Genetic Switch - Synthetic Biology Extension

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My_photo_2 Sugat Dabholkar (Author)


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breed [ LacIs LacI ]  ;; LacI repressior protein (violet proteins)
breed [ LacZs LacZ ]  ;; LacZ beta-galactosidase emzyme (red proteins)
breed [ ONPGs ONPG ]  ;; ortho-Nitrophenyl-beta-galactoside (ONPG) molecule (grey molecules) that is cleaved by beta-galactosidase to produce an intensely yellow compound.
breed [ LacYs LacY ]  ;; permease orange turtles that go to the cell wall and transport lactose inside
breed [ RNAPs RNAP ]  ;; RNA Polymerases (brown proteins) that bind to promoter part of DNA and synthesize mRNA from the downstream DNA

LacIs-own [
  partner             ;;  a partner is a ONPG molecule with which a LacI molecule binds to form a complex
  inhibitor?          ;;  a boolean to track if a LacI can bind to DNA as an inhibitor of transcition
RNAPs-own [on-dna?]   ;; a boolean to track if RNAP
ONPGs-own [
  partner             ;; a partner is a lacI molecule with which an ONPG forms a complex

[ promoter-color-list       ;; color list to set promoter colors based on their strengths
  rbs-color-list            ;; color list to set rbs colors based on their strengths
  gene-color                ;; color of the gene
  operon-transcribed?       ;; a boolean to see if the operon is transcribed
  LACZ-PRODUCTION-NUM       ;; number of lacZ molecules produced per transcription (this number depends on the rbs strength)
  lacZ-production-num-list  ;; list of numbers to set lacZ molecules produced based on the rbs strength
  ONPG-degradation-count    ;; a variable to keep track of number of ONPG molecules degraded
  energy-value              ;; keeps track of the energy value of the cell
  lacI-number               ;; number of lacI molecules
  RNAP-number               ;; number of RNA Polemerase molecules
  inhibited?                ;; boolean for whether or not the operator is inhibited
  dna                       ;; agentset containing the patches that are DNA
  non-dna                   ;; agentset excluding the patches that are DNA
  lacZ-gene                 ;; agentset containing the patches that are LacZ gene
  promoter                  ;; agentset containing the patches that are for the promoter
  operator                  ;; agentset containing the patches that are for the operator
  rbs                       ;; agentset containing the patches that are for the rbs
  terminator                ;; agentset containing the patches that are for the terminator
  total-transcripts         ;; a variable to keep track of the number of transciption events
  total-proteins            ;; a veriable to keep track of the number of proteins produced
  ini-ONPG-number           ;; a veriable to set initial ONPG number. This number is set to 0 in the setup procedure. It is set to 200 in the 'Add ONPG' button.

to set-global-variables
  set promoter-color-list [62 64 65 68]
  set rbs-color-list [12 14 15 17]
  set gene-color 95
  set lacI-number 30
  set RNAP-number 30
  set lacZ-production-num-list [2 3 4 6]
  set inhibited? false
  set ONPG-degradation-count 0
  set total-transcripts 0
  set ini-ONPG-number 0
  set operon-transcribed? false

to set-rbs-effect        ;; sets number of LacZ molecules produced per transcription event depedning on the rbs strength
   if rbs-strength = "weak" [
    set lacZ-production-num item 0 lacZ-production-num-list
  if rbs-strength = "reference" [
    set lacZ-production-num item 1 lacZ-production-num-list
  if rbs-strength = "medium" [
    set lacZ-production-num item 2 lacZ-production-num-list
  if rbs-strength = "strong" [
    set lacZ-production-num item 3 lacZ-production-num-list

to setup

to go
  if (operon-transcribed?) [
    create-lacZs lacZ-production-num [
      setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set total-proteins total-proteins + lacZ-production-num
    set operon-transcribed? false
  ask turtles [
  if timed-expt? [
    if ticks = 2500 [ stop ]
  if const-ONPG? [
    add-ONPG ( ini-ONPG-number - count ONPGs )


to random-walk    ;; a random walk procedure for the proteins and ONPG molecules in the cell
  rt random-float 360
  fd 1

to set-DNA-patches   ;; a procedure to set the DNA patches in the cell and assign appropriate colors based on their strengths
  ask patches [set pcolor white]
  set dna patches with [
    pxcor >= -40 and pxcor < 30 and pycor > 3 and pycor < 6
  set promoter patches with [
    pxcor >= -40 and pxcor < -26 and pycor > 3 and pycor < 6
  set operator ( patch-set
    patches with [ pxcor >= -26 and pxcor < -20 and pycor = 4 ]
    patches with [ pxcor = -26 and pycor = 5 ]
    patches with [ pxcor = -24 and pycor = 5 ]
    patches with [ pxcor = -23 and pycor = 5 ]
    patches with [ pxcor = -21 and pycor = 5 ]

