Exemplars and Simple Segregation

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2 collaborators

Default-person Steven Kimbrough (Author)
Default-person Robin Clark (Team member)


language variation 

Tagged by Steven Kimbrough about 9 years ago


Tagged by Steven Kimbrough about 9 years ago

social evolution 

Tagged by Steven Kimbrough about 9 years ago

social networks 

Tagged by Steven Kimbrough about 9 years ago

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extensions [table matrix]

globals [reference-system lefty-system righty-system
  ;; **slider** individual-percent ; how much individual turtles vary from their reference systems
  ; Each group, lefties and righties, has a mean for their systems, individual-percent
  ; is used to build in individual variation.
  ; leaders-talk-with-other-leaders ;; This is a counter, for counting the 
  ; number of times a leader of one breed talks to a leader of the other breed.
  ; We have decided for now not to tract this, but are leaving in the code
  ; to do so, if we choose to uncomment it.
  ;; **slider** dasd the standard deviation, applied to generating individual examples
  bob carol ted alice
breed [lefties lefty]
breed [righties righty]

turtles-own [exemplars ;; The history list of what the turtle has heard or thinks it has heard,
  ;; of length count-exemplars (slider on the Interface)
  ;; exemplars, a turtles variable, holds a table whose keys are the vowel IDs and
  ;; whose values are lists of 2-tuple lists, of first and second formant pairs.
  ;; After initialization, we assume that the ordering of the pairs is chronological,
  ;; with the oldest at the front, the youngest at the end.
  leader? ;; Is this turtle a leader?
  category-list ;; Is a list of pairs (lists) in which the first member is the signal
  ; received and the second is the guess. So, when they agree, the agent has 
  ; guessed correctly, and if not, not.
  radius-mean ; Gets the value lefty-radius-mean, if the turtle is a lefty, and 
  ; righty-radius mean, if the turtle is a righty. These values are given as sliders
  ; on the interface.
  myneighbors ; other turtles in-radius get-a-radius

to setup
  if file-exists? "run-pretties.txt"
  [file-delete "run-pretties.txt"]
  if file-exists? "run-uglies.txt"
  [file-delete "run-uglies.txt"]
  if file-exists? "exemplar-means.csv"
  [file-delete "exemplar-means.csv"]
  if file-exists? "confusions.csv"
  [file-delete "confusions.csv"]
  set lefty-system make-group-system(reference-system)(percentshift)("down")
  set righty-system make-group-system(reference-system)(percentshift)("up")
  if (Scenarios = "User Interface")
    set lefty-system make-group-system(reference-system)(percentshift)("down")
    set righty-system make-group-system(reference-system)(percentshift)("up")
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; end of "User Interface"  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;  if (Scenarios = "Zero Model")
;    [
;  set individual-percent 0.05
;  set percentshift 0.0
;  set lefty-system make-group-system(reference-system)(percentshift)("down")
;  set righty-system make-group-system(reference-system)(percentshift)("up")
;  ;set LeaderNetworks false
;  set numberofleftyleaders 0
;  set numberofrightyleaders 0
;  set lefty-radius-mean 10
;  set righty-radius-mean 10
;    ]
  ;; Create confusion tables, one for lefties, one for righties
  let num-vowels length table:keys reference-system
  set lefty-confusions matrix:make-constant num-vowels num-vowels 0
;  show matrix:pretty-print-text lefty-confusions
;  show matrix:dimensions lefty-confusions
  set righty-confusions matrix:make-constant num-vowels num-vowels 0

