Operation Barbarossa
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This model attempts to explore the effects of weather and terrain on the progression of Operation Barbarossa and Operation Typhoon, two major offensives that were crucial in determining the outcome of world war 2.
Each patch represents an area of terrain and each turtle represents a division. Grey turtles attack and take red territory, and red turtles defend and take grey territory. Weather is also simulated which effects the fighting capabilities of each side differently.
You can adjust the effects of weather and terrain by adjusting their sliders, higher values mean they have more of an impact during battles. The reinforcement rates for each side can also be adjusted to change how frequently and by how much each side is reinforced.
Notice the slowdown once the temperature drops below 10 degrees celcius, as battles take longer to resolve.
Try running the model with no terrain or weather effects to see what the Germans expected to happen, and then crank them up to see how important they are when thinking about how easily it really was.
Try finding more accurate historical data to improve the battle simulation, or a levelspace simlulation of each battle at the regimental level. Also try to find the historical rate for reinforcement for each side.
This model does not use any unusual features of Netlogo
This is the first model I have seen which attemtps to model a military campaign.
Check out this model and many others at http://modelingcommons.org/browse/onemodel/4652#modeltabsbrowsenlw
Comments and Questions
breed[divisions division] patches-own[terrain water] divisions-own[nation tech reliability manpower maxmanpower organization maxOrganization recovering] globals [temperature nazi-deaths soviet-deaths precipitation] ;; Setup Functions to setup clear-all set-default-shape divisions "square" set temperature 16.1 set nazi-deaths 0 set soviet-deaths 0 set precipitation 0 setup-patches setup-soviets place-soviets setup-nazis place-nazis reset-ticks end to setup-nazis ;;49 divisions in total for army group center create-divisions 49 [setup-nazi-division] end to setup-soviets ;;45 divisions in total for western front create-divisions 45 [setup-soviet-division] end to setup-soviet-division set heading 270 set color red + 3 set manpower (random 4000) + 8000 set maxmanpower manpower set tech random 30 set reliability 10 set organization (random 30) + 15 set maxOrganization organization set nation "soviet" set recovering false end to place-soviet-division set xcor random 3 - 20 set ycor random 20 - 10 end to place-soviets ask divisions with [nation = "soviet"] [ place-soviet-division ] end to setup-nazi-division set heading 90 set color grey + 3 set manpower (random 2000) + 10000 set maxmanpower manpower set tech (random 30) + 10 set reliability 20 set organization (random 30) + 30 set maxOrganization organization set nation "nazi" set recovering false end to place-nazi-division set xcor random 3 - 23 set ycor random 20 - 10 end to place-nazis ask divisions with [nation = "nazi"] [ place-nazi-division ] end to setup-patches ask patches[ set water 0 setup-patch] end to setup-patch ;;for now just set them all to 0 set terrain (1 / 10 * pxcor) - ((random 2) - 1) ifelse pxcor < -20 [set pcolor grey + terrain] [set pcolor red + terrain] end ;; Simulation functions to go set temperature (11.05 * (cos ticks) + 7.05) set temperature temperature + random-float 12 - 6 ifelse temperature > 20 [set precipitation .7] [ifelse temperature > 15 [set precipitation .3] [ifelse temperature > 5 [set precipitation .6] [set precipitation .2]]] if ticks > 180 [stop] move-nazi-divisions move-soviet-divisions ask divisions [ set organization organization + 1 set manpower manpower + 100 if manpower >= maxmanpower [set manpower maxmanpower] ] if remainder ticks soviet-rate = 0 [reinforce-soviets] if remainder ticks nazi-rate = 0 [reinforce-nazis] ask patches [simulate-rain] diffuse water .2 tick end to move-soviet-division ifelse (not any? (divisions-on [neighbors] of patch-here) with [nation = "nazi"])[ ifelse any? ([neighbors] of patch-here) with [shade-of? grey pcolor][ move-to one-of ([neighbors] of patch-here) with [shade-of? grey pcolor] ask patch-here [set pcolor red + terrain] ] [ ifelse can-move? 1 [fd 1] [move-to one-of [neighbors] of patch-here] ] ] [] end to move-soviet-divisions ask divisions with [nation = "soviet"] [ ifelse not recovering [ move-soviet-division ] [if organization >= maxOrganization [ set organization maxOrganization set recovering false]] ] end to move-nazi-division ifelse any? ((divisions-on ([neighbors4] of patch-here)) with [nation = "soviet"]) [ ifelse organization < 0 or recovering [] [battle one-of other (divisions-on ([neighbors4] of patch-here)) with [nation = "soviet"]] ] [ifelse any? ([neighbors] of patch-here) with [shade-of? red pcolor] [ move-to one-of ([neighbors] of patch-here) with [shade-of? red pcolor] ask patch-here [set pcolor grey + terrain]] [ifelse can-move? 1 [ fd 1][ move-to one-of [neighbors] of patch-here]]] end to move-nazi-divisions ask divisions with [nation = "nazi"] [ ifelse not recovering [ if [water] of patch-here < 1 [ move-nazi-division ] ] [if organization >= maxOrganization [ set organization maxOrganization set recovering false]] ] end to battle [#enemy] ;;Our attack ask #enemy [ let attack-strength random (([tech] of myself) + .1 * [manpower] of myself) set attack-strength attack-strength - ([terrain] of patch-here) * 20 * terrain-scale let reliability-modifier [temperature / reliability] of myself if reliability-modifier > 1 [set reliability-modifier 1] if reliability-modifier < 0 [set reliability-modifier .1] set attack-strength attack-strength * reliability-modifier if attack-strength < 0 [set attack-strength 0] set manpower manpower - attack-strength ifelse [nation = "nazi"] of myself [set soviet-deaths soviet-deaths + attack-strength] [set nazi-deaths nazi-deaths + attack-strength] set organization organization - random-float .01 * attack-strength if organization <= 0 [ set organization 0 set recovering true fd -4 ] if manpower < 0 [ set manpower 0 die ] ] if #enemy != nobody [ ;;Enemy counter-attack let attack-strength random (([tech] of #enemy) + .1 * [manpower] of #enemy) set attack-strength attack-strength - ([terrain] of patch-here) * 20 * terrain-scale let reliability-modifier [temperature / reliability] of #enemy if reliability-modifier > 1 [set reliability-modifier 1] if reliability-modifier < 0 [set reliability-modifier .1] set attack-strength attack-strength * reliability-modifier if attack-strength < 0 [set attack-strength 0] set manpower manpower - attack-strength ifelse nation = "nazi" [set nazi-deaths nazi-deaths + attack-strength] [set soviet-deaths soviet-deaths + attack-strength] set organization organization - random-float .01 * attack-strength if organization <= 0 [ set organization 0 set recovering true fd -4 ] if manpower < 0 [ set manpower 0 die ]] end to reinforce-soviets if any? patches with [shade-of? red pcolor and pxcor > 25][ create-divisions soviet-reinforcements [ setup-soviet-division move-to one-of patches with [shade-of? red pcolor and pxcor > 25]]] end to reinforce-nazis if any? patches with [shade-of? grey pcolor and pxcor < -23][ create-divisions nazi-reinforcements [ setup-nazi-division move-to one-of patches with [shade-of? grey pcolor and pxcor < -23]]] end to simulate-rain if random-float 1 < precipitation [ set water water + random 4 ] set water water - 1 if water < 0 [set water 0] end
There are 3 versions of this model.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
Operation Barbarossa.png | preview | fda | almost 9 years ago, by Josiah Evans | Download |
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