School gender discrimination

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1 collaborator

Denis_havlik Denis Havlik (Author)



Tagged by Denis Havlik almost 10 years ago

school system 

Tagged by Denis Havlik almost 10 years ago

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Comments and Questions

Improved model version available

I noticed a couple of bugs and also decided to introduce the explicit "self-support" and "family-support" parameters in the model. In addition, I've improved the interface: 1) the defiant children are now shown as "wolves" and the docile ones as "sheep" 2) It's possible to visualize the initial learning aptitude (IQ) as a label. 3) the net-results for girls/boys/defiant and children from supportive families are explicitly listed now.

Posted almost 10 years ago

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globals [primary-results secondary-results state-exams ]

breed [girls girl]
breed [boys boy]

turtles-own [ IQ knowledge primary-note secondary-note discrimination family-support own-compensation ] 

;  Setup  ;

to setup

to setup-class
  let counter 0
  set-default-shape turtles "person"
    create-turtles 900 [
    set counter counter + 1
    let x floor (counter / 30)
    let y counter mod 30
    setxy (2 * x + 1) (2 * y + 1) 
    set size 2    
  ask turtles [
    ifelse random 2 > 0 [ 
      set breed boys 
      set color cyan
      set discrimination character-lottery "boy"
      set breed girls
      set color pink
      set discrimination character-lottery "girl"
    ; IQ is "inherent learning capacity" in this model.
    set IQ IQ-lottery
    if Show-IQ? [set label IQ]

    ; own ability to react to teachers' injustice
    set own-compensation reaction-lottery
    ; children born into supportive families are better off...
    set family-support family-lottery

; IQ lottery at birth: gauss distribution of IQ around 100 with sigma = 15

to-report IQ-lottery 
  report floor random-normal 100 15

; Behaviour lottery at birth: will I be docile or defiant?
; remaining kids are neutral (not affected by discrimination.

to-report character-lottery [gender] 

  let lottery random 100
  let Defiant Defiant-boys
  let Docile Docile-boys
  if (gender = "girl") [
    set Defiant Defiant-girls
    set Docile Docile-girls
  if lottery < Defiant [ 
    set shape "wolf" 
    report Defiant-discrimination ]
  if (100 - lottery) < Docile [ 
    set shape "sheep" 
    report -1 * Defiant-discrimination ]
  report 0

; Family lottery at birth: will I end up in a supportive or unsupportive family?
; Remaining kids are in neutral families

to-report family-lottery 
  let lottery random 100
  if lottery < Supportive [report Support-modifier]
  if (100 - lottery) < Discouraging [report -1 *  Support-modifier]
  report 0

; Own reselience to injustice.
; It's propontial to Self-support-modifier, but modified by IQ because  
; the intelligent pupils have higher learning potential.
; TODO: the IQ modifier is probably too weak now.
; Note: we don't model the "I'm positively discriminated and therefore lazy" here.

to-report reaction-lottery 
   if discrimination > 0 [ report IQ / 100 * Self_support-modifier ]
   report 0

; Support functions : 

; calcualte support by family
; all children with below-average score will receive support (positive or negative or zero) by family
; the value of (potential) family-support has already been determined at birth in family-lottery
; family support is more sucessful for kids with higher IQ
; both the knowledge and the final school notes are modified by the support modifier

to-report support-value [avg note]
  report ifelse-value (note < avg) [family-support * IQ / 100] [0] 

; calculate own reaction to injustice. 
; the "compensation" equals change in knowledge and school note.

to-report  reaction-value
  if (discrimination = 0) [ report 0 ]
  ; remember - own-compensation depends on Self_support-modifier, see reaction lotery!
  report ifelse-value (discrimination > 0) [1] [-1] * own-compensation

; RUN  ;

to go
  if Slow-run? [wait 1]
  if Slow-run? [wait 1]
  if Slow-run? [wait 1]
;  graduate
;  tick

to primary-notes
  ask turtles [
    set primary-note IQ - discrimination 
  let avg mean [primary-note] of turtles
  ask turtles [
    set primary-note primary-note + support-value avg primary-note + reaction-value

to admission-secondary
  ask min-n-of ((100 - admission-rate) * count turtles / 100 )  turtles [primary-note] [
    set color black
    ;print (word "rejected (" who "): IQ=" IQ ", gender = " breed)

to secondary-notes
  ask turtles with [color != black ][
    set secondary-note IQ - discrimination 
  let avg mean [secondary-note] of turtles
  ask turtles with [color != black ] [
    set secondary-note secondary-note + reaction-value + support-value avg secondary-note

to state-exam
  ask turtles with [color != black ] [
    ; At the end of the day, the the knowledge differs by value of the discrimination from the secondary note
    ; however, the knowledge has already been modified due to discrimination!
    set knowledge secondary-note + discrimination

to graduate
  ask max-n-of ((admission-rate) / 100 * count turtles with [color != black]) turtles [knowledge] [
    ;set shape "graduated"
    set color ifelse-value (breed = girls) [red] [blue]
    set size 4
    ;print (word "graduated (" who "): IQ=" IQ ", gender = " breed)

There are 3 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Denis Havlik almost 10 years ago Differentiation between family-support and self-support; fixing a couple of bugs. Download this version
Denis Havlik almost 10 years ago Fixed the citation link Download this version
Denis Havlik almost 10 years ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

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School gender discrimination.png preview Preview for 'School gender discrimination' almost 10 years ago, by Denis Havlik Download

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