum value of roughness to it (the peak if you like).
  ask patches in-radius ( max-roughness - 1 ) [                 ; select the patches surrounding it...
    set roughness round (max-roughness - distance myself + roughness) ; ...and increase their roughness based on how close the patch is to the "peak".
  if roughness < 1 [                                            ; minimum roughness = 1
    set roughness 1]
  if roughness > max-roughness [
    set roughness max-roughness]]                               ; maximum roughness
  if visualization = "rough_areas" [
    ask patches [
      color-rough-areas ]

to color-rough-areas
; colour the patches based on their roughness. The non-rough patches will be coloured based on their resources-values.
; IF - patches are fertile
 if roughness > 1 [
   set pcolor (scale-color red roughness 1  10)
 if roughness = 1 and resources > 0 [
   set pcolor (scale-color green resources 1.5 0)
 if roughness = 1 and resources = 0 and inside? = TRUE [
   set pcolor brown * 1.02
 if roughness = 1 and resources = 0 and inside? = FALSE [
   set pcolor black

to release-rhinos
  set-default-shape rhinos "mammoth"                   ; slightly modified mammoth symbol represents rhinos
  ask n-of num-rhinos patches with [inside? = TRUE and
  not any? turtles in-radius 5 ] [                     ; sprout rhinos only inside the reserve
    sprout-rhinos 1 [                                  ; create the rhinos, then initialize their variables
      set size 2] ]
  spread-rhinos                                        ; make sure rhinos won't be too close to each other
  ask rhinos [
    set rhino-memory (list patch-here)                 ; At the start, rhinos only remember their current location
    set rhino-goal patch-here                          ; Rhinos will start by creating a new goal
    ifelse herd = true [set herd-size 5] [set herd-size 1]

to setup-home-range
 ask rhinos [
   ask patches in-radius 1.5 with [inside? = TRUE] [  ; select patches that are around the rhino and inside the reserve
     set rhino-territory myself                       ; those patches now belong to that rhino's territory

   if visualization = "rhino_home-ranges" [            ; home ranges will be visualised if the user strongly desires so.
     set pcolor [color] of myself + 2]                 ; colour of the patches is similar to the color of the rhino
if random-float 1 < 0.5  [                             ; 50% chance of..
  ask patch-here [                                     ; leaving rhino activity signs on the current patch
   set recent-rhino-activity rhino-activity-decay + random 500]

to spread-rhinos
let spreading-rhinos rhinos with [any? other turtles in-radius 10]
if any? spreading-rhinos [
  ask one-of spreading-rhinos [
    let available-patches patches with [inside? = TRUE and not any? other turtles in-radius 10]
; IF - there are any patches without a rhino nearby, move rhino to that patch.
   ifelse any? available-patches [
      move-to one-of available-patches
; ELSE - if no patches are available anymore, pick a random spot
    [ move-to one-of patches with [inside? = TRUE and not any? other turtles-here ] ]

to release-poachers
set-default-shape poachers "person"                     ; person symbol represents poachers
ask n-of num-poachers patches with [inside? = FALSE] [  ; sprout poachers only on the borders
    sprout-poachers 1 [                                 ; create the poachers, then initialize their variables
      set color blue
      set size 2
      set time 0                    ; poachers have not spend time in the reserve yet
      set laylow ( poacher-time * 2 ) + random 100  ; how long to wait in between hunts
      set good-sites no-patches     ; memories of good hunting grounds
      set success-sites no-patches  ; memories of successful rhino kill sites
      set failure-sites no-patches  ; memories of unsuccessful hunts
      set poacher-memory no-patches ; memories of previous patches
      set poacher-goal patch-here   ; poacher will start by creating a new goal
      set state "journey-to-crime"  ; poacher will go hunting

to build-camps
  set-default-shape camps "house"                                             ; house symbol represents the base camps

  if camp-placement = "random" [                                              ; distribute the camps randomly across the reserve
    ask n-of num-camps patches with [inside? = TRUE and roughness = 1] [     ; but only inside, and for easily accessible areas
      sprout-camps 1 ]