  ;; Create the lefties on the left and the righties on the  ... right!
  ;; We are aware that unless we change the world size from the default, 
  ;; there are more righties than lefties.
  ask patches with [pxcor < 0] [sprout-lefties 1 [set radius-mean lefty-radius-mean]
  ask patches with [pxcor >= 0] [sprout-righties 1  [set radius-mean righty-radius-mean]

  ask lefties [set exemplars make-some-exemplars(count-exemplars)(lefty-system)(individual-percent)
    set shape "square"
    ;set color newcolor(mean exemplars)
  ;; ok to here
  ask righties [set exemplars make-some-exemplars(count-exemplars)(righty-system)(individual-percent)
    set shape "square"
    ;set color newcolor(mean exemplars)
  ask turtles [
    set leader? false
    set category-list []
    let lowhi set-color
    set color scale-color green get-vowel-value(VowelFollowed)(FormantFollowed) first lowhi last lowhi
  ask turtles [
    set myneighbors other turtles in-radius get-a-radius
  ask lefties  with [leader? = true] 
   [create-links-with other n-of ((random lefty-leader-connectivity) + 1) lefties with [leader? = true]]
  ask righties  with [leader? = true] 
   [create-links-with other n-of ((random righty-leader-connectivity) + 1) righties with [leader? = true]]
  if file-exists? "exemplar-means.csv"
  [file-delete "exemplar-means.csv"]
  ;; Print the headers for the file:
  file-open "exemplar-means.csv"
  ;file-print (word "+++++ " ticks " +++++") 
  let toPrint (word "tick,Vowel,mean_turtles_first,mean_turtles_second,var_turtles_first,var_turtles_second")
  set toPrint (word toPrint ",mean_lefties_first,mean_lefties_second,mean_righties_first,mean_righties_second,variance_lefties_first")
  set toPrint (word toPrint ",variance_lefties_second,variance_righties_first,variance_righties_second") 
  set toPrint (word toPrint ",mean_leaders_lefties_first,mean_leaders_lefties_second,mean_leaders_righties_first,mean_leaders_righties_second")
  set toPrint (word toPrint ",var_leaders_lefties_first,var_leaders_lefties_second,var_leaders_righties_first,var_leaders_righties_second")
  file-print toPrint
  ;; Now write the data:
  set dateandtime date-and-time
end  ;; End of setup
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; end of setup ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to set-scenarios
;  if (Scenarios = "Zero Model")
;    [
;  set individual-percent 0.05
;  set percentshift 0.0
;;  set lefty-system make-group-system(reference-system)(percentshift)("down")
;;  set righty-system make-group-system(reference-system)(percentshift)("up")
;  ;set LeaderNetworks false
;  set numberofleftyleaders 0
;  set numberofrightyleaders 0
;  set lefty-radius-mean 10
;  set righty-radius-mean 10
;    ]
  if (Scenarios = "Base Model")
  [set reps 40000
   set numberofleftyleaders 80
   set numberofrightyleaders 80
   set leaderschange true
   set dasd 4.50
   set count-exemplars 100
   set leader-effect round (100 * 60 / count-exemplars)
   set leader-leader-effect false
   set pleaderleader 0

   set lefty-radius-mean 5
   set righty-radius-mean 5
   set lefty-leader-connectivity 5
   set righty-leader-connectivity 5

   set percentshift 0.10
   set bigotry 0
   set individual-percent 0.05

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; end of set-scenarios ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to create-leaders
  let lefty-leaders n-of numberofleftyleaders lefties
  ask lefty-leaders [set shape "dot"
    set leader? true]
  let righty-leaders n-of numberofrightyleaders righties
  ask righty-leaders [set shape "dot"
    set leader? true]

