Sexual Assault

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1 collaborator

Default-person Christian Dayal (Author)


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extensions [table]

globals [bar school park frat assault-place-count]

turtles-own [
education? ;; education personality variable that is able to be manipulated.
sex ;; to designate male and female interactions and procedures.
year ;; variable to give turtle respective weight depending on what year of school they are in. the younger a turtle, the more susceptible as a perpetrator and victim.
year-weight ;; 1,2,3,4 correlating with the years of undergraduate for purpose as mentioned above
personality ;; implemented to give turtle university student like personality in terms of preferences and where to interact.
personality-var ;; allows the turtle to move intelligbly whilst being random due to the desire to fulfill a personal longing.
;;For example, if a turtle who likes to go to the fraternity a lot does not for a while, he will want to go and fulfill his desire. Enhances randomness and simulates student mindsets.

links-own [
 ;;implemented to track how many times female turtles interact with male turtles due to statistics iterating females have interacted with
 ;;their victim almsot 80% of the time. Again, implemented to mirror real like reference pattern. Create the interactions to be as accurate as possible.

to setup
  clear-all ;; clear all existing agents
  set bar patches with [pxcor < 0.5 and pycor > -1] ;; initializes patch-sets that are referred to throughout. Creating them like this makes it a lot easier to reference the enviornments.
  ask bar [set pcolor yellow + 2.5]                 ;; Cleans up the code from below.
  set frat patches with [pxcor > 0.5 and pycor > 0]
  ask frat [set pcolor black]
  set school patches with [pxcor <= 0.5 and pycor < 0]
  ask school [set pcolor white]
  set park patches with [pxcor > 0.5 and pycor < 0]
  ask park [set pcolor green + 2.5]
  set assault-place-count []

  ;ask patches
  ;[;;if pxcor <= 0.5 and pycor < 0 [set pcolor white] ;;old code that was orignally used to demarcate the world.
    ;if pxcor > 0.5 and pycor < 0 [set pcolor green + 2.5]
    ;if pxcor < 0.5 and pycor > -1 [set pcolor yellow + 2.5]]

  set-default-shape turtles "person" ;; defines the turtle shape that will be used. People to represent people.

  create-turtles men  [ ;; slider variable men that adjusts how many men turtles are made
    set sex 0 ;;sets their sex variable to 0 so that they can be distinguished from women.
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor ;;distributes the turtles throughout the world randomly
    set size 1 ;;visually pleasing.

  create-turtles women  [ ;; slider variable women that adjusts how many women are made
    set sex 1 ;;sets their sex variable to 1 so that they can be distinguished from men.
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor ;;distributes the turtles throughout the world randomly
    set size 1 ;;visually pleasing.

  ask turtles [
    set dict table:make ;;dictionary that is used to store and keep track of turtle who numbers and subsequent multiple interactons amongst male and female turtles.
    set personality one-of [1 2 3 4] ;;randomly assigns turtles to one of 4 personality types for intelligence and personality. Iterates real life desires and phenomeona.
    ifelse sex = 0 ;; used to color the agents appropiately depending on what year of studies they are in, Light pink to dark pink for females starting from freshman all the way to seniors.
        [set year one-of [1 2 3 4]] ;; light blue to dark blue for all male turtles indicating freshmen all the way to seniors.
        [set year one-of [5 6 7 8]]

  color-year ;;colors the turtles accordingly.
  vulnerability ;;sets year-weights to respective turtles. takes into account the statistic that younger people are more prone to be perpetrators or victims.
reset-ticks ;; resets counter

to go ;; go function for interaction
  ;ask links [hide-link]
  ask turtles [
    move ;; moves turtles somewhat randomly whilst taking into account their personality.
   ; hostileinteraction] ;; intitial funciton that was used for turtle interaction
  interactfrat ;;interaction procedure unique to relatively statistical replicate prevailing traits and characteristics of sexual assault in a fraternity enviornment.
  interactbar ;;interaction procedure unique to relatively statistical replicate prevailing traits and characteristics of sexual assault in a bar like enviornment.
  interactpark ;;interaction procedure unique to relatively statistical replicate prevailing traits and characteristics of sexual assault in a park enviornment.
  interactschool ;;interaction procedure unique to relatively statistical replicate prevailing traits and characteristics of sexual assault in school enviornment.
  ];; variable that dictates a turtle moving to its personality niche depending on their threshold value.

  tick;;occurs per tick.