 if camp-placement = "fixed" [   ; when running model 500 times sets camp at fixed coordinates )
   let camp-coordinates (patch-set patch 0 0  patch (min-pxcor + 1 + random 10) (min-pycor + 1 + random 10)  patch (min-pxcor + 1 + random 10) (max-pycor - 1 - random 10)
     patch (max-pxcor - 1 - random 10) (max-pycor - 1 - random 10) patch (max-pxcor - 1 - random 10) (min-pycor + 1 + random 10))
   ask n-of num-camps camp-coordinates [
     sprout-camps 1]

to distribute-camps
 let camps-too-close camps with [any? other camps in-radius 10]
 if any? camps-too-close [
   ask one-of camps-too-close [
     let available-patches patches with [inside? = TRUE and not any? other camps in-radius 10]
     ifelse any? available-patches [
       move-to one-of available-patches
     [ move-to one-of patches with [inside? = TRUE and not any? other turtles-here] ]
  ask camps [
    ask patches in-radius 4.5 [
      set resources 0
    set size 2
    set color red]

to click-camps
    if mouse-down? [
    ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor [
      sprout-camps 1 ]

to release-rangers
  set-default-shape rangers "person soldier"  ; soldier symbol represents rangers
  repeat num-rangers [                        ; for N rangers, repeat the following
  ask one-of camps [                          ;
    hatch-rangers 1 [                         ; create a ranger at a random camp
      set color red
      set size 2
      set patrol-memory no-patches            ; memories of previous patches
      set patrol-time 0                       ; represents how long the poacher has been on patrol today
      set risky-areas no-patches              ; remember areas where the ranger has found evidence of poaching
      set safe-areas no-patches
      set rhino-sightings no-patches          ; remember areas where the ranger has seen a rhino
      ifelse coordinated = false [set off-duty-time (patrol-length * 2) + random 100] [set off-duty-time patrol-length * 2] ; JJJJ
      ;set off-duty-time ( patrol-length * 2 ) + random 100  ; how long to wait in between patrols
      set ranger-goal patch-here
      set state "patrolling"
      ifelse random 2 = 0 [                   ; for fence patrols...
        set direction 1 ]                     ; ... 1 follows right-hand fence
      [ set direction -1 ]                    ; ... -1 follows left-hand fence
      face one-of neighbors4

to-report ticks-to-stay-on-patch [p]
  report roughness - 1

to rhino-goal-check
ifelse ticks-wait > 0 [
  set ticks-wait ticks-wait - 1 ]

; IF - rhino has completed his goal in life
[ ifelse rhino-goal = patch-here [
   rhino-decision-making]                             ; do rhino stuff

; ELSE - if rhino is still moving towards goal
; IF - rhino is within reach of his goal
 [ifelse member? rhino-goal neighbors [
   move-to rhino-goal ]
 [ rhino-movement ]

if ( roughness > 1)
  [ set ticks-wait ticks-to-stay-on-patch patch-here ]

to rhino-movement
  let surroundings neighbors with [inside? = TRUE]
  let max-goal-dist distance rhino-goal

  ask surroundings [
    let goal-dist (max-goal-dist - distance [rhino-goal] of myself) * goal-weight
    let estimated-roughness ((max-roughness - roughness) / max-roughness) * roughness-weight
    let estimated-resources resources * resources-weight
    set patch-attractiveness (goal-dist + estimated-resources + estimated-roughness + rhino-dist) / (rhino-weight + goal-weight)
    if patch-attractiveness < 0 [
      set patch-attractiveness 0 ]
  ask surroundings with [rhino-territory != myself and rhino-territory != nobody] [
    set patch-attractiveness patch-attractiveness / 2 ]

  move-to rnd:weighted-one-of surroundings [patch-attractiveness]

to rhino-decision-making
  let surroundings patches in-radius 2.5 with [inside? = TRUE and not member? self [rhino-memory] of myself]

