
GenJam-Triple preview image

1 collaborator

Default-person Connor Bain (Author)



Tagged by Connor Bain over 8 years ago

Model group MAM-2016 | Visible to everyone | Changeable by everyone
Model was written in NetLogo 6.0-M6 • Viewed 295 times • Downloaded 27 times • Run 0 times
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extensions [ sound ]

globals [
 chromosomes ;; list of all possible chromosomes
 random-whos ;; keeps a shuffled list for pretty-ness
 generations ;; number of generations we've seen

turtles-own [
  my-chromosomes my-pattern ;; lists to hold the chromosomes and hit-pattern of a drummer
  my-velocity my-instrument ;; the (int) velocity value and (string) MIDI instrument for that turtle
  mutation-rate ;; variables to control "reproduction"
  hits ;; counts the number of drum hits for a turtle
  hits-since-evolve ;; the number of hits since a mutation or evolution

breed [ low-drums low-drummer ]
breed [ med-drums med-drummer ]
breed [ high-drums high-drummer ]

to setup
  ;; Make the view big enough to show 16 lines and however many 'beats'
  resize-world 0 ((num-chromosomes * 3) - 1) 0 15

;; Method to play a pattern without any evolution

to go-no-evolve
  ask turtles [
    play ;; includes end of life
  wait 60 / TEMPO-BPM / 3

;; Method to play a pattern with evolution

to go
  ask turtles [
  ;; If we've reached the end of a pattern, do some evolution!
  if (ticks mod (num-chromosomes * 3) = 0) and (ticks != 0) [
    set generations generations + 1
  wait 60 / TEMPO-BPM / 3   ;; This roughly sets temp

;; PLAY FUNCTIONS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to play-my-drum ;; turtle proceudre
  let temp my-velocity
  if sound? [
    if solo? [ ;; If you're a soloer, play out! Otherwise, SHHHH.
      ifelse who = soloer [
        set temp my-velocity + 50
        set temp my-velocity - 50
    sound:play-drum my-instrument temp

to play ;; turtle procedure
  if is-low-drummer? self [
    if item (ticks mod (num-chromosomes * 3)) my-pattern = 1 [
      set hits hits + 1
      set hits-since-evolve hits-since-evolve + 1

  if is-med-drummer? self [
    if item (ticks mod (num-chromosomes * 3)) my-pattern = 1 [
      set hits hits + 1
      set hits-since-evolve hits-since-evolve + 1

  if is-high-drummer? self [
    if item (ticks mod (num-chromosomes * 3)) my-pattern = 1 [
      set hits hits + 1
      set hits-since-evolve hits-since-evolve + 1
;; END PLAY FUNCTIONS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;; EVOLUTION FUNCTIONS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to go-evolve
  ;; If there isn't a soloist, ask 2 of each type to evolve
  ifelse not solo? [
    ask n-of 2 low-drums [
    ask n-of 2 med-drums [
    ask n-of 2 high-drums [
    ;; If a drummer hasn't changed in a while, mutate
    ask turtles with [hits-since-evolve > hit-limit] [
      set hits-since-evolve 0
  ] [ ;; If there is a soloist, do the same, but don't include the soloer
   ask n-of 2 low-drums with [who != soloer] [
    ask n-of 2 med-drums with [who != soloer] [
    ask n-of 2 high-drums with [who != soloer]  [
    ;; If a drummer hasn't changed in a while, mutate
    ask turtles with [hits-since-evolve > hit-limit and who != soloer] [
      set hits-since-evolve 0

to evolve ;; turtle procedure
 let mate nobody
 let list-of-fitnesses []
 let search-fitness 0
 if is-low-drummer? self [
   set list-of-fitnesses [fitness] of other breed
   set search-fitness select-random-weighted-fitness list-of-fitnesses
   set mate one-of other breed with [fitness = search-fitness]

 if is-med-drummer? self [
   set list-of-fitnesses [fitness] of turtles with [breed != [breed] of myself]
   set search-fitness select-random-weighted-fitness list-of-fitnesses
   set mate one-of turtles with [(breed != [breed] of myself) and (fitness = search-fitness)]

 if is-high-drummer? self [
   set list-of-fitnesses [fitness] of other breed
   set search-fitness select-random-weighted-fitness list-of-fitnesses
   set mate one-of other breed with [fitness = search-fitness]

 let offspring-chromosomes reproduce-with mate

 ask min-one-of other breed with [who != soloer] [fitness] [
   set my-chromosomes offspring-chromosomes
   set hits-since-evolve 0

;; This is where the basic genetic algorithm comes in

to-report reproduce-with [mate] ;; turtle procedure
  ;; ASKER IS 1st Parent MATE is 2nd parent
  ;;; my-chromosomes
  let her-chromosomes [my-chromosomes] of mate

  ;; Pick a random cross-over point
  let crossover-point random length my-chromosomes

  ;; Combine the chromosomes
  let baby-chromosomes sentence (sublist my-chromosomes 0 crossover-point) (sublist her-chromosomes crossover-point length her-chromosomes)

  ;; Do a little mutation
  let mutation-chance 0
  if is-low-drummer? self [
    set mutation-chance 50
  if is-med-drummer? self [
    set mutation-chance 25
  if is-high-drummer? self [
    set mutation-chance 10

  ;; Maybe actually mutate
  if random 100 > mutation-chance [
    set baby-chromosomes mutate-chromosomes baby-chromosomes
  report baby-chromosomes

;; FITNESS FUNCTIONS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; Dependent on breed, because you can lose fitness or gain fitness by fitting to your particular proclivities

to-report fitness ;; turtle procedure
  ;; Arbirtrary 10% window around target density
  let my-fitness 0