to go
  ask turtles [
   if (leaderschange  or leader? = false) [   
     let withwhom nobody
     ifelse (leader? = true and random-float 1 <= pleaderleader) ; and leaderstalkleaders)
      [set withwhom one-of link-neighbors]
      [ifelse ((random-float 1) < bigotry)
        [let mybreed [breed] of self 
        set withwhom one-of myneighbors with [breed = mybreed]]
        [set withwhom one-of myneighbors]]
  if withwhom != nobody [ ;; So we have somebody
   ; Initialize utterace
   let utterance 0 
   ;; Ask the interlocutor to say something and you record it:
   ask withwhom [set utterance utter-vowel] ;; Key: this is the interlocutor speaking.
   ;; utterance is now a 3-tuple list. First is the actual vowel, second is the first formant, third is the second formant
   ;; Find out what vowel you think you heard. Get the ID
   let daVowel get-last-mapped-vowel
   set current-vowel daVowel
   ;; instance is just the formants, of what you heard. It's a 2-list, first and second formants.
   ;; daVowel is what you think you heard.
   let instance (list item 1 utterance item 2 utterance)
   ;; add-exemplar-instance(current-vowel)(instance)
   ;; Now the new basic logic==>
   ;; (1)
   ;; (not leader) and (interlocutor is a leader) and (you have the same breed)
   if (leader? = false and [leader? = true] of withwhom and [breed] of withwhom = [breed] of self)
    [ask self [repeat leader-effect [add-exemplar-instance(current-vowel)(instance)]] ]  
   ;; (2)  
   ;; (leader) and (interlocutor is a leader) and (you have the same breed)           
   if (leader? = true and [leader? = true] of withwhom and [breed] of withwhom = [breed] of self)
    [ifelse leader-leader-effect = true
     ;; Leaders act as break on other leaders:
    [ask self [repeat leader-effect [add-exemplar-instance(current-vowel)(instance)]] ]   
   ;; Else do a normal accommation, not a leader accommodation, since you are a leader.
   ;; Immediately below: leader on leader becomes normal accommodation:
    [ask self [add-exemplar-instance(current-vowel)(instance)]  ]
   ;; (3)
   ;; (not leader) and (interlocutor is not a leader)
   if (leader? = false and [leader? = false] of withwhom)  
   ;; You are both not leaders, do a normal accommodation
    [ask self [add-exemplar-instance(current-vowel)(instance)]] 
   ;; (4) 
   ;; (I am a leader) and ((interlocutor is not a leader) or ((is a leader) and (of a different breed from me)))  
   if (leader? = true and (([leader? = false] of withwhom) or ([leader? = true] of withwhom and [breed] of withwhom != [breed] of self)))
   ;; If your are a leader and either (a) your interlocutor is not a leader or (b) it is, but it's a leader of another breed
   ;; then to a normal adjustment/accommodation
    [ask self [add-exemplar-instance(current-vowel)(instance)]]
  ;; Update the stats.
  ] ;; if withwhom != nobody
   ] ;; if (leaderschange  or leader? = false)
  ] ;; end of ask turtles
  set myticks (myticks + 1)
  ;print myticks
;] ;; end of repeat
  let lowhi set-color
  ask turtles [set color scale-color green get-vowel-value(VowelFollowed)(FormantFollowed) first lowhi last lowhi]
;  ifelse myticks mod 10 = 0
;  [tick
;   set myticks 0
;   ;print "ticking"
;   ]
;  [;print "not ticking"
;    ]
;  set myticks (myticks + 1)
;  if ticks > 5
;  [let file (word date-and-time ".csv")
;    export-all-plots file
;    print "Stopping."
;    stop]
   set dateandtime date-and-time
   if ticks mod 100 = 0 [
   file-open "run-pretties.txt"
   file-print (word "+++++ " ticks " +++++")
   file-print matrix:pretty-print-text lefty-confusions
   file-print matrix:pretty-print-text righty-confusions
   file-open "confusions.csv"
   ;file-print (word "+++++" ticks "+++++")
   ;file-print (word "******** lefty-confusions ***********")
   dumpmatrixcsv lefty-confusions "left"
   ;file-print (word "******** righty-confusions ***********")
   dumpmatrixcsv righty-confusions "right"
   ;; Now record the exemplar means for lefties and righties.
end  ;; End of go

to-report set-color
 let da-formant-value get-formant-value(VowelFollowed)(FormantFollowed)
 let displacement (0.2 + percentshift)
 let lowscale da-formant-value / 2 ;(1 - displacement) * da-formant-value
 let hiscale da-formant-value * 1.5 ;(1 + displacement) * da-formant-value
 report (list lowscale hiscale)

to add-exemplar-instance [key pair]
  let daExemplars table:get exemplars key
  set daExemplars but-first daExemplars
  set daExemplars lput pair daExemplars
  table:put exemplars key daExemplars