  ask surroundings [
    let estimated-roughness ((max-roughness - roughness) / max-roughness) * roughness-weight
    let estimated-resources resources * resources-weight
    set patch-attractiveness (estimated-resources + estimated-roughness + rhino-dist) / rhino-weight
  ask surroundings with [rhino-territory != myself and rhino-territory != nobody] [
    set patch-attractiveness patch-attractiveness / 10]

  set rhino-goal rnd:weighted-one-of surroundings [patch-attractiveness]
  ifelse member? rhino-goal neighbors [  ; if the goal is a neighbouring patch... ???? add intervals here?
     move-to rhino-goal]                  ; move to that patch
   [ rhino-movement ]                     ; otherwise get closer to the goal patch

to-report rhino-dist
  ifelse any? other rhinos [
    let max-rhino-dist distance min-one-of other rhinos [distance myself]
    ifelse max-rhino-dist = 0 [
      report 0 ]
    [ report (distance min-one-of other rhinos [distance myself] / max-rhino-dist) * rhino-avoid-weight ]
  [ report 0 ]

to update-rhino-memory
set rhino-memory lput patch-here rhino-memory               ; remember the current patch
set rhino-memory remove-duplicates rhino-memory             ; clean up the valuable memory space
if length rhino-memory > 3 [                                ; if the rhino has more than three patches in its memory
  set rhino-memory but-first rhino-memory]                  ; forget the oldest (first) one

to rhino-foraging-and-home-range
ask patch-here [
  set resources (resources * ((100 - forage-amount) / 100)) ; eat some proportion of available resources
  set countdown sprout-delay-time                           ; resources will grow back after sprout delay time.
  set rhino-territory myself                                   ; include current patch to home range

 if visualization = "rhino_home-ranges"[                  ; home ranges will be visualised if the user strongly desires so.
   set pcolor [color] of myself + 2]                      ; home range colours are similar to the rhinos colour

if random-float 1 < 0.5 [                                       ; 50% chance of...
  set recent-rhino-activity rhino-activity-decay + random 500]  ; ...dropping rhino activity signs

to update-home-range
      if visualization = "rhino_home-ranges"[
        set pcolor [pcolor] of one-of neighbors with [inside? = TRUE]

to poacher-goal-check
; IF - poacher is moving through rough terrain
  ifelse ticks-wait > 0 [
  set ticks-wait ticks-wait - 1 ]
; ELSE - poacher will move and make decisions
; IF - poacher has no horn and still time left to hunt
  ifelse state = "journey-to-crime"
  [ poacher-journey-to-crime ]            ; searching for rhinos and avoid rangers

; ELSE - no time is left or the poacher obtained a rhino horn, he will move to the nearest patch outside the reserve
  [ poacher-journey-after-crime ]

  if time >= poacher-time [               ; if no time is left to continue the hunt?
    set state "journey-after-crime" ]

  if roughness > 1 [
  set ticks-wait ticks-to-stay-on-patch patch-here]
  ask patch-here [
    if random-float 1 < 0.5 [               ; 50% chance of...
      set poacher-signs human-signs-decay ] ; ...dropping poacher activity signs
  set time time + 1

to poacher-journey-after-crime
  let closest-exit min-one-of patches with [ inside? = FALSE ] [ distance myself ]
  set poacher-goal closest-exit

; IF - poacher is within reach of his goal
ifelse distance poacher-goal <= 1 [
  move-to poacher-goal]                    ; if so, move to goal

; ELSE - move closer to goal
[face poacher-goal
  forward 1]

to poacher-journey-to-crime
 let target one-of rhinos in-radius poacher-vision          ; are there any rhinos around?
; IF - a rhino is nearby, the poacher will go there and kill it
  ifelse target != nobody [
    poacher-kills-rhino ]

; IF - poacher has completed his goal in life
 [ ifelse poacher-goal = patch-here [
    poacher-decision-making ]                             ; do sneaky poacher things

