Sex Ratio Equilibrium Extension 3

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My_photo_2 Sugat Dabholkar (Author)



Tagged by Sugat Dabholkar over 8 years ago

Model group MAM-2016 | Visible to everyone | Changeable by everyone
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globals [
  sex-ratio-list  ;; global-variable to track time-series data (for behavior space experiment)
breed [males male]
breed [females female]
females-own [
  carrying?                 ;;  a boolean to track if a female is carrying a child after mating
  male-child-chance         ;; this is a probability of giving birth to a male child
  temp-male-child-chance    ;; a variable to store male-chind-chance for a particular father-mother pair
  child-male-child-chance   ;; it is the inherited male-child-chance by a child
  gestation                 ;; a veriable to track time of carrying a child till a female reaches gesatation-period
  rearing?                  ;; a boolean to track if a female is rearing a child after giving birth, she can't mate if she is rearing
  child-rearing             ;; a veriable to track time of rearing a child till a female reaches child-rearing-period

males-own [
  rearing?                   ;; a boolean to track if a female is rearing a child after giving birth, she can't mate if she is rearing
  child-rearing              ;; a veriable to track time of rearing a child till a female reaches child-rearing-period

;;set-up pupulation of males and females

to setup
  create-males round ( ( 1 - ini-sex-ratio ) * ini-number ) [
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set shape "male"
    set color green
    set male-child-chance random-normal ini-average-male-child-chance 0.1     ;; males are assinged initial male-child-chance from a random-normal distribution
    set age 0
    set partner nobody
    set rearing? false
  create-females round ( ini-sex-ratio * ini-number ) [
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set color blue
    set shape "female"
    set carrying? false
    set partner nobody
    set rearing? false
    set male-child-chance random-normal ini-average-male-child-chance 0.1    ;; females are assinged initial male-child-chance from a random-normal distribution
  set sex-ratio-list []

to go
  if ticks = 15000 [stop]
  if not any? turtles [stop]
  ask males [
    if not rearing? and age > reproductive-maturity-age [move]
    if role-reversal? [child-rear]
  ask females [
    if not carrying? and not rearing? and age > reproductive-maturity-age [move]
    if not role-reversal? [child-rear]

to move
    rt random 60
    lt random 60
    fd 1

to search-a-partner  ;; male procedure
  if age > reproductive-maturity-age [             ;; males find partners only after they are mature to reproduce
  ifelse role-reversal? [                          ;; in case of role-reversal males rear children
    if partner = nobody and count females in-radius 1 = 1 and count females in-radius 1 with [not carrying? and age > reproductive-maturity-age ] = 1 and count other males in-radius 1 = 0  [  ;; spatial restriction is used to incorporate density-dependant growth rate
      set partner one-of females in-radius 1 with [not carrying? and age > reproductive-maturity-age]
    if partner = nobody and count females in-radius 1 = 1 and count females in-radius 1 with [not carrying? and not rearing? and age > reproductive-maturity-age] = 1 and count other males in-radius 1 = 0  [
      set partner one-of females in-radius 1 with [not carrying? and not rearing? and age > reproductive-maturity-age]
  if partner = nobody [stop]
    ifelse [partner] of partner != nobody [
      set partner nobody
      stop                        ;; just in case two males find the same partner
      ifelse random-float 1 < mating-chance [
        ask partner [
          set partner myself
          set carrying? true
          set color orange    ;; color oragne indicates carrying female
          set child-male-child-chance ( ( 1 - inheritance-weight ) * male-child-chance ) +  ( inheritance-weight * ( [male-child-chance] of myself ) )         ;; this is inherited male-child-chance by a child (determined by father and mother according to inheritance-weight)
          set temp-male-child-chance ( ( 1 - sex-determination-weight ) * male-child-chance ) +  ( sex-determination-weight * ( [male-child-chance] of myself ) )   ;; sex of a child is determined by male-child-chance (determined by father and mother according to sex-determination-weight)
        ifelse role-reversal? [
          set rearing? true           ;; in case of role-reversal, males have rearing role from the time they find a partner to the rearing-period for the childern is over
          set partner nobody
        set partner nobody

to reproduce ;; female procedure
    if carrying? [
      ifelse gestation = gestation-period [   ;; genstation-period can be set. When it's over, a female gives birth to a a child, starts afrest and can have a new partner
        set gestation 0
        set carrying? false
        ifelse role-reversal? [
          set partner nobody
          set rearing? true
        set color blue
        repeat random max-litter-size + 1 [
          ifelse random-float 1 < temp-male-child-chance [    ;; sex of a child is determined by male-child-chance
            hatch 1 [
              set breed males
              set shape "male"
              set color green
              set male-child-chance random-normal child-male-child-chance 0.1
              set age 0
              set rearing? false
              set partner nobody
              set heading random 360
              fd 1
          hatch 1 [
            set male-child-chance random-normal child-male-child-chance  0.1
            set age 0
            set rearing? false
            set partner nobody
            set heading random 360
            fd 1
      set gestation gestation + 1

to child-rear
  if rearing? [
    ifelse child-rearing = child-rearing-period [
      set child-rearing 0
      set rearing? false
      set partner nobody
      set child-rearing child-rearing + 1

to check-if-dead
    ifelse random-float longevity < age [
    set age age + 1

;; reporting procedures for plotting and for behaviorspace experiments

to-report female-percentage
  ifelse any? turtles [
    report ( count females / count turtles ) * 100
    report 0

to-report average-male-child-chance
  ifelse any? males [
    report mean [male-child-chance] of males
    report 0

to update-sex-ratio-list
  if ticks > 10000 [
    set sex-ratio-list lput female-percentage sex-ratio-list

to-report average-sex-ratio
    ifelse length sex-ratio-list > 0 [
    report precision mean sex-ratio-list 2]
    [report 0]

to-report sd-sex-ratio
    ifelse length sex-ratio-list > 0 [
    report precision standard-deviation sex-ratio-list 2]
    [report 0]

There is only one version of this model, created over 8 years ago by Sugat Dabholkar.

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