;to test
;;  set bob make-group-system(reference-system)(0.05)("up")
;;  ;show bob
;;  ;show uniform-interval(100)(0.05)
;;  set lefty-system make-group-system(reference-system)(0.05)("down")
;;  show lefty-system
;  let daResult 0
;  ask one-of turtles [set daResult utter-vowel]
;  show daResult
;  print "Yo!"
;  ask one-of turtles [map-utterance-to-vowel(daResult)
;    show category-list
;    ;; Find out what vowel you think you heard. Get the ID
;    let daVowel get-last-mapped-vowel
;    show daVowel
;    let daExemplars table:get exemplars daVowel
;    show daExemplars
;    set daExemplars but-first daExemplars
;    set daExemplars lput (list item 1 daResult item 2 daResult) daExemplars
;    show daExemplars
;    table:put exemplars daVowel daExemplars
;    show table:get exemplars daVowel
;    show table:get exemplar-means daVowel
;    show table:get exemplar-ratios daVowel
;    make-new-vowel-mean(daVowel)
;    make-new-vowel-ratio(daVowel)
;    show table:get exemplar-means daVowel
;    show table:get exemplar-ratios daVowel
;    ]
;  ;; update as appropriate

to-report get-last-mapped-vowel
  report last last category-list

to map-utterance-to-vowel [daUtterance]
  ;; New version. Looks at ratio of formants.
  ;; In the turtle context. The turtle is listening to the interlocutor.
  ;; The turtle needs to guess which vowel it heard. It then maps and
  ;; records daUtterance.
  ;; daUtterance is [  ]
  let daFirst item 1 daUtterance
  let daSecond item 2 dautterance
  let perceptual-ratio (daSecond / daFirst)
  let distances []
  foreach table:keys exemplar-ratios [
   set distances lput abs((table:get exemplar-ratios ?) - perceptual-ratio) distances
  let daMin min distances
  let daMinValue (position daMin distances + 1)
  set category-list lput (list item 0 daUtterance daMinValue) category-list
  ;;; Steve on 2014-11-20:
  if length category-list > 5 ; 2015-02-06: A bit puzzling but seems innocuous. Have to limit it somehow.
  [set category-list but-first category-list]
  let speaker-vowel-index (item 0 daUtterance - 1)
  let hearer-vowel-index (daMinValue - 1)
  ifelse breed = lefties
  [matrix:set lefty-confusions speaker-vowel-index hearer-vowel-index (1 + matrix:get lefty-confusions speaker-vowel-index hearer-vowel-index) ]
  [matrix:set righty-confusions speaker-vowel-index hearer-vowel-index (1 + matrix:get righty-confusions speaker-vowel-index hearer-vowel-index)]

to-report utter-vowel
  ; To allow utterance alternatives in the future:
  ;if concept-method = "hybrid"
  ;[report utter-vowel-hybrid]
  ;if concept-method = "pure exemplar"
  ;[report utter-vowel-pure-exemplar]
  report utter-vowel-hybrid

to pp
  print matrix:pretty-print-text lefty-confusions
  print matrix:pretty-print-text righty-confusions

to-report utter-vowel-hybrid
  ;; For turtles.
  ;; Reports a list whose first value is the key of the chosen
  ;; vowel, whose second value is its perturbed first formant,
  ;; and whose third value is its perturbed second formant.
  ;; Find out how many vowels there are.
  let num-vowels length table:keys exemplar-means
  ;; Pick a vowel at random, uniformly.
  let the-vowel ((random num-vowels) + 1)
  let daFormants table:get exemplar-means the-vowel
  let daFirst first daFormants
  let daSecond last daFormants
  let daFirstPerturbed max (list 0.1 random-normal daFirst dasd)
  let daSecondPerturbed max (list 0.1 random-normal daSecond dasd)
  report (list the-vowel daFirstPerturbed daSecondPerturbed)