to color-year ;; used this list to color the turtles based on their gender and years.
  ask turtles[
     if sex = 0 [
       if year = 1 [set color 108] ;; light blue (freshman male)
       if year = 2 [set color 107] ;; sophomore male
       if year = 3 [set color 106] ;; junior male
       if year = 4 [set color 105]];; dark blue (senior male)
     if sex = 1 [
       if year = 5 [set color 138] ;;light pink (freshman female)
       if year = 6 [set color 137] ;;sophomore female
       if year = 7 [set color 136] ;;junior female
       if year = 8 [set color 135]]];;dark pink (senior female)

to personalityinitial ;;sets the original personality variable to 100. This fluctuates and dictates a turtles movement as turtles move away and from their niche.
  ask turtles [ set personality-var 100 ]

to personality-need ;;creates 4 personality types depending on the 4 enviornment types in the world. Each personality has a preference to an enviornment.
  if personality = 1 [
    ifelse patch-here = one-of bar
      [set personality-var personality-var + 20]
      [set personality-var personality-var - .05]]
  if personality = 2 [
    ifelse patch-here = one-of frat
      [set personality-var personality-var + 20]
      [set personality-var personality-var - .05]]
  if personality = 3 [
    ifelse patch-here = one-of school
      [set personality-var personality-var + 20]
      [set personality-var personality-var - .05]]
  if personality = 4 [
    ifelse patch-here = one-of park
      [set personality-var personality-var + 20]
      [set personality-var personality-var - .05]]

to vulnerability ;; playing with weight variables here for status in undergrad and possibility of being / perpotrating sexual assault.
  ask turtles[
      if sex = 0 [
       if year = 1 [set year-weight 4] ;; statistically based off of the fact that latter years decrease significantly in perpetrating or becoming a victim of assault (4 times less)
       if year = 2 [set year-weight 4]
       if year = 3 [set year-weight 1]
       if year = 4 [set year-weight .8]]
      if sex = 1 [
       if year = 5 [set year-weight 4]
       if year = 6 [set year-weight 4]
       if year = 7 [set year-weight 1]
       if year = 8 [set year-weight .8]]]

to move ;; moves function for turtles. if the value is less than the defined threshold, the turtle will move towards its desired patch based on its personality type.
        ;; Allows for intelligence and personality types in agents and behavior.
    if personality = 1 [
      ifelse personality-var <= 0
       [face one-of bar
         fd 1]
         [rt random 90
           lt random 90
           fd 1]]
    if personality = 2 [
      ifelse personality-var <= 0
      [face one-of frat
        fd 1]
      [rt random 90
        lt random 90
        fd 1]]
    if personality = 3 [
      ifelse personality-var <= 0
      [face one-of school
         fd 1]
      [rt random 90
        lt random 90
        fd 1]]
    if personality = 4 [
      ifelse personality-var <= 0
      [face one-of park
         fd 1]
      [rt random 90
        lt random 90
        fd 1]]

to assault
  set color red
  set assault-place-count fput pcolor assault-place-count

to interactfrat ;; probability that sexual assault occurs based on relative weights derived from
                ;;statistically supported research that indicates prevailing sexual assault causes/characteristics in this enviornment as defined in paper.
    if pcolor = black [
      if sex = 0 [
        let target one-of turtles in-radius 3
          ifelse (table:has-key? dict ([who] of target)) [ ;; turtle checks in dictionary to see if the who number of the target within the radius is present, the number of target interactions is represented by the
            ;; notargetinteractions variable. it then takes the past interaction of the turtles and factors it into the probabililty of a female turtle being assaulted.
            let notargetinteractions (table:get dict ([who] of target))
            ask target [
              let awareness education?
              if (sex = 1 and random-float 10 < ((.4 * notargetinteractions) + (hostility * .4) + (alcohol * .8) - (empathy * .2) - (awareness * 2 * .45) + (year-weight)))
            table:put dict [who] of target table:get dict [who] of target + 1]
          [table:put dict [who] of target 1

to interactbar ;; probability that sexual assault occurs based on relative weights derived from
                ;;statistically supported research that indicates prevailing sexual assault causes/characteristics in this enviornment as defined in paper.
    if pcolor = yellow + 2.5 [
      if sex = 0 [
        let target one-of turtles in-radius 3
          ifelse (table:has-key? dict ([who] of target)) [ ;; turtle checks in dictionary to see if the who number of the target within the radius is present, the number of target interactions is represented by the
            ;; notargetinteractions variable. it then takes the past interaction of the turtles and factors it into the probabililty of a female turtle being assaulted.
            let notargetinteractions (table:get dict ([who] of target))
            ask target [
              let awareness education?
              if (sex = 1 and random-float 10 < ((.20 * notargetinteractions) + (hostility * .2) + (alcohol * .8) - (empathy * .2) - (awareness * 2 * .45) + (year-weight)))
            table:put dict [who] of target table:get dict [who] of target + 1]
          [table:put dict [who] of target 1