; ELSE - if poacher is still moving towards goal
; IF - poacher is within reach of his goal
 [ifelse member? poacher-goal neighbors [
   move-to poacher-goal ]
 [ poacher-movement ]
  set poacher-memory (patch-set poacher-memory patch-here)     ; remember the patches on the journey to crime

 if recent-rhino-activity > 0 and ranger-signs = 0 [           ; remember good hunting areas
    set good-sites (patch-set good-sites patch-here)
; IF - the good hunting site was in the failure-memory, remove that patch from failure-memory
    if (member? patch-here [good-sites] of self) and (member? patch-here [failure-sites] of self) [
      set failure-sites failure-sites with [[patch-here] of myself != self]]

  if ranger-signs > 0 [                                        ; remember areas with high ranger activity
    set failure-sites (patch-set failure-sites patch-here)
; IF - the high ranger activity site was in the good hunting site memory, remove that patch from hunting-memory
    if (member? patch-here [failure-sites] of self) and (member? patch-here [good-sites] of self) [
      set good-sites good-sites with [[patch-here] of myself != self]]

to poacher-movement
  let nearby-rangers (turtle-set rangers camps)
  if any? nearby-rangers in-radius poacher-vision [                        ; look around and see if any rangers are nearby
    set failure-sites (patch-set failure-sites patches in-radius poacher-vision) ]                         ; remember this patch as failure-sites

  let max-goal-dist distance poacher-goal

  ask neighbors with [inside? = TRUE] [
    let goal-dist (max-goal-dist - distance [poacher-goal] of myself) * goal-weight
    let rhino-signs (recent-rhino-activity / (rhino-activity-decay * 2)) * hunt-rhino-weight
    let nearby-ranger-signs ((human-signs-decay - ranger-signs) / human-signs-decay) * ranger-avoid-weight
    let estimated-roughness ((max-roughness - roughness) / max-roughness) * roughness-weight
    let estimated-resources resources * resources-weight
    set patch-attractiveness (goal-dist + estimated-resources + estimated-roughness + ranger-dist + rhino-signs + nearby-ranger-signs) / (poacher-weight + goal-weight)
    if patch-attractiveness < 0 [
      set patch-attractiveness 0 ]
  let surroundings neighbors with [inside? = TRUE and not member? self [poacher-memory] of myself]
  ifelse any? surroundings [
    move-to rnd:weighted-one-of surroundings [patch-attractiveness] ]
  [ move-to rnd:weighted-one-of neighbors with [inside? = TRUE] [patch-attractiveness] ]

to poacher-decision-making
 let nearby-rangers (turtle-set rangers camps)
 if any? nearby-rangers in-radius poacher-vision [                ; look around and see if any rangers are nearby
   set failure-sites (patch-set failure-sites poacher-memory)     ; remember this patch as failure-sites
   set state "journey-after-crime" ]                              ; when poacher spots a ranger or camp he will get out of reserve

let surroundings patches in-radius poacher-vision with [inside? = TRUE]
ask surroundings [
  let rhino-signs (recent-rhino-activity / (rhino-activity-decay * 2)) * hunt-rhino-weight
  let nearby-ranger-signs ((human-signs-decay - ranger-signs) / human-signs-decay) * ranger-avoid-weight
  let estimated-roughness ((max-roughness - roughness) / max-roughness) * roughness-weight
  let estimated-resources resources * resources-weight
  set patch-attractiveness (ranger-dist + rhino-signs + nearby-ranger-signs + estimated-resources + estimated-roughness) / poacher-weight
  if patch-attractiveness < 0 [
      set patch-attractiveness 0 ]
ask surroundings with [member? self [poacher-memory] of myself] [
  set patch-attractiveness patch-attractiveness / 10
set poacher-goal rnd:weighted-one-of surroundings [patch-attractiveness]       ; the higher patch attractiveness, the more likely the poacher will go there

  ifelse member? poacher-goal neighbors [  ; if the goal is a neighbouring patch...
     move-to poacher-goal]                  ; move to that patch
   [ poacher-movement ]                     ; otherwise get closer to the goal patch

to-report ranger-dist
  let nearby-rangers (turtle-set rangers camps)
  ifelse any? nearby-rangers [
    let max-ranger-dist distance min-one-of nearby-rangers [distance myself]
    ifelse max-ranger-dist != 0 [
      report (distance min-one-of nearby-rangers [distance myself] / max-ranger-dist) * ranger-avoid-weight ]
  [ report 0 ]
  [ report 0 ]