to-report utter-vowel-pure-exemplar
  ;; Find out how many vowels there are.
  let num-vowels length table:keys exemplar-means
  ;; Pick a vowel at random, uniformly.
  let the-vowel ((random num-vowels) + 1)
  let daFormants get-pure-exemplar the-vowel 10
  let daFirst first daFormants
  let daSecond last daFormants
  let daFirstPerturbed max (list 0.1 random-normal daFirst dasd)
  let daSecondPerturbed max (list 0.1 random-normal daSecond dasd)
  report (list the-vowel daFirstPerturbed daSecondPerturbed)

to-report get-a-radius
  report (random-exponential radius-mean) + 1

to-report mean-exemplars
  ;; sok 2015-06-19 This reporter no longer works and is isolated, 
  ;; not used.
  let lefty-mean-accum []
  ask lefties [
    set lefty-mean-accum fput mean exemplars lefty-mean-accum
  let righty-mean-accum []
  ask righties [
    set righty-mean-accum fput mean exemplars righty-mean-accum
  report (list mean lefty-mean-accum variance lefty-mean-accum 
     mean righty-mean-accum variance righty-mean-accum)

to-report newcolor [myscore]
  report  max (list 0 (((floor (myscore / 10 )) * 10) + 5))

to make-reference-system
  set reference-system table:make
  table:put reference-system 1 (list 299 2190)
  table:put reference-system 2 (list 364 2260)
  table:put reference-system 3 (list 481 1980)
  table:put reference-system 4 (list 750 1250)
  table:put reference-system 5 (list 377 1400)
  table:put reference-system 6 (list 290 630)
  table:put reference-system 7 (list 392 690)
  table:put reference-system 8 (list 502 790)

to-report  make-group-system [ref daPercent upordown]
  let new-system table:make
  foreach table:keys ref [
    let daEntry table:get ref ?
    let first-formant first daEntry 
    let second-formant last daEntry
;    let new-first-formant uniform-interval(first-formant)(daPercent)
;    let new-second-formant uniform-interval(second-formant)(daPercent)
    let new-first-formant fixed-offset(first-formant)(daPercent)(upordown)
    let new-second-formant fixed-offset(second-formant)(daPercent)(upordown)
    table:put new-system ? (list new-first-formant new-second-formant)    
  report new-system

to-report fixed-offset [formant daPercent upordown]
  if upordown = "down"
   [report formant * (1 - daPercent)]
  if upordown = "up"
   [report formant * (1 + daPercent)]

to-report uniform-interval [daCenter daPercent]
  ; daPercent should be a low number, such as 0.1
  let low daCenter - (daCenter * daPercent)
  let high daCenter + (daCenter * daPercent)
  report (random-float (high - low))  + (daCenter - (daCenter * daPercent))

to-report make-some-exemplars [n ref-table daPercent]
  ;let toreport []
  let my-table table:make
  foreach table:keys ref-table [
    let daList []
    let daEntry table:get ref-table ?
    let first-formant first daEntry 
    let second-formant last daEntry
    let new-first-formant 0
    let new-second-formant 0
    repeat n [
    set new-first-formant uniform-interval(first-formant)(daPercent)
    set new-second-formant uniform-interval(second-formant)(daPercent)    
    set daList fput (list new-first-formant new-second-formant) daList
    table:put my-table ? daList    
  report my-table

to make-exemplar-means
  set exemplar-means table:make
  foreach table:keys exemplars [

