Pocket Mouse
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This module provides students with opportunities to identify and test different components of natural selection model.
This module is made by Dr. Lin Xiang at Weber State University. If you mention this model in a publication, we ask that you include the citations below.
Xiang, L. (2017). Pocket Mouse Module. Zoology Department, Weber State University, Ogden, UT.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/.
Comments and Questions
turtles-own [energy] to-report Time-period report ticks / 40 end to setup clear-all setup-turtles setup-patches reset-ticks end to setup-turtles create-turtles Starting-population-size ask turtles [ set color 37.7 - random-float (Mutation-rate / 2) set shape "mouse side" set size 1.25 setxy random-xcor random-ycor set energy 20] end to setup-patches ask patches [set pcolor Environment-color] end to go if years = 0 [user-message "Number of years is needed" stop] if ticks > years * 40 [stop] if color-heritable? = false [ask turtles [set color 31 + random-float 7.5]] diff-survival move forage dead reproduce regrow if count turtles = 0 [user-message "All mice have died." Stop] tick end to move ask turtles [rt (random 180) fd 1 set energy energy - 1] end to dead ask turtles [if energy <= 0 [die]] end to forage ask turtles [if pcolor = Environment-color [set energy (energy + 1.5) set pcolor pcolor - 1]] end to reproduce ask turtles [ if energy >= 40 [hatch 1 [set energy 20 if random 100 < Mutation-rate [ ;set color (color - 1) + random-float 2 set color 31 + random-float 7.5 ] if color < 31 [set color 31] if color > 38.5 [set color 38.5]] set energy energy - 20 ] ] end to regrow ask patches with [pcolor != Environment-color] [set pcolor Environment-color] end to diff-survival ask turtles [ if random 2500 < (abs (color - Environment-color) * Number-of-visual-predators * 0.5) [die] ] end
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