to-report other-patrol-dist
    let nearby-rangers (turtle-set other rangers camps)
    ifelse any? nearby-rangers [
      let max-ranger-dist distance min-one-of nearby-rangers [distance myself]
      ifelse max-ranger-dist != 0 [
        report (distance min-one-of nearby-rangers [distance myself] / max-ranger-dist) * ranger-avoid-weight ]
    [ report 0 ]
  [ report 0 ]

to poacher-kills-rhino
  let target one-of rhinos in-radius 1.5
  move-to target                                           ; go to where the rhino is
  ask target  [if herd-size >= 1 [set herd-size herd-size - 1] ; JJJJ
    if herd-size = 0 [die]]
  set poacher-goal patch-here                              ; update poacher goal
  set success-sites (patch-set success-sites patch-here)   ; remember these patches as successful kill sites
  set poacher-memory no-patches                            ; no need to remember the route, only the success site matters now
  set state "journey-after-crime"
  ask patch-here [
    set poacher-signs poacher-signs + carcass-decay        ; rhino carcass is an important sign of poaching

to poacher-laylow
if poacher-goal = patch-here and state = "journey-after-crime" [  ; if the poacher has escaped the reserve and obtained a horn
  set laylow laylow - 1]                                          ; lay low and wait until it's time again

if (laylow = 0) [                                                 ; when the waiting is done or when the poacher was unsuccessful...
  poacher-plan-new-trip                                           ; try again.

to poacher-plan-new-trip
  let good-options (patch-set success-sites good-sites)
  ; IF - no signs of rangers or rhinos, then pick a random spot along the border
  ifelse good-options = nobody or count good-options = 0 [
    move-to one-of patches with [inside? = FALSE and not member? self [failure-sites] of myself]
; ELSE - make a weighted decision on where to enter next
  [ let new-trip-weight success-weight + hunt-rhino-weight + ranger-avoid-weight

    ask good-options [
      let recent-rhino-kill (poacher-signs / carcass-decay) * success-weight
      let detected-rhino-signs (recent-rhino-activity / (rhino-activity-decay * 2)) * hunt-rhino-weight
      let detected-ranger-signs ((human-signs-decay - ranger-signs) / human-signs-decay) * ranger-avoid-weight

    set patch-attractiveness (recent-rhino-kill + detected-rhino-signs + detected-ranger-signs) / new-trip-weight

    if patch-attractiveness < 0 [
      set patch-attractiveness 0 ]

  let best-option max-one-of good-options [patch-attractiveness]
  ; this compares the best option with a random number.
  ; IF - random number is smaller than the patch-attractiveness of the best option, he will choose among the available options
  ifelse random-float 1 < [patch-attractiveness] of best-option [
    move-to rnd:weighted-one-of good-options [patch-attractiveness] move-to one-of patches in-radius 1.5
    move-to min-one-of patches with [inside? = FALSE] [distance myself]]

  ; ELSE - random number is higher than highest patch-attractiveness, and poacher will pick a random location
  [ move-to one-of patches with [inside? = FALSE] ]

  set state "journey-to-crime"
  set laylow (poacher-time * 2 ) + random 100     ; reset the poacher-own parameters
  set time 0                ;
  set poacher-memory no-patches
  set poacher-goal patch-here

to ranger-goal-check
; IF - ranger is moving through rough terrain
  ifelse ticks-wait > 0 [
  set ticks-wait ticks-wait - 1 ]
; ELSE - rangers will move and make decisions
    let target one-of poachers in-radius ranger-vision with [inside? = TRUE]   ; are there any poachers around?
    ifelse target != nobody [
      rangers-catch-poachers ]
; IF - ranger has time to patrol
[  if state = "patrolling" [
; select the type of patrol we specified in the patrol-type menu
    ifelse patrol-type = "standard-patrol" [
      ranger-patrol ]
    [ ranger-fence-patrol ]
  if state = "follow-up" [
    ranger-follow-up ]
; ELSE - no time is left he will move to the nearest patch outside the reserve or camp
 if state = "back-to-camp" [
   ranger-to-camp ]