to make-new-vowel-mean [daVowel]
  let llist []
  let hlist []
  let theItems table:get exemplars daVowel
  let n length theItems
  foreach n-values n [?] [
    set llist fput (first item ? theItems) llist
    set hlist fput (last item ? theItems) hlist
  table:put exemplar-means daVowel (list mean llist mean hlist)

to make-exemplar-ratios
  set exemplar-ratios table:make
  foreach table:keys exemplar-means [

to make-new-vowel-ratio [daVowel]
;  foreach table:keys exemplar-means [
;    let daValues table:get exemplar-means ?
;    let daFirst first daValues
;    let daSecond last daValues
;    table:put exemplar-ratios ? (daSecond / daFirst)
;  ]
    let daValues table:get exemplar-means daVowel
    let daFirst first daValues
    let daSecond last daValues
    table:put exemplar-ratios daVowel (daSecond / daFirst)

;to debug
;  foreach table:keys exemplar-means [
;    print ?
;  ]

to-report get-vowel-variance [LorR vNum fNum]
  ;; LorR should be lefties or righties
  ;; vNum is 1, 2, ... 8 the vowel number
  ;; fNum should be 1, 2, whatever, the formant number
  let daList []
  ask LorR  [
   set daList lput (item (fNum - 1) table:get exemplar-means vNum) daList 
  report variance daList

to-report get-vowel-value [vNum fNum]
  ;; vNum is 1, 2, ... 8 the vowel number
  ;; fNum should be 1, 2, whatever, the formant number
  report item (fNum - 1) table:get exemplar-means vNum

to-report get-vowel-means [LorR vNum fNum]
  ;; LorR should be lefties or righties
  ;; vNum is 1, 2, ... 8 the vowel number
  ;; fNum should be 1, 2, whatever, the formant number
  let daList []
  ask LorR  [
   set daList lput (item (fNum - 1) table:get exemplar-means vNum) daList 

;  let daList []
;  ifelse LorR = "lefties"
;  [ ask lefties [let daPair table:get exemplar-means daVowel
;      let daFirst first daPair
;      set daList lput daFirst daList
;  ]
;  ]
;  [
;    ask righties [let daPair table:get exemplar-means daVowel
;      let daFirst first daPair
;      set daList lput daFirst daList
;  ]
;  ]
    report mean daList

to-report get-vowel-means-first [LorR daVowel]
  let daList []
  ifelse LorR = "lefties"
  [ ask lefties [let daPair table:get exemplar-means daVowel
      let daFirst first daPair
      set daList lput daFirst daList
    ask righties [let daPair table:get exemplar-means daVowel
      let daFirst first daPair
      set daList lput daFirst daList
    report mean daList

to-report get-vowel-means-second [LorR daVowel]
  let daList []
  ifelse LorR = "lefties"
  [ ask lefties [let daPair table:get exemplar-means daVowel
      let daSecond last daPair
      set daList lput daSecond daList
    ask righties [let daPair table:get exemplar-means daVowel
      let daSecond last daPair
      set daList lput daSecond daList
    report mean daList

;to test-leader-exemplar-mean
;  print leader-exemplar-mean(lefties)(4)(1)

to-report leader-exemplar-mean [LorR vNum fNum]
  ;; LorR should be lefties or righties
  ;; fNum should be 1, 2, whatever
  let daValues []
  ask LorR with [leader? = true] [
   set daValues lput (item (fNum - 1) table:get exemplar-means vNum) daValues 
  report mean daValues

to-report leader-exemplar-variance [LorR vNum fNum]
  ;; LorR should be lefties or righties
  ;; fNum should be 1, 2, whatever
  let daValues []
  ask LorR with [leader? = true] [
   set daValues lput (item (fNum - 1) table:get exemplar-means vNum) daValues 
  report variance daValues

to-report get-formant-value [daVowel daFormant]
  let daPair table:get reference-system daVowel
  report item (daFormant - 1) daPair