  ;; Want to be under the hit-density and be on the downbeats
  if is-low-drummer? self [
    set my-fitness downbeat-fitness
    if my-density-fitness > (hit-density-modifier - 10) [
      set my-fitness my-fitness / 1.5

  ;; Want to be at the hit-density and be on the off-beats
  if is-med-drummer? self [
    set my-fitness offbeat-fitness
    if (my-density-fitness < hit-density-modifier - 10) or (my-density-fitness > hit-density-modifier + 10) [
      set my-fitness my-fitness / 2

  ;; Want to be above the hit-density and have lots o' clusters
  if is-high-drummer? self [
    set my-fitness offbeat-fitness
    if my-density-fitness < hit-density-modifier + 10 [
      set my-fitness my-fitness / 2
;; use add 1 smoothing
report my-fitness + 1

to-report my-density-fitness ;; turtle procedure
  report sum my-pattern / length my-pattern * 100

to-report cluster-fitness ;; turtle procedure
 ;; window size at 2
 let i 3
 let cluster-count 0
 while [i <= length my-pattern] [
   if (sum sublist my-pattern (i - 3) i) = 2 [
     set cluster-count cluster-count + 1
 ;; Lots of clusters relative to the notes I play
 report cluster-count / sum my-pattern * 100

to-report offbeat-fitness ;; turtle procedure
 let offbeat-count 0
 foreach n-values length my-pattern [?] [
  if ? mod 3 != 0 [
    if item ? my-pattern = 1 [
      set offbeat-count offbeat-count + 1
 if offbeat-count = 0 [ report 0 ]
 ;; You want more off-beats and less down-beats
 report offbeat-count / sum my-pattern * 100

to-report downbeat-fitness ;; turtle procedure
 let downbeat-count 0
 foreach n-values length my-pattern [?] [
  if ? mod 3 = 0 [
    if item ? my-pattern = 1 [
      set downbeat-count downbeat-count + 1
 if downbeat-count = 0 [ report 0 ]
 ;; In other words, you want lots of downbeats in comparison to your other notes
 report downbeat-count / sum my-pattern * 100

to mutate ;; turtle procedure
  set my-chromosomes mutate-chromosomes my-chromosomes

;; Method to mutate a chromosome

to-report mutate-chromosomes [the-chromosomes]
  ;; basically picks a chromosome, mutates it, returns a new set
  let new-chromosomes the-chromosomes
  repeat num-mutations [
    let temp random num-chromosomes
    set new-chromosomes replace-item temp new-chromosomes ((round (random-normal (item temp new-chromosomes) mutation-strength)) mod 8)
  report new-chromosomes
;; END EVOLUTION FUNCTIONS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;; HELPER FUNCTIONS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; Called after a chromosome update in order to redefine that turtle's pattern

to update-pattern ;; turtle method
  set my-pattern []
  foreach my-chromosomes [
   set my-pattern sentence my-pattern (get-chromosome ?)

to set-globals
  set generations 0
  set random-whos n-values 16 [?]
  ;; this is just for looks.
  if shuffle-parts? [
    set random-whos shuffle random-whos
    set random-whos shuffle random-whos
  set chromosomes []
  let c0 [0 0 0]
  let c1 [1 0 0]  let c2  [0 1 0] let c3 [0 0 1]
  let c4 [1 0 1]  let c5  [1 1 0] let c6 [0 1 1]
  let c7 [1 1 1]

  set chromosomes (list c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7)

to set-initial-turtle-variables
  create-low-drums 6 [
    set my-instrument "LOW CONGA"
    set my-velocity 85
    set color red
    set mutation-rate 64

  create-med-drums 5 [
    set my-instrument "Bass Drum 1"
    set color green
    set my-velocity 85
    set mutation-rate 32

  create-high-drums 5 [
    set my-instrument "Closed Hi Hat"
    set color blue
    set my-velocity 85
    set mutation-rate 16

  ask turtles [
    set my-pattern []
    set my-chromosomes (n-values num-chromosomes [1])
    set hits 0

;; Method to update the view (simplified music notation)

to update-view
 ask turtles [
   let temp 0
   let row item who random-whos
   foreach my-pattern [
     ifelse ? = 1 [
       ifelse solo? and (soloer = who) [
         ask patch temp row [set pcolor white]
       ] [
         ask patch temp row [set pcolor [color] of myself]
     ] [
     ask patch temp row [set pcolor black]
     set temp temp + 1
 ask patches with [pxcor = (ticks mod (num-chromosomes * 3))] [set pcolor yellow]

;; Method to get a chromosomes pattern from the library

to-report get-chromosome [index]
  report item index chromosomes

;; This is my version picking a weighted random turtle

to-report select-random-weighted-fitness [theList]
   let weighted-list []
   foreach theList [
     ;; add one smoothing
     let temp ?
     foreach n-values round ((? / sum theList * 100) + 1) [?] [
       set weighted-list fput temp weighted-list
   report item (random length weighted-list) weighted-list

;breed [ low-drums low-drummer ]
;;; Atsimevu
;;; 64 Low Conga
;;; 63 Open Hi Conga
;;; 52 Mute Hi Conga
;;;  open-hand open-fingers slap-fingers slap-two-fingers ;; Options for hit
;;; Sogo or Kidi
;;; MIDI INSTRUMENT 117. Taiko Drum
;breed [ med-drums med-drummer ]
;;; Kagan
;;; 65. Hi Timbale
;breed [ high-drums high-drummer ]

There is only one version of this model, created over 8 years ago by Connor Bain.

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GenJam-Triple.png preview Preview for 'GenJam-Triple' over 8 years ago, by Connor Bain Download

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