Artificial Financial Market (Modified)

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Part of project 'Chaos Theory and Complexity'
Model group Risk Mathematics | Visible to everyone | Changeable by the author
Model was written in NetLogo 5.2.1 • Viewed 1286 times • Downloaded 54 times • Run 0 times
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patches-own [my-sentiment ;; Each trader can have a positive sentiment (+1), in which case he is 'bullish',
                          ;; that is, he beleives the market will rise or he can have a
                           ;; negative sentiment (-1) in which case he is 'bearish', that is, he beleives the market will fall.
                          ;; if the sentiment is positive the trader buys one share if it is negative he sells
                          ;; one share.
             local-field ;; local sentiment field generated by neighbors
             number-of-shares ;; Number of shares that each trader has (if negative it implies that the
                              ;; trader is 'short' (we assume that there are no limits to short selling).
             opinion-vol  ;; Volatility in a trader's own interpretation of the news.
             propensity-to-sentiment-contagion ;; Propensity to be influenced by friends sentiments
                                                ;; regarding the news qualitative nature.
             news-sensitivity ;; Sensitivity that the traders have to the news qualitative meaning.
             market-impact ;; Volume of shares that the trader bids
             market-order ;; Market order.

globals [log-price
         news-qualitative-meaning  ;; There is a set of news concerning the market that reaches all traders
                                   ;; these news are attributed a qualitative meaning

to setup
;; (for this model to work with NetLogo's new plotting features,
  ;; __clear-all-and-reset-ticks should be replaced with clear-all at
  ;; the beginning of your setup procedure and reset-ticks at the end
  ;; of the procedure.)
ask patches [
             set number-of-shares 1 ;; Each trader starts with one unit of shares
             set opinion-vol sigma + random-float 0.1
             set news-sensitivity (random-float max-news-sensitivity)
             set base-propensity-to-sentiment-contagion (random-float max-base-propensity-to-sentiment-contagion)
             set propensity-to-sentiment-contagion base-propensity-to-sentiment-contagion
set log-price random 10
set number-of-traders count patches

to go

; News Arrival mechanism ;

to news-arrival
  ifelse (random-normal 0 1) > 0 [set news-qualitative-meaning 1] [set news-qualitative-meaning -1]

; Agent's decision rule ;
; The agent's (in this case trader) sentiment is positive (+1) and he buys if
; the friends sentiment regarding the market, multiplied by the agent's propensity to be contagiated by
; the sentiment of his friends, plus the news multiplied by the agent's news sensitivity, plus a random
; term is larger than zero, otherwise, the agent's sentiment is set (-1) and the agent sells.

to agent-decision

    ask patches
      set local-field sum [my-sentiment] of neighbors4
      ifelse ((propensity-to-sentiment-contagion * local-field + news-sensitivity * news-qualitative-meaning + random-normal miu opinion-vol) > 0)
      [set my-sentiment 1] [set my-sentiment -1]]
    ; If the agent's sentiment is positive the colour is set green, if he is negative it is set red.
    set total-bullish count patches with [my-sentiment = 1]
    set total-bearish count patches with [my-sentiment = -1]
    set sentiment-field mean [my-sentiment] of patches
    ask patches [
      ifelse my-sentiment = 1
        set pcolor green
        set market-impact my-sentiment * total-bullish
        set number-of-shares my-sentiment * number-of-shares + market-impact
        set pcolor red
        set market-impact my-sentiment * total-bearish
        set number-of-shares number-of-shares + market-impact

; Market clearing mechanism ;

to market-clearing

  set returns mean [market-impact] of patches / market-depth
  set log-price (log-price + returns)

; Update market sentiment;

to update-market-sentiment
  ask patches
  [; A good(bad) news confirmed by a market movement in the direction of that news
   ; leads to a greater propensity to sentiment contagion. If the good(bad) news is not
   ; confirmed by a market movement in the same direction the propensity to sentiment contagion
   ; decreases.
    if (returns > 0) and (news-qualitative-meaning > 0)
      [set propensity-to-sentiment-contagion base-propensity-to-sentiment-contagion + sentiment-field]
    if (returns > 0) and (news-qualitative-meaning < 0)
      [set propensity-to-sentiment-contagion base-propensity-to-sentiment-contagion - sentiment-field]
    if (returns < 0) and (news-qualitative-meaning < 0)
      [set propensity-to-sentiment-contagion base-propensity-to-sentiment-contagion - sentiment-field]
    if (returns < 0) and (news-qualitative-meaning > 0)
      [set propensity-to-sentiment-contagion base-propensity-to-sentiment-contagion + sentiment-field]


; Deviations to EMH ;

to compute-volatility-indicator
  set volatility-indicator abs(returns)


to do-plot
  set-current-plot "Log-price"
  set-current-plot-pen "log-price"
  plot log-price
  set-current-plot "Returns (%)"
  set-current-plot-pen "returns"
  plot returns * 100
  set-current-plot "Volatility (%)"
  set-current-plot-pen "volatility"
  plot volatility-indicator * 100

There is only one version of this model, created almost 8 years ago by Carlos Pedro S. Gonçalves.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Artificial Financial Market (Modified).png preview Preview for 'Artificial Financial Market (Modified)' almost 8 years ago, by Carlos Pedro S. Gonçalves Download

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