to record-breed-formant-stats 
;print mean [item 0 table:get exemplar-means 1] of lefties
;  print mean [item 0 table:get exemplar-means 1] of lefties
; ask turtle 1333 [print table:keys exemplar-means]
; [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]
;file-open "exemplar-means.csv"
;;file-print (word "+++++ " ticks " +++++") 
;let toPrint (word "tick,Vowel,mean_turtles_first,mean_turtles_second,var_turtles_first,var_turtles_second")
;set toPrint (word toPrint ",mean_lefties_first,mean_lefties_second,mean_righties_first,mean_righties_second,variance_lefties_first")
;set toPrint (word toPrint ",variance_lefties_second,variance_righties_first,variance_righties_second") 
;set toPrint (word toPrint ",mean_leaders_lefties_first,mean_leaders_lefties_second,mean_leaders_righties_first,mean_leaders_righties_second")
;set toPrint (word toPrint ",var_leaders_lefties_first,var_leaders_lefties_second,var_leaders_righties_first,var_leaders_righties_second")
;file-print toPrint

let mean_leaders_lefties_first -1
let mean_leaders_lefties_second -1
let mean_leaders_righties_first -1
let mean_leaders_righties_second -1
let var_leaders_lefties_first -1
let var_leaders_lefties_second -1
let var_leaders_righties_first -1
let var_leaders_righties_second -1
file-open "exemplar-means.csv"
foreach [table:keys exemplar-means] of turtle 0 [
  set mean_leaders_lefties_first -1
  set mean_leaders_lefties_second -1
  set mean_leaders_righties_first -1
  set mean_leaders_righties_second -1
  set var_leaders_lefties_first -1
  set var_leaders_lefties_second -1
  set var_leaders_righties_first -1
  set var_leaders_righties_second -1
  if (numberofleftyleaders > 0)
  [set mean_leaders_lefties_first leader-exemplar-mean(lefties)(?)(1)
   set mean_leaders_lefties_second leader-exemplar-mean(lefties)(?)(2)
   set var_leaders_lefties_first leader-exemplar-variance(lefties)(?)(1)
   set var_leaders_lefties_second leader-exemplar-variance(lefties)(?)(2)
  if (numberofrightyleaders > 0)
  [set mean_leaders_righties_first leader-exemplar-mean(righties)(?)(1)
   set mean_leaders_righties_second leader-exemplar-mean(righties)(?)(2)
   set var_leaders_righties_first leader-exemplar-variance(righties)(?)(1)
   set var_leaders_righties_second leader-exemplar-variance(righties)(?)(2)
  file-print (word ticks "," ? 
    "," get-vowel-means(turtles)(?)(1) "," get-vowel-means(turtles)(?)(2)
    "," get-vowel-variance(turtles)(?)(1) "," get-vowel-variance(turtles)(?)(2)
    "," mean [item 0 table:get exemplar-means ?] of lefties "," mean [item 1 table:get exemplar-means ?] of lefties ","
    mean [item 0 table:get exemplar-means ?] of righties "," mean [item 1 table:get exemplar-means ?] of righties 
    "," get-vowel-variance(lefties)(?)(1)  "," get-vowel-variance(lefties)(?)(2)  ;LorR vNum fNum])
    "," get-vowel-variance(righties)(?)(1)  "," get-vowel-variance(righties)(?)(2)
    "," mean_leaders_lefties_first  "," mean_leaders_lefties_second
    "," mean_leaders_righties_first  ","  mean_leaders_righties_second
    "," var_leaders_lefties_first "," var_leaders_lefties_second
    "," var_leaders_righties_first "," var_leaders_righties_second 
  ) ; end of file-print