  if patrol-time >= patrol-length [
    set state "back-to-camp"
   if roughness > 1 [
   set ticks-wait ticks-to-stay-on-patch patch-here ]

ask patch-here [
  if random-float 1 < 0.5 [               ; 50% chance of...
     set ranger-signs human-signs-decay  ; ...dropping poacher activity signs
if any? poachers in-radius ranger-vision with [inside? = TRUE] [
  rangers-catch-poachers ]

set patrol-time patrol-time + 1                                  ; time is passing by
set patrol-memory (patch-set patrol-memory patch-here)           ; remember the current patch

if poacher-signs > 0 [
  set risky-areas (patch-set risky-areas patch-here)
  if (member? patch-here [risky-areas] of self) and (member? patch-here [safe-areas] of self) [
      set safe-areas safe-areas with [[patch-here] of myself != self]]
let new-rhino-sighting any? rhinos-on neighbors
  if new-rhino-sighting = TRUE [
    set rhino-sightings (patch-set rhino-sightings neighbors)
if poacher-signs = 0 [
  set safe-areas (patch-set safe-areas patch-here)
   if (member? patch-here [safe-areas] of self) and (member? patch-here [risky-areas] of self) [
      set risky-areas risky-areas with [[patch-here] of myself != self]]

to ranger-to-camp
  let closest-border min-one-of patches with [ inside? = FALSE ] [ distance myself ]  ; calculate distance to nearest border
  let closest-camp min-one-of camps [ distance myself ]                                ; calculate distance to nearest camp

  ifelse distance closest-border < distance closest-camp                               ; compare the two and set goal to the nearest
   [ set ranger-goal closest-border ]
   [ set ranger-goal closest-camp ]

  ifelse distance ranger-goal <= 1 [                                                   ; if the goal is a neighbouring patch...
     move-to ranger-goal]                                                              ; move to that patch
   [face ranger-goal                                                                   ; otherwise get closer to the patch
     forward 1]

to ranger-patrol
; IF - ranger completed his goal in life
ifelse ranger-goal = patch-here [
  ranger-decision-making]                             ; do brave ranger things

; ELSE - if ranger is still moving towards goal
; IF - ranger is within reach of his goal
 [ifelse member? ranger-goal neighbors [
   move-to ranger-goal ]
 [ ranger-movement ]

to rangers-catch-poachers
  let suspect one-of poachers in-radius ranger-vision with [inside? = TRUE]
  move-to suspect                                      ; go to where the poacher is
  ask suspect [ die ]                                  ; catch him
  set risky-areas (patch-set risky-areas patch-here)   ; remember these patches as risky areas
  set ranger-goal patch-here
  set state "back-to-camp"
  ask patch-here [
    set ranger-signs ranger-signs + 500 ]
  move-to min-one-of camps [distance myself]

to ranger-movement
  if any? poachers in-radius ranger-vision with [inside? = TRUE] [  ; look around and see if any poachers are nearby
   set risky-areas (patch-set risky-areas patrol-memory)            ; remember this patch as risky-sites
 let max-goal-dist distance ranger-goal

ask neighbors with [inside? = TRUE] [
    let goal-dist (max-goal-dist - distance [ranger-goal] of myself) * goal-weight
    let rhino-signs (recent-rhino-activity / (rhino-activity-decay * 2)) * search-rhino-weight
    let nearby-poacher-signs catch-poacher-weight - ((human-signs-decay - poacher-signs) / human-signs-decay) * catch-poacher-weight ;;FIX 2-12-2017 added catch-poacher-weight - ... (3-)
    let estimated-roughness ((max-roughness - roughness) / max-roughness) * roughness-weight
    set patch-attractiveness (goal-dist +  estimated-roughness + other-patrol-dist + rhino-signs + nearby-poacher-signs) / (ranger-weight + goal-weight)
    if patch-attractiveness < 0 [
      set patch-attractiveness 0 ]
  let surroundings neighbors with [not member? self [patrol-memory] of myself]
  ifelse any? surroundings [
    move-to rnd:weighted-one-of surroundings [patch-attractiveness] ]
  [ move-to rnd:weighted-one-of neighbors [patch-attractiveness] ]