  set rbs patches with [
    pxcor >= -20 and pxcor < -15 and pycor > 3 and pycor < 6
  set lacZ-gene patches with [
    pxcor >= -15 and pxcor < 25 and pycor > 3 and pycor < 6
  set terminator patches with [
     pxcor >= 25 and pxcor < 30 and pycor > 3 and pycor < 6
  ask promoter [
    if promoter-strength = "strong" [
      set pcolor item 0 promoter-color-list
    if promoter-strength = "medium" [
      set pcolor item 1 promoter-color-list
    if promoter-strength = "reference" [
      set pcolor item 2 promoter-color-list
    if promoter-strength = "weak" [
      set pcolor item 3 promoter-color-list
  ask operator [
    set pcolor orange
  ask rbs [
    if rbs-strength = "strong" [
      set pcolor item 0 rbs-color-list
    if rbs-strength = "medium" [
      set pcolor item 1 rbs-color-list
    if rbs-strength = "reference" [
      set pcolor item 2 rbs-color-list
    if rbs-strength = "weak" [
      set pcolor item 3 rbs-color-list
  ask lacZ-gene [
    set pcolor gene-color
   ask terminator [
    set pcolor gray
  set non-dna patches with [pcolor = white]

to add-proteins        ;; part of the setup procedure to create and randomly place proteins inside the cell
  create-lacIs lacI-number [
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set inhibitor? false
    set partner nobody
  create-RNAPs RNAP-number [
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set on-dna? false

to setshape        ;; a procedure to set shapes of the molecules
  if breed = LacIs
  [ set size 10
    ifelse partner = nobody
    [ set shape "laci"]
    [ set shape "laci-onpg-complex" set size 10 ]
  if breed = RNAPs
    [ set size 6
      set shape "RNAPol"
      set color brown]
  if breed = ONPGs
      ifelse partner = nobody
        set shape "pentagon"
        set color gray
        set hidden? false
        set hidden? true
   if breed = LacZs
   [ set shape "protein"
     set color red
     set size 6]

to go-lacIs
   ;; If there is a LacI at the operator, set the transcription is inhibited.
  if not inhibited? [
    ask LacIs with [ member? patch-ahead 2 operator and partner = nobody] [
      set inhibitor? true
      set inhibited? true
      set heading 0
      setxy -23 6

ask LacIs with [inhibitor?] [
  if (random-float 10 < lacI-bond-leakage) [
    set inhibitor? false
    set inhibited? false
    fd 3
  ask LacIs with [not inhibitor?] [

  ask LacIs [
    if partner != nobody [ stop ]
    set partner one-of (other ONPGs-here with [partner = nobody])
    if partner = nobody [ stop ]
    if [partner] of partner != nobody [ set partner nobody stop ]  ;; just in case two lacIs grab the same partner
    ifelse random-float 1 < complex-formation-chance
      [ ask partner [ set partner myself ]
        ask partner [ setshape ]
        if (inhibitor?) [
          set inhibited? false
          set inhibitor? false
          fd 1
    [set partner nobody]

to go-RNAPs    ;; If a RNAP is close or on the promoter (green) and the operator is open, change heading and move on the DNA towards the terminator.

if not inhibited? [
  ask RNAPs [
    if promoter-strength = "strong" [
      if member? patch-here promoter or member? patch-ahead 9 promoter [
    if promoter-strength = "medium" [
      if member? patch-here promoter or member? patch-ahead 3 promoter [
    if promoter-strength = "reference" [
      if member? patch-here promoter or member? patch-ahead 2 promoter [
    if promoter-strength = "weak" [
      if member? patch-here promoter or member? patch-ahead 1 promoter [

if any? RNAPS with [on-dna?] [
  ask RNAPs with [on-dna?] [
    fd 1
    if (member? patch-here terminator) [
      set operon-transcribed? true
      set on-dna? false
      rt random-float 360
      set total-transcripts total-transcripts + 1

ask RNAPs with [not on-dna?] [

to start-transcription    ;; a procedure for RNAPs
  setxy xcor 5
  set heading 90
  set on-dna? true

to add-ONPG [ONPG-number]
   create-ONPGs ONPG-number [
    set partner nobody
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor

to go-lacZs
  ask lacZs [
    rt random-float 360
    fd 1
    if count ONPGs-here != 0 [
      if random-float 1 < ONPG-degradation-chance
      [ ask one-of ONPGs-here [ die ]
        set ONPG-degradation-count ONPG-degradation-count + 1

to go-ONPGs
  ask ONPGs [

to recolor-patches  ;; Change the color of the cell based on ONPG degradation
  ask non-dna [
    set pcolor scale-color yellow ( 1000 - ONPG-degradation-count ) 0 1000

to dissociate-complex  ;; Dissociate the LacI-ONPG complex
  ask LacIs with [partner != nobody] [
    if random-float 1 < complex-separation-chance [
    let temp-x xcor
    let temp-y xcor
    ask partner [
      set partner nobody
      setxy temp-x temp-y
      fd 1
    set partner nobody
    fd -1

to degrade-LacZ
  ask LacZs [
    if random-float 1 < LacZ-degradation-chance [

to-report number-of-transcripts-per-tick
  report precision ( total-transcripts / ticks * 1000 ) 1

to-report number-of-proteins-per-tick
  report precision ( total-proteins / ticks * 1000 ) 1

There are 2 versions of this model.

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Sugat Dabholkar about 8 years ago Added the link to access the model on web Download this version
Sugat Dabholkar about 8 years ago Initial upload Download this version

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Genetic Switch - Synthetic Biology Extension.png preview Preview for 'Genetic Switch - Synthetic Biology Extension' about 8 years ago, by Sugat Dabholkar Download

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