to record-variances

to record-uglies
  file-open "run-uglies.txt"
  ;; Get the size of the confusion matrices, which will be square
  let daSize item 0 matrix:dimensions lefty-confusions
  file-print (word "+++++ " ticks " +++++")
  foreach n-values daSize [?] [
   let i ?
   foreach n-values daSize [?] [
     let j ?
     let towrite matrix:get lefty-confusions i j
     file-type towrite
     if j < (daSize - 1)
     [file-type ","]
   file-type "\n"
  foreach n-values daSize [?] [
   let i ?
   foreach n-values daSize [?] [
     let j ?
     let towrite matrix:get righty-confusions i j
     file-type towrite
     if j < (daSize - 1)
     [file-type ","]
   file-type "\n"

to-report get-pure-exemplar [which-vowel mymu] ; Only called in the pure exemplar context.
  let exemplar-list table:get exemplars which-vowel
  let locus random-exponential mymu
  ;print locus
  set locus floor locus
  ;print locus
  if locus >= length exemplar-list
  [set locus length exemplar-list - 1]
  set locus (length exemplar-list - 1 - locus)
  ;;print (list length exemplar-list " " locus " yo 235")
  if length exemplar-list = 0
  [print "I'm out of here. In get-pure-exemplar."
    let clark 0
    let robin 17 / clark]
  ;print exemplar-list
  report item locus exemplar-list

;to-report say-yo
;  print "Yo!"
;  report "Done!"

to test
  ask lefty 1380 [set bob get-pure-exemplar 4 10]
  print bob

to testdumpconfusions
;file-open "run-pretties.txt"
;   file-print (word "+++++ " ticks " +++++")
;   file-print matrix:pretty-print-text lefty-confusions
;   file-print matrix:pretty-print-text righty-confusions
;   file-close-all
let dims matrix:dimensions lefty-confusions
let rows item 0 dims
let cols item 1 dims
print rows
print cols
foreach n-values rows [?]
[let row ?
 let darow matrix:get-row lefty-confusions row
 ;print darow
 let dastr (word item 0 darow)
 let dalength length darow
 foreach n-values (dalength - 1) [?]
 [let index ?
  set dastr (word dastr "," item (index + 1) darow)
 ;set dastr (word dastr  "\n")
 print dastr

to dumpconfusionscsv
  file-open "confusions.csv"
  ;file-print (word "+++++" ticks "+++++")
  ;file-print (word "******** lefty-confusions ***********")
  dumpmatrixcsv lefty-confusions "left"
  ;file-print (word "******** righty-confusions ***********")
  dumpmatrixcsv righty-confusions "right"

to dumpmatrixcsv [amatrix rightorleft]
let dims matrix:dimensions amatrix
let rows item 0 dims
let cols item 1 dims

foreach n-values rows [?]
[let row ?
 let darow matrix:get-row amatrix row
 ;print darow
 let dastr (word ticks "," rightorleft "," item 0 darow)
 let dalength length darow
 foreach n-values (dalength - 1) [?]
 [let index ?
  set dastr (word dastr "," item (index + 1) darow)
 ;set dastr (word dastr  "\n")
 file-print dastr

;;;;;;;;;;; sok 5/2/15 and with robin 5/4/15 testing utter-vowel

to examine-utter-vowel
  let thelefties []
  let therighties []
  repeat 100 [
    let result test-utter-vowel
    ;print result
    set thelefties lput item 0 result thelefties
    set therighties lput item 1 result therighties
  print (word mean thelefties " " mean therighties)

to-report test-utter-vowel
  let leftyratios []
  let rightyratios []
  ask lefties [let u utter-vowel
    let a item 0 u
    let b item 1 u
    let c item 2 u
    if a = 4 [set leftyratios lput (c / b) leftyratios]
  ask righties [let u utter-vowel
    let a item 0 u
    let b item 1 u
    let c item 2 u
    if a = 4 [set rightyratios lput (c / b) rightyratios]
  ;print (list variance leftyratios "  " variance rightyratios)
  report (list variance leftyratios variance rightyratios)

There is only one version of this model, created about 9 years ago by Steven Kimbrough.

Attached files

No files

This model does not have any ancestors.

This model does not have any descendants.