to interactpark ;; probability that sexual assault occurs based on relative weights derived from
                ;;statistically supported research that indicates prevailing sexual assault causes/characteristics in this enviornment as defined in paper.
    if pcolor = green + 2.5 [
      if sex = 0 [
        let target one-of turtles in-radius 3
          ifelse (table:has-key? dict ([who] of target)) [ ;; turtle checks in dictionary to see if the who number of the target within the radius is present, the number of target interactions is represented by the
            ;; notargetinteractions variable. it then takes the past interaction of the turtles and factors it into the probabililty of a female turtle being assaulted.
            let notargetinteractions (table:get dict ([who] of target))
            ask target [
              let awareness education?
              if (sex = 1 and random-float 10 < ((.15 * notargetinteractions) + (hostility * .1) + (alcohol * .2) - (empathy * .4) - (awareness * 2 * .45) + (year-weight)))
            table:put dict [who] of target table:get dict [who] of target + 1]
          [table:put dict [who] of target 1

to interactschool ;; probability that sexual assault occurs based on relative weights derived from
                ;;statistically supported research that indicates prevailing sexual assault causes/characteristics in this enviornment as defined in paper.
    if pcolor = white [
      if sex = 0 [
        let target one-of turtles in-radius 3
          ifelse (table:has-key? dict ([who] of target)) [ ;; turtle checks in dictionary to see if the who number of the target within the radius is present, the number of target interactions is represented by the
            ;; notargetinteractions variable. it then takes the past interaction of the turtles and factors it into the probabililty of a female turtle being assaulted.
            let notargetinteractions (table:get dict ([who] of target))
            ask target [
              let awareness education?
              if (sex = 1 and random-float 10 < ((.15 * notargetinteractions) + (hostility * .1) + (alcohol * 0) - (empathy * .4) - (awareness * 2 * .45) + (year-weight)))
            table:put dict [who] of target table:get dict [who] of target + 1]
          [table:put dict [who] of target 1

;old functions that were used to compute probability without taking into account past interactions. Just so you can see the mental process I engaged in as I developed the model and
;shaped it to mirror real life phenomena.

;to interactbar ;; probability that sexual assault occurs based on relative weights derived from
                ;;statistically supported research that indicates prevailing sexual assault causes/characteristics in this enviornment as defined in paper.
 ;   if pcolor = yellow + 2.5 [
  ;    if sex = 0 [
   ;     let target one-of turtles in-radius 3
    ;    ask target [ let awareness education?
     ;     if (sex = 1 and random-float 10 < ((hostility * .002) + (alcohol * .008) - (empathy * .002) - (awareness * 2 * .40) + (year-weight)))
      ;    [assault]]]]

;to interactpark ;; probability that sexual assault occurs based on relative weights derived from
 ;               ;;statistically supported research that indicates prevailing sexual assault causes/characteristics in this enviornment as defined in paper.
  ;  if pcolor = green + 2.5 [
   ;   if sex = 0 [
    ;    let target one-of turtles in-radius 3
     ;   ask target [ let awareness education?
      ;    if (sex = 1 and random-float 10 < ((hostility * .001) + (alcohol * .002) - (empathy * .004) - (awareness * 2 * .40) + (year-weight)))
    ;      [assault]]]]

;to interactschool ;; probability that sexual assault occurs based on relative weights derived from
 ;                 ;;statistically supported research that indicates prevailing sexual assault causes/characteristics in this enviornment as defined in paper.
  ;  if pcolor = white [
   ;   if sex = 0 [
    ;    let target one-of turtles in-radius 3
     ;   ask target [ let awareness education?
      ;    if (sex = 1 and random-float 10 < ((hostility * .001) + (alcohol * 0) - (empathy * .004) - (awareness * 2 * .40) + (year-weight)))
       ;   [assault]]]]

;to hostileinteraction ;; probability that sexual assault is ar result in male hosility,alcohol intoxication, empathy, and awarness. ORIGINAL procedure that was developed and improved.
 ;if sex = 0 [
  ;let target one-of turtles in-radius 3
   ;ask target [ let awareness education?
    ;if (sex = 1 and random-float 10 < ((hostility * .001) + (alcohol * .008) - (empathy * .002) - (awareness * 2 * .30)))
     ;[set color red]]]

;; This was the original function that I was working on implementing to track past turtle interaction and ultimately use to influence future interactions of other turtles given the
;; role of multiple prior interactions between female victims of sexual assault to males..

to go-and-count1
  ask turtles [
    if sex = 1 [
      fd 1
      if any? other turtles-here with [sex != 1] [
        ask one-of other turtles-here with [sex != 1] [
          ask link who [who] of myself [set no-of-interactions-girl no-of-interactions-girl + 1]]

There are 6 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Christian Dayal over 8 years ago final version Download this version
Christian Dayal over 8 years ago preliminary final. Download this version
Christian Dayal over 8 years ago Updated interactions Download this version
Christian Dayal over 8 years ago updated with graphical interfaces Download this version
Christian Dayal over 8 years ago updated version with personalities and weights Download this version
Christian Dayal over 8 years ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
May24.ChrisDayal.docx word Progress Report 3 over 8 years ago, by Christian Dayal Download
Sexual Assault.png preview Preview for 'Sexual Assault' over 8 years ago, by Christian Dayal Download

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