to ranger-decision-making
 if any? poachers in-radius ranger-vision [                       ; look around and see if any poachers are nearby
   set risky-areas (patch-set risky-areas patrol-memory)          ; remember this patch as risky-sites
 let surroundings patches in-radius ranger-vision with [not any? camps-here and inside? = TRUE]
 ask surroundings [
   let rhino-signs (recent-rhino-activity / (rhino-activity-decay * 2)) * search-rhino-weight
   let nearby-poacher-signs catch-poacher-weight - ((human-signs-decay - poacher-signs) / human-signs-decay) * catch-poacher-weight ;;FIX 2-12-2017 added catch-poacher-weight - ... (3-)
   let estimated-roughness ((max-roughness - roughness) / max-roughness) * roughness-weight
   set patch-attractiveness (other-patrol-dist + rhino-signs + nearby-poacher-signs + estimated-roughness) / ranger-weight
   if patch-attractiveness < 0 [
      set patch-attractiveness 0 ]
 ask surroundings with [member? self [patrol-memory] of myself] [
  set patch-attractiveness patch-attractiveness / 10
set ranger-goal rnd:weighted-one-of surroundings [patch-attractiveness]       ; the higher patch attractiveness, the more likely the poacher will go there

  ifelse member? ranger-goal neighbors [   ; if the goal is a neighbouring patch...
     move-to ranger-goal]                  ; move to that patch
   [ ranger-movement ]                     ; otherwise get closer to the goal patch

to-report fence? [angle]  ;; turtle procedure
  ;; note that angle may be positive or negative.  if angle is
  ;; positive, the turtle looks right.  if angle is negative,
  ;; the turtle looks left.
  report black = [pcolor] of patch-right-and-ahead angle 1

to ranger-fence-patrol
  ;; turn right if necessary
  if not fence? (90 * direction) and fence? (135 * direction) [ rt 90 * direction ]
  ;; turn left if necessary (sometimes more than once)
  while [fence? 0] [ lt 90 * direction ]
  ;; move forward
  fd 1
  if poacher-signs > 0 [
  set patrol-time 0
  set state "follow-up"]

to ranger-follow-up
; follow poacher spoor, otherwise look around for spoor
  let poacher-spoor neighbors with [poacher-signs >= 1 and inside? = TRUE]
  ifelse any? poacher-spoor with [not member? self [patrol-memory] of myself] [
    move-to max-one-of poacher-spoor [poacher-signs]]
  [ ranger-movement ]

to ranger-end-patrol
; rangers will rest for a certain amount of time before starting a new patrol ???? add intervals at ranger-time. Give each a varying wait buffer?
if state = "back-to-camp" and ranger-goal = patch-here or ranger-goal = one-of camps in-radius 1 [
  set off-duty-time off-duty-time - 1 ]

if off-duty-time = 0 [ ;;???? add intervals by letting some of them start with off-duty time >1!!! (how to do this for each turtle specifically though, and does it work at 1st patrol? Also have to change state of some at start ctrl f in desctription)
  ranger-new-patrol ]

to ranger-new-patrol
  let options rhino-sightings with [not member? self [safe-areas] of myself]
  let good-options (patch-set options risky-areas)
  ; IF - no signs of poachers or rhinos, then pick a random spot along the border
  ifelse good-options = nobody or count good-options = 0 [
    move-to one-of patches with [not member? self [safe-areas] of myself]
; ELSE - make a weighted decision on where to enter next
  [ let new-patrol-weight search-rhino-weight + catch-poacher-weight

    ask good-options [
      let detected-rhino-signs (recent-rhino-activity / (rhino-activity-decay * 2)) * search-rhino-weight
      let detected-poacher-signs ((human-signs-decay - poacher-signs) / human-signs-decay) * catch-poacher-weight

    set patch-attractiveness (detected-rhino-signs + detected-poacher-signs) / new-patrol-weight
    if patch-attractiveness < 0 [
      set patch-attractiveness 0 ]
  let best-option max-one-of good-options [patch-attractiveness]
  ; this compares the best option with a random number.
  ; IF - random number is smaller than the patch-attractiveness of the best option, he will choose among the available options
  ifelse random-float 1 < [patch-attractiveness] of best-option [
    move-to rnd:weighted-one-of good-options [patch-attractiveness] move-to one-of patches in-radius 1.5

