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Tagged by Shipra Ghosh Ray almost 8 years ago


Tagged by Shipra Ghosh Ray almost 8 years ago


Tagged by Shipra Ghosh Ray almost 8 years ago


Tagged by Shipra Ghosh Ray almost 8 years ago

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;;; CONSTRUCTIVE COMMENTS :)                ;;;

breed[red-influentials red-influential]   ;; classifies the red agent contesting as a separate breed
breed[blue-influentials blue-influential] ;; classifies the blue agent contesting as a separate breed
breed[persons person]                     ;; classifies the non-contesting agents as a different breed

persons-own [red-factor  ;; each person has a red-factor associated with it
             blue-factor ;; each person has a blue factor associated with it
             red-reward  ;; each person gets a reward in terms of its spatial
                         ;; relationship with red-influential
             blue-reward ;; each person gets a reward in terms of its spatial
                         ;; relationship with blue-influential

globals[red-influence  ;; the red-influential has an influence that spreads across all agents
        blue-influence ;; the blue-influential has an influence that spreads across all agents
        red-flux       ;; this deterines the changing prominence of the red-influential in the world
        blue-flux      ;; this determines the changing prominence of the blue-influential in the world
        red-count      ;; counts the number of persons with the colour red in the world after alignment
                       ;; has taken place
        blue-count     ;; counts the number of persons with the colour blue in the world after alignment
                       ;; has taken place
        neutral-count  ;; gives the number of beige persons in the world before and after alignment
        alignment      ;; gives the number of non-beige persons after alignment has taken place (sum of
                       ;; red and blue persons)

to setup

  create-red-influentials 1                  ;; there is only 1 agent contesting from the red side
  ask red-influentials [set color red       ;; set colour of red-influential to red
                        set size 1.5        ;; set size of red-influential to 1.5
                        setxy -2.344534561015166 5.675315858632209 ;; set aapproximate coordinates
                        fd 5]               ;; move forward 5
  set-default-shape red-influentials "flag" ;; the observer should see the red-influential appear
                                            ;; as a flag

  create-blue-influentials 1                ;; there is only 1 agent contesting from the blue side
  ask blue-influentials [set color blue     ;; set colour of blue-influential to blue
                         set size 1.5       ;; set size of blue-influential to 1.5
                         setxy 2.344534561015166 -5.675315858632209 ;; set approximate coordinates
                         fd 5]              ;; move forward 5
  set-default-shape blue-influentials "flag";; the observer should see the blue-influential appear
                                            ;; as a flag

  create-persons num-persons [              ;;creates non-contesting persons in the neighbourhood
                                            ;; their number can be determined from the num-persons
                                            ;; slider by the user
    set shape "person"                      ;; persons agents should appear in the persons shape
    set color 35 + 3                        ;; the color of these agents should be beige
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor           ;; they can be located anywhere at random in the world
    set red-reward 0                        ;; the initial red-reward at setup should be 0
    set blue-reward 0                       ;; the initial blue-reward at setup should be zero
    set red-influence 5                     ;; since red-influence is a global variable, it has to
                                            ;; be defined at setup and its value is chosen to be 5
    set blue-influence 5                    ;; since blue-influence is a global variable, it has to
                                            ;; be defined at setup and its value is chosen to be 5
                                            ;; since the views of red-influential and blue-influential
                                            ;; are both extreme and opposite, therefore it has been
                                            ;; assumed that they exert equal and opposite influence
                                            ;; in society their colours indicate the opposite viewpoints
                                            ;; but their influence has equal weight


  ask turtles [ create-links-with n-of 1 other turtles ] ;; in order to indicate that a neighbourhood exists,s,
                                                         ;; the turtles have been linked
                                                         ;; only turtles with links can align
                                                         ;; each turtle has only one neighbour at most

  repeat num-persons [layout-spring turtles links 0.2 5 1] ;; the spring layout has been chosen according to
                                                           ;; model documentation and its repetition number
                                                           ;; is dependent on the number of persons selected by
                                                           ;; the user


to go

ask persons[align]                                          ;; persons are required to align


ask turtles[flux-act]                                       ;; the turtles and not persons only are required to
                                                            ;; change alignment depending on changes in fluxes of red and blue


ask persons [re-align]                                      ;; persons then perform the re-alignment procedure


to align

  ask persons [check-distance                               ;; persons perform the check-distance procedure which determines
                                                            ;; values of red-reward and blue-reward
               color-self                                   ;; persons color themselves and align according to changes to
                                                            ;; red-factor and blue-factor

to check-distance                                            ;; this procedure calculate values of red-reward, blue-reward,
                                                             ;; red-factor and blue-factor

  ask persons [ if any? my-links [                           ;; this determines whether the persons are linked .
                                                             ;; i.e have neighbours