  ; ELSE - random number is higher than highest patch-attractiveness, and poacher will pick a random location
  [ move-to one-of patches with [not member? self [safe-areas] of myself]

to ranger-start-location
   ; IF - the nearest border is closer than the nearest camp
      let closest-border min-one-of patches with [ inside? = FALSE ] [ distance myself ]
      let closest-camp min-one-of camps [ distance myself ]

      ifelse patrol-type = "fence-patrol"
      [ move-to closest-border
        move-to one-of neighbors with [inside? = TRUE] ]
      [ ifelse distance closest-border < distance closest-camp [
         move-to closest-border ]

; ELSE - move to the nearest camp when nearest border is too far
     [ move-to closest-camp]

   set patrol-time 0
   set patrol-memory no-patches
   ifelse coordinated = false [set off-duty-time (patrol-length * 2) + random 100] [set off-duty-time patrol-length * 2] ; JJJJ
   ;set off-duty-time ( patrol-length * 2 ) + random 100
   set ranger-goal patch-here
   set state "patrolling"
    ifelse random 2 = 0 [
        set direction 1 ]
      [ set direction -1 ]
    face one-of neighbors4

to update-activity-signs
; after every 12 ticks, remove decrease signs of rhinos, poachers, and rangers
if recent-rhino-activity > 0
 [set recent-rhino-activity recent-rhino-activity - 1]

if ranger-signs > 0
 [set ranger-signs ranger-signs - 1 ]

if poacher-signs > 0
 [set poacher-signs poacher-signs - 1 ]


;["poacher-vision" 1.5]
;["rough-areas" 2]
;["success-weight" 2]
;["forage-amount" 1]
;["num-rhinos" 70]
;["num-poachers" 1]
;["goal-weight" 2]
;["hunt-rhino-weight" 2]
;["ranger-avoid-weight" 3]
;["catch-poacher-weight" 3]
;["roughness-weight" 2]
;["num-camps" 1]
;["resources-weight" 3]
;["patrol-length" 50]
;["rhino-avoid-weight" 2]
;["sandy-areas" 5]
;["num-rangers" 2 4]
;["visualization" "resources_colors"]
;["search-rhino-weight" 2]
;["ranger-vision" 1.5]
;["camp-placement" "random"]
;["poacher-time" 50]
;["patrol-type" "standard-patrol"]

;repetitions: 100

;Run combinations in sequential order: checked

;count rhinos                ???? [No herds this starts out with 70, so x/70 killed. With herds this starts out at 350, so x/350 killed. Or compare 70 indivs with 70/5=14 herds? Many more locations for indivs in that case]
;count poachers

;Measure runs at each step: checked

;Setup commands:

;Go commands:

;Stop condition:
;count rhinos = 0 or
;count poachers = 0

;Time limit: 10000


There are 3 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Nick van Doormaal almost 7 years ago fixed ranger-movement and ranger-decision-making procedures. Code was not working as expected. Download this version
Nick van Doormaal almost 7 years ago Adding poacher count to plot Download this version
Nick van Doormaal over 7 years ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Exploring Anti-poaching Strategies for Wildlife Crime with a Simple and General Agent-Based Model _ SpringerLink.html html Published Article using this Model about 7 years ago, by Nick van Doormaal Download
Indepth Model Guide and Explanation - Rhino Poaching.pdf pdf In-depth Model Guide and Explanation for Rhino Poaching about 7 years ago, by Nick van Doormaal Download
Rhino Poaching.png preview Preview for 'Rhino Poaching' over 7 years ago, by Nick van Doormaal Download

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