                  if (distancexy -2.344534561015166 5.675315858632209) > 10 [set red-reward 0 ]
                  ;; if the distance of person from specified coordinates is greater than 10, then,
                  ;; they are really not interested in aligning or non-aligning with red-influential
                  if (distancexy -2.344534561015166 5.675315858632209) <= 5 [set red-reward red-reward - 0.01]
                  ;; if the distance between person and specified coordinates is less than or equal to 5, then'
                  ;; they are interested in incrementally not aligning with red
                  if (distancexy -2.344534561015166 5.675315858632209) > 5 [set red-reward red-reward + 0.01]
                  ;; if the distance between person andspecified coordinates is greater than 5 and less than 10, then,
                  ;; they are interested in incrementally aligning with red
                  if (distancexy 2.344534561015166 -5.675315858632209) > 10 [set blue-reward 0]
                  ;; if the distance of person from specified coordinates is greater than 10, then,
                  ;; they are really not interested in aligning or non-aligning with blue-influential
                  if (distancexy 2.344534561015166 -5.675315858632209) <= 5 [set blue-reward blue-reward - 0.01]
                  ;; if the distance between person and specified coordinates is less than or equal to 5, then,
                  ;; they are interested in incrementally not aligning with blue
                  if (distancexy 2.344534561015166 -5.675315858632209) > 5 [set blue-reward blue-reward + 0.01]
                  ;; if the distance of person from specified coordinates is greater than 5, then,
                  ;; they are  interested in incrementally aligning with blue-influential
                  if (distancexy -2.344534561015166 5.675315858632209) = (distancexy 2.344534561015166 -5.675315858632209) [set red-reward red-reward = blue-reward]
                  ;; if the distance between the person and red-influential and person and blue-influential
                  ;; is equal, then, they are not interested in aligning with either candidate,
                  ;; even incrementally

                  set red-factor red-influence + red-reward
                  ;;  red-factor is unique to every person and is the sum of the global red-influence
                  ;;  and unique red-reward
                  set blue-factor blue-influence + blue-reward
                  ;;  blue-factor is unique to every person and is the sum of the global blue-influence
                  ;;  and unique blue-reward



to color-self                                            ;; this procedure carries the visual nature of
                                                         ;; the alignment process

  ifelse red-factor > blue-factor                        ;; for every person, when red-factor is greater
                         [set color red]                 ;; than blue-factor, their colour changes to red
                         [set color blue]                ;; and if otherwise, their colour changes to blue;
                                                         ;; if both the factors are equal, then, their colour
  if red-factor = blue-factor [set color 35 + 3]         ;; remains beige

to flux-act                                              ;; this procedure re-aligns the red and blue-influentials
                                                         ;; themselves

  set red-count count persons with [color = red]         ;; counts persons with colour red after alignment
  set blue-count count persons with [color = blue]       ;; counts persons with colour blue after alignment
  set neutral-count count persons with [color = 35 + 3]  ;; counts persons with colour beige after alignment

  set alignment count persons with [color = red] + count persons with [color = blue] ;; counts sum of persons
                                                                                     ;; with colour red or blue

  if blue-count + neutral-count = 0 [stop
                                     print "stopped as cannot divide by zero"
                                     ];; stops running the model as it is
  if red-count + neutral-count = 0 [stop
                                    print "stopped as cannot divide by zero"
                                    ] ;; impossible to divide by zero

  set red-flux red-count / (blue-count + neutral-count)  ;; calculates the force from the other colours
                                                         ;; on red-influential once alignment has taken place
  set blue-flux blue-count / (red-count + neutral-count) ;; calculates the force from the other colours
                                                         ;; on blue-influential once alignment has taken place

  if (red-flux) < 0.25 [ ask red-influentials [set breed blue-influentials ;; sets threshold for red-flux below which
                                                                           ;; its breed changes to blue-influential
                                               set color blue              ;; and colour changes to blue


  if (blue-flux) < 0.25 [ask blue-influentials [set breed red-influentials ;; sets threshold for blue-flux below which
                                                                           ;; its breed changes to red-influential
                                                set color red              ;; and colour changes to red


to re-align                                            ;; the persons re-align if any change in alignment
                                                       ;; of influentials has taken place

  ifelse blue-factor > red-factor                      ;; for every person, when red-factor is greater
                         [set color red                ;; than blue-factor, their colour changes to red
                          fd 10 rt 90]                 ;; and if otherwise, their colour changes to blue;
                         [set color blue               ;; if both the factors are equal, then, their colour
                          fd 10 rt 90]                 ;; remains beige. When re-alignment takes place, the
                                                       ;; turtles move forward 10 and turn right by 90 degrees.
  if red-factor = blue-factor [set color 35 + 3]       ;; no movement for non-aligned turtles

  set red-count count persons with [color = red]         ;; counts persons with colour red after re-alignment
  set blue-count count persons with [color = blue]       ;; counts persons with colour blue after re-alignment
  set neutral-count count persons with [color = 35 + 3]  ;; counts persons with colour beige after re-alignment

There is only one version of this model, created almost 8 years ago by Shipra Ghosh Ray.

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